
6.0.3 CVars Opcodes

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. public enum CVars
  2. {
  3. M2UseLOD = 0x00C183C0,
  4. M2UseInstancing = 0x00C183C4,
  5. M2ForceAdditiveParticleSort = 0x00C183C8,
  6. M2UseThreads = 0x00C183CC,
  7. DesktopGamma = 0x00C183D0,
  8. Gamma = 0x00C183D4,
  9. ErrorFilter = 0x00C183D8,
  10. ErrorLevelMax = 0x00C183DC,
  11. ErrorLevelMin = 0x00C183E0,
  12. showErrors = 0x00C183E4,
  13. fullDump = 0x00C183E8,
  14. enableMouseSpeed = 0x00C183EC,
  15. mouseSpeed = 0x00C183F0,
  16. audioLocale = 0x00C1850C,
  17. screenshotQuality = 0x00C18510,
  18. screenshotFormat = 0x00C18514,
  19. launchAgent = 0x00C18518,
  20. overrideArchive = 0x00C1851C,
  21. movieSubtitle = 0x00C18520,
  22. playIntroMovie = 0x00C18524,
  23. bnetLogSeverity = 0x00C18528,
  24. disableServerNagle = 0x00C1852C,
  25. expandUpgradePanel = 0x00C18530,
  26. seenCharacterUpgradePopup = 0x00C18534,
  27. readContest = 0x00C18538,
  28. readScanning = 0x00C1853C,
  29. lastReadTerminationWithoutNotice = 0x00C18540,
  30. readTerminationWithoutNotice = 0x00C18544,
  31. lastReadEULA = 0x00C18548,
  32. readEULA = 0x00C1854C,
  33. lastReadTOS = 0x00C18550,
  34. readTOS = 0x00C18554,
  35. lastCharacterIndex = 0x00C18558,
  36. lastAddonVersion = 0x00C1855C,
  37. checkAddonVersion = 0x00C18560,
  38. g_accountUsesToken = 0x00C18564,
  39. accountListSSO = 0x00C18568,
  40. accountList = 0x00C1856C,
  41. accountName = 0x00C18570,
  42. advancedCombatLogging = 0x00C18574,
  43. skipStartGear = 0x00C18578,
  44. asyncThreadSleep = 0x00C186EC,
  45. asyncHandlerTimeout = 0x00C186F0,
  46. enableBGDL = 0x00C186F4,
  47. ffxAntiAliasingMode = 0x00C25A00,
  48. ffxRectangle = 0x00C25A04,
  49. colorblindSimulator = 0x00C25A08,
  50. releaseUITextures = 0x00C32740,
  51. animFrameSkipLOD = 0x00C3B690,
  52. maxAnimJobs = 0x00C3B694,
  53. streamingCameraRadius = 0x00C3F154,
  54. streamingCameraMaxRadius = 0x00C3F158,
  55. streamingCameraLookAheadTime = 0x00C3F15C,
  56. SoundUseNewBusSystem = 0x00C425A4,
  57. BrowserNavigateLog = 0x00C42CA8,
  58. RAIDgraphicsQuality = 0x00C7FBC0,
  59. graphicsQuality = 0x00C7FBC4,
  60. gxStereoSeparation = 0x00C7FBC8,
  61. gxStereoConvergence = 0x00C7FBCC,
  62. gxStereoEnabled = 0x00C7FBD0,
  63. windowResizeLock = 0x00C7FBD4,
  64. videoOptionsVersion = 0x00C7FBD8,
  65. gxMaximize = 0x00C7FBDC,
  66. gxAspect = 0x00C7FBE0,
  67. hwDetect = 0x00C7FBE4,
  68. gxFixLag = 0x00C7FBE8,
  69. gxOverride = 0x00C7FBEC,
  70. gxCursor = 0x00C7FBF0,
  71. gxWindow = 0x00C7FBF4,
  72. gxVSync = 0x00C7FBF8,
  73. gxMonitor = 0x00C7FBFC,
  74. gxApi = 0x00C7FC00,
  75. gxTripleBuffer = 0x00C7FC04,
  76. gxRefresh = 0x00C7FC08,
  77. gxResolution = 0x00C7FC0C,
  78. gxDepthBits = 0x00C7FC10,
  79. gxDisableStencil = 0x00C7FC14,
  80. gxColorBits = 0x00C7FC18,
  81. UnitNameFriendlyPetName = 0x00C979C8,
  82. WorldTextRandomXY = 0x00C979CC,
  83. WorldTextRandomZ = 0x00C979D0,
  84. WorldTextRandomZBase = 0x00C979D4,
  85. WorldTextNonRandomZ = 0x00C979D8,
  86. WorldTextGravity = 0x00C979DC,
  87. gameTip = 0x00C98CA4,
  88. showGameTips = 0x00C98CA8,
  89. SplineOpt = 0x00D26530,
  90. GameObjForceMouseOver = 0x00D265C8,
  91. smoothUnitPhasingVehicleExtraTimeoutMs = 0x00D26FD0,
  92. smoothUnitPhasingAliveTimeoutMs = 0x00D26FD4,
  93. smoothUnitPhasingEnableAlive = 0x00D26FD8,
  94. smoothUnitPhasingActorPurgatoryTimeMs = 0x00D26FDC,
  95. smoothUnitPhasingDestroyedPurgatoryTimeMs = 0x00D26FE0,
  96. smoothUnitPhasingUnseenPurgatoryTimeMs = 0x00D26FE4,
  97. smoothUnitPhasingDistThreshold = 0x00D26FE8,
  98. smoothUnitPhasing = 0x00D26FEC,
  99. MaxObservedPetBattles = 0x00D35FB4,
  100. pathSmoothing = 0x00D364A8,
  101. showfootprintparticles = 0x00D364AC,
  102. outlineMouseOverFadeDuration = 0x00D3670C,
  103. outlineSelectionFadeDuration = 0x00D36710,
  104. ObjectSelectionCircle = 0x00D36714,
  105. bodyQuota = 0x00D529F0,
  106. StartTalkingTime = 0x00D52F58,
  107. Sound_NumChannels = 0x00D52F5C,
  108. Sound_EnableReverb = 0x00D52F60,
  109. Sound_EnableSoftwareHRTF = 0x00D52F64,
  110. Sound_OutputDriverIndex = 0x00D52F68,
  111. Sound_OutputDriverName = 0x00D52F6C,
  112. Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverIndex = 0x00D52F70,
  113. Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverName = 0x00D52F74,
  114. Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverIndex = 0x00D52F78,
  115. Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverName = 0x00D52F7C,
  116. Sound_DSPBufferSize = 0x00D52F80,
  117. Sound_EnableMode2 = 0x00D52F84,
  118. Sound_EnableMixMode2 = 0x00D52F88,
  119. Sound_OutputSampleRate = 0x00D52F8C,
  120. Sound_EnableSFX = 0x00D52F90,
  121. Sound_EnableAmbience = 0x00D52F94,
  122. Sound_EnableErrorSpeech = 0x00D52F98,
  123. Sound_EnableMusic = 0x00D52F9C,
  124. Sound_EnablePetBattleMusic = 0x00D52FA0,
  125. Sound_EnableAllSound = 0x00D52FA4,
  126. Sound_MasterVolume = 0x00D52FA8,
  127. Sound_SFXVolume = 0x00D52FAC,
  128. Sound_MusicVolume = 0x00D52FB0,
  129. Sound_AmbienceVolume = 0x00D52FB4,
  130. Sound_DialogVolume = 0x00D52FB8,
  131. Sound_ListenerAtCharacter = 0x00D52FBC,
  132. Sound_EnableEmoteSounds = 0x00D52FC0,
  133. Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay = 0x00D52FC4,
  134. Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForSelf = 0x00D52FC8,
  135. Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForOthers = 0x00D52FCC,
  136. Sound_EnableDSPEffects = 0x00D52FD0,
  137. Sound_EnablePetSounds = 0x00D52FD4,
  138. Sound_EnableSoundWhenGameIsInBG = 0x00D52FD8,
  139. Sound_MaxCacheSizeInBytes = 0x00D52FDC,
  140. Sound_MaxCacheableSizeInBytes = 0x00D52FE0,
  141. FootstepSounds = 0x00D52FE4,
  142. enableWowMouse = 0x00D530EC,
  143. cameraSavedDistance = 0x00D534D0,
  144. cameraSavedVehicleDistance = 0x00D534D8,
  145. cameraSavedPetBattleDistance = 0x00D534E0,
  146. cameraSavedPitch = 0x00D534E8,
  147. mouseInvertYaw = 0x00D534F0,
  148. mouseInvertPitch = 0x00D534F8,
  149. cameraBobbing = 0x00D53500,
  150. cameraDistanceMoveSpeed = 0x00D53508,
  151. cameraPitchMoveSpeed = 0x00D53510,
  152. cameraYawMoveSpeed = 0x00D53520,
  153. cameraBobbingSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53528,
  154. cameraDistanceSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53530,
  155. cameraFoVSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53538,
  156. cameraGroundSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53540,
  157. cameraHeightSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53548,
  158. cameraPitchSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53550,
  159. cameraTargetSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53558,
  160. cameraYawSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53560,
  161. cameraFlyingMountHeightSmoothSpeed = 0x00D53568,
  162. cameraViewBlendStyle = 0x00D53570,
  163. cameraView = 0x00D53578,
  164. cameraCustomViewSmoothing = 0x00D53640,
  165. camerasmooth = 0x00D53648,
  166. cameraSmoothPitch = 0x00D53650,
  167. cameraSmoothTrackingStyle = 0x00D53658,
  168. cameraSmoothYaw = 0x00D53660,
  169. cameraSmoothStyle = 0x00D53668,
  170. cameraTerrainTilt = 0x00D53990,
  171. cameraTerrainTiltTimeMin = 0x00D53E48,
  172. cameraTerrainTiltTimeMax = 0x00D53E50,
  173. cameraWaterCollision = 0x00D53E58,
  174. cameraHeightIgnoreStandState = 0x00D53E60,
  175. cameraPivot = 0x00D53E68,
  176. cameraPivotDXMax = 0x00D53E70,
  177. cameraPivotDYMin = 0x00D53E78,
  178. cameraDive = 0x00D53E80,
  179. cameraSurfacePitch = 0x00D53E88,
  180. cameraSubmergePitch = 0x00D53E90,
  181. cameraSurfaceFinalPitch = 0x00D53E98,
  182. cameraSubmergeFinalPitch = 0x00D53EA0,
  183. cameraDistanceMax = 0x00D53EA8,
  184. cameraDistanceMaxFactor = 0x00D53EB0,
  185. cameraPitchSmoothMin = 0x00D53EB8,
  186. cameraPitchSmoothMax = 0x00D53EC0,
  187. cameraYawSmoothMin = 0x00D53EC8,
  188. cameraYawSmoothMax = 0x00D53ED0,
  189. cameraSmoothTimeMin = 0x00D53ED8,
  190. cameraSmoothTimeMax = 0x00D53EE0,
  191. taintLog = 0x00D93854,
  192. scriptErrors = 0x00D93858,
  193. scriptProfile = 0x00D9385C,
  194. deselectOnClick = 0x00D93860,
  195. autoInteract = 0x00D93864,
  196. autoStand = 0x00D93868,
  197. autoDismount = 0x00D9386C,
  198. autoDismountFlying = 0x00D93870,
  199. autoUnshift = 0x00D93874,
  200. autoClearAFK = 0x00D93878,
  201. blockTrades = 0x00D9387C,
  202. blockChannelInvites = 0x00D93880,
  203. autoLootDefault = 0x00D93884,
  204. autoLootRate = 0x00D93888,
  205. interactOnLeftClick = 0x00D9388C,
  206. assistAttack = 0x00D93890,
  207. autoSelfCast = 0x00D93894,
  208. stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange = 0x00D93898,
  209. showTargetOfTarget = 0x00D9389C,
  210. targetOfTargetMode = 0x00D938A0,
  211. showTargetCastbar = 0x00D938A4,
  212. showVKeyCastbar = 0x00D938A8,
  213. showVKeyCastbarOnlyOnTarget = 0x00D938AC,
  214. showVKeyCastbarSpellName = 0x00D938B0,
  215. fctDodgeParryMiss = 0x00D938B4,
  216. lossOfControl = 0x00D938B8,
  217. lossOfControlSilence = 0x00D938BC,
  218. minimapZoom = 0x00D938C0,
  219. minimapInsideZoom = 0x00D938C4,
  220. scriptWarnings = 0x00D938C8,
  221. displayFreeBagSlots = 0x00D938CC,
  222. displayWorldPVPObjectives = 0x00D938D0,
  223. enableMovePad = 0x00D938D4,
  224. mapAnimMinAlpha = 0x00D938D8,
  225. spamFilter = 0x00D938DC,
  226. chatBubbles = 0x00D938E0,
  227. chatBubblesParty = 0x00D938E4,
  228. removeChatDelay = 0x00D938E8,
  229. guildShowOffline = 0x00D938EC,
  230. guildMemberNotify = 0x00D938F0,
  231. guildRewardsUsable = 0x00D938F4,
  232. guildRewardsCategory = 0x00D938F8,
  233. showTimestamps = 0x00D938FC,
  234. CombatDamage = 0x00D93900,
  235. CombatDamageStyle = 0x00D93904,
  236. CombatLogPeriodicSpells = 0x00D93908,
  237. PetMeleeDamage = 0x00D9390C,
  238. PetSpellDamage = 0x00D93910,
  239. CombatHealing = 0x00D93914,
  240. CombatHealingAbsorbTarget = 0x00D93918,
  241. CombatHealingAbsorbSelf = 0x00D9391C,
  242. combatTextFloatMode = 0x00D93920,
  243. raidOptionDisplayMainTankAndAssist = 0x00D93924,
  244. calendarShowDarkmoon = 0x00D93928,
  245. calendarShowBattlegrounds = 0x00D9392C,
  246. calendarShowLockouts = 0x00D93930,
  247. calendarShowResets = 0x00D93934,
  248. useUiScale = 0x00D9393C,
  249. uiScale = 0x00D93940,
  250. nameplateShowEnemies = 0x00D93944,
  251. nameplateShowEnemyPets = 0x00D93948,
  252. nameplateShowEnemyGuardians = 0x00D9394C,
  253. nameplateShowEnemyTotems = 0x00D93950,
  254. nameplateShowEnemyMinus = 0x00D93954,
  255. nameplateShowFriends = 0x00D93958,
  256. nameplateShowFriendlyPets = 0x00D9395C,
  257. nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians = 0x00D93960,
  258. nameplateShowFriendlyTotems = 0x00D93964,
  259. unitHighlights = 0x00D93968,
  260. playerStatRightDropdown = 0x00D9396C,
  261. enablePVPNotifyAFK = 0x00D93970,
  262. serviceTypeFilter = 0x00D93974,
  263. autojoinPartyVoice = 0x00D93978,
  264. autojoinBGVoice = 0x00D9397C,
  265. combatLogRetentionTime = 0x00D93980,
  266. combatLogReducedRetentionTime = 0x00D93984,
  267. currencyTokensUnused1 = 0x00D93988,
  268. currencyTokensUnused2 = 0x00D9398C,
  269. currencyTokensBackpack1 = 0x00D93990,
  270. currencyTokensBackpack2 = 0x00D93994,
  271. predictedHealth = 0x00D93998,
  272. predictedPower = 0x00D9399C,
  273. threatWarning = 0x00D939A0,
  274. threatWorldText = 0x00D939A4,
  275. threatShowNumeric = 0x00D939A8,
  276. threatPlaySounds = 0x00D939AC,
  277. ShowClassColorInNameplate = 0x00D939B0,
  278. lfgSelectedRoles = 0x00D939B8,
  279. lfdCollapsedHeaders = 0x00D939BC,
  280. lfdSelectedDungeons = 0x00D939C0,
  281. pvpSelectedRoles = 0x00D939C4,
  282. lastTalkedToGM = 0x00D939C8,
  283. autoQuestProgress = 0x00D939CC,
  284. hardTrackedQuests = 0x00D939D0,
  285. autoCompleteResortNamesOnRecency = 0x00D939D4,
  286. questPOI = 0x00D939D8,
  287. showTamers = 0x00D939DC,
  288. digSites = 0x00D939E0,
  289. showToastFriendRequest = 0x00D939E4,
  290. showAllEnemyDebuffs = 0x00D939E8,
  291. showToastOffline = 0x00D939EC,
  292. showToastBroadcast = 0x00D939F0,
  293. showToastConversation = 0x00D939F4,
  294. toastDuration = 0x00D939F8,
  295. showNPETutorials = 0x00D939FC,
  296. autoOpenLootHistory = 0x00D93A00,
  297. breakUpLargeNumbers = 0x00D93A04,
  298. superTrackerDist = 0x00D93A08,
  299. spellBookSort = 0x00D93A0C,
  300. minimapShowQuestBlobs = 0x00D93A10,
  301. petJournalSort = 0x00D93A14,
  302. mountJournalFilters = 0x00D93A18,
  303. countdownForCooldowns = 0x00D93A24,
  304. BlacklistPVPMap = 0x00D93A28,
  305. NonEmitterCombatRange = 0x00D93A2C,
  306. EmitterCombatRange = 0x00D93A30,
  307. seenAsiaCharacterUpgradePopup = 0x00D93A34,
  308. ffxGlow = 0x00D93E10,
  309. POIShiftComplete = 0x00E38BB0,
  310. nameplateOverlapV = 0x00E3D288,
  311. nameplateOverlapH = 0x00E3D28C,
  312. repositionfrequency = 0x00E3D290,
  313. maxAlgoplates = 0x00E3D294,
  314. nameplateMotion = 0x00E3D298,
  315. bloatthreat = 0x00E3D29C,
  316. bloatnameplates = 0x00E3D2A0,
  317. bloatTest = 0x00E3D2A4,
  318. NamePlateStlye = 0x00E3D2A8,
  319. RAIDtextureFilteringMode = 0x00E64A30,
  320. RAIDworldBaseMip = 0x00E64A34,
  321. RAIDshadowTextureSize = 0x00E64A38,
  322. RAIDshadowMode = 0x00E64A40,
  323. RAIDprojectedTextures = 0x00E64A44,
  324. RAIDenvironmentDetail = 0x00E64A48,
  325. RAIDgroundEffectDist = 0x00E64A50,
  326. RAIDgroundEffectFade = 0x00E64A54,
  327. RAIDgroundEffectDensity = 0x00E64A58,
  328. RAIDSSAOBlur = 0x00E64A5C,
  329. RAIDSSAO = 0x00E64A60,
  330. RAIDrefraction = 0x00E64A64,
  331. RAIDsunShafts = 0x00E64A68,
  332. RAIDreflectionMode = 0x00E64A70,
  333. RAIDrippleDetail = 0x00E64A74,
  334. RAIDWaterDetail = 0x00E64A78,
  335. RAIDparticleDensity = 0x00E64A80,
  336. RAIDfarclip = 0x00E64A84,
  337. RAIDterrainTextureLod = 0x00E64A88,
  338. RAIDwmoLodDist = 0x00E64A8C,
  339. RAIDterrainLodDist = 0x00E64A90,
  340. RAIDterrainMipLevel = 0x00E64A94,
  341. RAIDsettingsInit = 0x00E64A98,
  342. OutlineEngineMode = 0x00E64A9C,
  343. minimapPortalMax = 0x00E64AA0,
  344. doodadUnloadDist = 0x00E64AA4,
  345. terrainHoles = 0x00E64AAC,
  346. worldBaseMip = 0x00E64AB0,
  347. worldMaxMipLevel = 0x00E64AB4,
  348. entityLodDist = 0x00E64AB8,
  349. terrainTextureLod = 0x00E64ABC,
  350. wmoDoodadDist = 0x00E64AC0,
  351. wmoLodDist = 0x00E64AC4,
  352. terrainLodDist = 0x00E64AC8,
  353. textureFilteringMode = 0x00E64AD4,
  354. SkyCloudLOD = 0x00E64AD8,
  355. preloadLoadingDistObject = 0x00E64ADC,
  356. preloadLoadingDistTerrain = 0x00E64AE0,
  357. preloadStreamingDistObject = 0x00E64AE4,
  358. preloadStreamingDistTerrain = 0x00E64AE8,
  359. normalBufferMode = 0x00E64AEC,
  360. shadowTextureSize = 0x00E64AF0,
  361. shadowMode = 0x00E64AF8,
  362. detailDoodadInstancing = 0x00E64AFC,
  363. gxTextureCacheSize = 0x00E64B00,
  364. projectedTextures = 0x00E64B04,
  365. hwPCF = 0x00E64B08,
  366. environmentDetail = 0x00E64B0C,
  367. terrainAlphaBitDepth = 0x00E64B10,
  368. groundEffectDist = 0x00E64B14,
  369. groundEffectFade = 0x00E64B18,
  370. groundEffectDensity = 0x00E64B1C,
  371. worldPoolUsage = 0x00E64B20,
  372. bspcache = 0x00E64B24,
  373. horizonNearclipScale = 0x00E64B28,
  374. horizonFarclipScale = 0x00E64B2C,
  375. baseMip = 0x00E64B30,
  376. DepthBasedOpacity = 0x00E64B34,
  377. SSAOBlur = 0x00E64B38,
  378. SSAODistance = 0x00E64B3C,
  379. SSAO = 0x00E64B40,
  380. refraction = 0x00E64B44,
  381. sunShafts = 0x00E64B48,
  382. reflectionDownscale = 0x00E64B4C,
  383. reflectionMode = 0x00E64B50,
  384. rippleDetail = 0x00E64B54,
  385. waterDetail = 0x00E64B58,
  386. particleDensity = 0x00E64B60,
  387. nearclip = 0x00E64B64,
  388. farclip = 0x00E64B68,
  389. terrainMipLevel = 0x00E64B6C,
  390. shadowCull = 0x00E6B240,
  391. shadowScissor = 0x00E6B244,
  392. shadowInstancing = 0x00E6B248,
  393. sceneOcclusionEnable = 0x00E6BA08,
  394. realmListbn = 0x00ED5CA8,
  395. serverAlert = 0x00ED5CB0,
  396. realmName = 0x00ED5CB4,
  397. synchronizeSettings = 0x00ED865C,
  398. }
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