

Nov 4th, 2014
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  1. ---[X] 7 Dumbledore mentioned meeting with those Voldemort is likely to be able to call upon; Fudge refused, but I could do it myself. Remember to research what groups are being oppressed and how to get them on my side instead of Voldemort's.: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  2. [X] 7 Euphrasia has made it quite clear that what she wants in me is self-assuredness. As such, I should figure out what I want and what I am willing to do to get it. Get comfortable and meditate, or at least think deeply.: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  3. [X] 7 Finish cleaning up, then get dressed and leave to face your day. Just keep in mind to do better next time. I.E. if it looks like she likes it, don't talk and keep going.: (macdjord, Silver W. King, Oni, steamrick, Mystletainn, fitzgerald, nahbutualright)
  4. -[X] 5 Go meet with Hermione and Ron, per what you told them earlier.: (macdjord, steamrick, Mystletainn, fitzgerald, nahbutualright)
  5. --[X] 7 I don't want to kill, but my offensive capabilities aren't particularly great. What skills, techniques, spells, and items could I make use of to ensure I can disable enemies effectively without killing them?: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  6. -[X] 7 I want to explore Euphrasia's body and maybe, MAYBE have sex with her. *Blushes* However, this is contingent on her being willing and interested, herself.: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  7. -[X] 7 I want to live freely. Surviving the government, the Dursleys, Voldemort, and anyone else that wants to control me or bring me harm is exceptionally important.: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  8. ---[X] 7 I will need to talk with Fleur to figure out her emotional state and learn what happened. On second thought, it might be better to get somebody ELSE to ask her for me who is better at dealing with people, especially traumatized women.: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  9. --[X] 7 Mobility enhancement options would be very useful, too. A broom is wonderful, but surely there are spells that could improve upon effective mobility... and some of them might even be legal for quidditch!: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  10. -[X] 1 Remember to go visit Fleur, to check up on her. Also, if you can, and she can talk about it, learn what happened to her.: (Silver W. King)
  11. -[X] 1 Remember to go visit, and check up on Fleur.: (Oni)
  12. --[X] 7 Remember to look into what defensive magics I can, whether it be cast by myself, cast from friends, or hired.: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
  13. --[X] 7 There are some very valuable allies that can be gathered or useful people that can be pointed at threats. I've done well pointing Fudge at Wormtail and, hopefully, Voldemort. Euphrasia is a likely ally and we need to work out how to fight together. Plenty of people at Hogwarts would be worth allying with, both those that regularly attend and visitors for the year.: (Navrin, TheOtherSandman, DeviantD, Vanathor, Bobs Beard, rcnr, megrisvernin)
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