
Ch 5: Part 1: City of Illusion: Session 78

Oct 23rd, 2013
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  1. [17:21] <Kilarra> Villastir takes the lead in question the party as they tell their tale. Acting as a spokesperson for the assembled nobles and advisors. As the party tells their tale, he constantly attempts to shoot down ideas, or make sarcastic comments such as 'Oh dear!' and 'Surely not!'
  2. [17:26] <Aluthyra> Kahree thinks Villastir is annoying.
  3. [17:28] <Kilarra> As well, he calls for the party to be subjected to various divinations as they speak, such as Discern Lies, Zone of Truth and Detect Evil.
  4. [17:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree really thinks Villastir is annoying.
  5. [17:28] <Kilarra> The queen seems to be barely hiding her amusement at Villastir’s antics, though she does remind him at each outburst to let the party finish.
  6. [17:29] * Kilarra thinks something is up here. Why exactly were they being treated as rambling doomsayers? She eyes the Queen closely.
  7. [17:32] <Kilarra> However, at a moment when she is fairly certain Villastir is not looking, and Kilarra is, Telandia’s expression briefly changes from “bored and befuddled” to “keenly interested” and back again.
  8. [17:44] * Kilarra catches Telandia's change in attitude, in spite of its brevity. She says nothing though, starting to have her suspicions.
  9. [17:46] <Kilarra> When the party finishes their story, Telandia continues to observe them, apparently lost in thought.
  10. [17:47] <Kilarra> Villastir taps her lightly on the hand after a moment; "My Queen?"
  11. [17:47] <Kilarra> “Oh,” says Telandia, coming alert. “Our apologies. We were leagues away. Well. Your tale is surely riveting, and certainly one worthy of the bards. Villastir, perhaps they can return to Kyonin to tell it again some time—perhaps next year at the midsummer feast. Please make the arrangements.”
  12. [17:48] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "It's... not just a late. It's what happened. The hell? You're not worried, in the slightest?"
  13. [17:49] <Aluthyra> tale*
  14. [17:49] * Kilarra holds a hand in front of Kahree, shaking her head.
  15. [17:51] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. She's not good at restraining herself!
  16. [17:52] <Kilarra> Telandia turns her attention back to the party as she subtly dismisses Villastir, who flushes with embarassment, before stifly bowing and departing from the hall briskly.
  17. [17:52] <Kilarra> Telandia watches him retreat with a smirk, waiting until he leaves before speaking again.
  18. [17:53] <Kilarra> “Thank you so much for visiting us today. We cannot remember when we have been so entertained—though perhaps the next time you tell this tale you should add in a captive princess, with a handsome suitor who comes to her rescue. And perhaps leave out all that distasteful nonsense about falling stars; you must consider the sensibilities of your audience, after all."
  19. [17:54] * Aluthyra frowns. What? She looks over the elf. Is she serious?
  20. [17:54] <Aluthyra> Kahree*
  21. [17:54] * Aluthyra quirks her head. "Do you not believe the tale?"
  22. [17:55] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kahree get the feeling the Queen's words don't quite match up with her attitude. As though she's deliberately being coy.
  23. [17:56] <Kilarra> "In any event, we shall take your tale under advisement. Kyonin’s seers and diviners are second to none, and given time we trust that they shall secure the truth of these matters. The divinations may take some time, perhaps a week."
  24. [17:57] <Kilarra> "Until such time as they are ready to advise us further, I invite you to remain in Iadara at the accommodations we have provided you. You may take these next days to rest and relax and recover from your ordeals—when we have our reports from our diviners, we wish to speak with you again on what might be done if, Calistria forfend, your tales are as true as you fear.”
  25. [17:57] <Kilarra> Queen Telandia ever so subtly glances and nods at Kilarra as she mentions Calistria, recognizing the clerical attire.
  26. [17:58] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. Stupid nobility, politics... she doesn't understand either.
  27. [17:59] <Kilarra> The Queen gives a royal nod, indicating that the audience is over. A pair of guards comes up to the party, offering to escort them back to their residence.
  28. [18:01] * Kilarra looks around at the rest of the party and winks. They had something to discuss once they got back to a bit of what she hoped to be privacy. Although, considering the hints the Queen had been dropping, she suspected there was definitely more going on here.
  29. [18:01] * Aluthyra nods to the guards. "Thank you, but I believe we know the way." She turns, nodding to Kilarra, and begins to walk back to the residence.
  30. [18:02] * Kilarra leads the party back to their residence.
  31. [18:02] <Kilarra> Kjell looks baffled, looking at the women. "Did I... miss something?"
  32. [18:02] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "Not that I can tell."
  33. [18:03] * Kilarra says "I get the feeling we'll find out soon enough."
  34. [18:03] <Kilarra> Surely enough, when the party returnes to their residence, the wine and glasses on the sitting room table have been removed, replaced by a tome displayed prominently on a stand.
  35. [18:06] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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