

Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. Frogs absorb water through their skin so they don't need to drink. RoyalSnoop stays hydrated with water and Sweet Tea royals17Love;
  2. Frogs can lay as many as 4,000 eggs in frogspawn. That's whole lot of Tadpoles! royals17Cracked;
  3. The eyes and nose of a frog are on top of its head so it can breathe and see when most of its body is under the water. RoyalSnoopFrogg can shoot from underwater royals17Bang royals17Bang ;
  4. Certain frogs can jump up to 20 times their own body length in a single leap. Superman got nothing on that KappaHD;
  5. Frogs usually eat meat (bugs and worms). RoyalSnoop eats bots royals17Bang royals17SquadWipes royals17GG;
  6. The world's biggest frog is the goliath frog from Cameroon in West Africa. Their body can be one-foot long. royals17Bang Kappa;
  7. The smallest frogs in the world are less than half-an-inch long. MiniK;
  8. In the Seychelles, there is a male frog that carries its young around on its back until they become adults. #SuperDad royals17Love ;
  9. Because frogs come out in the rain, people used to think that they fell to earth in the rain! And in nineteenth century England, people tried catching them to prove it. MaxLOL;
  10. Amphibians' eyes come in all shapes and sizes. Some even have square or heart shaped pupils. But amphibians don't see color -- they only see in black or white. RoyalSnoop sees all though royals17GG;
  11. The golden dart frog is the most poisonous frog on earth and the skin of one frog could kill up to 1,000 people. royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17SquadWipes ;
  12. In recent years, a painkiller with 200 times the power of morphine has been found in the skin of a frog. royals17Cracked ;
  13. Frogs cannot live in the sea or any salt water. We like a fresh pond for the #TadpoleSZN royals17Love ;
  14. There are more than 4,000 types of amphibians in the world, but Europe has very few--only 45 species. WutFace;
  15. Many tropical frogs are poisonous... their bright colors serve as a warning. royals17Bang royals17Bang ;
  16. Scientists have created tiny robots 1mm wide out of FROG stem cells called 'Xenobots' able to travel the human body to seek and destroy cancer cells! royals17Love royals17Love royals17Bang royals17Bang ;
  17. A frog completely sheds its skin about once a week. This is why RoyalSnoop can't wear the jacket all the time Kappa;
  18. The wood frog of North America actually freezes in the winter and in the spring when there’s a thaw, the frog warms up, its body functions resume and it hops off like nothing ever happened. UnSane;
  19. A bunch of birds is known as a flock, a group of lions is called a pride, but a group of frogs is called an army. #TadpoleSZN royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17Bang royals17Bang ;
  20. Red-eyed tree frogs lay their eggs on the underside of leaves that hang over water. When the eggs hatch, the tadpoles fall right into the water below. 200IQ shit right there. royals17Love royals17Love royals17Love;
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