
Jinchuriki App (Please Lemme have Kyuubi)

Jan 13th, 2020
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  1. Name: Kinomari
  2. Key: King Destroyer
  3. Skill or Tier S: Bijuu (Jinchuriki)
  4. Reasoning: Well, it is different from everything else. My character is not much of a fighter or wanting to learn about that stuff. He thinks he can handle things without learning some secrets still using his inner power. The inner power he does not know if the bijuu's energy inside of him. Something he had not yet summoned out yet.
  6. RP:
  7. Kinomari was a child with no true choice on what he had to get or what was going on. The stuff that existed in the world was not his choice and he was just a child trying to grow better. The cursed world's beast had different plans for him and his family. The small boy had much to learn about this cursed world. It was a good day but his eyes kept getting pulled back into the darkness of the creepy room. He seemed to be pulled away from the reality that was his own before slowly closing into the darkness of his closet. The boy was stunned and reached out to the darkness that pulled away from the family home while he started at something trying to drag him in. He was trying to take ahold of the dark creature and before he could touch it, his mother walked out and yelled at him grabbing his attention. Kinomari was staring at his mother with a bit of a blank face forgetting what he was doing. His mother spent her time yelling at him for doing nothing and being the child of his father. It was the tormenting life he had lived with his family and all the issues that came with being born there. Kinomari held his head down with his arms down to his side as a sign of sensitivity when it came to his mother yelling at him. Kinomari finally had got yelled at and sent back to his room where he could find the darkness that was trying to pull him in.
  9. A creature appeared in the dark shadows of the room with its eyes wide. A smile grew in the pitch black while the small boy just saw a face appear out of the shadow. The boy watched this come into view, and once more was drawn into the scary face in the dark. He was meeting something from the Darkside and did not know what was taking the space in his room. The creature began to chuckle while the two were seeing one another. The height that the creature had was comparable to his mother's own. The beast did not move out of the shadows just a face hovering in the darkness. It was like the creature had trapped the boy in an illusion and was just pulling him closer and closer. Kinomari approached as a hand came out grabbing Kino with a cold chill running through the bones of Kinomari making his body tense up a bit. A cackle erupted from the creature as it began to explain the game the two of them were going to play. It would be a game of hiding and seeking between the two and Kinomari would have to find the creature to make his mother truly love him. Kinomari was just a small boy and foolish enough to take the trick of the creature wanting to know where they were going to lead him. Those eyes were the reason and pulling him in to start with this spirit and seeing if he could help his mother truly love him as one should. His mentality was shattered by his mother and the verbal abuse that she gave him in his years of living. So with this, he was trying to find some confidence and the reason that his mother would love him maybe to fix what was happening between them.
  11. Kinomari was doing what he thought was right as he made his way through his day. The game was going to begin at night so Kinomari had to make it seem like he was sleeping until he could sneak out. Once the moon was at its peak the boy went to the window and opened it up letting the wind hit him hard. His new friend creeping out of the shadows grabbing him to guide him the whole way. The eyes and smile were on him again, it made Kinomari wonder why it was so eager to help him. Kinomari should have been worried and seeing all the red flags but he wanted anything to make the torment end. People did not know how much he was hurting and that made him seek out ways to stay in a place he enjoyed. The power that the monster had over his life at that point should have made his body want to run away. Instead, it made him want to give in to the creature and he fell to the games that it was playing. The boy was lead to an alleyway that was going to be the showcase of the games. It enjoyed toying with the boy and looking at the struggles of the small boy that was going to be its next meal. It knew that the boy was going to listen to every word it said so it could say anything to make the boy want to go into a look around for the happiness he sought. This brought a smile to the monster's face letting the boy get hints to finding the true body so he could get the wishes he wanted. With that information, the monster had disappeared into the darkness of the alley leaving the boy alone.
  13. Kinomari was on the hunt even if his nerves were no longer there and his fear set in like a rock pulling him down to the ocean floor. Kinomari was under a lot of pressure and he had tried to heighten his senses leaning their nose back to sniff the air. The form of the monster gave no smell and he could only catch the scent of piss and trash in the area. His body shivered feeling like something was watching him in the darkness. It no longer felt like the creature and something totally outside of this realm. Kinomari may have made a mistake and after a few minutes was ready to give up on this little game. He rather have taken the abuse from his mother. He turned around and started to run to the exit before something shot up blocking the exit from him keeping him trapped in the alley. The dark energy was bursting with malice and what seemed to be intent to destroy whatever it was holding. The face appeared in it and looked at Kinomari before demanding to know where he was trying to run off to. Kinomari tried to stutter to explain before the creature tried to slam a hand down on him. Kinomari dodged out of the way towards cans of trash and they began to follow the little boy trying to grab him with the same energy with that those walls were made of. Maybe something more than just a creature that wanted to help him. Maybe something that was meant to kill the young boy, he could do nothing but run and cry. A tug on his arm as the creature got a piece of him sinking claw-like hands into his skin turning the skin on Kinomari's arm darker before the boy slipped free. The smile faded from the creature and a growl echoed throughout the alley as it started to make more arms to launch trashcans at him while he ran dodging the other arms.
  15. Kinomari saw the devil in that beast and he hoped that he would not be hurt or killed by this so his body moved on its own. Kinomari would get down behind trashcans and hide from the beast. Only further angering it seeing it slink down to all fours bringing the power it used to a minimum to control itself and sniff out Kinomari. This was to quiet down all the noise the fighting and clanging had made so it did not summon a priest follower or something like that to take it down or worse weaken it again by killing it once more. The beast knocked around some cans not to make all the trash spill out to uncover any hiding spot. It moved in and out of the darkness which gave Kinomari a false sense of security. His back continued to stay pressed against the wall without worrying himself. He saw the gates lowering meaning that he could slowly move to get back up and run further away. This plan was going to easily come into fruition if the creature's claws did not come into view of the boy. It had snuck up behind Kinomari before he was grabbed and pulled into the wall. He was confused as to how the beast was so aware of his small body hiding between bags of trash. All Kinomari could do was pull at the darkness getting a gasp of air and letting out screams to alert anyone or anything of his presence. Kinomari felt it was all in vain as no one came, nothing moved and his face was becoming covered by that darkness and his lungs were no longer filling with oxygen. His life was fading fast and it was his fault that he would be dying on this day. He only wished he could tell his mother that he was sorry for sneaking out and how much he loved her. The silence grew over him and then a crash happened and the creature screeched in pain. A splashing of lights flared up as he could see again but his body was not moving. All he could do was stare from behind trash as people using their fist and magical staffs ran up to fight the darkness above him. The noises of grunts and how cold his body was getting showed that it was a battle lasting a time that seemed to move slower than normal.
  17. Kinomari was quiet while listening to the fight which seemed to last forever but then was over in an instant. The creature was gone and the loud explosions of the fighting left his ears ringing but he knew he heard something about the creature not dying. Something about the energy entering his body and him being cursed. A ritual and another flash of light he could feel a burning sensation on his body as he laid there. They healed him up and he fell silent passing on to the darkness before waking up in his bed. The boy sprang up looking around his bedroom but feeling no presence. He jumped out of his bed and ran to his mom before hugging her around the waist as she scoffed. Kinomari told her how much he loved her and she could do nothing but be shocked asking why he was feeling this way. He admitted his dream to the woman and told her how he stuck out and apologized, but she reassured him it was all just a dream. She had checked on him multiple times and he never had left his bed. Kinomari tried to assure her that the beast was real and some people came and saved his life. The thing was something that liked to feast on small children and that it could die. He was afraid of even being alone without her and she grabbed him from his spot and hugged him. Slowly moving him deeper into her grip and dialing up the hug, even more, crushing her baby boy in her arms. He was surprised by this action as she started to cry about his issues and blaming it on how she treated him. She was convinced she was the monster and that she was pushing these dreams into his mind. The woman had shocked Kinomari convincing him that the beast was just a bad nightmare never knowing if it was real or not? The night felt real but dreams could trick your mind like that too and maybe he never saw something like that. Kinomari knew he had scars so after his mom got done speaking with him. He ran to the restroom and found nothing, no new marks or anything. Maybe it all was just a dream sequence and he was just dreaming about that monster trying to eat him.
  19. Kinomari slammed the door closed on those memories. Other than occasional weird nightmares he never got the feeling that he was into something like that again. He never felt the fear that the creature brought to him again. It was weird how it all happened and felt so real but dreams made him think he was so crazy. Kinomari lets the feelings of the past sink to the ground and fade away writing them down in a diary to study. Kinomari thought he was a beast or made his mom into a beast in his later years just never telling anyone unless close. Everything going on around him started to make him want to retrace those memories see if it was a hollow that attacked him that night. How a hollow became so smart to lure him away without just attacking him or cackling while taunting before riping his small head off is a miracle. On the other hand, it may not be so much a miracle as he could be cursed with hollow baiting or something weird like that? The boy only looked to the future now and couldn't worry right? The beast was gone forever and if he came back would he be strong to take it down? The boy was now a man and if the man had handled so much while not speaking about it then what did he have to fear now? He had friends who could help him if the monster came back stronger and he could ask the priestess so he was not worried those dreams were just dreams.
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