
Rain Tells Her Love Story

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. [23:46] <06Rain> "Once not too long ago a certain mint pony and a purple pony where friends, lovers even, then when they were searching for a friend who was wanting to help their town, she was caught by a cave troll, the purple pony hadn't earned her wings yet. So she was forced, forced to watch as the one she had come to know and love was taken from her and fell. Fell and fell tumbling into darkness, though she held hope and the fact that their town had come to help find that mint pony had helped they found her."
  3. [23:48] <Rain> "They found her, but she was changed from the normal pony from before, those who had 'spared' her had to change her to save her, and they tormented her for days in their realm while the purple one tried to get as much help as she could to save the mint one. Yet things were not happily ever after when she returned. Thanks to a misunderstanding between the two, the purple one broke faith with the mint one some time after the events which stole her away, this drove the mint one to come to despise the purple one. The purple one tried, oh lordy did she try to make amends...but it was all for naught."
  5. [23:49] <Rain> "Eventually, after coming to an uneasy conclusion with each other to at least continue to be friends if not lovers no more things seemed at peace, yet one day, one day when the purple one was gone from their home the Mint left. Left and never returned, so the purple one searched... and searched until she was so tired she couldn't search no more."
  7. [23:49] <Rain> "However."
  9. [23:51] <Rain> "There was another pony, one that had stayed with her, for so long. Ever since they had first met in fact. This green pony, he stuck with her through thick and through thin, took care of her when she was hurt, hugged her when she was upset, and she did the same for him, even going to the point both called each other siblings from how close they had grown even though they were but strangers from different places."
  11. [23:51] <GMC> The ghost is facing Rain
  13. [23:53] <Rain> "And when the Mint left...the Green one helped search for her with the Purple one, searched and searched and each night would hold the Purple one while she cried wondering why and what she had done wrong. Eventually the Purple one realized something...though the Mint one had left, the Green one had stayed, cared for and even respected the Purple one. Over time the two grew closer from the bonds forged in friendship from before, and this event the sundering of the Purple and Mint, lead to the Green and Purple falling together in love."
  15. [23:54] * Rain rubs at her belly in thought. "So far, well so far they are both rather damn pleased with themselves if I do say so myself. So I guess I might have failed and succeded at your request miss, gave you a story of love failing then succeding...."
  17. [23:55] * Rain grits her teeth before she points a hoof at the mare, "But don't you think I won't go without a damn fight, I have someone waiting for me back home damn it!"
  19. [23:56] <GMC> "Green and purple...Green and purple, that reminds me... reminds me of a song" The ghost murmurs, but drops those thoughts and floats to be in front of Twinkle now. "Your friend's love is true. She didn't give up on it even after losing so much... what do you have to offer to love?"
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