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Apr 9th, 2014
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  1. /home/superuser/bin/ffmpeg -y -framerate 24 -i /mnt/nox1/jobs/9999_testproject/07_sequences/3000/0010/3d/publish/3delements/lgt_scenestate2/v0001/fullres/3000_0010_lgt_scenestate2_v0001.%04d.exr -start_number 1 -i /mnt/nox2/development/vfo_assets/bigblock_watermark.png -filter_complex "[0:v]drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf:text='Proj\: 9999_testproject\; Seq\: 3000\; Shot\: 0010\; Type\: 3d\; Submitter\: Brett Bronson\; Ver\: v1\; Comments\: Gold test\; Frame\: %{n}':fontsize=14:fontcolor=white:shadowcolor=0x000000EE:shadowx=2:shadowy=2:x=10:y=main_h-text_h-10[bg];[bg][1:v]overlay=W-w-10:H-h-10:format=rgb,format=yuvj422p[out]" -c:v mjpeg -qscale:v 1 /mnt/nox2/development/vfo_test/
  3. ffmpeg version 2.2.git Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers
  4. built on Apr 8 2014 10:59:08 with gcc 4.6 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5)
  5. configuration: --prefix=/home/superuser/ffmpeg_build --extra-cflags=-I/home/superuser/ffmpeg_build/include --extra-ldflags=-L/home/superuser/ffmpeg_build/lib --bindir=/home/superuser/bin --extra-libs=-ldl --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-x11grab --enable-libfreetype
  6. libavutil 52. 67.100 / 52. 67.100
  7. libavcodec 55. 52.102 / 55. 52.102
  8. libavformat 55. 34.101 / 55. 34.101
  9. libavdevice 55. 11.100 / 55. 11.100
  10. libavfilter 4. 3.100 / 4. 3.100
  11. libswscale 2. 5.102 / 2. 5.102
  12. libswresample 0. 18.100 / 0. 18.100
  13. libpostproc 52. 3.100 / 52. 3.100
  14. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement01.B
  15. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement01.G
  16. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement01.R
  17. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement02.B
  18. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement02.G
  19. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement02.R
  20. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement03.B
  21. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement03.G
  22. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement03.R
  23. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement04.B
  24. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement04.G
  25. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement04.R
  26. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement05.B
  27. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement05.G
  28. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel MultiMatteElement05.R
  29. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel UVWCoordinates.B
  30. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel UVWCoordinates.G
  31. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel UVWCoordinates.R
  32. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayBumpNormals.B
  33. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayBumpNormals.G
  34. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayBumpNormals.R
  35. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayDiffuseFilter.B
  36. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayDiffuseFilter.G
  37. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayDiffuseFilter.R
  38. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_AO.B
  39. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_AO.G
  40. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_AO.R
  41. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_Falloff_FresnelP.B
  42. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_Falloff_FresnelP.G
  43. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_Falloff_FresnelP.R
  44. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_TopDown.B
  45. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_TopDown.G
  46. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayExtraTex_TopDown.R
  47. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayGlobalIllumination.B
  48. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayGlobalIllumination.G
  49. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayGlobalIllumination.R
  50. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayLighting.B
  51. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayLighting.G
  52. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayLighting.R
  53. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayNormals.B
  54. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayNormals.G
  55. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayNormals.R
  56. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRawReflection.B
  57. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRawReflection.G
  58. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRawReflection.R
  59. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRawRefraction.B
  60. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRawRefraction.G
  61. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRawRefraction.R
  62. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayReflection.B
  63. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayReflection.G
  64. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayReflection.R
  65. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayReflectionFilter.B
  66. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayReflectionFilter.G
  67. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayReflectionFilter.R
  68. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRefraction.B
  69. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRefraction.G
  70. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRefraction.R
  71. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRefractionFilter.B
  72. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRefractionFilter.G
  73. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayRefractionFilter.R
  74. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRaySelfIllumination.B
  75. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRaySelfIllumination.G
  76. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRaySelfIllumination.R
  77. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayShadows.B
  78. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayShadows.G
  79. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayShadows.R
  80. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRaySpecular.B
  81. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRaySpecular.G
  82. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRaySpecular.R
  83. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayVelocity.B
  84. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayVelocity.G
  85. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayVelocity.R
  86. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayZDepth.B
  87. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayZDepth.G
  88. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel VRayZDepth.R
  89. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel pObject.B
  90. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel pObject.G
  91. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel pObject.R
  92. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel pWorld.B
  93. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel pWorld.G
  94. [exr @ 0x39e9860] Unsupported channel pWorld.R
  95. Input #0, image2, from '/mnt/nox1/jobs/9999_testproject/07_sequences/3000/0010/3d/publish/3delements/lgt_scenestate2/v0001/fullres/3000_0010_lgt_scenestate2_v0001.%04d.exr':
  96. Duration: 00:00:03.33, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A
  97. Stream #0:0: Video: exr, rgba64le, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 24 fps, 24 tbr, 24 tbn, 24 tbc
  98. Input #1, image2, from '/mnt/nox2/development/vfo_assets/bigblock_watermark.png':
  99. Duration: 00:00:00.04, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A
  100. Stream #1:0: Video: png, rgba, 72x72, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
  101. Output pad "default" with type video of the filter instance "Parsed_format_2" of format not connected to any destination
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