

Nov 11th, 2017
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  2. HazelMay:
  3. HazelMay: SWTICH BLaDE
  4. ISwitchbladeI: ats just a blade
  5. ISwitchbladeI: Thats*
  6. HazelMay: z
  7. HazelMay: im trying my best T-T
  8. HazelMay:
  9. HazelMay: this one
  10. ISwitchbladeI: Google switchblade.
  11. HazelMay: look at the one i just sent you
  12. HazelMay: its a three part badge
  13. HazelMay: of a switch blade
  14. ISwitchbladeI: Thats a knife
  15. HazelMay: fml
  16. ISwitchbladeI: A switchblade is spring loaded.
  17. ISwitchbladeI: GOOGLE ; ~ ;
  19. ISwitchbladeI: IK
  20. ISwitchbladeI: TY
  21. EIIyana: What the hell is your problem?
  22. HazelMay: excuse me?
  23. EIIyana: Your problem. What is it?
  24. HazelMay: dont have one
  25. EIIyana: Quite clearly you do, Hazel.
  26. EIIyana: But do not call my daughter a bitch. Do not make sly comments about you being a 'whore' or whatnot.
  27. EIIyana: Today is Aiden's birthday.
  28. EIIyana: If you didn't want to attend his party, then don't enter the chat.
  29. HazelMay: freedom of speech
  30. EIIyana: Freedom of speech?
  31. EIIyana: No. It's just plain fucking rude.
  32. HazelMay: so is telling my husband hes married to a man
  33. ParaIIel: ??
  34. EIIyana: Oh we're back to this, are we?
  35. ParaIIel: Huh?
  36. EIIyana: Hazel, you cheated.
  37. EIIyana: End of fucking story.
  38. EIIyana: I said I'd tell him you were a man.
  39. EIIyana: So I did.
  40. HazelMay: which IS NOT EVEN FUCKING TRUE
  41. EIIyana: Really?
  42. EIIyana: Why get so defensive?
  43. HazelMay: cause im sick to fucking death of that god damn fucking rumour and lie
  44. EIIyana: Yeah and we're sick to death of the drama that happens, which happens to involve you, each and every time. But, don't you dare go for my daughter and don't you dare make such sly comments on Aiden's birthday.
  45. EIIyana: If you didn't want to attend the party, don't turn up to the room, starting drama.
  46. HazelMay: well your daughter should have kept her mouth shut
  47. EIIyana: As should have you.
  48. EIIyana: 'Freedom of speech' does not fucking cut it.
  49. HazelMay: k.
  50. EIIyana: Yeah, that's what I thought, Hazel.
  51. HazelMay: k.
  52. EIIyana: Hopefully you'll learn to keep that mouth of yours shut in the future, because nobody, and I mean nobody, insults my family.
  53. HazelMay: you see i dont have to keep my mouth shut
  54. HazelMay: cause one im older than you
  55. HazelMay: your 17
  56. EIIyana: And?
  57. HazelMay: im 23
  58. EIIyana: What has age got to do with this?
  59. HazelMay: your not my boss
  60. EIIyana: You act younger than us all, Hazel.
  61. HazelMay: you cant tell me jack shit to do
  62. HazelMay: i suggest you leave my house
  63. EIIyana: Honey, I will, once I've got it into your head that you don't come at my family.
  64. HazelMay: fine have it your way boo
  65. EIIyana: I will. :))) xxxx
  66. ParaIIel: z
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