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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. library(shiny) # shiny library
  2. # begining of ui component
  3. ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css",
  4. titlePanel("HDDF"),
  5. sidebarLayout(
  6. sidebarPanel(
  7. h3('Model selection panel'),
  8. # the actioButton called rpart which is the name of the variable you need to use in the server component
  9. actionButton('rpart', label = 'Decision Tree', class = "btn btn-success btn-lg"),
  10. actionButton('Neuralnet', label = 'Neuronal network', class = "btn btn-secondary btn-lg"),
  11. # the training sample split you allow the user to control on your model
  12. numericInput("ratio",
  13. h4("Training sample in %"),
  14. value = 50 / 100,
  15. min = 50 / 100,
  16. max = 90 / 100,
  17. step = 0.1
  18. ),
  19. numericInput(
  20. "size",
  21. h4("Size"),
  22. value = 5,
  23. min = 0,
  24. max = 10,
  25. step = 0.5
  26. ),
  27. numericInput(
  28. "decay",
  29. h4("Decay"),
  30. value = 0.1,
  31. min = 0,
  32. max = 0.9,
  33. step = 0.1
  34. )
  35. ),
  36. # this is how you create many "tabs" for the output from ML models
  37. mainPanel(tabsetPanel(
  38. tabPanel(
  39. h4(tags$label("Application form")),
  40. fluidRow(column(width=3,
  41. sliderInput(
  42. "Edad",
  43. h3("Age (years)"),
  44. min = 19,
  45. max = 72,
  46. value = 20
  47. )),
  49. column(width=3,
  50. radioButtons(
  51. "Estado_civil_sexo",
  52. h3("Marital Status/Sex"),
  53. choices = list(
  54. "Male divorced/living apart" = "1",
  55. "Male Single" = "2",
  56. "Male married/widowed" = "3",
  57. "Female single" = "4"
  58. )
  59. )),
  61. column(width = 3,
  62. radioButtons(
  63. "Tiempo_empleo",
  64. h3("Employed"),
  65. choices = list(
  66. "Unemployed" = "1",
  67. "<= 1 year" = "2",
  68. "1-4 years" = "3",
  69. "4-7 years" = "4",
  70. ">=7 years" = "5"
  71. )
  72. )),
  74. column(width = 3,
  75. radioButtons(
  76. "Trabajo",
  77. h3("Occupation"),
  78. choices = list(
  79. "Unemployed/Unskilled/no residence" = "1",
  80. "Unskilled resident" = "2",
  81. "Skilled worker" = "3",
  82. "self-employed" = "4"
  83. )
  84. )
  85. )),
  87. fluidRow(column(width = 3,
  88. radioButtons(
  89. "Trabajador_extranjero",
  90. h3("Foreign worker"),
  91. choices = list("Yes" = "1",
  92. "No" = "2")
  93. )
  94. ),
  96. column(width = 3,
  97. radioButtons(
  98. "Dependientes",
  99. h3("Number of persons to maintenance"),
  100. choices = list("0 to 2" = "2",
  101. "3 and more" = "1")
  102. )),
  104. column(width = 3,
  105. radioButtons(
  106. "Propiedad",
  107. h3("Most valuable available assets"),
  108. choices = list(
  109. "Ownership of house or land " = "4",
  110. "Life insurance" = "3",
  111. "Car/other" = "2",
  112. "Nor availabre/No assets" = "1"
  113. )
  114. )),
  116. column(width = 3,
  117. radioButtons(
  118. "Alojamiento",
  119. h3("Type of apartment"),
  120. choices = list(
  121. "Rented falt" = "2",
  122. "Owner-occupied flat" = "3",
  123. "Free apartment" = "1"
  124. )
  125. )
  126. )),
  128. fluidRow(column(width = 3,
  129. radioButtons(
  130. "Tiempo_residencia",
  131. h3("Living in current household for"),
  132. choices = list(
  133. "< 1 year" = "1",
  134. "1-4 years" = "2",
  135. "4-7 years" = "3",
  136. ">=7 years" = "4"
  137. )
  138. )),
  140. column(width = 3,
  141. radioButtons(
  142. "Tasa",
  143. h3("Instalment in % of available income"),
  144. choices = list(
  145. "<20" = "4",
  146. "20-25" = "3",
  147. "25-35" = "2",
  148. ">=35" = "1"
  149. )
  150. )),
  152. column(width = 3,
  153. radioButtons(
  154. "Telefono",
  155. h3("Telephone"),
  156. choices = list("Yes" = "2",
  157. "No" = "1")
  158. )),
  160. column(width = 3,
  161. radioButtons(
  162. "Estado_cuenta",
  163. h3("Balance of current account"),
  164. choices = list(
  165. "No balance or debit" = "2",
  166. "0- 200 DM" = "3",
  167. ">=200" = "4",
  168. "No running account" = "1"
  169. )
  170. )
  171. )),
  173. fluidRow(column(width = 3,
  174. sliderInput(
  175. "Duracion_credito",
  176. h3("Duration credit in months"),
  177. min = 4,
  178. max = 72,
  179. value = 5
  180. )
  181. ),
  183. column(width = 3,
  184. radioButtons(
  185. "Historial_crediticio",
  186. h3("Payment of previous credits"),
  187. choices = list(
  188. "No credits/all paid" = "2",
  189. "Paid back previous credits at bank" = "4",
  190. "No problems with current credits at bank" = "3",
  191. "Hesitant payment of previous credits" = "0",
  192. "problematic running account" = "1"
  193. )
  194. )
  195. ),
  197. column(width = 3,
  198. radioButtons(
  199. "N_creditos",
  200. h3("Number of previous credits at this bank"),
  201. choices = list(
  202. "One" = "1",
  203. "two or three" = "2",
  204. "four or five" = "3",
  205. "Six or more" = "4"
  206. )
  207. )),
  208. column(width = 3,
  209. radioButtons(
  210. "Proposito",
  211. h3("Purpose"),
  212. choices = list(
  213. "New car" = "1",
  214. "Used car" = "2",
  215. "items of furiture" = "3",
  216. "Radio/TV" = "4",
  217. "Household appliances" = "5",
  218. "Education" = "6",
  219. "Vacation" = "8",
  220. "Retraining" = "9",
  221. "Business" = "10",
  222. "Other" = "0"
  223. )
  224. )
  225. )),
  227. fluidRow(column(width = 3,
  228. sliderInput(
  229. "Monto_credito",
  230. h3("Amount of credit"),
  231. min = 338,
  232. max = 18424,
  233. value = 270
  234. )
  235. ),
  237. column(width = 3,
  238. radioButtons(
  239. "Cuenta_ahorros",
  240. h3("Value of savings or stocks"),
  241. choices = list(
  242. "<100 EUR" = "2",
  243. "100-499 EUR" = "3",
  244. "500-999 EUR" = "4",
  245. ">=1000 EUR" = "5",
  246. "not available" = "1"
  247. )
  248. )),
  250. column(width = 3,
  251. radioButtons(
  252. "Deudor",
  253. h3("Further debtors/Guarantors"),
  254. choices = list(
  255. "None" = "1",
  256. "Co applicant" = "2",
  257. "Guarantor" = "3"
  258. )
  259. )),
  260. column(width = 3,
  261. radioButtons(
  262. "Planes_pago",
  263. h3("Further running credits"),
  264. choices = list(
  265. "At other banks" = "1",
  266. "At department store or mail order house" = "2",
  267. "No futher running credits" = "3"
  268. )
  269. ))
  270. )
  271. ),
  272. tabPanel(h4(tags$label("Data")),
  273. tableOutput("head")
  274. ),
  275. tabPanel(
  276. h4(tags$label("Decision Tree")),
  277. tags$div(style="height:200px; padding-left:40%;",
  278. imageOutput("image1", height = 150)
  279. ),
  280. tags$h4(align="center",
  281. tableOutput("result_a")
  282. ),
  283. plotOutput("result_2")
  284. ),
  285. tabPanel(
  286. h4(tags$label("Neural network")),
  287. tags$div(style="height:200px; padding-left:40%;",
  288. imageOutput("image2", height = 150)
  289. ),
  290. tags$h4(align="center",
  291. tableOutput("result_B")
  292. ),
  293. plotOutput("result_4")
  294. )
  296. )
  297. ))
  298. )
  299. )
  301. # all the libraries you need for your machine learning models and plots
  302. library(rpart) # Popular decision tree algorithm
  303. library(rpart.plot) # Enhanced tree plots
  304. library(nnet)
  305. library(neuralnet)
  306. library(png) # For writePNG function
  308. load("D:/emely/Desktop/TFM/dataModelo.Rdata", envir = environment())
  311. # begining of your server component
  312. server <- function(input, output, session) {
  313. data.test <- function() {
  314. return(
  315. data.frame(
  316. "Estado_cuenta" = as.numeric(input$Estado_cuenta),
  317. "Duracion_credito" = input$Duracion_credito,
  318. "Historial_crediticio" = as.numeric(input$Historial_crediticio),
  319. "Proposito" = as.numeric(input$Proposito),
  320. "Monto_credito" = input$Monto_credito,
  321. "Cuenta_ahorros" = as.numeric(input$Cuenta_ahorros),
  322. "Tiempo_empleo" = as.numeric(input$Tiempo_empleo),
  323. "Tasa" = as.numeric(input$Tasa),
  324. "Estado_civil_sexo" = as.numeric(input$Estado_civil_sexo),
  325. "Deudor" = as.numeric(input$Deudor),
  326. "Tiempo_residencia" = as.numeric(input$Tiempo_residencia),
  327. "Propiedad" = as.numeric(input$Propiedad),
  328. "Edad" = input$Edad,
  329. "Planes_pago" = as.numeric(input$Planes_pago),
  330. "Alojamiento" = as.numeric(input$Alojamiento),
  331. "N_creditos" = as.numeric(input$N_creditos),
  332. "Trabajo" = as.numeric(input$Trabajo),
  333. "Dependientes" = as.numeric(input$Dependientes),
  334. "Telefono" = as.numeric(input$Telefono),
  335. "Trabajador_extranjero" = as.numeric(input$Trabajador_extranjero),
  336. row.names = "Value"
  337. )
  338. )
  339. }
  341. observe({
  342. # this is how you fetch the input variable=ratio from ui component
  343. r <- input$ratio
  344. size <- input$size
  345. decay <- input$decay
  346. # construct your train and test set for machine learning models
  347. ind <- sample(2, nrow(data), replace = TRUE, prob = c(r, 1 - r))
  348. trainset = data[ind == 1, ]
  349. testset = data.test()
  351. # decision tree action button
  352. observeEvent(input$rpart, {
  353. ml_rpart <- rpart(trainset$clase ~ ., method = 'class', data = trainset)
  354. model_pred <- predict(ml_rpart, testset, type = "class")
  355. output$result <- renderPrint(model_pred)
  357. output$result_a<-renderPrint({
  358. if (model_pred == "F") {
  360. }
  361. else if (model_pred == "NF") {
  362. show("VALID TRANSACTION")
  363. }
  364. })
  367. output$image1 <- renderImage({
  368. if (model_pred == "F") {
  369. return(list(
  370. src = "images/F.png",
  371. contentType = "image/png",
  372. alt = "F"
  373. ))
  374. } else if (model_pred == "NF") {
  375. return(list(
  376. src = "images/NF.png",
  377. filetype = "image/png",
  378. alt = "NF"
  379. ))
  380. }
  382. }, deleteFile = FALSE)
  384. output$result_2 <- renderPlot(rpart.plot(ml_rpart, cex = 0.8))
  385. })
  386. # neural network action button
  387. observeEvent(input$Neuralnet, {
  388. fit <- nnet(
  389. clase ~ .,
  390. size = size,
  391. decay = decay,
  392. trace = F,
  393. data = trainset
  394. )
  396. ann <-
  397. neuralnet(
  398. as.numeric(clase) ~ Estado_cuenta + Duracion_credito + Historial_crediticio +
  399. Proposito +
  400. Monto_credito + Cuenta_ahorros + Tiempo_empleo + Tasa + Estado_civil_sexo +
  401. Deudor + Tiempo_residencia + Propiedad + Edad + Planes_pago + Alojamiento +
  402. N_creditos + Trabajo + Dependientes + Telefono + Trabajador_extranjero ,
  403. data = trainset,
  404. hidden = 1,
  405. linear.output = FALSE,
  406. threshold = 0.01,
  407. rep = 1
  408. )
  409. pred <- predict(fit, testset, type = "class")
  410. output$result_3 <- renderPrint(pred)
  412. output$result_B<-renderPrint({
  413. if (pred == "F") {
  415. }
  416. else if (pred == "NF") {
  417. show("VALID TRANSACTION")
  418. }
  419. })
  422. output$image2 <- renderImage({
  423. if (pred == "F") {
  424. return(list(
  425. src = "images/F.png",
  426. contentType = "image/png",
  427. alt = "F"
  428. ))
  429. } else if (pred == "NF") {
  430. return(list(
  431. src = "images/NF.png",
  432. filetype = "image/png",
  433. alt = "NF"
  434. ))
  435. }
  437. }, deleteFile = FALSE)
  439. output$result_4 <-renderPlot(plot(ann, rep = "best", cex = 0.9))
  440. })
  442. #print dataframe's sample head
  443. output$head <- renderTable({
  444. t(data.test())}, hover = TRUE, striped = TRUE, bordered = TRUE,
  445. spacing = c("s"),
  446. align = "c", rownames = TRUE, colnames = TRUE
  447. )
  448. })
  451. }
  455. shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) # you call shiny all like this
  457. # free server
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