
Evemek: Accursed Fury

Apr 9th, 2016
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  1. The civil unrest midst Tilandre was a total success, Gabriel Maltak was stabbed in public by what was percieved to be a brazen krausite defying his protest with further oppression from the councilor Augustine. It all played out beautifully, save for the backlash he earned via the Penance rune-- All without being caught, a stroke of luck on his part, but how long could he keep such up before he was eventually caught?
  2. In reverence to the risk, he took to departure, passing over the shaky bridge under the guise of a meager commoner.
  4. The very array of magical capabilities allowed one to pass through the city-state of Byson, and soon after, pass into Bygone territory and beyond.
  5. There wasn't much of a destination, just aimless wandering in search for... Whatever he could happen across...
  7. In this case, wandering oblivious as to his pending destination left him to pass through the deadlands, over a landbridge-- Stumbling upon what seemed to be a mansion midst the woods. As to whom owned it? As to why such distance from society? He didn't know; He couldn't know... Why should he care? If anything perhaps the inhabitants would make easy pickings for his own means of experimentation? Or better, an outlet.
  8. Though, one couldn't make their decisions blindly granted what became of his fate prior-- Another experience on par with the Lion's Den, and he'd lack the confidence of his own survival.
  9. (Evemek)
  10. Erik had to clear his head, then decide whose head he is sending to one of the cities. It had to be a magi of warrant, an Arbitrator or person many people knew and had a connection with. He had to make sure they were serious, he had to bait people out to hunt him in groups, to set up ambushes and kill them down, over and over again. He may no longer have the force of an army, but he has the power to take down one and soon? he will be beyond that.
  12. Right now he was sit, on the railing with his legs dangling over the edge. The shadowy of a murky cloud of darkness shrouded the top part of the manor, clearly thing's that went against life itself was happening in this area, giving it this horrible feeling and even the taste in your mouth, death.
  14. But a pleasant tune was being hummed, musical... soft and loud. The use of sound magic amplifying his musical tone, making sure everyone around the manor and those who approached or got close heard it. It was alluring, hard to ignore, but it was clearly a male's voice.
  16. When Evemek comes close? It stops. The entire song is paused, while three eerie glowing Sienna hues peer down from the shadowy cloud above, followed by a cheshire smile that stretches across Erik's face. Keeping his voice amplified, he doesn't seem to be shy or worried when he speaks.
  18. ''Well, well. Look's like someone has stumbled upon my manor, not a very lucky thing to happen, as those who stumble upon me mostly die.'' Erik drops, grasping onto the railing and landing onto the ground, standing before Evemek in the flesh, three eyes and blonde hair, back armor and Exodus on his back. ''What unfortunate fate has brought you here?''
  19. (Erik Hirano)
  20. The words of this individual piqued Evemek's interest-- Threats typically arisen from others in his path ended, always in his favor. What made this one any different? What made, this persona-- Different from the rest? If only he could recognize the fallen by face rather than name alone.
  21. There was no song to sate one about the scene upon paying a gander upon one such as Evemek, nor deviation from the purest of shadow to sully what was absolute.
  23. The Darkness, warped the very perception of the visual scene at his touch and beyond-- Those ensnared within his gaze; That which could be felt, seen, heard, tasted and smelt there all at one's manipulation-- Exercised by the cacophonous multitude of chorus, chords conflicting with one another as they sought to ruin one's song with a disastrious imitation.
  25. It was akin to a deteriorating violin, its strings tiring and wooden stature rotting out-- Though, this symphony was bound to come to its crescendo'ing finish with his own halt. Erik's words stopped Evemek in his tracks, leaving him to follow his figure with his chocolate eyes, tracing details upon his vessel.
  26. "--and to those whom wager threats against my power, I see to it that they experience their own damnation exercised tenfold." He retorted, keeping to a stoic expression throughout.
  28. One landed before the 6'2" persona, developed to a pound shy of two hundred in weight-- Sickly alabaster flesh complemeted his vessel, glaring down at what he'd believe to be, yet another challenge like the many before it.
  29. "I go where I please, in search of knowledge... I strive for power, with what crosses my path. Assuming you have no intents on raising trouble, I'd recommend staying out of my way."
  30. (Evemek)
  31. Slithering out of the doorway into the disarray of the swamp manor's open atmosphere, the pair of golden eyes dawns softly onto the two. With a mask so delicate and pretty that covers behind the truth of the monstrous foe, the tiny figure of the sirenian woman is swathed in the dark clothing that would hide the secretions of oil, blood, and sweat that pulsated off of her victims in turmoil. With a swipe of her webbed fingers does she trace over her lips, lapping off the last, few droplets of blood that came from a rather unlucky victim...
  33. "Ah. There you are."
  35. A perverted day it seemed. Perversion of the occult to come through and completely shift the axis of the surroundings, its harmoniously dark intent weaving a tracing of magic through the air that the Selkie merwoman couldn't help but to recognize. How it makes Charon thrum with power and vibrant, rich essence -- her hand glistening over to soothe the beast that remained strapped and secured onto her back.
  37. Where the Darkness surely seeks to sing, Kalia would listen to its song and smile a bloody smile.
  39. "I've need to speak with you, husband of mine. It seemed there were issues in my capability to trust the Marshal -- I have brought him and his little demon here so I may properly demand him for the use we need, and I needed you to be aware. The girl does not die; not yet." The flickering eyes of the sirenian peer over the taller Erik's shoulder, the lean of her tip toes coming so the dainty chin folds over and rests on the man's shoulder before her.
  41. "Who is your guest? Will he join us for dinner, perhaps?" A serpentine tongue licks over her lips.
  42. (Kalia)
  43. A man with three eyes wasn't common, no. A man with three eyes, there was only one with such a brand. If you couldn't recognise Erik Hirano by the three eyes on his face, then you truly did not know much about him at all. But with Evemek's response, Erik can only return his cheshire grin, while two eyes remain wide, the third one closes, as if he didn't need to use it constantly.
  45. ''Threats against your power?'' A slight laugh. ''I doubt what you call power, is even a drop to sate my taste.'' He licks his lips, before a hand comes to trace up his face, down his back and onto the hit of Exodus. The sword is drawn, shadowflame spitting from its hilt, while he holds it out to his side, not truly in a threatening manner yet. ''You've stumbled upon my place, I Erik Hirano, have too much on my head to let someone leave alive with information, this is truly the end of the road... the end of your life.''
  47. ''So you best speak now, before I take it.''
  49. A more serious tone, until the Sirenian arrives. Kalia moving out the doorway and to his back, Erik only turns his head slightly to the woman. Erik didn't seem too excited at her arrival, followed by the very dissapointing news she had to share.
  51. ''You need to speak with me? And you've gone to the Marshal already?'' Erik hums. ''That was fast.'' While his body turns to stand sideways, his third eye opening and locking onto Evemek, while the two that remain watch Kalia. Vision like a spider, it made things easier to observe around him. ''You have his daughter, because he didn't comply?'' His grip tightens. ''Sylvia is not to be killed at all, she's just as much Lydia's daughter as she's Cedric's.''
  53. Erik shakes his head.
  55. ''If Cedrick is not following, then we will kill him. I don't care about convincing him, I can always convince others to take his place and I already have many people spying for me.'' He grits his teeth. ''So why is Cedrick still alive? he can die.'' Erik seemed rather eager to kill the man, for obvious reasons.
  57. But then his eyes all turn to lock back onto Evemek. ''And yes, someone has stumbled upon our place. I do not take kindly to visitors without an invite, so if he truly has nothing to offer, he dies. Then you'll have a meal!'' Another laugh, he seemed to enjoy the talk of murder.
  58. (Erik Hirano)
  59. Kalia: < *frowns.* >
  60. Kalia whispers something.
  61. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  62. Kalia whispers something.
  63. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  64. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  65. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  66. Kalia: < *her teeth grits and she turns away...* >
  67. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  68. Kalia whispers something.
  69. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  70. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  71. Kalia whispers something.
  72. Kalia whispers something.
  73. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  74. Kalia whispers something.
  75. Erik Hirano whispers something.
  76. Death?
  77. How the very claim made his heart tick naught but a few beats faster. "It's been so long since someone threatened my life... From the hordes of fighters in the West, to the the combatants of the Lion's Den. I admit, I'd be more than willing to show you the true extent of my power..."
  78. A sickly grin emerged across his visage, followed by a chortle that failed to comply with his own bouncing shoulders.
  80. "... But wait.... You're Erik... Erik Hirano?" He eased somebit, taken back to recollection as to one's identity. "I know you... You're an enemy of the Republic." He reached for his back to take hold of his magispear, twirling the staff betwixt his digits to slam its butt into the grass by his feet.
  81. " Odd... I didn't think the monarch of Nostvale would be so distant from their own city... Then again, I heard of the news concerning it. I didn't think that once I met you, I'd be staring at a three eyed mutation however..."
  83. The vessel of one's person was soon engulfed by the resonating gleam of gold-- Likely that to imitate what was, of the Exorcist's domain... However, it'd only transcend for a grimly mauve, efferverscing along the seems of one's transmogrifying facade to contort into a nightmarish variant of what was once Krausite. "Yes... An Ookami told me about you... We have a common goal, it seems."
  85. The pseudo-light that omitted his appearance would soon subside to reveal an entirely new set of armor and weaponry: A modified four-bladed glaive intended to clutch and shred with a spin into flesh, something akin to a adhorrent attempt to replicate an occultic trident.
  87. The whispers did not go unnoticed, albeit lacking acknowledgement in the form of his rhetoric. "... Granted this fact... I'll do you a favor... When you fail and I stand over your wounded person... I'll grant you the privilege of experiencing death... Over... and Over.... and Over again... Until I'm certain you're willing to listen to reason."
  88. (Evemek)
  89. We have a common goal, it seems.
  91. That's enough to break her out of the whispering conversation in a bitter laugh. What did the occultist before them know about their goals? Their ambitions? Their need to strike and the things that would follow from it? What ookami?
  93. After her laugh, Kalia's face falls a bit -- golden irises glittering together over the soft concern that touches her mind. "...I don't know many of your so-called allies or comrades, Erik."
  95. Had he established a network of people to speak with under her nose? Perhaps it was just her lack of care of their human interactions, but in a time like this where their lives were at stake? Trust no-one, Erik. Those were the rules she'd establish to him, yet it seemed to go without merit. Once again, others were coming before her own wishes. It brought a bitter taste to her mouth.
  97. So she begins to walk. Down does she move towards the marshes, her chin raised in defiance while the man before them essentially threatens Erik over their 'common goal.' "You don't know anything about what our goals are. And if you do, it only shows my husband's foolish faith in strangers. Its no wonder why we lost the crown of Nostvale."
  99. Her hips sway as she moves, not bothered by the occultic aura that sickeningly crawls through the air in grim resonance.
  100. (Kalia)
  101. Kalia whispers: Be quite careful, though. My appetite is specifically for Magi who are hefty in power. Just like /you./
  102. Evemek: <*grins*>
  103. Keeping his eyes focused on Kalia, many doubts are beginning to swim inside of his stomach, he didn't trust this at all... and Kalia was hardly ever around, so why wouldn't he be paranoid? A wife that was hardly around and when she was? she made questionable decisions and did questionable things, he could only keep his wits about him, untrusting. Because as Kalia had gained trust, it was much easier to lose it again.
  105. Yet even as Evemek speaks, the whispers have angered him greatly. Erik wasn't in the mood for things like this, Kalia was pushing him to an extent that she even knew the result off... and he wasn't scared to do what he needed to do, he's made it very clear. And then the whisper?
  107. With a click of his fingers, soundmagic amplifies her voice, causing her whisper to be louder than usual, maybe even causing a slight ringing to Evemek's ear?
  109. 'Be quite careful, though. My appetite is specifically for Magi who are hefty in power. Just like you.''
  111. ''We will have no secrets and whispers now, I am very, VERY. Displeased.'' He flicks Exodus around in his hand, until a single slash was made in between Kalia and Evemek, mainly to separate his wife from him, yet there was no real danger from this attack, only a soft hum of shadowflame to cause a thick wall of flames for a single moment, maybe to surprise them?
  113. ''You did not answer my fucking question.'' The tip of Exodus is pointed at Kalia. ''Come here.'' He points right at his side, before he returns back to Evemek.
  115. ''We have a common goal?'' He seems quick. ''What is this common goal, because if you heard of me from an ookami, there is only one other person I know that'd of told you this...'' He rolls his shoulders. ''State your goal, state how it benefits me, state what you need.'' Was he rushing him? He was still mad.
  117. But his eyes turn back to Kalia. ''And you, you don't know anyone because you are hardly here. Where are you? what are you doing? what are you hiding from me?'' His sword still pointed directly at his side. ''I won't ask a second time.''
  118. (Erik Hirano)
  119. Kalia: < *...slowly walks back to Erik's side, blank-faced.* >
  120. Kalia: < *stares at wall* >
  121. Erik Hirano: You best prepare to start speaking. Miss 'hate humanity'.
  122. Kalia: ... < *twitch.* >
  123. The extreme incrementation of sound in Evemek's ear forced him to wince... And triggered... Something else...
  124. The act harmed Evemek, and as though to toss more tinder into the kindling flame, one dared to push the situation with incenticizing wrath. For the first time, this Occultist would bear witness to the sheer power of Exodus in the hands of a master of the shadows-- At least, by human standards.
  126. The wall of flames were close-- Too close for his own comfort; They activated the curse that defined Evemek to the core. One that sought out retribution and wrath in any ill-doing, regardless if direct or pending. It was a power that provided as a beacon to the damned of the Occult to possess at what was a vessel far too dabbled into the shadows.
  128. The vermillion miasma oozing from the flesh of his right appendage implied what was soon to come-- The power of a malignant Kaor, had unearthed what latent potential was still stored within Evemek's body. The words that came from the Hirano next, were omitted to one's ears, unwilling to hear anymore, but read what expression he took upon.
  130. In response, all the Umbral mage could take towards, was a scowl; In complementation to such, the ire throttled by this rune transformed what was once present into a mastodon of oblivion's wake. The transmundane warped at the visualization of forestry abroad the general scene to imitate that of a far more exaggerated presene than what was. The innumerable hordes of whispers from beyond this plane of existence cooed out to the lot, soon surfacing to wandering perception in the form of faceless mannequins of opaque ebony.
  132. The iotas of vermillion lined the foliage and green-riddled horizon, now obstructed by a rising veil of dimming fog. From overhead, few members of the daemonic ilk soared overhead, that of the avian quality perching nigh with quartets of eyes following Erik over yonder.
  133. " Last I recall, such is not appropriate mannerism to treat that of one you know naught about, Erik... If you want to test your luck, then come forth with your threat. I await your claim of pending demise..."
  135. The glaive he wielded was aimed towards the Hirano, providing as a pointer for what emerged from the conjured fogs behind him. Eight foot tall monstrosities of the esoteric domain, chimeras of serpent attributes dominating their facades, numbering no greater than three to his person-- Likely to prove as his temporal attack force, beckoned by his personal dark call.
  136. (Evemek)
  137. The temperament of Erik Hirano isn't something that Kalia is surprised at. He is possessive, greedy, and just as much wicked as she - herself - could ever be. In fact, his influence contributed heavily to her visage of the world and her hatred of humanity around her, and it didn't seem to get any better the more they'd grow. He destroyed her constantly, rebuilding and remolding her into a cesspool of hate and corruption.
  139. It works here, grasping onto her arms in a huff. The turmoil of the surroundings falls victim to the Umbral mage, the Darkness becoming a thick, miasmic-like coating that would surely rid of the beauty of the forest's surrounding in just this moment. She couldn't help but stare moreso at Evemek's power and want to taste his flesh, even in the midst of her anger.
  141. The desire to feed on proper Magi becomes grand.
  143. But she is merely subjected towards being held back as commanded by her husband; her mate. Erik is given a glance, wondering how he'd take the challenge while she remains pressed against the porch of the manor. Her gaze focuses back towards the Occultist, mouth salivating inside when imagining the crunch of his bones and the dripping ooze of his blood and fear for her to mesmerize over.
  145. "You'll weep at me to forgive you later, Erik. Bring me a limb from this one, and all will be forgiven." She points her hand towards Evemek.
  146. (Kalia)
  147. A challenge?
  149. A challenge?
  151. ...A challenge right now?
  153. Once Evemek has done his showing of darkness, things move and sway. Beasts of the unknown come to his side to aid him. This was getting a little out of hand, even for Erik. Too much was going on, he felt like he needed to squeeze everything he could out of Kalia, what was she doing behind his back? Being out of the picture, being in places he had no idea she was, not wanting him to go to Alteros with her and now she wanted a human to live?
  155. Then Evemek didn't make things better, the fact he was challenging him to a fight at a time like this, it was probably a mistake. Erik wasn't sane, no. He had a psychotic Sirenian who could possibly be more insane than him, but was very good at hiding her insanity on one shoulder, while the soft whispers of the Diabolicon weigh onto his mind on the other shoulder. Even with the quiet screams of thousands or even millions of dead, constantly in his ear.
  157. ''Hahaha...'' His body goes a little loose. font size=3>''Hahaha!'' He moves his sword, holding it onto his shoulder, while the other hand comes to grasp onto his face. ''HAHAHA!'' Was he losing it completely?
  159. ''EVERYONE WILL DIE, EVERYONE.'' The occultist aura explodes out around his body, while lightning flickers around him and three wide eerie hues stare out. ''CAN I TRUST ANYONE?! DOES MY WIFE SEEK TO EVEN HIDE THINGS BEHIND MY BACK?! AM I TOO SOFT?!'' Tendrils move, causing the ground to rot and destroy itself, orbs of decay come to burst into life, causing them to slowly float around his body.
  161. ''I accept the challenge, because how can I refuse now?'' His head tilts, while the cheshire smile remains. Speaking to Kalia his eyes remain on Evemek, because even if he was the cause to most of her hatred? she was the reason why he did most of what he did, why he hated humans, why he was so insane. From eating corpses to killing, it was Kalia. ''You'll answer AFTER.''
  163. And with that, he takes a few steps forwards, preparing to combat against Evemek. ''Let's see what you've got!''
  164. (Erik Hirano)
  165. Kalia: ... < *a wary step back. was that fear on her face?* >
  166. The threat, the vigor... The audacity...
  167. It left him driven to see this through to the end... However, one could hardly come to expect what he came across. Not only was his advarsary showing signs of mental crippling-- Likely at the strain of one's lifestyle up until said point courtesy of the corrupting shadows addling the mind further into aforementioned madness. It was a stage that Evemek himself had known all too well, momentarily escaped from whilst destined damned him to eventually recede back into its clutches.
  169. There were no words... Only preparation-- For he stared into what likely certain demise. It was not the first time that he had a full gander into the shadow of Death, but hopefully... Not his last.
  170. "Very well, Hirano." He eased back, attempting to see himself in a better advantage-- Taking a better position for this battle. He was on unfamiliar territory and surrounded by forestry that he couldn't hope to navigate through.
  172. --But there was -something- he could use to his person, at least, to find better ground; He passed over a bridge before finding this place! Though, if he turned his back now, it was more than likely that he'd be assailed immediately. He needed a distraction immediately... And so, he'd have it so.
  173. Betwixt the sharpened digits of his modified glaive, one sphereoid of the coalescing shadows manifested at his volition-- Booming with the thunderous cannonade; A volley of ebonic blasts ravaged at the immediate scape-- Horrendously aimed to allow easy evasive manuevers from the Hirano: Cover fire.
  175. The first endeavor was immediately coupled with a backpedal southbound, and a flee attempt for the bridge. The daemonic ilk summoned prior took to their charge, pawns attempting to block off their target from closing the distance too soon...
  177. Though, considering the pace Evemek was making, it was inevitible that Erik would catch up... Then again, was he truly trying to get away? There was a certain lack of urgency in his act... Almost as though he wanted the Hirano to eventually catch up.
  178. (Evemek)
  179. {RP BATTLE} (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  190. With Evemak moving back to the bridge, Erik was quick. Fast, he moved darting through the forest, until finally he caught up to Evemak easier than expected. Landing on the bridge, he slides into a stance, spinning Exodus around. Surely Evemek stopped for a reason, more familiar ground? It was open and Erik couldn't use obstacles to his advantage, so this was surely to make things better for him or both?
  192. Nevertheless, Erik doesn't hesitate. With the beasts that come close, lightning shrouds around his fist. His body is quick to teleport in an explosion of lightning, suddenly appearing at Evemeks front, causing a hand of lightning to cut into his chest, smacking armor and causing a gash. Ouch. But this did not come without punishment.
  194. The ground light up, hands and tendrils come to smack and burn at his body, making his breathing heavy, because this power of occultism was far more than his own. He felt overwhelmed. But with his own vision gone, three eyes weren't enough to block out the darkness of illusion, followed by the unexpected canon of occultism that blasts against his body. ''AHH!'' A scream of pain, while his body still seems to be standing, armor broke at the chest and arms, revealing a burnt up body and patches of cuts.
  196. He took the entire canon and survived.
  198. Spitting out some blood, Erik twirls Exodus around in his grip. Soundmagic vibrates against Evemeks body, causing his movements and his beasts movements to slow. Wide crazed eyes come open, while he kicks of the ground, moving right in front of Evemek himself. Illusions of terror wouldn't work to grant victory on such a strong and dark magic using person, so Erik goes with raw force.
  200. While Evemek struggles to move, Erik brings Exodus forwards and stabs it directly into Evemeks forearm, causing it to slice through but leaving it intact. Something that can heal over time or just by using his occult magic, but for now he had a gaping hole in his arm. Next came grabbing Evemeks hair, while Erik forces him down to the ground. SLAM! Evemeks face is smashed against the floor, over and over again, which causes the sound magic to vanish.
  202. The beasts do come for him while he smashes Evemeks face into the ground, but Erik just points his finger at each one. BOOM! Shots of energy blast out exploding the legs of these beasts, causing them to drop onto the ground, no longer able to move. So with Evemeks face beaten, Erik rises to his feet, holding Exodus and letting out a tired sigh.
  204. ''Strong.'' A silent whimper, as pain still traces through his entire body. Only for Erik to casually move Exodus into Evemeks stomach, making sure he hit no vital points or did anything to long term injure him, he made sure to pierce his body into the ground, just so he couldn't get back up again. Spitting more blood out onto the ground, while his head slowly twists to look at Kalia, menacing... his very gaze screams danger.
  206. But for now, he had to deal with Evemek, unless Kalia was going to step up and say something. So he kneels down to his level, keeping his eyes on the man, waiting for him to say something. Also using the time to catch his breath.
  207. (Erik Hirano)
  208. The chaos of magic hums through the air.
  210. How she squirms in her place, watching the battle from afar. It makes her writhe, her hand coming to rest against her heart. Each cut, each thrum of blood that sprays through the air. It sharpens her attentions painfully, allowing her to see the men bleed, sweat, and churn with the casting arcana in the air. Darkness floods the surrounding woods with a permanent, stale press - allowing for no creature alive to escape its grip. That included her as well.
  212. "Ahh... I'm so hungry..." Kalia groans, the satisfaction of seeing Evemek torn down onto the ground forcing her to lean off of the wall. Her body sashays forth, almost as though she plans to intervene. Perhaps to lay herself atop of the Occultist and feed on the remains of his life...
  214. ... But she pauses, noticing that he'd hold his own against Erik. There is strength and power inside of his body and his craft that surpassed mere sight and presence. The truth behind this? The man could back his word in promising death to the Hirano. Only if he were a bit stronger, however...
  216. "Do not let that one escape this time, Erik. He's seen what you're capable of." Whatever their goals were, Kalia is untrusting of seeing him merely walk away. He could very well report to the rest of Valmasia where they hid. No one was to be trusted. Not even husband and wife, it seemed.
  218. Biting back her own anger and hunger, the sirenian turns. Her punishment loomed ahead, hanging over her like a storm cloud ready to pour the harsh rains upon her. Surely after this beating, he'd take out all of his rage upon her and allow her to hate humanity just a bit more.
  220. "Bring him inside." Thus, she turns to disappear inside as well, that nightmarish face haunting her.
  221. (Kalia)
  222. As the fight carried out, everything from the first strike onward only came back to haunt him... For every strike he landed upon Erik, the Penance rune took to activation, replicating the pain inflicted upon the Hirano unto his own being. He was punished for the pain he enforced upon others, which forced him to slip up--From quivers in his charge, to outright stumbling in his evasive manuevers.
  223. Yet, for every passing moment, the pain inflicted upon his own bodily vessel inspired the Rune of Vengeance to send Evemek into a violent frenzy-- Yet, for all the damage he'd sate the mark with, the Rune of Penance ruthlessly tormented him. It was a vicious cycle perpetuating one further into the maddening freefall of fury...
  224. With one's surmounting wrath, came more power-- The powers of the Occult intensified but at the cost of his stability and control.
  226. Soon enough, destructive blasts of the shadows were pivoted away from that of Erik and turned to any and everything that passed his gaze. Yokai that fought alongside him, inanimate foliage and even spare entities of wildlife: This, was Evemek's tantrum...
  228. Though, even midst such blind rage, he found his target.
  229. Hands extended outward to engulf Erik in the full brunt of his own unveiling of the pseudo-light. The shadows' malefic projection obliterated all in its wake, in the form of a horizontal skimming stream of the Occult. From the quake along the bridge to the devastation of the forestry over yonder... Yet, as the beam of mana faded, leaving dust to clear and so on... Erik remained... Alive....
  230. Evemek, outright bewildered stood there in petriication.
  232. A full-powered blast at point-blank, and ths man survived?! There was no way! Perhaps, he -did- wield manipulation over the purest night to his volition, albeit it'd never be enough to best his advarsary this time around.
  233. The resonations of weaponized auditory waves ruptured his very vessel, leaving him to tremble in his stance. The very perception of what was, was ridden with what provided semblence to refraction.
  235. His hearing seemed to dull out, facing damage from the magic in-play; Dazed and disorientated, one fell victim to a sturdy kick that grounded Evemek to the wooden bridge by their feet. He was open: vulnerable to the next strike, which would delve into his exposed left forearm. What wasn't already marred by magics was scathed as to leave him without flawless portions of bodily flesh.
  237. Teeth were grit, eyes winced and with parting maws he released a guttural cry out for the world for miles-- But to his implied plea there would come to solace that anyone but a masochist would know.
  238. Such pain didn't require intellect nor thought-- All it demanded of him, was wrath... Was retribution...
  239. All that mattered was sating his anger. Far from the hulk-archetype, he roared out to the Hirano as digits curled about his mane, prying him up.
  241. The shout stretched out, but it'd be silenced with a hefty thud against the wooden bridge. Moments prior, his legs were victimized to a metaphysical strike, blown apart, leaving him incapacitated-- A long healing session with medical attention could likely undo the damning status he was placed into, but such seemed akin to an eternity away given his devastated stature.
  243. If Erik thought he was in pain... Evemek was encapsulated in a surrealstic magnitude of one's anguish. There was not only his own damage, but that which he managed to make against the fallen King... Finally, able to relinquish his fury thanks to unconsciousness.
  244. This generator of self-perpetuating power, was dispatched... Defeated.
  245. (Evemek)
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