

Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Well now, this is quite a bit of red lol.
  2. QnDebShadow: Welcome and thank you for your patience. LOL yes, they seem to like red.
  3. QnDebShadow: Come stand in front of me when you finish loading :)
  4. QnDebShadow: Give me a moment to bring up your application
  5. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Tyt
  6. QnDebShadow: Ok, did a quick read through. Nice by the way
  7. QnDebShadow: How often are you online?
  8. xXRyosenkotsuXx: About every other day.
  9. QnDebShadow: We have an attendance policy, if you are going to be gone more than 3 days to let someone know. Do you have Discord? Thats another way to let others know if you will be gone a few days
  10. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Yea I do.
  11. QnDebShadow: After the interview i will give you the link to the Kaz chat
  12. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Sounds good
  13. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Well, if I can even get into my discord...its doing its usual update fail scenario
  14. QnDebShadow: i see you chose a few options. Sai would be the one to talk to about Sin of Fire. But then again, that gets worked up to, no one starts as Sin. Doesnt mean you cant become one. I see you chose, Vassal, Council Member, personal guard. Is there one of those you would like to start out with for now?
  15. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Hmmm
  16. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Its a simple matter to show my strength..however given the amount of time I've had my account perhaps my wisdom might be of some use. Perhaps a council member if that would agree with you?
  17. QnDebShadow: That i believe would be a three week trial, and Sai would be able to talk to you more on whats expected.
  18. xXRyosenkotsuXx: *Nods*
  19. QnDebShadow: Do you have any enemies we need to be aware of?
  20. xXRyosenkotsuXx: None that are anymore more than simple annoyances.
  21. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Anything*
  22. QnDebShadow: Are you involved in any other kingdoms with this chara or another? We dont mind people that multi rp
  23. xXRyosenkotsuXx: No, for some time I have been debating on joining an empire or kingdom. After encoutnering your empire I decided to join. Thus here we are.
  24. QnDebShadow: And we are glad you have shown interest. What drives you to role play in general?
  25. xXRyosenkotsuXx: If you want an honest awnser...too much reality. When you deal with drama as much as I look for any escape from it.
  26. QnDebShadow: I believe thats why a lot of us do this, escape rl when we can
  27. QnDebShadow: As we always say though, rl always comes first, never be sorry if you cant get on and join us
  28. xXRyosenkotsuXx: I'm glad to see you guys tend to do things old school. I do miss the old days. Places valued their members and knew how to keep things laid back and relaxed.
  29. QnDebShadow: We as well do not like drama, and keep away from it as much as possible. You will find we all get along very well.
  30. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Then I hope you will consider me a good addition to your empire.
  31. QnDebShadow: But, there can be problems. If someone says or does something you find offensive, talk to them in a pc. Screenshots are the best forms of proof. If things do not get better, then come talk to one of the Sins. They will be mediators, again with screenshots or 2 witnesses to help solve the conflict. We dont want to involve King Sai unless it is absolutely necessary, he is so busy as it is. There are many of us that will help when asked
  32. xXRyosenkotsuXx: I'll will keep that noted. As well if you should need anything feel free to ask.
  33. QnDebShadow: You will fit in just fine :)
  34. QnDebShadow: there are 2 topics we do not discuss in the Kaz rooms. One is medical issues. Some come in to forget their health problems and dont need to be reminded. The second is politics. It tends to cause drama and fights, breaks up friendships and cause wedges between members
  35. QnDebShadow: If someone needs to talk, take them to a pc or a private discord chat
  36. xXRyosenkotsuXx: I'm actually glad you brought that up, on a side note if something happens that I am not on for more than 4 days then it is likely that I am in the hospital. I have anxiety issues and ptsd that can cause me serious issues. Just a heads up on the off note that I am not able to let someone know that I wont be on.
  37. QnDebShadow: Is it an instance you get rushed in? Or will you have time to put a quick note on Discord in the away tab?
  38. QnDebShadow: or to someone and they can put it in for you
  39. xXRyosenkotsuXx: No, when it happens I'm literally unable to move. My blood pressure jumps high enough that theres already been a couple incidents where the doctors thought I had a mild heart attack.
  40. QnDebShadow: oh my
  41. xXRyosenkotsuXx: A couple weeks back they had to wheel me out of walmart and into an ambulance
  42. QnDebShadow: ok, so i will make a note, if you are gone for more than 3 days in a row, you will be in hospital
  43. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Im glad you guys are actually understanding. Most places nowa days want you on every day like that matters more.
  44. QnDebShadow: oh no, rl is more important than imvu
  45. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Oh my...sorry to change the subject but I just found out a crater opened at yellowstone...over 1000 ft wide...not good
  46. QnDebShadow: I will give you a list of the Sins, or you can see them on Discord. When a Sin enters a room, they are to be greeted with title Lord or Lady. We Sins work very hard to keep Kaz the way King Sai envisioned it. Or when they greet you when you come in a room, thank them by title as well. IC keep referring to them by title, OOC after the initial greeting, some will just go by their names, like me.
  47. QnDebShadow: how'd that happen?
  48. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Duely noted. And from what I have been told, the pressure has built up under yellowstone to a point that its now a class 3 situation. Meaning that now it could start creating more fissures and possibly erupt.
  49. xXRyosenkotsuXx: If we hit class 5...we're all done for.
  50. QnDebShadow: well damn
  51. QnDebShadow: There are times King Sai calls meetings, all members and trialists are encouraged to attend. Sometimes battles are discussed, when wanting to take over another Sin circle. If you attended one of these meetings, and you thought you would have nothing to contribute, would you walk away from Kaz, or would you offer assistance in any way, shape or form?
  52. xXRyosenkotsuXx: *He snuffs out his cigar.* I have no issue attending meetings when called upon. While I may not have anything to contribute in a situation, as is the situation with everyone at one point or I would not walk away from Kazgeroth. Please keep in mind that I do have extensive experience and have run my own empires and kingdoms in the past. That is one reason I had checked Council Member on my app. I had hoped that my wisdom might be of use. As the years pass, the need to prove my strength dwindles. I know what I am capable of so I choose to pass on my wisdom instead.
  53. QnDebShadow: Very nice. Its nice to have people like that to offer suggestions
  54. xXRyosenkotsuXx: The standard for kingdoms and empires are not what they used to be, so I hope to be of any help I can to keep some of the old school ways alive.
  55. QnDebShadow: Rules are made in accordance of each mod present and finalized by the King. These rules can be changed, removed, or added AT ANY TIME. If there have been any changes to the rules, an announcement will be posted on the group page and the discord. Since you submitted the app you acknowledge that you’ve agreed to our rules and you are liable to be terminated if any of our rules are broken. You will be given one warning, then disciplinary action will be taken depending on the offense.
  56. xXRyosenkotsuXx: I hereby fully agree to all terms and conditions. Would you be able to link the group page?
  57. QnDebShadow: You will get the invite after you have been on trial for one week
  58. QnDebShadow: Do you have any questions for me?
  59. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Hmm give me a moment to think
  60. xXRyosenkotsuXx: You read my bio correct?
  61. QnDebShadow: i have read whats on your application yes
  62. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Did I put on the app about my abilities? My overall power revolves around elements, though I also have the power to shift my forms should the need arise.
  63. QnDebShadow: Discord also has a bio tab so you will be able to put yours there
  64. QnDebShadow: yes its there
  65. QnDebShadow:
  66. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Ah good. I've noticed that most places have been confused in the past about my bio and abilities
  67. QnDebShadow: thats the link to join the Kaz Discord
  68. xXRyosenkotsuXx: I will join in as soon as I remember my info xD I might be able to log in via the webpage version since my desktop app is giving me issue.
  69. QnDebShadow: some do it through webpage as well
  70. xXRyosenkotsuXx: Looks like I'll just have to make a new discord account xD
  71. QnDebShadow: you're in
  72. QnDebShadow: Welcome to Kaz Ryo
  73. xXRyosenkotsuXx: A pleasure to be here
  74. QnDebShadow: Look forward to getting to know you more :)
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