
Rose Cross TR 11/25/20015

Nov 25th, 2015
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  1. LordCainKnightLord: and Radu
  2. Guest_JacksonLector: Lord Issak and Radu -bows before them-
  3. Guest_JacksonLector: No my lordship
  4. LordCainKnightLord: i spoke too soon lol Greeting Isaak
  5. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I just walked in myself sir lol
  6. LordCainKnightLord: I got a Ideal last night laying in bed talking too Xendra. you Isaak and Radu want too hear it
  7. Guest_JacksonLector: All ears my lord
  8. RaduBarvon: o - o sure
  9. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: May as well, cnsidering I'm not going to be back here until Saturday after tonight
  10. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: considering*
  11. Guest_JacksonLector: Everyone seems to be going off to their families
  12. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Work's part of it.
  13. Guest_JacksonLector: ah
  14. Guest_JacksonLector: I was wondering if someone could assist me with sparing
  15. Guest_JacksonLector: Its been awhile..And i wana break in my new armor
  16. RaduBarvon: I'm not much for it, but if you can't find anybody else... I hope it's fireproof
  17. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lol
  18. Guest_JacksonLector: lol
  19. Guest_JacksonLector: Thank you lord Radu, but you may be to powerful for a lower servent such as myself
  20. RaduBarvon: I can go easy on you. -shrugs- either way...
  21. Guest_JacksonLector: Then let us see?
  22. LordCainKnightLord: we will make a council for the Rose Cross order ,Radu,Xendra,Kate,Isaak and Lily when Lily passes the test ,you 4 will be like the Emperor council members that where i come too you too talk about how too takecare of a matter and get you point of veiw on things
  23. RaduBarvon: o -o oh wow. Yeah... that certainly sounds like a good idea. Although I can tell you... I can be archivist if you want. I have an account on a website where you can paste things and save them for a later date if need be.
  24. Guest_JacksonLector: I think that is an excellent idea my lord
  25. LordCainKnightLord: isaak what do you think?
  26. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Wouldn't be a bad idea, especially if more bullshit decides to be started up, there's a log of it. Or...a serious matter. Have chat logs saed. But in all honesty, that isn't a bad idea. I would perhapps reccomend a specific room be set up for it then if this is going to be done, that way private matters are kept as such.
  27. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: *saved*
  28. Guest_JacksonLector: May i add to that?
  29. Guest_JacksonLector: If i may
  30. LordCainKnightLord: speak Jeason
  31. Guest_JacksonLector: I think Radu's idea of archiving is excellent
  32. Guest_JacksonLector: You need a system in place to keep matters help in record, Or i case something happens again
  33. LordCainKnightLord: i dev a room some time back ,Isaak and ,would you like too see it,Jeason ill bring you along so we are not being rude lol
  34. LordCainKnightLord: radu
  35. RaduBarvon: Yes?
  36. Guest_JacksonLector: As you wish my lord -bows-
  37. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sure
  38. RaduBarvon: -rubs eyes and nods- Sounds like a plan
  39. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Back Kate.
  40. Guest_SisterKateScott: Hey dear. I can't stay for long. I have to drive over to my grandfather's place in a little bit.
  41. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It's alright. How are you doing?
  42. RaduBarvon: Yo Kate
  43. Guest_SisterKateScott: Hey Radu. I'm doing okay. Busy day at work today preparing tomorrow's meal for the old folks. I volunteered to go in tomorrow
  44. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Oh, well do be careful going out. I hope the weather stays decent for you.
  45. Guest_SisterKateScott: I hope so too. But I will be careful. ^^ I don't get to sit down and have dinner with my grandfather often, so I'm really excited.
  46. Guest_JacksonLector: So master Radu...about that sparing?
  47. RaduBarvon: You really are interested?
  48. Guest_JacksonLector: Indeed
  49. RaduBarvon: You want it judged or unjudged?
  50. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o
  51. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Well that's good, you don't get to see him often do you?
  52. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Jackson wants to spar with someone.
  53. Guest_SisterKateScott: No, I go over there once a week. lol But he has a live-in nurse who is a bit of a b-word
  54. RaduBarvon: = w=
  55. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Oh...well maybe it's because of your profession? She doesn't like it?
  56. Guest_JacksonLector: Judged please
  57. Guest_SisterKateScott: Perhaps.
  58. RaduBarvon: Alright. I'll see if issy can do it if there's nothin' going on
  59. Guest_JacksonLector: Alright
  60. Guest_JacksonLector: Is there a place in mind, or shall we duke it out here
  61. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Um, what have I been volunteered for?
  62. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: No, we don't do that in here.
  63. RaduBarvon: Well, zones are up here. Go type my name into the search for the rooms. I have my own room set up.
  64. RaduBarvon: No zones in there
  65. Guest_JacksonLector: -nods-
  66. LordCainKnightLord: Greetings Kate
  67. Guest_SisterKateScott: ^^ Hello
  68. LordCainKnightLord: Kate i got a ideal last night i think you will like
  69. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o oh? I hope it's not pudding wrestling. I'm too tiny for that!
  70. LordCainKnightLord: lol No
  71. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: O.O
  72. LordCainKnightLord: we will make a council for the Rose Cross order ,Radu,Xendra,Kate,Isaak and Lily when Lily passes the test ,you 4 will be like the Emperor council members that where i come too you too talk about how too takecare of a matter and get you point of veiw on things
  73. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o Oh! That certainly sounds like a plan!
  74. LordCainKnightLord: im going too open a room for it
  75. Guest_SisterKateScott: Alright. ^^ Sounds wounderful.
  76. LordCainKnightLord: and i made a new rule too day
  77. Guest_SisterKateScott: Alright. ^^
  78. LordCainKnightLord: i hope this cuts down on there drama we ben haveing ,15, you must respect each other with in the Order at all time,
  79. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o Oh alright. Although really to me, that should just be a given in human behaviour.
  80. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: May I make a suggestion?
  81. LordCainKnightLord: sure friend and you are right Kate
  82. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Perhaps when it comes to mod privilages, those are only given out to those who have proven themselves capeable of not abusing the power, or cause problems?
  83. LordCainKnightLord: you are right Isaak and you made me think last night when you told me you cant boot some poeple in here so i took them off the mod list
  84. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o
  85. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Something I am glad you didn't have to witness Kate. I'll leave it at that.
  86. Guest_SisterKateScott: I see...
  87. LordCainKnightLord: and i told the GHEmp too day that if Kiara keeps it up im giveing her ,her walking papers befor the tournament,becuz this is nothing but B.s. too come in here and order the General or whoever around and be disrespectful too them
  88. RaduBarvon: o -o
  89. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o I clearly did miss something
  90. LordCainKnightLord: i was woken up out of sleep becuz of this Kate and wasnt in a good mood , i was 25% Crusnik when i came in and when i left i was at 75%
  91. Guest_SisterKateScott: Oh my! Oh my! Are you alright?
  92. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: ...Yeah. That...was...
  93. LordCainKnightLord: yes im find now ,
  94. Guest_SisterKateScott: That's good to hear.
  95. LordCainKnightLord: you can always tell when i get mad becuz ill start turning crusnik,
  96. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Well, I had thought the situation under control...but...I needed a bit of help...
  97. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o oh dear.
  98. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lady Xendra did her best to aide me, but she can only do so much.
  99. LordCainKnightLord: if i go 100% Crusnik form someone will get killed, i told Liz that too day and she laught and told me too make sure i have a valid post lol
  100. LordCainKnightLord: xendra text me and told me what was going on and i came back
  101. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I'm going to be honest, I loved how they demanded to know, then assumed about a death match regarding me.
  102. Guest_SisterKateScott: What should one's personal combat record have to do with aything?
  103. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Probably the fact that since I am newer to this site I am stupid and don't know anything.
  104. LordCainKnightLord: if you are going too combat it is always good too know how,Liz was telling me earlyer too allways give detail on how you look first and work your way too the striking blow
  105. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yeah. But I don't see why they needed to discuss a deathmatch with me.
  106. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It seemed like in a sense they were trying to shift everything onto me, which is why I said what I did.
  107. Guest_SisterKateScott: I need to get going unfortunately
  108. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: drive safe please
  109. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak, Radu,Kate, I want too clear something up,When you enter a room,always look at the card,becuz if all safezones are up,no one can hurt you or kill you avi,AND when you click agree on imvu server,you agreed too not kill,it is aginst the imvu tearms,so too get around that,you got too agree too the team of the DM, i dont care what Kiara and Leon says that is the truth
  110. Guest_SisterKateScott: I see. That is correct. I remember that was even cleared up after the whole incident the other day involving Abel.
  111. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Makes logical sense.
  112. RaduBarvon: Mhm.
  113. LordCainKnightLord: in a tearnament, there is NO agreement,the rules are told too you befor the tournament starts,your entering the tournament on a change your avi will be killed,and even then you got too change just your name
  114. LordCainKnightLord: if you are killed in the tournament
  115. Guest_SisterKateScott: I will have to remember that. I really must go. I am helping make dinner for my grandfather. ^^ Please take care.
  116. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Take care, be safe, and have a good holiday alright?
  117. Guest_SisterKateScott: You too. I will message you, Isaak. *kisses his cheek* You all have a wonderful holiday as well. ^^
  118. LordCainKnightLord: be safe and blessed be Kate ,hope you have a great thanks giveing and hope you return too us safely
  119. RaduBarvon: gon' get some holiday nookie, Issy? <u<
  120. LordCainKnightLord: brb lol
  121. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: -Shoves off bench-
  122. RaduBarvon: tyt
  123. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt
  124. RaduBarvon: :D He didn't say no! -falls on the floor-
  125. RaduBarvon: Now, Jackson is chomping at the bit to spar... @ _@ He wants it judged so I said that you could do it, Isaak.
  126. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I didn't say yes though either
  127. LordCainKnightLord: Bk
  128. RaduBarvon: wb
  129. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Back.
  130. LordCainKnightLord: ty
  131. RaduBarvon: yvw
  132. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You want me to judge a mere spar? What is his rush, and why did he leave if he's technically on duty?
  133. RaduBarvon: -shrugs-
  134. RaduBarvon: But I'm crushing him in simple t1
  135. RaduBarvon: And we're not even fighting yet.
  136. RaduBarvon: 8'I
  137. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: -_-
  138. LordCainKnightLord: ok jeason is too be in here on duty like Isaak just said,he can do t1 on hes own time
  139. RaduBarvon: lol
  140. LordCainKnightLord: bring me in Radu
  141. RaduBarvon: C: Yessir!
  142. LordCainKnightLord: ok im back Isaak
  143. Guest_JacksonLector: weba
  144. RaduBarvon: wb
  145. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Back sir.
  146. LordCainKnightLord: ty all
  147. RaduBarvon: brb
  148. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt Radu
  149. LordCainKnightLord: i think when the council meets im going too call a meeting too talk about the rules
  150. Guest_JacksonLector: I kinda like this uniform
  151. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That's not a bad idea sir.
  152. LordCainKnightLord: i like strick rules becuz it finds with the Cain KnightLord thing but idk
  153. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: They should have showed him more in the anime.
  154. LordCainKnightLord: like number 11.If you are charged for treason and found guilty you will be executed .on the spot, i want too add or you may get a choice ,a trial by combat, but i dont know how too fit it in there, i think it would bring excitement
  155. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak i didnt show you the sparing area did i
  156. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer:, I chose not to enter. I didn't think I needed to be there.
  157. LordCainKnightLord: will you be there for the tournament Isaak
  158. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: When is it again sir?
  159. LordCainKnightLord: the ^th of next month at 7 pm centrol time zone
  160. Guest_JacksonLector: brb
  161. LordCainKnightLord: 6th*
  162. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You want me to watch?
  163. LordCainKnightLord: if you want,i mean you are port of the order
  164. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Let's see how busy it gets with just the participants and the judges.
  165. RaduBarvon: ok back
  166. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome back.
  167. RaduBarvon: ty
  168. LordCainKnightLord: ill let everyone know who is the Champion is of the tournament on the bored of the group for whoever cant make the Tournament
  169. LordCainKnightLord: wb
  170. RaduBarvon: ty
  171. LordCainKnightLord: yvw
  172. RaduBarvon: ; - ; food.... my lifewater lol
  173. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  174. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol.
  175. LordCainKnightLord: well damn since no girls are here we have no one too mess with lol
  176. RaduBarvon: lol i was gonna ask you, Cai... Where's Xendra?
  177. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That is a good question, usually she's here by now?
  178. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lilica just came on sir.
  179. LordCainKnightLord: Xendra text me earlyer and said she got sick and wont be on too night,she is trying too get better and she is haveing a hard time makeing food too take too her mom an dads
  180. RaduBarvon: oooohh ok
  181. LordCainKnightLord: good we will mess with her too night lol
  182. RaduBarvon: :L poor thing
  183. RaduBarvon: lol
  184. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sick just before the holidays? Damn, that really sucks.
  185. LordCainKnightLord: ikr
  186. RaduBarvon: ; - ; I was sick fr christmas one year.... THAT sucked
  187. LordCainKnightLord: me too, i stayed home and slept all day lol
  188. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yeah, I've had that happen too.
  189. RaduBarvon: ; u ; it's horrible
  190. Guest_JacksonLector: bk
  191. LordCainKnightLord: wb jeason
  192. RaduBarvon: wb
  193. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Wb.
  194. LordCainKnightLord: its 8:16pm here now im going too take off about 10pm too night,
  195. RaduBarvon: Alrighty
  196. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Early night it sounds like.
  197. LordCainKnightLord: i got too do the three S's and get some sleep,my uncle will be here at 11:30 tomorrow
  198. RaduBarvon: o .o oh damn
  199. LordCainKnightLord: ill just come home and want too get on here lol
  200. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Is it safe to assume tomorrow is an off day for us all?
  201. LordCainKnightLord: yes eless you want too come in
  202. LordCainKnightLord: Wb Leon
  203. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Alright, I will try, if not I will be back Saturday for sure.
  204. LordCainKnightLord: alright Isaak
  205. RaduBarvon: I know I won't be able to as much.
  206. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Many people won't be home till Saturday/Sunday
  207. RaduBarvon: Yeah... lol
  208. LeonCruxAngel: ty
  209. LordCainKnightLord: yvw
  210. LordCainKnightLord: i take it the WolfKnight from NY aint comeing in lol
  211. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I'm not sure, I was going to give her some time before saying something.
  212. LordCainKnightLord: alright Isaak
  213. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It being the night before a holiday, I know some people that start in on some of the food early.
  214. LordCainKnightLord: yes, but all th food is at my aunts and Uncles so i cant lol
  215. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I hear you there. I had some cooking to do today myself.
  216. LordCainKnightLord: all i had was a home made hamburger too day
  217. RaduBarvon: ; u ; yum
  218. LordCainKnightLord: so im going too be a pig tomorrow
  219. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  220. RaduBarvon: = w= sounds about right. My mom makes tofurky....
  221. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: The fuck is that?
  222. RaduBarvon: 8'I hell in the form of fake meat
  223. RaduBarvon: Tofu turkey
  224. LordCainKnightLord: O.o
  225. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sounds disgusting.
  226. RaduBarvon: yeeahhhh
  227. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Turduncan is nasty too
  228. RaduBarvon: "Radu... this is healthy for you. Eat this! This is healthier! This won't clog your ateries! This will keep you skinny!" -rolls eyes- lol
  229. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XDD
  230. LeonCruxAngel: Lol
  231. LordCainKnightLord: sounds like a mom too me lol
  232. RaduBarvon: xD yep
  233. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lol
  234. RaduBarvon: But she's a massive health nut. "Here Radu! Eat baked kale instead of potato chips! It's better for you!"
  235. RaduBarvon: -gags a bit-
  236. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I take you are still hungry after eating with her lol
  237. RaduBarvon: ; - ; yes
  238. LeonCruxAngel: Baked kale with brown surgar ham wrapped in a egg twisted roll is good
  239. RaduBarvon: ; - ; ew... I don't like kale in generall
  240. LordCainKnightLord: my aunt is the same way, i tell her alot of potoato Salad and she comes back with alit potato salad says you dont need all that damn starch
  241. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  242. LeonCruxAngel: Eat it with something that does taste good
  243. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I want a bacon chesseburger now
  244. RaduBarvon: >BI yesssss...
  245. RaduBarvon: I prefer tofu. =w=
  246. LeonCruxAngel: LOL
  247. RaduBarvon: just plain backed tofu
  248. LeonCruxAngel: Not grilled?
  249. LordCainKnightLord: you know how we get thing that taste bad too taste good down here in Texas?
  250. LeonCruxAngel: BBQ
  251. RaduBarvon: loooool
  252. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I was just thinking that too lol
  253. RaduBarvon: yeah.... =w=
  254. LeonCruxAngel: Lol hey we grill every good thing down here
  255. LeonCruxAngel: If you don't grill it you smoke it
  256. LordCainKnightLord: catchup dose it every time lol
  257. LeonCruxAngel: and get alot of sauce
  258. LeonCruxAngel: LOTS OF SAUCE
  259. LeonCruxAngel: hot sauce
  260. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Now I want homemade smoked jerky
  261. LeonCruxAngel: Bbq sauce
  262. LeonCruxAngel: teriyaki sauce
  263. LeonCruxAngel: Salsa
  264. RaduBarvon: Idk... I will say though, the best mexican food I've ever had was down in texas
  265. LeonCruxAngel: THANK YOU
  266. LeonCruxAngel: Finally someone says it
  267. RaduBarvon: Although it was pretty good in Arizona
  268. LeonCruxAngel: California has been our competion for years
  269. RaduBarvon: -shrugs- I have a friend and her mother is from mexico... that was probably the best I've ever had for home-cooked though
  270. LeonCruxAngel: Arizona is eh but California and Texas have two different forms of Mexican food
  271. LordCainKnightLord: hell hell, i told a guy one time how too make chilly,get a can of wolfbrand chili and add all the hot stuff too it,and how you know now the chili was good is,when you fart it burns your ass hairs off on the release lol
  272. LeonCruxAngel: YES
  273. LeonCruxAngel: OH GOD yes
  274. RaduBarvon: There's Baja mexican then Tex mex
  275. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  276. LeonCruxAngel: Homade tamalies are the best with homade mexican rice.
  277. LeonCruxAngel: -Mouth waters-
  278. RaduBarvon: = w = no.... Home made chilaquiles
  279. LeonCruxAngel: What about Chimichangos?
  280. LordCainKnightLord: brb
  281. RaduBarvon: tyt
  282. LeonCruxAngel: Those with homemade queso
  283. LeonCruxAngel: Mmmmm
  284. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Tyt
  285. RaduBarvon: o 3o home made taco casserole....
  286. RaduBarvon: I have made this for Issy irl before.
  287. LeonCruxAngel: Thats good.
  288. RaduBarvon: And I killed him. xD
  289. LeonCruxAngel: Have you made homemade Enchiladas. LOL
  290. RaduBarvon: Yes
  291. RaduBarvon: I am a very good mexican chef.
  292. RaduBarvon: C: I make home made churros too
  293. RaduBarvon: with butter. - w -
  294. LordCainKnightLord: wooohoooo free HBO this week
  295. RaduBarvon: 8D FREE THE BOOBIES
  296. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  297. RaduBarvon: I mean.... :D Awesome
  298. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  299. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol
  300. LeonCruxAngel: LOL
  301. LeonCruxAngel: No thats national geographic
  302. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Looks like Xendra decided to get on
  303. LeonCruxAngel: HBO is the friendly chanel
  304. LordCainKnightLord: i see
  305. RaduBarvon: < u <; n-not so much
  306. LeonCruxAngel: Almost like hallmark
  307. RaduBarvon: Not anymore at least
  308. RaduBarvon: I mean... ; - ; GoT....
  309. RaduBarvon: All the boobies and sex in that...
  310. LeonCruxAngel: Man if i ever watch hallmark movie again. Which show
  311. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Game of Thrones?
  312. LordCainKnightLord: i think she should change her name too LadyXendra or DuchessXendra
  313. LeonCruxAngel: Game of thrones is on a different channel i think?
  314. LeonCruxAngel: Hmmm
  315. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: What makes you say that sir?
  316. LeonCruxAngel: Oh nvm thinking walking dead
  317. LordCainKnightLord: everyone already calls her LadyXendra
  318. RaduBarvon: Yeah... WD is AMC... GoT is HBO
  319. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Well...She's a lady right?
  320. LeonCruxAngel: I know
  321. LeonCruxAngel: got it mixed up for some reason
  322. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Then again so is half the Order sometimes I swear
  323. LordCainKnightLord: in a empire that makes her royal as well
  324. RaduBarvon: >A> Hey... I'm a fairy not a lady... there's a difference, Issak
  325. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Did I say I was talking about you ?
  326. LordCainKnightLord: LadyRadu lol
  327. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XDDD
  328. RaduBarvon: = w = it has a nice ring to it, eh?
  329. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lol
  330. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  331. RaduBarvon: 8'3
  332. LordCainKnightLord: jeason? you awake over there?
  333. RaduBarvon: >U>;
  334. LordCainKnightLord: i think Radu nock him out lol
  335. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: O.O
  336. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Damn then lol
  337. RaduBarvon: 8'I oops?
  338. LordCainKnightLord: you two still sparing Radu?
  339. RaduBarvon: For the most part.... I'm moreso observig
  340. RaduBarvon: He's like a wind-up toy. You can wind him up and set him down and he'll go all by himself. xD
  341. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol
  342. Guest_JacksonLector: xD
  343. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  344. LordCainKnightLord: Wb Xendra
  345. RaduBarvon: Hey xendra.
  346. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Feeling any better?
  347. LordCainKnightLord: i think the cat gots her tongue Isaak
  348. QueenXendra: A bit, just ate a bit, so far so good.
  349. QueenXendra: And no, I froze lol
  350. LordCainKnightLord: that sucks when that happen
  351. QueenXendra: Yeah it does.
  352. LordCainKnightLord: well come join us when you can
  353. RaduBarvon: Well it's good that you're able to eat
  354. QueenXendra: I will stay as long as I can, just don't make me laugh hard
  355. RaduBarvon: That's fine
  356. LordCainKnightLord: Radu you hear that*shakes my finger at him* lol
  357. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That would be a wise thing to do....hate to say it.
  358. RaduBarvon: Imma behaaave
  359. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  360. QueenXendra: Lol
  361. LordCainKnightLord: yea right Radu,and Isaak haves a halo lol jk
  362. RaduBarvon: lol
  363. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I have horns to support those thank you
  364. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  365. QueenXendra: XD
  366. LilicaWolfKnight: ((loading very slowly today o...e ))
  367. LordCainKnightLord: (alright)
  368. LordCainKnightLord: well Xendra ,you look very prety too day
  369. RaduBarvon: >u> d'awws
  370. LilicaWolfKnight: ((finally!! omg XD darn you net!! but hello everyone!))
  371. RaduBarvon: Hey Lilica
  372. QueenXendra: Oh, thank you.
  373. LordCainKnightLord: Greetings Lilce
  374. LordCainKnightLord: your very welcome Xendra
  375. LilicaWolfKnight: Greetings Sire, -she would bow her head as she took her place next to the king-
  376. LordCainKnightLord: (Emperor dear )
  377. LilicaWolfKnight: (i'm sorry )
  378. QueenXendra: I apologize if I am slow. Trying to get myself together.
  379. RaduBarvon: It's quite alright
  380. LordCainKnightLord: (np its really Ipsissimus Emperor)
  381. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You are feeling well, do what you need to feel better.
  382. LilicaWolfKnight: Hello to you as well Radu, Lady Xendra, Sir Isaak, fellow guards.
  383. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: aren't*
  384. LilicaWolfKnight: i have exciting news! i have found at least 4 different armor pieces suitable for my post and the tourniment!
  385. RaduBarvon: brb friend is having a mini emergency
  386. QueenXendra: tyt
  387. LordCainKnightLord: a What?
  388. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt
  389. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Emergency sir
  390. LilicaWolfKnight: i can not spell to save my life -eye twich- XD )
  391. LordCainKnightLord: oh ok Isaak X.o
  392. LilicaWolfKnight: tournament*
  393. LilicaWolfKnight: also where can i find the rules for that? which section of the gp?
  394. QueenXendra: Sounds like it's going to be a hell of a competition
  395. LordCainKnightLord: im hopeing and some fun on top of it
  396. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Certainly sounds that way?
  397. LilicaWolfKnight: Sire, can i ask you a few questions, about the empire if it won't be to much trouble
  398. LordCainKnightLord: im still trying too get GHEmp too put out the popcorn machine lol
  399. QueenXendra: XD
  400. LordCainKnightLord: sure ask a way
  401. RaduBarvon: ok. x _ x we good
  402. LilicaWolfKnight: Thank you :D
  403. QueenXendra: Are you serious?
  404. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol
  405. LordCainKnightLord: yes Xendra
  406. LilicaWolfKnight: My first question would be, what type of creatures would be here?
  407. LilicaWolfKnight: vampires mainly?
  408. Guest_JacksonLector: Im human
  409. RaduBarvon: I'm vampire.
  410. LordCainKnightLord: well we are not a every day vampire like most think,we are Crusnik vampires,now dont let the word Vampire confus you,Crusnik are beings of there own,created too hunt and detroy the vampire
  411. RaduBarvon: ; - ; oh... -character is a basic vampire in cannon-
  412. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I'm just the cleaning crew lol
  413. LordCainKnightLord: we will not hold that aginst you Redu
  414. QueenXendra: Aww
  415. RaduBarvon: ; u ; oh ok
  416. RaduBarvon: I think Kate was human...
  417. LordCainKnightLord: there is a topic on the group page that tell you all about the Crusniks
  418. LilicaWolfKnight: i am reading it now, so it would be best to choose from one of those choices? human vampire or Crusnik?
  419. LordCainKnightLord: well i would have too turn you Crunsik then you would have too read on the crusnik power,but i say who you are really less you want too change
  420. LordCainKnightLord: Stay*
  421. LilicaWolfKnight: mm i don't think what i am really fits with this rp, my character is daughter of hades, one spirit that has been split arpart due to a birth defect, and most recently forced back together against her will
  422. LilicaWolfKnight: apart*
  423. LordCainKnightLord: well then pick something and let me know
  424. Guest_JacksonLector: I am an assassin of a far land. I work under my lordship and am part of a guild that has lasted for thousands of years.
  425. Guest_JacksonLector: just alittle background info on me
  426. LilicaWolfKnight: i wish to read more about the crusnik a bit more, i am very interested in the details very well written
  427. LilicaWolfKnight: so it could be possible to mix the two o...o
  428. RaduBarvon: this is literally my biography
  429. LordCainKnightLord: Jeason there is a bio page on the group topic list if you want too save time and post your bio
  430. QueenXendra: They certainly are remarkable beings....
  431. LilicaWolfKnight: from just what i read they sound incrediable
  432. LilicaWolfKnight: more then your basic vampires
  433. LordCainKnightLord: they are
  434. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: At least these ones don't sparkle
  435. QueenXendra: XD
  436. LilicaWolfKnight: yes or wear rings XD
  437. RaduBarvon: <u< There's ISsy
  438. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lol
  439. LilicaWolfKnight: though wearing magiclly enchanted rings is better then sparkle sparkle
  440. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I'll give you that
  441. RaduBarvon: o - o there are a lot of official nameholders now... -totally hasn't been doing research-
  442. QueenXendra: So from what I understand here, Isaak isn't one to mess with?
  443. LordCainKnightLord: he gots horns as he stated earlyer lol
  444. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD lol
  445. RaduBarvon: lol
  446. LordCainKnightLord: i just see this,good news ther are 17 Members now,we are growing
  447. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That is good news.
  448. RaduBarvon: mhm. =w= And we have some of the official nameholders. That's got a lot of strength and reputation to it.
  449. LordCainKnightLord: oh Jeason and Radu,if someone comes in you need booted just let me know GHEmp's just told me im mod in there
  450. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Wb Fiona
  451. LordCainKnightLord: Wb Lily
  452. Guest_FionaDragonLily: Hey on my friends phone
  453. RaduBarvon: Alright. So far we're good. It ended in what I would consider a friendly draw. I didn't singe his ass off and he didn't stab me. lol
  454. Guest_FionaDragonLily: Doing some cooking for tomorrow
  455. LordCainKnightLord: alright Lily
  456. RaduBarvon: ok
  457. QueenXendra: o.o
  458. Guest_FionaDragonLily: Just wanted to get on for a few to say hi and wish y'all a happy thanksgiving
  459. RaduBarvon: Alright.
  460. LordCainKnightLord: Wb Kiara
  461. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Evening.
  462. Guest_FionaDragonLily: My friend needs her phone to call her husband .lol I'll be back Monday after my trip to the ski lodge and hot springs
  463. RaduBarvon: Take care
  464. Guest_FionaDragonLily: You too
  465. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Tc
  466. LordCainKnightLord: be careful
  467. KiaraDarkWalker: *she let out a soft yawn stretching out as she slither in*
  468. Guest_FionaDragonLily: I will and I'll give y'all details Monday about my trip
  469. LordCainKnightLord: alright lily
  470. Guest_FionaDragonLily: Ciao for now
  471. KiaraDarkWalker: (ok i do not to be at post awsome so tired)
  472. LordCainKnightLord: (there is some on each side of Isaak and some by the white chairs)
  473. LilicaWolfKnight: (i have read about the begining of the crusnik and i am very interested in becoming one if that is possible?)
  474. KiaraDarkWalker: (awsome..)
  475. LordCainKnightLord: ( there is a topic i believe Lilice that says if you want too be a crusnik ,go in and read it and do what it says,and ill test you after the time is over
  476. LilicaWolfKnight: ((as you wish, but if it doesn't work out i guess i can remain my normal char lol though its not as exciting as being a crusnik)
  477. LordCainKnightLord: if it dosent work out ill just take out what makes a Crusnik and return you back too normal
  478. RaduBarvon: -tilts head- As long as those vampires who aren't of the crusnik variety aren't seen as food. -chuckles-
  479. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: They shouldn't be.
  480. QueenXendra: That's true.
  481. LordCainKnightLord: Cain is kinda the outsider of Abel and them,if anyone knows the storey then they know that lol
  482. KiaraDarkWalker: brb
  483. LilicaWolfKnight: its funny, my cousin is a half demon and vampire, while she was preggo, she could only drink the blood of other vampires, she tried to drink mine it made her really sick lol
  484. LilicaWolfKnight: not that its funny but just ironic lol
  485. QueenXendra: o.o
  486. LordCainKnightLord: i think Abel said it best on too describe the Crusnik, he told a vampire one time ,the Humans feed from Cows and Birds,the vampire feed from the humans,i am Crusnik on top of the food chair,a vampire that feeds off of a vampire
  487. LilicaWolfKnight: i will study as much as i can, if i don't pass that it fine hehe aslong as i can still serve ^^
  488. LordCainKnightLord: you got a 6weeks too studdy i think
  489. QueenXendra: Hell of a test
  490. RaduBarvon: If people are intersted in a complete details history of the Trinity Blood world, I can provide such. As well as in-depth charater descriptions. I've done a lot of study through multiple sources.
  491. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Might not be a bad idea.
  492. LilicaWolfKnight: that would be wonderful
  493. LilicaWolfKnight: !
  494. RaduBarvon: -nods- What would you like to know? -opens the big book of booboos- Oh... wrong book... -opesn the big book of Trinity Blood-
  495. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  496. LilicaWolfKnight: o....o
  497. LilicaWolfKnight: umm XD
  498. RaduBarvon: Shall I start from the very beginning? -chuckles-
  499. LordCainKnightLord: did you say boobies Radu?
  500. RaduBarvon: Close. xD
  501. LilicaWolfKnight: -giggles softly- oh my XD
  502. RaduBarvon: boo boos. Although if I mash it together... boob... oos
  503. QueenXendra: Of course that gets his attention lol
  504. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: But of course lol
  505. LordCainKnightLord: thats my book i ben looking for *takes it from Radu *
  506. RaduBarvon: O -O oh... well then. xD
  507. RaduBarvon: You can have it back
  508. LilicaWolfKnight: must be very useful
  509. QueenXendra: O.O
  510. LordCainKnightLord: ooooh man the pages are stuck together lol jk
  511. RaduBarvon: Not me. >u> <U<
  512. LilicaWolfKnight: XD
  513. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Oh
  514. QueenXendra: Poor Isaak, his job's so difficult it seems. lol
  515. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You wouldn't know the half of it.....
  516. RaduBarvon: But in all seriousness... Anything in particular you would like to know about Trinity Blood, Lilica?
  517. LilicaWolfKnight: mmm well i saw the first episode, it didn't really give me anything indepth other then the popes brother is an a-hole lol
  518. LordCainKnightLord: *woners too self if Xendra spited her drink out*
  519. LilicaWolfKnight: and the priest is pervy
  520. QueenXendra: <.<
  521. RaduBarvon: Then I highly recommend watching the rest of it. Although you will find out, the priest really isn't that perverted.
  522. LilicaWolfKnight: but i would love to know more, and i shall :D
  523. RaduBarvon: -nods- The anime can give you the basic premis of things, however everything important is in the manga and the novels.
  524. LordCainKnightLord: well im going too go poeple i got too shower and stuff and get ready for tomorrow Isaak you got the Order and IF you need me ask Xendra too text me alright?
  525. RaduBarvon: Alright. You take care then.
  526. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I can do that, though I'm not going to be here much longer myself.
  527. LordCainKnightLord: alright Isaak,when i poof Guards plz move up around Isaak
  528. KiaraDarkWalker: i have to go big day tomorrow :(
  529. LordCainKnightLord: Be safe and blessed be everyone and have a great thanks givein ,see you all this weeken
  530. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: See you then
  531. RaduBarvon: Alright. Take care!
  532. QueenXendra: tc
  533. Guest_JacksonLector: -bows before his lordship-
  534. LilicaWolfKnight: Have a wonderful night sire sleep well
  535. LordCainKnightLord: *opens a porthole and walks thrw it smileing at hes friend as i walk thrw the bright likght of the porthole*
  536. LilicaWolfKnight: Lady Xendra your dress would it be considered a kimono?
  537. QueenXendra: She's certainly not going to last if she keeps disobeying Lord Cain.
  538. QueenXendra: I think so, I have had it for a long time, but I can give you the name of the Creator if you wish?
  539. RaduBarvon: mhm
  540. LilicaWolfKnight: oh that would be lovely ^.^ i am a hugh fan of kimonos
  541. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So she just came in here, said she was tired, sat there on brb until he leaves?
  542. QueenXendra: WhiteSelkie is the creator Lilica
  543. LilicaWolfKnight: thank you very much ^.^
  544. QueenXendra: Of course ^.^
  545. QueenXendra: And yes Isaak, I believe Lord Cain asked her to take a spot beside you.
  546. RaduBarvon: -shrugs- she's not helping her image. :T I hate to say it
  547. QueenXendra: She's bringing it upon herself.
  548. LilicaWolfKnight: if i can say this with all due respect for her, though i do not know her, it seems she has a hard time taking orders from those who are higher ranked then she
  549. LilicaWolfKnight: in her empire she is an empress
  550. LilicaWolfKnight: but here she is a guard
  551. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It's becoming conflicting.
  552. RaduBarvon: -nods- I believe Cain mentioned that exact same point to her last night.
  553. LilicaWolfKnight: she seems very capiable, just uncoroppitive
  554. LilicaWolfKnight: in some cases
  555. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Threatened to bring her Empire in here...which I found completely idiotic. It could have been seen as a threat against Cain.
  556. QueenXendra: Yeah...that was...a bit uncalled for.
  557. RaduBarvon: Seriously
  558. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: But I agree, she is capeable, but she's got to remember in here she isn't calling the shots so to speak.
  559. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  560. LilicaWolfKnight: what i didn't like is how she dispected not only you Isaak, but the others as well, i may only have been there for a bit of what transpired, but it was very out of line
  561. RaduBarvon: I'm surprised Cain didn't rip her a new one right then and there.
  562. RaduBarvon: Although that Petros guy seemed to handle it really well
  563. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yeah, he did. Acted like an adult, and he wasn't even involved.
  564. RaduBarvon: Seriously. x _ x I'd be okay with him being a big part of this. Helping people keep their tits
  565. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: And SHE is still online.
  566. LilicaWolfKnight: i'm curious why would she be threatend to bring her empire in here?
  567. RaduBarvon: Because we weren't calling her Lucifer
  568. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Apparantly only Lord Cain had the right to call her Kiara.
  569. LilicaWolfKnight: thats a bit of a strange reason to get so upset,
  570. QueenXendra: Well she said if people wanted Kiara she would bring the whole DarkWalker empire into here.
  571. QueenXendra: Without a problem.
  572. RaduBarvon: Yeah. It confuses people when only one person is allowed to call her something but everybody else in the room has to call her somebody else.
  573. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Exactly, and no one has called her Lucifer so...i really don't know. And she never bothered to correct anyone whenever we called her by her name.
  574. LilicaWolfKnight: it kind of funny if you really think about it lol
  575. RaduBarvon: seriously
  576. QueenXendra: Childish if you ask me.
  577. QueenXendra: XD
  578. LilicaWolfKnight: hehe i will agree XD
  579. QueenXendra: Hence why I am only his counselor, nothing more.
  580. RaduBarvon: lol
  581. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: He seems happy with you in that position.
  582. QueenXendra: I would hope so. Let's me be involved without really being in the middle of it all.
  583. RaduBarvon: @ w@ I'm going to be busy
  584. LilicaWolfKnight: can't wait for turkey! need food now!!
  585. LilicaWolfKnight: XD
  586. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  587. QueenXendra: lol
  588. LilicaWolfKnight: i had food at work but am hungry T^T omg XD
  589. RaduBarvon: ; - ; i hear you... I'm always hungry
  590. LilicaWolfKnight: -hands out cupcakes-
  591. QueenXendra: Ohh ty
  592. RaduBarvon: QwQ ty so much!
  593. LilicaWolfKnight: np :D
  594. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sounds good!
  595. LilicaWolfKnight: i can also make tea!
  596. RaduBarvon: QwQ tea!
  597. RaduBarvon: :O What about coffee?
  598. LilicaWolfKnight: mmm not a fan of coffee so much
  599. LilicaWolfKnight: unless its a frapp
  600. RaduBarvon: ; u ; ooohs
  601. QueenXendra: That sounds so good.
  602. LilicaWolfKnight: starbucks mmm
  603. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Seriously....
  604. RaduBarvon: ; u ; yum
  605. LilicaWolfKnight: or mcdonalds o..o
  606. RaduBarvon: ; - ; YES
  607. RaduBarvon: SO MUCH YES
  608. RaduBarvon: >BI I'm going to go get some now
  609. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Alright, you go and do that.
  610. RaduBarvon: O w O yes
  611. QueenXendra: I think I am going to head to bed. Still kinda sick so, have a great holiday guys!
  612. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Poor thing.
  613. RaduBarvon: Alright. I'm going to log this whole chatlog until this point. Isaak, I can give you the password if you want to log that after I leave.
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