

Jan 24th, 2021
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  1. 「So should I do it personally after all? But it would be meaningless if it causes Van-sama to withdraw from me… Ah?」(Tarea)
  3. Just as Tarea passed by an alleyway between two buildings, a pebble rolled in front of her feet with a small noise. And as she turned her face towards the alleyway, there was a woman there.
  5. Ghouls could see even in this darkness where the only light was coming from the moon, so she could clearly make out that woman’s crimson pupils.
  7. 「Could you tell me more about this Van-sama?」(Eleanora)
  9. A woman with crimson eyes, red hair and white skin. This appearance was enough to tell Tarea with a single glance that this person didn’t belong in Talosheim, but the emotions that Tarea felt right now were not caution or fear, but affection.
  11. 「Of course…」(Tarea)
  13. 「Thank you. Let’s talk over here, shall we?」(Eleanora)
  15. With a drowsy look on her face, Tarea was led into the alleyway by this woman… by Eleanora.
  17. Among the Ghouls walking along the streets, Eleanora had chosen the Ghoul woman who had been speaking the name「Van-sama.」She hadn’t appeared to be particularly strong and the fact that she was adding「sama」to the end of his name indicated that she was referring to the Dhampir. Both of these guesses turned out to be correct.
  19. She had been successfully lured and captured by the effects of Eleanora’s charming gaze without showing any signs of resistance.
  21. And Eleanora was able to learn information about the Dhampir from her.
  23. 「Van-sama is inside the castle. He is in a room that was originally used by a cabinet minister or general or someone of that sort. He should be sleeping in there.」(Tarea)
  24. Now we’ve learned the Dhampir’s whereabouts. He lives in the royal castle, but he isn’t using the king’s room. Is this because there is indeed some superior being that commands the Undead?
  26. 「I see. So is there someone with the divine protection of the goddess Vida in this city?」(Eleanora)
  28. 「Divine protection…?」(Tarea)
  30. Tarea gave a puzzled look in response to Eleanora’s question. Under the effects of the charming gaze, she treated Eleanora as if the two of them were close family members, but she was unable to answer what she didn’t know.
  32. But this was a question from someone「close」to her. Her mind worked in order to answer the question as much as she could.
  34. 「I am sure that would be Van-sama.」(Tarea)
  36. That was why it was only natural for her to give this response. As Tarea had ceased to be a human over two hundred years ago during her teenage years, she was unaware that Undead could not be tamed. For her, it was only natural that Vandalieu was able to tame the Undead. He had Undead among his companions ever since she met him, so she had no reason to inquire further about it.
  38. And when she remembered that Nuaza and the other Undead Titans showed respect towards him by referring to him as the Prophesized Holy Son, it seemed even more obvious to her that Eleanora was asking about him.
  40. 「Wha – ?! That Dhampir is…?!」(Eleanora)
  42. This statement made a huge impact among Eleanora and the other Vampires.
  44. The Dhampir that they were trying to dispose of already possessed the divine protection of the goddess Vida. In that case, not only the Ghouls, but every single Undead Titan in Talosheim were the Dhampir’s pawns.
  45. 「Not good… This is not good. We must dispose of him at all costs…」(Sercrent)
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