
Farting Toadette Diaper Smells Stinky

Sep 17th, 2020
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  1. Toadette farted loudly, prompting her to gasp as she held down her pink dress. She was in the closet inside her bedroom, trying to find a bunch of old guidebooks to read out of curiosity, but she was pretty gassy today.
  3. "Ugh, I knew I should not have had those turnips I found in the Gorge," Toadette murmured as she placed both of her hands on her stomach, shaking her head. "I don't need to play my butt tuba at the moment..."
  5. She closed her eyes as she felt another blast of gas emerge out of her butt, the back of her pink dress being blown up as the flatulence echoed throughout the entire bedroom. Luckily for Toadette, she was alone, or she would likely die of embarrassment.
  7. Later on Toadette's stomach growled loudly, with Toadette dropping her arms as she frowned. She rubbed her grumbling belly with her right hand, glancing down at it.
  9. "Man, is my tummy rumbling..." Toadette mumbled as she closed her eyes, "I really hope that special surprise gets her..."
  11. Suddenly, as if she was answered by a prayer, a blue colored Ninji mailman jumped by, holding a package for Toadette. Toadette squealed with joy as she clapped her hands, gladly accepting the package from the Ninji mailman.
  13. "Oh, thank you Mr. Ninji!" Toadette thanked as she winked.
  15. The Ninji mailman blushed slightly as he nodded, jumping towards the eastern direction. Toadette opened up the package, only to get smacked in the face with pumpkin pie. Toadette opened her eyes as she blinked twice, licking her lips to taste the pie. She laughed as she proceeded to like the whole pie off her face, being wholly satisfied with her surprise gift.
  17. Little did she realize that it was sent by an explosive person, with it causing the mushroom girl to explode.
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