

Mar 24th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 Appearance: <a class="bbc_link" href=";s=view&amp;id=1932412" target="_blank">;s=view&amp;id=1932412</a>: (Jiven)
  2. -[X] 7 But for all that you want to rule you know that it would be a mistake to fully expose yourself... Create a creature, large strong and fierce designed to evoke the fearsome visage of a Dragon yet more alien in nature and wearing a long cloak of pale humanlike skin with multiple eyes staring out from it, which you can puppet from inside of its body to see and hear from within it. Upon this creature you will bestow every unconflicting biomorph which you can. Let it rise from the sand before the people, as your rats surround their settlement visibly... and the new biomorphs (Proposed) flank you.: (hunter09, a2znut, mc2rpg, Xicree, WyldCard4, CrawlingChaos74, Eler0)
  3. --[X] 7 Call out their leader and allow them to know that you are there not to make war with them... but instead to offer them a deal. To parley with them for their best and their brightest, to have their people come to call themselves your own... and in return... You reveal a small cornucopia of biomass transformed into edibles for the people who's food by now would have grown quite scares... they will feast and command the very beasts which had up till now brought them low.: (hunter09, a2znut, mc2rpg, Xicree, WyldCard4, CrawlingChaos74, Eler0)
  4. -[X] 6 However, at you hands they have suffered, and have lost their lively-hoods.  In recognition of their plight, your role in their misfortunes, and out of respect for their valor, you will act as their patron goddess.: (Jiven, Silversun17, BFldyq, Darik29, Carrnage, Winged One)
  5. -[X] 1 In fact, this isn't even your real body.  Your real body is underground, safely enclosed in a cocoon of biomass, while tendril extend from your cocoon up to the surface, where they're hidden by the use of the Hyper-Camouflage, causing them to appear to be part of the ground.  These allows you to pull of your "miraculous" feats, and control your puppet body.: (BFldyq)
  6. [X] 1 Let them seek you.: (Mu-Sensei)
  7. --[X] 1 Let us grant the humans minor boosts to their capabilities. These that vow to honor us, we will give the dexterity and skills of a cat and the senses that come with that. Appearance changes are also possible if desired. You will be their savior in the darkest hour.: (Heaven Canceler)
  8. [X] 1 Make them, and make them eat the rats somein the view of the tribe. Make plants that gather deep water with rapid reproduction, and raise an oasis, making a tower of interwined living trees for you to live.: (Mu-Sensei)
  9. [X] 1 Name: Rosanna Cateye: (Heaven Canceler)
  10. [X] 1 Name: Wonder: (Jiven)
  11. -[X] 7 Name: Wonder: (hunter09, a2znut, mc2rpg, Xicree, WyldCard4, CrawlingChaos74, Eler0)
  12. [X] 1 Picture : <img alt="" class="bbc_img resized" height="600" src="" width="436"/>: (Heaven Canceler)
  13. [X] 7 Plan Xicree: (hunter09, a2znut, mc2rpg, Xicree, WyldCard4, CrawlingChaos74, Eler0)
  14. [X] 1 Present yourself as a goddess of earth and life, in the form of a beautiful tanned woman with leaf green hair, and glowing golden eyes, and the Coatly as your sacred symbol. Its a puppet shell you control from deeper, a mere avatar, but they don't need to know that. Offer them protection and home at your place, in exchange for their loyalty and services. Bless the ones who prove exceptional valor and/or loyalty.: (Mu-Sensei)
  15. -[X] 1 Revealing yourself in your naked glory, you glide into the camp and begin to speak.  You weave a tale of woe, that you, a goddess of life, was suffering from horrific wounds inflicted upon you, and sealed inside a prison buried under the desert.  In your desperation, you unleashed your minions upon the desert plains, to return with everything they could find, as you could heal no other way.: (BFldyq)
  16. -[X] 5 Revealing yourself in your naked glory, you glide into the camp and begin to speak.  You weave a tale of woe, that you, a goddess, was suffering from horrific wounds.  In your desperation, you unleashed your minions upon the desert plains, to return with everything they could find, as you could heal no other way.: (Jiven, Silversun17, Darik29, Carrnage, Winged One)
  17. -[X] 6 With every touch from you, their wounds are healed, their bodies made healthy and nourished, the elderly young, and the infirm whole.  With every kiss, they are made strong, with their flesh like iron, skin that makes the wearer invisible and silent and loins that will spawn new tribe members with great ease and speed.: (Jiven, Silversun17, BFldyq, Darik29, Carrnage, Winged One)
  18. -[X] 6 With your every step, plants sprout from ground, bearing thick juicy fruits and vegetables to be plucked.  Holding out your hands, ribs of meat form on them, for the hungry villagers to cook and eat.: (Jiven, Silversun17, BFldyq, Darik29, Carrnage, Winged One)
  19. [X] 1 You have decided on how to deal with this Situation. You will take the form of a cat-lady, a born leader of Beauty and strength. Then you will form beasts that will serve you in the form of cats. You will give them hardened skin and camouflage, resistance to the attacks that the rats possess. They will be of various sizes, small and big, fast and dexterious or strong and bulky and all of them will work together to exterminate and devour your creation. You will appear as the savior to the warriors of this land, as the goddess of cats that came from the land beyond to defeat a dark evil which escaped from the depth of pandemonium. You will tell the leader and his men the story of how you followed the demon from the divine lands and got inside its base, how you fought and defeated it, forcing it to flee from you. Then you took over the home of the demonic creature, turning it into a fortress of good where you gathered your own power to destroy this vermin. This should explain to any humans why you came from the same place as many of the rats should they have noticed that similarity.: (Heaven Canceler)
  20. -[X] 6 You know you're not really a goddess, of course. That's just a shorthand to help the tribes understand your intent to help them in exchange for their service.: (Jiven, Silversun17, BFldyq, Darik29, Carrnage, Winged One)
  21. [X] 13 You want minions. It's conquering time. You will have to reveal yourself, of course, and create an identity as their leader. Shall you defeat them in battle as a Mistress of War, or do you enter as a mysterious ally willing to give gifts to those who earn your favor?: (Jiven, Silversun17, hunter09, a2znut, mc2rpg, Xicree, WyldCard4, BFldyq, Darik29, Carrnage, CrawlingChaos74, Winged One, Eler0)
  22. -[X] 1 appearance: <a class="bbc_link" href=";s=view&amp;id=1932412" target="_blank">;s=view&amp;id=1932412</a>: (Silversun17)
  23. [X] 1 name: wonder: (Silversun17)
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