
To The Letter

Jun 24th, 2012
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  1. >You are a pregnant fluffy pegasus.
  2. >Very pregnant. You're so big you can't use your leggies.
  3. >This doesn't worry you, though.
  4. >A nice human always comes in and checks on you.
  5. >He helps you make good poopies and get nummies and water.
  6. >He even brought over your favorite soft toy to hug.
  7. >You love him very much.
  8. >From him, you learn there are babies waiting to come out.
  9. >You're incredibly excited and can't wait to see them.
  10. >You feel a little tired, so you lie in the big soft bed and rest.
  11. >Owwies. Owwies!
  12. >There's suddenly a lot of pain from between your back leggies.
  13. >It's like nothing you've felt before, and it scares you a little.
  14. >You quickly realize that your babies want out.
  15. “Babehs comin'! Pwease hewp mumma!”
  16. >The nice human usually comes when you talk loudly.
  17. >Not this time. You're on your own.
  18. >You concentrate hard on the owwies.
  19. >You feel yourself pushing somehow inside, even though you're not telling yourself to.
  20. >Something wet and hot and solid comes out of your special place.
  21. >You hear a squeaky chirpy noise.
  22. >Baby! It's a baby!
  23. “Mumma hewe, come hewe babeh!”
  24. >You're still too big to turn around, and the owwies aren't going away.
  25. >Another wet, hot thing falls out of you and starts crying.
  26. “Babehs! No cwy babehs! Mumma hewe!”
  27. >Two more babies come out before you've returned to your normal size.
  28. >You scoot around to them. They start to hug your orange fluff.
  29. >They don't look pretty. They're covered in boo-boo juice and yucky stuff.
  30. >Boo-boo juice and some yucky thing are on your pretty blanket.
  31. >You hope the nice human won't be mad.
  32. >The foals chirp quietly, searching and squirming in your tummy fluff.
  33. >They want milk, but you have things you're supposed to do first.
  34. >You gently grab a foal and hug it to you.
  35. “Make babeh wook pwetty.”
  36. >You clean the foal with your tongue. It tastes awful, but you have to do this.
  37. >When you're done, you have a small, pale yellow wingie baby in your forelegs.
  38. >It smells very pretty.
  39. “You good babeh.”
  40. >It chirps a little in response to your voice.
  41. >You open your mouth and carefully put its head between your teeth.
  42. >You bite down. It squeaks very loudly, causing the other foals to make fearful noises.
  43. >It wiggles around as you bite down harder, thwacking your face lightly with its tiny forelegs.
  44. >Once you feel it stop moving, you take it out and put it aside.
  45. “No cwy, babehs. Mumma make you wook pwetty too.”
  46. >Their terrified squeaks seem to become a little more relaxed when you talk to them.
  47. >You hug and clean the next baby, a bright blue foal with a nub on its head.
  48. >It still chirps anxiously, but your embrace makes it feel safer.
  49. >Once it's clean, you chomp on its head, too.
  50. >You feel pee come out of it as it cries and thrashes, but you don't pay it any attention.
  51. >Your mouth has boo-boo juice in it. It doesn't taste pretty.
  52. >You've got to keep going, though.
  53. >The next foal squeaks as loud as it can while you clean it.
  54. >It was hearing three siblings before, but now it only hears one.
  55. >Despite being barely an hour old, instinct tells it something is wrong.
  56. >You gently lick clean its purple fluff. It has no wingies or head nub.
  57. “Babeh cwean now.”
  58. >It squeaks, waving its legs around as you pop its head into your mouth and bite.
  59. >It wiggles frantically, peeing itself with the pain.
  60. >Once it falls still, you place it with the other two foals.
  61. >One more baby to clean.
  62. >The slimy red wingie baby is wriggling around in your fluff, chirping desperately in an attempt to contact its siblings.
  63. >When they don't chirp back, and you don't talk, it pees itself in fright and squeaks very loudly.
  64. “No cwy babeh. Mumma cwean you now.”
  65. >It immediately starts crawling toward the sound of your voice, chirping at you to give it care.
  66. >You respond to its cries, cuddling it softly while you clean it off.
  67. >By the time you're done with it, its terrified chirps have become rhythmic, quiet squeaks.
  68. >You place the whole foal in your mouth by accident.
  69. >You have to chew on it for a while, like you do the grass nummies you get sometimes.
  70. >You can hear its muffled squeaks of pain.
  71. >You detect its nubby wings buzz against the sides of your mouth.
  72. >You even feel it buck at your teeth with its little back legs.
  73. >The foal pees in your mouth as you continue chewing.
  74. >Doesn't taste pretty at all, but you're doing what you must.
  75. >Once it becomes still, you spit it out.
  76. >It's a bloody, saliva-covered, mangled mess.
  77. >You are filled with a great sense of satisfaction.
  78. >You are a good fluffy. The dead babies prove it.
  79. >You feel so happy as water begins to leak from your eyes.
  80. ------
  81. >You've been watching this whole scene play out through the one-way mirror.
  82. >The research department wanted to see if reset reprogramming could completely override instinct.
  83. >Since the most instinct any fluffy feels is when a mother is cleaning her newborn foals, they tailored the suggestion to trigger then.
  84. >They will be pleased. She followed it to the letter.
  85. >It's only the first test run, but it was a total success.
  86. >You set the clipboard aside and enter the test room.
  87. >She waddles slowly over to you, still bleeding a bit and in obvious pain.
  88. >She's got a huge smile on her face.
  89. >The kind a fluffy gets when they know they've been good and done what they were supposed to.
  90. >”Wendee good fwuffy! Wendee kiww good babehs!”
  91. >You look behind her at the four dead foals, lumped into a bloody little pile.
  92. “Yes Wendy, you're a good fluffy.”
  93. >Her smile gets even wider as you confirm her success.
  94. >”Wendee good fwuffy! Wendee good fwuffy!”
  95. >She's very happy.
  96. >And yet, tears are streaming down her face.
  97. >Looks like the suggestion couldn't completely erase the emotional realization of the deed.
  98. >Better go make a note of that on the papers.
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