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Titanic Script

a guest
Apr 9th, 2012
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  3. Cast One
  4. Jack- Identify
  5. Rose- Muff
  6. Cal- Simzs
  7. Frances- Graceful
  8. Fabrizo- Missions
  9. Captain- Chazman
  10. Old Rose- Specific
  13. Cast Two
  14. Jack- Industrial
  15. Rose- Magnificince
  16. Fabrizo- SoulHeart
  17. Cal-Jahidj
  18. Frances- Awkwardness
  19. Captain- nicholas4488
  20. Old Rose- kat-tay
  22. -------------------------
  23. ACT ONE
  24. -------------------------
  25. (Old Rose walks out into the darkness)
  26. Old Rose: My Name is Rose Dawson.
  27. Old Rose: And this is the story of the Titanic.
  28. (Old Rose walks behind curtain 8. Curtain 4 Opens, Jack and Fabrizo enter)
  29. Jack: I can't believe we got on!
  30. Fabrizo: I know, I know! Jack we're going to America!
  31. Jack: Me and you, Fabrizo, we're going to American Citizens!
  32. Fabrizo: Where do we go now?
  33. Jack: I think this one is our room!
  34. (They both enter the second teleporter and end up in stage 6)
  35. Jack: Well.. This is nice..
  36. Fabrizo: Can't complain, we're on the most famous ship in the world!
  37. Jack: The biggest!
  38. Fabrizo: The unsinkable!
  39. Jack + Fabrizo: THE TITANIC!
  40. (Curtains 6 close, Rose and Frances enter stage 4)
  41. Frances: Come on now Rose, we're meeting some guests in the banquet hall.
  42. Rose: But mother, I'd rather just go to my room!
  43. Frances: No come along Rose, you will be meeting a very special gentleman.
  44. Rose: But mother...
  45. Frances: Now!
  46. (Curtain five opens, they walk onstage. Captain is sat at the table)
  47. Captain: Frances, welcome! And this must be your daugthter, Rose.
  48. Rose: Hello...
  49. Frances: Good day, Captain.
  50. Captain: Please, take a seat.
  51. (They sit down)
  52. Frances: This is a lovely ship.
  53. Rose: Yes, I heard my room is nice.
  54. Frances: Rose!
  55. Captain: Thank you, designed it myself, you know!
  56. Frances: Oh Rose, there is someone I would like you to meet.
  57. Rose: Fantastic..
  58. (Cal walks in and takes a seat beside Rose)
  59. Frances: Rose, this is Cal.
  60. Cal: Delightful to meet you.
  61. Rose: Mhm you too..
  62. Frances: He is a man of great wealth.
  63. Rose: And that's why you want me to marry him?
  64. Frances: Rose! What has gotten into you today?
  65. Rose: May I be excused.
  66. (She gets up and leaves the scene)
  67. Cal: I shall escourt her to her room.
  68. (He follows her)
  69. Captain: Well, they're young!
  70. (Curtain five closes, Curtain three opens with Rose sat in her room)
  71. (Cal enters shortly after)
  72. Rose: What are you doing in my room?
  73. Cal: I wanted to make sure you got back safely.
  74. Rose: I am quite capable of keeping myself safe, thank you.
  75. Cal: Obviously, you are a mature woman.
  76. Cal: Here, I have something for you.
  77. Rose: No thanks, I don't accept gifts from men I've only just met.
  78. Cal: Oh, but you must.
  79. (Cal puts the necklace on her)
  80. Rose: It's.. It's beautiful..
  81. Cal: The Heart of the Sea. The most valuable jewell known to man.
  82. Rose: I.. I have to go..
  83. (Rose runs off, curtain 3 closes)
  84. (Curtain 1 opens, Rose runs on)
  85. Rose: How can I be forced to marry a man I don't want to?
  86. Rose: Why should I be brought up in this family?
  87. Rose: Why don't I just end it all now..
  88. (She steps up onto the bar)
  89. Rose: One step, thats all it takes.
  90. (Jack walks on)
  91. Jack: You okay up there?
  92. Rose: Stand back! I need to do this!
  93. Jack: Okay, I wont stop you.. Your choice.
  94. Rose: Good. I shall fall to my death.
  95. Jack: Well okay, but it's not the fall that will kill you.
  96. Rose: What do you mean?
  97. Jack: The fall will hurt, but its the water that will kill you. It's very cold.
  98. Rose: How cold?
  99. Jack: Just above freezing. You will be there for a while just slowly freezing to death.
  100. Rose: Well.. Well..
  101. Rose: Well that's what I have to do! I have to go through with this!
  102. (Jack steps forwards)
  103. Rose: STAY BACK! I'll jump!
  104. Jack: I don't think you will.
  105. Rose: How dare you say that to someone who is on the edge of death!
  106. Jack: Well if you were going to do it, you would've by now.
  107. Jack: I think you're just waiting for someone to stop you.
  108. Rose: I.. I..
  109. Jack: Any really, if you jump off, I will just have to jump in after you.
  110. Rose: Are you crazy?
  111. Jack: I'm crazy if you are.
  112. Rose: I am not crazy!
  113. Jack: Excuse me, but you are standing on a railing on the end of a ship.
  114. Rose: I..
  115. Jack: Just get down.
  116. Rose: What for? What have I got to live for!?
  117. Jack: Well I don't know, but I can show you what's worth living for.
  118. Rose: What's that?
  119. Jack: Get down, and I'll show you.
  120. (Rose steps off the railing)
  121. Jack: Follow me.
  122. (Curtain 1 closes, curtain 6 opens to a room full of people dancing)
  123. (Jack and Rose enter)
  124. Fabrizo: Ah, Jack! You've brought a lady friend!
  125. Jack: Yes, this is... erm...
  126. Rose: I'm Rose.
  127. Fabrizo: Jack, you do go for the pretty ones!
  128. Rose: Ah, thank you, sir.
  129. Fabrizo: Maybe we can go off to our own private party..
  130. Jack: That's enough, Fabrizo. Rose, would you like to dance?
  131. Rose: I'm not sure how to!
  132. Jack: Just click 'Me' then 'Dance' and choose which dance you would like to do ;)
  133. Rose: Oh, okay.
  134. (They dance together)
  135. (Cal enters and see's them dancing together, then walks off)
  136. Rose: Well, I've had a lovely night, but I must go now.
  137. Jack: Will we meet again?
  138. Rose: I'll make sure of it.
  139. (Rose exits the scene)
  140. Fabrizo: Jacks gunna get lucky!
  141. (Curtain 6 closes)
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