
Freenode/#lisp 2013.08.30

Aug 30th, 2013
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  1. 09:51 < dottedlist> you should all move to a different network :)
  2. 09:51 < dottedlist> like oftc
  3. 09:51 < Shinmera> Has anyone used cl-markdown or 3bmd? ( ) ( ) Cl-Markdown seems to be pretty old and inactive and 3bmd a bit too new, from what I can gather in the README.
  4. 09:52 < dottedlist> Shinmera: what is cl-markdown?
  5. 09:52 < Shinmera> A markdown to HTML parser
  6. 09:57 < Shinmera> Hm, I can't even quickload 3bmd... esrap seems to fail.
  7. 09:57 < dottedlist> does cl-markdown have anything to do with lisp?
  8. 09:58 < Shinmera> Well yes, it's a CL implementation of markdown.
  9. 09:58 < dottedlist> oh cl as in common lisp
  10. 09:58 < dottedlist> i am learning common lisp
  11. 09:59 < dottedlist> where can i get an opensource lisp machine
  12. 09:59 < dottedlist> because i really want one
  13. 09:59 < youlysses> dottedlist: In mine and many others dreams?
  14. 10:00 < dottedlist> :(
  15. 10:00 < dottedlist> someone should convince lemote to make one
  16. 10:01 < youlysses> dottedlist: The most practical solution would be to use Emacs as a pseudo-lisp machine.
  17. 10:01 < dottedlist> i use emacs
  18. 10:01 < Shinmera> Can someone try quickloading esrap? I get an error saying that the swank::*application-hints-tables* variable is unbound.
  19. 10:01 < youlysses> dottedlist: Do you use it for ~90+% of your computing+
  20. 10:01 < youlysses> *?
  21. 10:02 < dottedlist> youlysses: no
  22. 10:02 < dottedlist> i dont know how
  23. 10:02 < youlysses> dottedlist: Read the documentation, adapt your workflow?
  24. 10:05 < Zhivago> p_l: Yeah, but they're also planning on changing the semantics via things like typescript and so on.
  25. 10:10 < sykopomp> p_l: emscripten's got some nice stuff going on, and I wouldn't mind having access to fairly high-performance languages portably in the browser.
  26. 10:10 < sykopomp> such as, you know, a CL implementation that can compete with CCL.
  27. 10:11 < sykopomp> Zhivago: typescript's just another "transpiler"
  28. 10:11 < sykopomp> they're a dime a dozen in JS land.
  29. 11:35 < grubnik> wonder what the result would be in sbcl ....
  30. 11:44 -!- shridhar is now known as shridhar_sinBbyc
  31. 11:44 -!- shridhar_sinBbyc is now known as shridhar
  32. 11:48 < mal___> grubnik: if you tell the lisp compiler that you're ok with unsafe integer arithmetic, it should be similar to C for such simple code
  33. 12:00 < dottedlist> what is a good book that is under a free lincense and is about ai with lisp?
  34. 12:07 < _death> dottedlist: not read it, but check out
  35. 12:08 < H4ns> _death: a book with a free license is not worth much if it is about proprietary technology (like allegrograph in this case)
  36. 12:09 < H4ns> dottedlist: i think you should consider buying "paradigms of artificial intelligence programming"
  37. 12:10 -!- _death is now known as adeht
  38. 12:10 < dottedlist> ok
  39. 12:12 < dottedlist> thanks but paradigms of artifical intelligence programming is not availible for free or from the publisher :/
  40. 12:13 < H4ns> no. that is the "buying" part.
  41. 12:14 < dottedlist> it is allowed to be modified but it isnt availible for free?
  42. 12:14 < adeht> some years ago norvig mentioned (in a private correspondence) that he was working towards making PAIP free
  43. 12:14 < adeht> you could try to email him and see what's up
  44. 12:15 < dottedlist> adeht: i dont use email
  45. 12:15 < adeht> too bad
  46. 12:15 < dottedlist> it seems to be only availible to buy on amazon
  47. 12:16 < dottedlist> which i dont plan on doing
  48. 12:16 < dottedlist> but thanks anyways :)
  49. 12:17 < mpstyler> "On Lisp" is free
  50. 12:18 < mpstyler> you can get a pdf or ps file from the author's web site
  51. 12:18 < pillton> Couldn't you borrow it from a library?
  52. 12:19 < dottedlist> mpstyler: does it talk about ai at all?
  53. 12:19 < dottedlist> because im already reading an introduction book to lisp
  54. 12:19 < dottedlist> but if it goes into more advanced topics i might read it anyways
  55. 12:21 < dottedlist> i didnt start learning lisp because of ai though :P
  56. 12:21 < dottedlist> but seems like it could be interesting to use lisp for ai
  57. 12:23 < gleag> dottedlist: PAIP is still cheaper than the Franz stuff.
  58. 12:23 < pillton> Well, if I recall correctly, it delves deep in to symbolic computation. Which I found very useful.
  59. 12:23 < dottedlist> gleag: when i clicked buy from the author it said page not found though
  60. 12:24 < dottedlist> does that happen to you too?
  61. 12:24 < dottedlist> it might be because i was trying to view it in a text only web browser
  62. 12:24 < pillton> PAIP coupled with "The Art of the Metaobject Protocol" is a great combination.
  63. 12:25 < gleag> dottedlist: clicked what where?
  64. 12:25 < H4ns> dottedlist: is there anything else that you want to tell us about how you make your life harder?
  65. 12:25 < adeht> uses gcl?
  66. 12:26 < brucem> adeht: at least he doesn't use EuLisp.
  67. 12:26 < dottedlist> i pressed order from morgan kauffman and it says 404 page not found on the homepage :(
  68. 12:27 < Zhivago> I suggest ordering from someone else.
  69. 12:28 < gleag> brucem: Is it pronounces the same way as "eww-lisp"? :)
  70. 12:28 < gleag> pronounced...
  71. 12:28 < dottedlist> hmm
  72. 12:28 < dottedlist> i will try to get it from a book store
  73. 12:29 < adeht> dottedlist:
  74. 12:33 < mpstyler> I've bought a used copy from amazon for half the price
  75. 12:33 < mpstyler> a year ago
  76. 12:33 < dottedlist> adeht: ok thanks
  77. 12:34 < mpstyler> "used like new/good" condition has always been ok for me
  78. 12:34 < dottedlist> 109 EUR
  79. 12:34 < dottedlist> isnt that something like $120 USD
  80. 12:34 < dottedlist> i cannot afford that
  81. 12:35 < adeht> on amazon it is half that price
  82. 12:35 < gleag> The prices on Amazon sometimes fluctuate vastly.
  83. 12:36 < dottedlist> i do not want to buy from amazon, adeht
  84. 12:36 < dottedlist> i will get it for free elsewhere
  85. 12:39 < gleag> I bought SICP from Amazon when the price was low, and a week later, it went up some 70% or so. I really don't know how this online price stuff is supposed to work, but surely doesn't work the way that my local brick bookstores work.
  86. 12:41 < Zhivago> No carpet slippers.
  87. 12:42 < pillton> Most universities I know of have a second hand book store. You might get lucky there.
  88. 12:42 < dottedlist> pillton: i do not go to a university
  89. 12:43 < Zhivago> Which book is this?
  90. 12:43 < pillton> dottedlist: That doesn't stop you from going on campus though.
  91. 12:43 < Zhivago> Have you considered using a library?
  92. 12:43 < pillton> I don't go to university either, but I sometimes go there.
  93. 12:43 < AeroNotix> you can't be cheap with your education
  94. 12:43 < AeroNotix> if you want to learn: invest in yourself.
  95. 12:44 < AeroNotix> Any employer worth your time would compensate you
  96. 12:44 < AeroNotix> and if you're a freelancer, you should be able to get a tax rebate on it
  97. 12:44 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: i have no job
  98. 12:44 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: the US probably?
  99. 12:44 < dottedlist> i believe information should be free anyways
  100. 12:45 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: yes
  101. 12:45 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: well there's your problem. Education is for capitalists in the US. You're all fucked.
  102. 12:45 < dottedlist> i cannot get a job
  103. 12:45 < AeroNotix> *cannot*?
  104. 12:45 < dottedlist> yes
  105. 12:45 < AeroNotix> Explain
  106. 12:45 < Zhivago> Are you handicapped or allergic to work?
  107. 12:45 < dottedlist> no
  108. 12:45 < dottedlist> i am under 18
  109. 12:45 < AeroNotix> So?
  110. 12:45 < Zhivago> Volunteer.
  111. 12:46 < AeroNotix> mow lawns or whatever the cliche American dream is
  112. 12:46 < dottedlist> Zhivago: you do not get money from that
  113. 12:46 < Zhivago> Anyhow, what book are you after?
  114. 12:46 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: wash cars, mow lawns, help old people with their 'groceries'
  115. 12:46 < dottedlist> Zhivago: i am after the book PAIP
  116. 12:46 < Zhivago> Maybe not, but you can get other people to buy stuff for you.
  117. 12:46 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: parents?
  118. 12:46 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: i have parents
  119. 12:46 < Zhivago> dottedlist: No libraries?
  120. 12:46 < AeroNotix> "Mom, Dad, I want to grow up to be a big and strong programmer, can I have PAIP?"
  121. 12:47 < adeht> AeroNotix: or he can write software and sell it ;)
  122. 12:47 < AeroNotix> adeht: that too
  123. 12:47 < dottedlist> adeht: i will never do that
  124. 12:47 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: ahh to be young and idealistic
  125. 12:47 < adeht> dottedlist: do you believe work should be free?
  126. 12:47 < AeroNotix> selling software is fine - depriving your users of their freedom is not
  127. 12:47 < AeroNotix> Software freedom is not about money
  128. 12:47 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: i know
  129. 12:48 < Zhivago> Anyhow, look into inter-library-loans.
  130. 12:48 < Zhivago> You can probably just borrow it for free.
  131. 12:48 < adeht> dottedlist: as in, no one should get paid, but if you find a banana on the sidewalk you can take it for free
  132. 12:49 < dottedlist> adeht: i didnt say noone should get paid
  133. 12:49 < pavelpenev> dottedlist: there is always the pirate bay, just watch out for swat teams :)
  134. 12:49 < dottedlist> pavelpenev: i use a vpn so im semi-safe
  135. 12:49 < AeroNotix> 7 proxies
  136. 12:49 < Zhivago> And invest the time required to learn how to spell "didn't" so that you can get a job if you manage to survive to the age of 18.
  137. 12:50 < dottedlist> Zhivago: i can spell didn't
  138. 12:50 < AeroNotix> but you didnt
  139. 12:50 < AeroNotix> b4
  140. 12:50 < adeht> dottedlist: you said "information should be free".. which you use to justify "PAIP for free"
  141. 12:50 < AeroNotix> Burgers should be free
  142. 12:50 < dottedlist> because it is faster to type didnt than it is to type didn't, AeroNotix
  143. 12:51 < dottedlist> adeht: yes
  144. 12:51 < Zhivago> Practicing doing things wrong makes you better at it.
  145. 12:51 < Zhivago> Anyhow ... invest in your library.
  146. 12:51 < adeht> dottedlist: so once a writer writes a book, it should be free right?
  147. 12:51 < dottedlist> adeht: if its a informational text, yes
  148. 12:52 < H4ns> dottedlist: how does the writer get fed in that model?
  149. 12:52 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: perhaps a grammar book should be free, as well?
  150. 12:52 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: yes
  151. 12:52 < Zhivago> Why should it be free if it is informational text?
  152. 12:52 < adeht> dottedlist: is there non informational text?
  153. 12:52 < dottedlist> adeht: fiction books
  154. 12:52 < adeht> dottedlist: dunno, I get a lot of information from those
  155. 12:52 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: what if an author uses a metaphor in an informational text?
  156. 12:52 < AeroNotix> should you pay for just the metaphor?
  157. 12:52 < dottedlist> i meant educational texts
  158. 12:53 < AeroNotix> since a metaphor is largely fiction
  159. 12:53 < Zhivago> Why should it be free if it is educational text?
  160. 12:53 < H4ns> dottedlist: who pays writers to write educational texts in your model?
  161. 12:53 < dottedlist> Zhivago: so that not only rich assholes get to be educated
  162. 12:53 < mpstyler> there was a country where books were almost free, but it does not exist now :)
  163. 12:53 < Zhivago> dottedlist: Do you know what a library is?
  164. 12:54 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: you're also not thinking globally. Only the US tries to cripple its students when they are trying to learn.
  165. 12:54 < gleag> adeht: 'dottedlist: you said "information should be free"' <- information is already free, aside from state secrets, trade secrets, and patents.
  166. 12:54 < gleag> And perhaps some other corner cases.
  167. 12:54 < dottedlist> Zhivago: yes and library often have outdated books and there books are often dirty
  168. 12:54 < Zhivago> And things with copyright ...
  169. 12:54 < Zhivago> dottedlist: Do you know what an inter-library-loan is?
  170. 12:54 < gleag> Zhivago: copyright doesn't protect information.
  171. 12:54 < H4ns> "i want clean books for free, you rich ass holes"
  172. 12:55 < dottedlist> :)
  173. 12:55 < adeht> gleag: my point is there's more than "information" in this context.. he actually suggests that writers who write "educational books" should do it pro bono if they do it at all
  174. 12:55 < adeht> gleag: hence, work for free
  175. 12:55 < Zhivago> dottedlist: If you want a copy of PAIP for free, I suggest that you learn how to use your library and stop whining on the internet.
  176. 12:56 < gleag> Zhivago: Perhaps dottedlist lives somewhere where inter-library loans of English textbooks are difficult?
  177. 12:56 < dottedlist> i was going to go to my local library once but it ended up being closed
  178. 12:56 < dottedlist> also it looked small
  179. 12:56 < dottedlist> and i dont like dirty books
  180. 12:57 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: your ideals are ridiculous and you deserve to be uneducated.
  181. 12:57 < AeroNotix> Dirty books are better than no education.
  182. 12:57 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: yes
  183. 12:57 < dottedlist> but i still dont like dirty books
  184. 12:57 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: exactly how old are you?
  185. 12:57 < AeroNotix> 15/16 is my guess
  186. 12:57 < Zhivago> gleag: Well, he might live in a 3rd world country like the US.
  187. 12:57 < gleag> AeroNotix: nobody deserves to be uneducated
  188. 12:57 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: 14
  189. 12:58 < adeht> AeroNotix: no need to be harsh, just give'em a decade
  190. 12:58 < gleag> AeroNotix: that would worsen the live of everyone else and those other people don't deserve that for sure.
  191. 12:58 < dottedlist> also, AeroNotix, you are an asshole
  192. 12:58 < AeroNotix> gleag: having ideals which prevent oneself from learning are stupid
  193. 12:58 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: how so?
  194. 12:58 < gleag> Zhivago: I've just looked into my national library and the closest thing to a foreign Lisp book there is Tanimoto.
  195. 12:58 < Zhivago> He probably misspelt 'have'.
  196. 12:58 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: saying i dont deserve to be educated
  197. 12:59 < Zhivago> gleag: Which nation?
  198. 12:59 < gleag> Zhivago: .cz.
  199. 12:59 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: you intentionally set up blocks for you to not read. Seems like reason enough
  200. 12:59 < AeroNotix> "I was going to go to my library *once*" emphasis mine
  201. 12:59 < AeroNotix> "It was small"
  202. 12:59 < AeroNotix> therefore you didn't try again?
  203. 12:59 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: i'd rather get free books from the internet
  204. 13:00 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: free books? Do you mean steal books?
  205. 13:00 < gleag> Zhivago: Apparently, we have more Gaelic textbooks that Lisp textbooks in our inter-library loan system.
  206. 13:00 < AeroNotix> (I hate the term steal, here)
  207. 13:00 < Zhivago>
  208. 13:00 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: no its not stealing
  209. 13:00 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: what is it?
  210. 13:00 < AeroNotix> gah, I'm arguing with a 14 year old
  211. 13:00 < AeroNotix> whatever
  212. 13:00 < gleag> AeroNotix: copyright infringement?
  213. 13:01 < AeroNotix> gleag: that
  214. 13:01 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: people who base there opinions on someone because of there are are scum
  215. 13:01 * gleag wonders why people don't use proper legal terms.
  216. 13:01 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: Is that an English sentence?
  217. 13:01 < Zhivago> Well, they're often also people who can't spell "I" so ...
  218. 13:01 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: this is irc im not going to use proper grammer
  219. 13:01 < Zhivago> dottedlist: What is your native language, by the way?
  220. 13:02 < dottedlist> it takes longer to type using proper grammer
  221. 13:02 < gleag> dottedlist: you probably wanted to say "spelling"
  222. 13:02 < dottedlist> Zhivago: english
  223. 13:02 < Zhivago> I hope it isn't English.
  224. 13:02 < Zhivago> dottedlist: Then you're a lazy, useless arsehole. :)
  225. 13:02 * gleag wonders why people don't use proper linguistic terms either.
  226. 13:02 < AeroNotix> gleag: this is irc I'm not going to use proper linguistic terms :)
  227. 13:02 < gleag> What most English-speaking people consider grammar has never been grammar. :)
  228. 13:02 < Zhivago> dottedlist: Take the care to write properly and you may find that you write things that are actually worth reading.
  229. 13:02 < dottedlist> Zhivago: i have been diagonsed by depression and you are promoting suicide
  230. 13:02 < dottedlist> with*
  231. 13:03 < AeroNotix> RAPE
  232. 13:03 < AeroNotix> dottedlist: you're on the internet, acting like an idiot. What do you expect?
  233. 13:03 < dottedlist> AeroNotix: i am not acting like an idiot
  234. 13:03 < adeht> dottedlist: you were given links to free "Lisp AI" books
  235. 13:03 < AeroNotix> oh ok
  236. 13:03 < mpstyler> this conversation looks like a turing test :)
  237. 13:03 < adeht> dottedlist: why are you still chatting
  238. 13:04 < AeroNotix> I'm sure he's trying to come up with a formal proof for Poe's Law
  239. 13:04 < Zhivago> dottedlist: Why do you think that writing correctly is equivalent to suicide?
  240. 13:04 < Zhivago> dottedlist: You might ask your doctor to test you for mental retardation.
  241. 13:05 < dottedlist> Zhivago: no
  242. 13:05 < dottedlist> cyber bullying promotes suicide
  243. 13:05 < dottedlist> which is what you're doing
  244. 13:05 < gleag> Zhivago: coz u make a f00l of urself in front of 411 ur hippy freindz if u wr1te pr0perly!
  245. 13:06 < gleag> It's just not fashionable.
  246. 13:06 < Zhivago> dottedlist: Well, hopefully if you get older you will become less stupid. :)
  247. 13:07 < Shinmera> "Oh noes, someone critiques me with valid points, it sure must be bullying!"
  248. 13:07 < dottedlist> Zhivago: other way around
  249. 13:07 < dottedlist> Zhivago: you are the stupid one
  250. 13:07 < Zhivago> dottedlist: As you get less stupid, you will hopefully get older?
  251. 13:08 < dottedlist> Zhivago: not what i meant
  252. 13:08 < Zhivago> Sorry, 'get to be'.
  253. 13:08 < Zhivago> dottedlist: See if you can express yourself coherently.
  254. 13:08 < adeht> suicide is great by the way
  255. 13:08 < Shinmera> While I enjoy a daily dose of internet drama as much as the next guy, can we get back to lisp here?
  256. 13:08 < dottedlist> Zhivago: i have aspergers
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