
A different way to help

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. >"You'll do."
  2. >The voice drags you out of your sorrows
  3. >In front of you is Anon. The strange creature that came to ponyville a few months ago
  4. >He frequents the park with some of the other ponies in town
  5. >Though before today he has never taken an interest in you
  6. >"C'mon I have a job for you. And grab your stuff this will take a while."
  7. >He drops a handfull of bits into the old hat sitting by your box
  8. >A glance tells you that it is far more than 20 bits
  9. >Quickly you snatch it up and transfer them to your empty purse which you toss in your well worn saddle bag
  10. >Silently you leave your box and follow the creature through the town
  11. >Luckily no one seems to recognize you though your dirty mane and fur get some looks
  12. >Finally you arrive at what appears to be an oversized house in the fields outside of town
  13. >Anon leads you inside
  14. >"Leave your stuff over there." He points at a door "That is the bathroom. Go shower and clean yourself up. There is a toothbrush on the counter for you. I will give you the details when you are done."
  15. >You nearly throw off your saddlebags in your haste
  16. >A hot shower is something you will never pass up
  17. >About an hour later you leave the bathroom in a cloud of steam
  18. >Your mane and fur now shine with a gloss that only seems to accentuate your lack of a cutie mark
  19. >Anon sets down the book he was reading an motions you to the chair across from him
  20. >"I brought you here to make you an offer. No matter how you answer you may keep the bits I gave you earlier."
  21. >Getting up he walks over to a shelf and pulls out a scroll
  22. >Setting it on the coffee table between you he gives you a hard look
  23. >"You see certain ponies have decided that I am not fit to be a member of Equestrian society. So they have convinced the Equestrian senate to enact certain...bills that inhibit business owners who are not equestrian citizens from doing business in Equestria."
  24. >You stare at him with a blank look
  25. >What does this have to do with you
  26. "Now this causes me some significant problems. You see I have a series of factories that will be shut down when these bills pass. Oh and believe me they will most likely pass."
  27. >He gets up and starts pacing back and forth as he says this
  28. >You can sense the stress coming off him
  29. >"Now, while I cant stop the bill from being enacted. I can appeal it after it is. However that will still shut my factories down for months or even years costing my hold on the marke-"
  30. "What does this have to do with me?"
  31. >You spout in frustration
  32. >He stops pacing and turns to you
  33. >"I was getting there. Now there is one loophole to this. I have to become an Equestrian Citizen and the fastest way to do that...would be to marry a pony."
  34. >He...he surely wouldn't be considering.
  35. >"I want to offer you the position."
  36. >Your jaw drops.
  37. >Did he just propose to you?
  38. "Did you just propose to me?"
  39. >A lop sided grin splits his face
  40. >"Well in a sense. Yes, I just did."
  41. >This makes no sense. Well it makes little sense.
  42. "Why?"
  43. >"I just told you why."
  44. "No- I mean...WHY ME?"
  45. >The last part comes out with a little more force than you intended
  46. >It causes him to shrink back from you for a second
  47. >"Well..." he stops and considers it
  48. >"For starters most mares arn't into giant monkeys from another dimension even if they are loaded. Of those who are...well lets say they are not all there."
  49. "That cant be it. You could find a respectable mare anywhere that would put up with..that for money."
  50. >You should know since you are one
  51. >"Well I also wanted one who I could be blunt with and would understand the the marriage is one of business not pleasure."
  52. >You stare at him. Giving him the look of "Don't fuck with me" that you give the stallions who try to jip you
  53. >"And...I wanted a mare who would appreciate the full extent of what I am offering."
  54. "And just what ARE you offering."
  55. >He reaches into a briefcase you didnt notice and pulls out a stack of papers.
  56. >"These are prenuptial agreements and general forms that explain in full detail what is involved."
  57. >He slides them over to you
  58. >"The gist of it is that you will marry me and have all the rights and privileges save for a few things."
  59. "Such as?"
  60. >"That you forfeit any rights to property and money if you leave me. That you only have physical relations with me or ponies I approve. That you never speak of this deal or that you were a prostitute without my permission. Mostly stuff for trying to stop you if you tried to fuck me over with this."
  61. >None of that sounds too bad
  62. >"Oh and you have to change your name."
  63. "What?"
  64. >"Well it links you to your past and...Afternoon Delight is a pretty racy name."
  65. >That makes sense though you are not all that pleased with it.
  66. "So I have to give up my body, my memories, and even my name...in return for living in luxury."
  67. >He frowns at you
  68. >"Well when you put it that way it sounds really bad. I mea-"
  69. "Ill do it."
  70. >"But you just said"
  71. "I already give up my body. I learned to live with that. Maybe I can learn to live with the rest as well."
  72. >He nods solemnly
  73. "I just have one question.
  74. >"And that is?"
  75. "Is there any chance of making this a REAL marriage instead of one just for show?"
  76. >He smiles at you
  77. "Lets talk about it over lunch."
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