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a guest
Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. Migrated to Maven. But not yet to GWT-2.0.0rc2 what breaks Layout code.
  2. POMs are 9:
  3. .
  4. |-- pom.xml - parent pom w/ dependencies, versions and list of modules
  5. |-- webgame-client
  6. | |-- pom.xml - parent for GWT modules. Declares common dependencies and google-maven-plugin base configuration
  7. | |-- webgame-client-backend
  8. | | `-- pom.xml - backend GWT module
  9. | `-- webgame-client-frontend
  10. | `-- pom.xml - frontend GWT module
  11. |-- webgame-client-shared
  12. | `-- pom.xml - shared code what is used by backend & frontend
  13. |-- webgame-server
  14. | `-- pom.xml - server code
  15. |-- webgame-shared
  16. | `-- pom.xml - code shared between both GWT modules and server
  17. |-- webgame-standalone
  18. | `-- pom.xml - guice-grapher runner for server modules
  19. `-- webgame-war
  20. `-- pom.xml - grand finale assembly what can be run locally or deployed to AppEngine
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