
Payday 3: We have superheroes now!

Oct 22nd, 2015
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  1. 21:02 Bud It was another fine, sunny day down in Neon City. Well, as fine as it usually is in that city anyway. It isn't generally a bad place to live if you don't mind the villains, monsters and the traffic jams that reared their ugly heads just about every other day. Speaking of looked a lot like something is causing trouble at this very moment!
  2. 21:02 Bud The aforementioned trouble was located dead in the middle of the city's lesser visited slums. Two armored vans belonging to one of the city's many banking and security facilities had been stopped dead in the street by a sudden blockade of vehicles, and spike-strips only a few hundred yards away from the safety of the freeway's entrance.
  3. 21:02 Bud The perpetrators were none other than...a gang of dastardly men likely in their mid to late twenties, all wearing very stylish street-wear and bandannas over their mouths, along with designer sunglasses to hide their eyes. It would have been a simple smash-n-grab had the drills meant to pierce the armored doors of the vans not jammed every thirty seconds
  4. 21:03 Bud , forcing their criminal deployers to restart the operation and waste precious time.
  5. 21:03 Bud Unfortunately for the crooks, time was not on their side. Police barricades were already setting up around the area, and civilians were mainly cleared. First responders to the situation were easily threatened, as in, not directly harmed or attacked, into backing off from it all by the few crooks armed with simple handguns and baseball bats.
  6. 21:03 Bud The four men responsible for the driving of the armored vehicles were tied and gagged in their seats. It seems like the criminal group didn't see the need to get anybody killed today...they were still going to make off with the loot if given enough time, however. With police presence held back it would totally be up to whoever happened upon all the commotion
  7. 21:03 Bud and sound to deal with the situation within the scummy streets.
  8. 21:13 *** Sylum is now known as The-Patriot
  9. 21:13 Otilya should not have been here. If she listened, she would have stayed at home again and probably done little with her day. But she wanted to see the city a little more. She wanted to take a stroll... This situation was not what she expected.
  10. 21:17 ATM approached the large scene, staring at the desperate robbers' attempt at fortune from the onlooking crowd. His eyes came to life at the sight of injustice "Disregard for law acknowledged. Engaging proper protocol...."
  11. 21:20 General-Electric had just arrived at the bank, hoping to cash his pay check and just get on with his day. He simply felt like he should be getting a more legally friendly income alongside his more... criminal ventures, because even if he is a villain, he was a hard working criminal. Sadly however, the employees at the bank he typically does his business at were being harassed by a bunch of amateurs.
  12. 21:21 *** The-Patriot is now known as FrostByte
  13. 21:31 Bud The crooks were quite busy with their attempt at drilling into the rear doors of the vans. Quite a few were actually using the vans as shoddy cover so they wouldn't be picked off in the event the police opened fire. Only a few stood in the open with cheap handguns at the ready, their presence obviously meant to dissuade anybody from approaching.
  14. 21:31 Bud "Alright, alright. Everybody stays put, we take our cash and we leave. All good. Alright?" One of the armed men called out.
  15. 21:32 FrostByte was walking back to the Aegis building with some lunch from Guffies, of course he noticed the build up near the bank. He may have not been here long but he knew trouble when he saw it. He also saw, Wells? No wait its the robotic copy. "Yo uh. MTV was it? Whats going on?"
  16. 21:34 Otilya was more quietly making her way over. This was like she had seen, it was going to be a real fight like all the heroes, she was made for this... It was still stressful as hell, her determination the only thing keeping her from fleeing on the spot while she slowly sneaked closer
  17. 21:36 General-Electric put his hand over his mouth, yawning into it as he stared the criminals dead in the eye "Absolutely crude, are you simpletons even up to the job? Disgusting, and you aren't even holding your guns right... this is your first time, isn't it?" he stated, he couldn't even begin to find himself getting worried over these bank robbers.
  18. 21:38 ATM begins walking over to the perps, preparing to exchange fire if the situation calls. "Robbing an armored vehicle carrying the money of others. I am programmed to be offended."
  19. 21:43 FrostByte follows behind him "You'd think Wells would program manners into him too" He said to no one
  20. 21:47 Bud The masked perp that thought to make a deal focused his attention on the approaching ATM, concentrating the aim of his weapon on the machine. "Yeah? You'll get real offended then when I tell you to back off right?" the man responded. Another couple perps were easily distracted by General-Electric's taunts, aiming their own weaponry upon him.
  21. 21:47 Bud "Look man, it's a gun. I just gotta point it at you, it don't matter /how/ it's pointed." was the reply to the assumption that they were indeed untrained marksmen. What with the others being so bold and attracting attention it leaves Otilya to move closer at her leisure
  22. 21:48 Bud the only other criminals busy with new aggressors, or still-jammed drills which were now being hit with bats out of frustration.
  23. 21:51 Otilya crouched down as she started to fiddle with bits of her suit. One of these would have to work... Got it. The sound of air pressure releasing from bits of her suit came through. Now she felt some more confidence and began to step out into the open, a walking suit of metal with air distorting around her
  24. 21:55 ATM approached the assailants, ignoring their warning, aiming his arms at them. "Your command does not correspond with my directives. You will be dispatched."
  25. 21:58 General-Electric opted to disregard the goons pointing their guns at him "Bah, I don't have time for such foolishness, I suggest you simply lay your arms on the floor and let the proper authorities take care of you. Unless of course you'd like to stop me, I would very much appreciate a chuckle or two." he said, strolling towards them, simultaneously reaching into his cape.
  26. 22:12 Bud The crooks looked a lot like rats getting cornered by very large cats right now. With new threats approaching from every angle a lot of them seemed to lose their cool. "Warned ya, pal." said the one focusing upon ATM and FrostByte, opening fire on the two of them. The two perps against General-Electric stepped back a few paces before realizing they had guns.
  27. 22:12 Bud They fired with the accuracy of a 90 year old epileptic. One, meanwhile, broke away from defending the drills to charge Otilya with his bat after noticing her from the corner of his eye. Things were about to get hectic.
  28. 22:14 Otilya initially would flinch when the bat swung on her, expecting it to make its mark and hit her for being so dumb as to walk out like this... It didn't. There seemed to be resistance out around her body that cracked the weapon back, to her surprise as much as the man's.
  29. 22:17 General-Electric began to laugh, their aim was so laughable that he couldn't prevent himself from finding their follies to be incredibly amusing. Quickly gripping an object in his cape he pulled it out, pointing at the two, it was a stun gun that had been fashioned into a casing that made it resemble a typical hand gun. He had no real intention of using it, but having been in the job as long as he had, he...
  30. 22:17 General-Electric ...knew you had to appear as threatening as physically possible. "Did you honestly expect that I wouldn't come armed too? This is your last chance, you either surrender, or I put you down like the rapscallion you are."
  31. 22:17 ATM charged at them, managing to avoid a great number of their fire, that which hit, making insignificant blemishes on his robotic frame. "Firing at upholder of justice. Extreme Prejudice initiated." He began firing loads of hot copper and nickel in to his opponents. "May this be an alternative to robbing the innocent, degenerate criminals."
  32. 22:22 *** Otilya quit (Quit: Page closed)
  33. 22:22 *** Otilya joined #covenger_rp
  34. 22:24 FrostByte formed an ice shield, most bullets not hitting it with the guys aim and ATM charging. He slowly begain to freeze the ground, it spreading to near the shooting man
  35. 23:25 Bud The bad dude that dared to open fire on the robotic hero and his pal, the blue snowman, was forced into a stumble as the barrage of currency assaulted him. Such a stumble caused the man to haphazardly step upon the frozen ground and lose footing, quickly falling to the ground and knocking himself out upon the concrete.
  36. 23:25 Bud The others that proved themselves to be degenerate rookies infront of General-Electric took a moment to ponder to themselves his very serious question. A resounding "CHEESE IT" was called in unison by the pair, the two of them breaking into a sprint in the hopes of avoiding punishment for their misdeeds.
  37. 23:26 Bud Meanwhile, the thug that saw fit to lash out at Otilya was struck by the end of his own weapon as the pressurized air rejected the bat's presence. This only left him mildly confused however. The man called to an ally in anger before trying once more to assault the suited girl with his bat.
  38. 23:26 Bud Mechanical screeching from the center of the area must be indicating that the drills finally completed their tasks.
  39. 23:30 Otilya had a rush of confidence go through her, promptly jumping forward and trying to swing her fist at the thug. Even if she missed, the pressure given off from the suit would make an impact of its own to throw the poor man on his ass.
  40. 23:30 Otilya would then have the bat fall and clonk on her head, making her daze back. She couldn't keep all of it going at once with this setting.
  41. 23:31 FrostByte heard the Drill, and hoped to God ATM had TeamWork.Exe, as he ran out from behind him trying to get to the drill, still holding the Ice Shield up
  42. 23:31 FrostByte "Cover me" He probably should of said that before running
  43. 23:34 General-Electric slid his "pistol" back into his cape, dusting off his shock gauntlets as he calmly strolled over where he assumed the mechanical whirring was emanating from. "That was much easier than I expected. Rookies, it's almost cute how they fumble around like headless chickens, well, if it weren't so incredibly pathetic."
  44. 23:43 ATM in the middle of attack, acknowledged Frostbyte's request. "Processing 'Cover Me...' I apologize, but all parties must contribute there fair share to the bill. Justice is not a cheap meal, compatriot." He runs alongside the blue, hero, taking whatever providing cover fire for whatever action he was about to execute.
  45. 23:56 Bud Otilya had an easier time combating the crook than she might have thought, he basically leaned right into the punch for, as established previously, he is not a clever man. He /is/ a man that had gotten knocked unconscious before ever hitting the ground however.
  46. 23:56 Bud Now his ally was still a very much conscious man that was running straight for the girl with his own blunt batting equipment. His aim was for her knees if he managed to get close enough.
  47. 23:56 Bud The rest of the gang of heroic do-gooders that decided to go for the drills would find what appeared to be the last of the group of robbers. Four men in all, with one of their number busy bagging the contents of the van as the others stood ready with large machetes. They were defensive and eyed the heroes before one of them spoke up.
  48. 23:56 Bud "Alright, so we stayed long enough to get the attention of vigilantes. We're willing to cut you guys a deal, right? Take a hike and we'll give you some of the loot. How's that sound?" he asked, voice filled with gravel which is not relevant at all.
  49. 23:56 Bud The sounds of distant police sirens indicated this situation would wrap up soon one way or another.
  50. 23:59 FrostByte "Heres a better one, you get on the ground and wait for the cops to arrest you and probably-maybe get a few years off prison time." He puts up his fist ready to fight "Or I could freeze you in a giant solid chunk of ice"
  51. 23:59 Otilya had a rush of intuition hit her all at once while the man came around from the back. She hit her foot against the concrete and released an intense amount of pressure to cause the ground beneath her assailant to indent down and knock him off balance. She didn't even know that worked!
  52. 00:01 General-Electric "Hilarity, you really do have no idea who I am, do you?" He questioned, seeing as he was still very much wearing his suit "Alright then... how about this deal instead? You leave the money and scram and I won't have to do something drastic, so how about it? You leave or I MAKE you leave."
  53. 00:01 ATM walked in front of Frostbyte. "Negotiation is not an option. Crime does not pay. Justice does not wait. The Law is eternal..." He slowly makes his way toward the remaining crook, his eyes glowing an eerie blue.
  54. 00:02 FrostByte "yeah buddy I was doing sarcasm"
  55. 00:04 ATM "The complex nuances of figurative language is an idea foreign to my straightforward analytics."
  56. 00:05 ATM "I take everything at face value..." He raises his fist at the criminal. "As will he."
  57. 00:06 FrostByte "Riiiight. Leave some for me then" Ice grows around his fists like frozen boxing gloves
  58. 00:15 Bud The man charging Otilya was completely unprepared for the ground itself to betray him in such a way that it did. His sprint was now more of an awkward stumble as he fought his own momentum to keep from falling over. His ability to strike was temporarily halted as he lined himself up in the perfect position for a coup de grรขce.
  59. 00:15 Bud Across the way continued the standoff of heroes and robbers. "No, man. We have like, no idea who any of you guys are. Do you know how big this city is? Y'know what forget, we're just skipping the talking now if you won't deal." said one in response to Energizer Ed and the rest before charging forward with his pals
  60. 00:16 Bud machetes raised in three different angles and ready to swing onto the three heroes. The lad in the van looked to be finishing up and preparing to run.
  61. 00:16 Bud Who knows what's going on with the second van?
  62. 00:19 General-Electric "Looks like we're going to have to get acquainted then, aren't we?" He said, calmly as his shock gauntlets began to spark, a twisted grin spreading across his face as he reached his hands out
  63. 00:19 Otilya tried to do her best to take advantage of the situation by rushing forward and putting her palm out. From the center of the gloved hand a final burst of pressure shot up to clonk out the thug where he stood. This... felt really cool!
  64. 00:21 FrostByte shoots Ice at single criminal scum, then using his gauntlets as well, gauntlets, trying to block the machetes attacks from others
  65. 00:25 *** ATM quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  66. 00:41 *** ATM joined #covenger_rp
  67. 00:46 Bud The thug was completely helpless to Otilya's finisher. He did a humorous, unrealistic backward flip before hitting the ground. Otilya would find herself now clear of any threats. She would surely be able to see the new NCPD units stopping their cars nearby and heading for the area of combat on foot.
  68. 00:46 Bud The man that charged at FrostByte was struck into unconsciousness instantly as the ice impacted the center of his forehead. A very good hit. The next man switched from ATM to strike at FrostByte in retribution, getting blocked by the man's gauntlet and leaving an opening for a counter attack.
  69. 00:47 Bud The final crook that thought to negotiate had Static Steve in his sights, obviously smart enough to attempt to avoid his sparking hands, but not agile enough to defend completely as he neared for the swing.
  70. 00:49 ATM broke his immersion in the moment of displaying justice to recall what mattered most. "The hostages..." he looks over to the armored truck and approaches it to save those who were violently taken from their normal day.
  71. 00:50 *** Otilya quit (Quit: Page closed)
  72. 00:50 General-Electric Annoyed at the final crook's tenacity, he swung harder, just aiming to smack him with the taser gloves and down him like a big tough guy.
  73. 00:52 FrostByte was slightly annoyed ATM left him, but it was one guy, he could take him. He aimed for a frozen punch to the mans face when the opening was right
  74. 01:04 Bud ATM would find the drivers of both trucks safely, and securely tied with average everyday ropes. Tape was also placed over their mouths.
  75. 01:04 Bud The robber that took to banging his blade against FrostByte's gauntlet finally slipped up, receiving cold justice. He did an unrealistic flip much like his compatriot from earlier as he fell into unconsciousness. Finally, the man that felt so brave and so determined to face the General had botched it all as the next hit connected with him.
  76. 01:04 Bud He spazzed out at the electric touch, falling to his knees and losing the battle against gravity. "I-I-I r-r-member n-n-now. C-c-curse you C-C-C-Comman-d-der Elect-r-rode" were his final words before entering the deep sleep of pain.
  77. 01:04 Bud The last perp, so moved by the defeat of his comrades, stepped right the hell out of the armored van with both hands high to the air. "Uh..uh?" he said. With NCPD reinforcements arriving it was clear already what his fate would be.
  78. 01:05 ATM opened the truck and immediately went to remove the hostage's gags. He asked them, "Civilians....has the money been harmed?"
  79. 01:11 FrostByte "Well, that was fun. Thanks for the help, uh...electric, guy..."
  80. 01:24 Bud The man in the truck did indeed confirm the money was safe to ATM. NCPD forces were now busy mass-arresting the criminal scum left all over the area, and patting various heroes on the back. The day is saved once more it seems.
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