
Soraka x Vayne

Apr 3rd, 2016
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  1. Soraka sensed that the dark lady was feeling a bit down and under her luck. She always looked tired and stressed out, and her serious demeanor never seemed to change. Whenever Soraka was near the stirn woman it always felt a bit awkward as even though she fought on the side of good, there was still a dark vibe coming from her. The starchild knew she had to do something to make the lady open up and smile again, because this cycle of revenge and hatred of evil would eventually drive her into madness. The two were about to go into lane before a game, and Vayne was silent as ever and it felt like she was looking down on the other four girls in the team. She had nothing to say, but the expression lit up as if she were the enemey we all had to face.
  3. Soraka had a trick though, she had stolen one of Ashes arrows from another game she played with and had used her magic to enhance it. Of course this would go unoticed for a while as it never appeared in her inventory slot. It was the standard lane of Vayne cursing out everyone and giving them the idea that they were all worthless and weak, monsters of evil who she could kill without any mercy. The dark persona was not one Soraka liked to be around, but she bared with it until she bought a few more items. Coming back into lane with an item that made no sense on Soraka, she held a recursive bow in her hand and an arrow she had. She had pointed it straight at Vayne and said "I hope this works". Before Vayne could tumble out of it or glare her down, the arrow was shot and it hit her straight in the chest, but it phased right through her as it was a magical arrow. The magic within the arrow flew throughout her body and caused her to change.
  5. Her allys and the enemy dropped their weapons to watch what was about to happen as it was never seen by anyone before. Vayne was speechless and everyone was about to jump on Soraka for hurting her, but Soraka had done no such thing. She shot an arrow that was suppose to release repressed emotion and replace darkness with light and love. Its just that the love she put into the magic may of been a little bit potent.
  7. Vayne's skin started to appear softer and any bruises and cuts on her body disappeared quickly. If it was touched it would feel as if she was dipped in oil and lotion, and had just been dried up. Her skin was already a fair tone, but it paled out to be even lighter than before. Her hair started to crumble away too, but as it fell apart it started to spike up and change. Vayne now had short spiky hair that looked as silky and shiny as latex did. Even though the style was short it looked a lot more feminine than it did once before.
  9. Still in her dark outfit, giving off an expression of confusion of whats happening. A mixture of confusion and rage fueled her up but the arrow stunned her enough to where she couldn't do anything, not even speak out towards her support which shot her in. Vaynes breasts started to increase in size, but her body followed through in proportion as well. Her hips got wider as her thighs got thicker, and her whole body started to be able to be comparable to someone like Sona or Ahri. Any muscle tone that she had was loss and turned into feminine fat which added to her more curvy and voluptuous body.
  11. The outfit started to wrap its way elsewhere too, it changed colors from black and gray to white and red and started to change around her to feel the love theme. Unlike the heartseeker outfit which is the pretty clear transformation this is going for, the outfit made sue to show off her body a bit more, revealing her crotch, ass, bellybutton, and breasts. Exposing them for everyone to see! Her legs were wrapped up in pink and red stockings, and she wore tall white platform heels that increased her size even further. She wore a choker around her neck that locked on her as well.
  13. There was much to b done though as the magic swirled around her and started changing the shape of her body. Her nipples looked like they were hearts tattoo'd onto her body with the same color as her nipple. As the magic hit the sensitive parts of her body, it increased the length of them to be at least the size of a pinky finger when cold. Not enough to penetrate, but enough to suck off on. As they grew in sized, a bit of milk leaked out, and unkowing to the two girls when it was swallowed it would have a sweet taste that acts as an aphrodisiac to even the most asexual of beings. Heart tattoos appeared on each of her cheeks and would role down the side of her thighs and arms similiar to how Jinx's tatoo patterns were.
  15. The dark marksman looked a lot like a very sexual cupid now, but more changes were done for sue. Her eyes started to change from a dark black, to being a light purple with pink inside of them giving them an oddly shaped color. Her lips puffed out and were colored in red. The texture on her lips looked like it was paint ontop of latex. The whole transformation of Vaynes make-up made her look really slutty as it overdid it everywhere it could. It was not make-up though, but rather more tattoos that would trick others into thinking it was cosmetics.
  17. At Vaynes crotch, any hair and dirt were cleared off and the filth from her body was purged out. As vaynes body cleared itself out the poor adc would not be able to do anything but look in horror as her body cleared itself. As the filth emptied out of her body, it was clean as can be. Her asshole puffed out more as she shit out her bowels, but from anyone viewing (which was all nine players at this point), they would see she was clean as can be, but her ass was not the prize of the bottom part. Her crotch started to form into a new form, it started to stretch outwards. Her vagina erupted outwards and started taking the shape of a cock, as well as a pair of balls that were easily the size of her fist. The limp dick pushed itself out about 19 inches downwards and as it transformed out cum leaked from it. The cum had a pinkish tinit to it and it smelled nice rather than bitter.
  19. Vaynes mind was warped at this point, arroual and hornyness filled the air as she wanted to do nothing but lust after anything or be lusted at. Her mind went from that of someone who wanted to fight evil and monsters, to that of a common bimbo who likes to show off a bit. Her arrows that she shot out would no longer have the silver touch as she had wanted, but they would be enchanted with the same magic that Soraka had shot her with.
  21. "Whoops" said Soraka.
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