Guest User

Translation blues atm

a guest
Apr 26th, 2018
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  1. BATM.Lang["$"] = "$"
  2. BATM.Lang["Select an account."] = "Select an account."
  3. BATM.Lang["Personal"] = "Personal"
  4. BATM.Lang["Account"] = "Account"
  5. BATM.Lang["My Group Account"] = "My Group Account"
  6. BATM.Lang["Other Group Accounts"] = "Other Group Accounts"
  7. BATM.Lang["Select a user to add."] = "Select a user to add."
  8. BATM.Lang["Previous"] = "Previous"
  9. BATM.Lang["Next"] = "Next"
  10. BATM.Lang["Deposit"] = "Deposit"
  11. BATM.Lang["Enter Amount"] = "Enter Amount"
  12. BATM.Lang["Deposit Complete"] = "Deposit Complete"
  13. BATM.Lang["Transfer Complete."] = "Transfer Complete."
  14. BATM.Lang["Withdrawal Complete."] = "Withdrawal Complete."
  15. BATM.Lang["Request failed, check chat."] = "Request failed, check chat."
  16. BATM.Lang["What would you like to do?"] = "What would you like to do?"
  17. BATM.Lang["History"] = "History"
  18. BATM.Lang["Withdraw"] = "Withdraw"
  19. BATM.Lang["Members"] = "Members"
  20. BATM.Lang["Press 'E' to access your account."] = "Press 'E' to access your account."
  21. BATM.Lang["Loading..."] = "Loading..."
  22. BATM.Lang["Kick User"] = "Kick User"
  23. BATM.Lang["Add User"] = "Add User"
  24. BATM.Lang["Transfer"] = "Transfer"
  25. BATM.Lang["Offline User"] = "Offline User"
  26. BATM.Lang["Transfer funds to"] = "Transfer funds to"
  27. BATM.Lang["Done"] = "Done"
  28. BATM.Lang["Enter Users"] = "Enter Users"
  29. BATM.Lang["SteamID64"] = "SteamID64"
  30. BATM.Lang["Enter SteamID64"] = "Enter SteamID64"
  31. BATM.Lang["% Interest"] = "% Interest"
  32. BATM.Lang["% interest! You will next get interest in 15 minutes!"] = "% interest! You will next get interest in 15 minutes!"
  33. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You just got "] = "[ATM] You just got "
  34. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Incorrect data..."] = "[ATM] Incorrect data..."
  35. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You are not a member of this group..."] = "[ATM] You are not a member of this group..."
  36. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You don't have that much money!"] = "[ATM] You don't have that much money!"
  37. BATM.Lang["Deposit from account owner"] = "Deposit from account owner"
  38. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You don't have permission to do this..."] = "[ATM] You don't have permission to do this..."
  39. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You're sending to many requests! Please wait..."] = "[ATM] You're sending to many requests! Please wait..."
  40. BATM.Lang["[ATM] That person does not have an account set up!"] = "[ATM] That person does not have an account set up!"
  41. BATM.Lang["[ATM] "] = "[ATM] "
  42. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Invalid player..."] = "[ATM] Invalid player..."
  43. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Oh no! Something went wrong, please try again!"] = "[ATM] Oh no! Something went wrong, please try again!"
  44. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Blue's atms have been saved for the map "] = "[ATM] Blue's atms have been saved for the map "
  45. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You do not have permission to perform this action, please contact an admin."] = "[ATM] You do not have permission to perform this action, please contact an admin."
  46. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You're sesion has ended as you took too long to interact!"] = "[ATM] You're sesion has ended as you took too long to interact!"
  47. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You're sesion has ended as you are to far away from the machine!"] = "[ATM] You're sesion has ended as you are to far away from the machine!"
  48. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Someone is already using this ATM"] = "[ATM] Someone is already using this ATM"
  49. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You are already using anouther ATM!"] = "[ATM] You are already using anouther ATM!"
  50. BATM.Lang["Press 'E' to set up!"] = "Press 'E' to set up!"
  51. BATM.Lang["Enter Price"] = "Enter Price"
  52. BATM.Lang["Enter Title"] = "Enter Title"
  53. BATM.Lang["Enter Description"] = "Enter Description"
  54. BATM.Lang["Submit"] = "Submit"
  55. BATM.Lang["Seller : "] = "Seller : "
  56. BATM.Lang["Purchase"] = "Purchase"
  57. BATM.Lang["[ATM] The owner has not yet set up this device"] = "[ATM] The owner has not yet set up this device"
  58. BATM.Lang["[ATM] An unknown error has occured."] = "[ATM] An unknown error has occured."
  59. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You must have a title"] = "[ATM] You must have a title"
  60. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You must have a description"] = "[ATM] You must have a description"
  61. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Invalid number..."] = "[ATM] Invalid number..."
  62. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Nice try buddy :)"] = "[ATM] Nice try buddy :)" --This is when the atm detects someone is trying to cheat :)
  63. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Number to large"] = "[ATM] Number to large"
  64. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Info Updated"] = "[ATM] Info Updated"
  65. BATM.Lang["[ATM] An unknown error has occured, open a support ticket please."] = "[ATM] An unknown error has occured, open a support ticket please."
  66. BATM.Lang["Purchase to "] = "Purchase to "
  67. BATM.Lang["Purchase from "] = "Purchase from "
  68. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Purchase Succesfull"] = "[ATM] Purchase Succesfull"
  69. BATM.Lang["[ATM] Purchase received from "] = "[ATM] Purchase received from "
  70. BATM.Lang["Refund from a corrupt transaction."] = "Refund from a corrupt transaction."
  71. BATM.Lang["[ATM] The owner of this device does not have a valid account, this can happen if they leave the server and their entity is still here."] = "[ATM] The owner of this device does not have a valid account, this can happen if they leave the server and their entity is still here."
  72. BATM.Lang["[ATM] You don't have enougth money in your bank to do this."] = "[ATM] You don't have enougth money in your bank to do this."
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