
bear config.cpp

Oct 29th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. #define _ARMA_
  3. //(13 Enums)
  4. enum {
  5. destructengine = 2,
  6. destructdefault = 6,
  7. destructwreck = 7,
  8. destructtree = 3,
  9. destructtent = 4,
  10. stabilizedinaxisx = 1,
  11. stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4,
  12. stabilizedinaxisy = 2,
  13. stabilizedinaxesboth = 3,
  14. destructno = 0,
  15. stabilizedinaxesnone = 0,
  16. destructman = 5,
  17. destructbuilding = 1
  18. };
  20. class CfgPatches
  21. {
  22. class wlk_animals
  23. {
  24. addonRootClass = "wlk_animals";
  25. requiredAddons[] = {"wlk_animals"};
  26. requiredVersion = 0.1;
  27. units[] = {"wlk_bear"};
  28. weapons[] = {};
  29. };
  30. };
  31. class CfgMovesAnimal_Base_F
  32. {
  33. access = 1;
  34. collisionVertexPattern[] = {};
  35. collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1};
  36. class Default
  37. {
  38. access = 3;
  39. file = "";
  40. looped = 1;
  41. speed = 0.5;
  42. disableWeapons = 1;
  43. enableOptics = 1;
  44. disableWeaponsLong = 0;
  45. canreload = 1;
  46. showWeaponAim = 1;
  47. enableMissile = 0;
  48. enableBinocular = 0;
  49. showItemInHand = 0;
  50. showItemInRightHand = 0;
  51. showHandGun = 0;
  52. onLandBeg = 0;
  53. onLandEnd = 0;
  54. onLadder = 0;
  55. canPullTrigger = 1;
  56. duty = -0.51;
  57. predictSpeedCoef = 1;
  58. visibleSize = 1;
  59. aimPrecision = 1;
  60. relSpeedMin = 1.0;
  61. relSpeedMax = 1.0;
  62. soundEnabled = 1;
  63. soundOverride = "";
  64. soundEdge[] = {0.5,1};
  65. soundEdge1 = 0.5;
  66. soundEdge2 = 1;
  67. terminal = 0;
  68. limitGunMovement = 1;
  69. variantsPlayer[] = {};
  70. variantsAI[] = {};
  71. equivalentTo = "";
  72. connectAs = "";
  73. variantAfter[] = {5,10,20};
  74. connectFrom[] = {};
  75. connectTo[] = {};
  76. interpolateWith[] = {};
  77. interpolateTo[] = {};
  78. interpolateFrom[] = {};
  79. aiming = "aimingNo";
  80. leaning = "aimingNo";
  81. untiltWeapon = "aimingNo";
  82. aimingBody = "aimingUpDefault";
  83. legs = "legsNo";
  84. head = "headDefault";
  85. leaningFactorBeg = 0;
  86. leaningFactorEnd = 0;
  87. leaningFactorZeroPoint = -1;
  88. leaningCorrectionAngleBeg = 0;
  89. leaningCorrectionAngleEnd = 0;
  90. interpolationSpeed = 6;
  91. interpolationRestart = 0;
  92. hasCollShapeSafe = 0;
  93. collisionShapeSafe = "";
  94. boundingSphere = 1;
  95. enableDirectControl = 1;
  96. enableAutoActions = 0;
  97. leftHandIKBeg = 0;
  98. leftHandIKEnd = 0;
  99. leftHandIKCurve = 0;
  100. rightHandIKCurve = 0;
  101. rightHandIKBeg = 0;
  102. rightHandIKEnd = 0;
  103. weaponIK = 0;
  104. preload = 0;
  105. walkcycles = 1;
  106. forceAim = 0;
  107. showDisposableGun = 0;
  108. headBobStrength = 0.5;
  109. headBobMode = 1;
  110. };
  111. class StandBase: Default
  112. {
  113. duty = -1;
  114. head = "headDefault";
  115. speed = 1e+010;
  116. relSpeedMin = 0.7;
  117. relSpeedMax = 1.1;
  118. looped = 1;
  119. soundEnabled = 1;
  120. enableDirectControl = 0;
  121. disableWeapons = 1;
  122. disableWeaponsLong = 1;
  123. };
  124. class DefaultDie: Default
  125. {
  126. aiming = "aimingNo";
  127. legs = "legsNo";
  128. head = "headNo";
  129. };
  130. class ManActions
  131. {
  132. Stop = "";
  133. StopRelaxed = "";
  134. TurnL = "";
  135. TurnR = "";
  136. TurnLRelaxed = "";
  137. TurnRRelaxed = "";
  138. Default = "";
  139. JumpOff = "";
  140. ReloadMagazine = "";
  141. ReloadMGun = "";
  142. ReloadAT = "";
  143. ReloadMortar = "";
  144. ThrowGrenade = "";
  145. WalkF = "";
  146. WalkLF = "";
  147. WalkRF = "";
  148. WalkL = "";
  149. WalkR = "";
  150. WalkLB = "";
  151. WalkRB = "";
  152. WalkB = "";
  153. SlowF = "";
  154. SlowLF = "";
  155. SlowRF = "";
  156. SlowL = "";
  157. SlowR = "";
  158. SlowLB = "";
  159. SlowRB = "";
  160. SlowB = "";
  161. FastF = "";
  162. FastLF = "";
  163. FastRF = "";
  164. FastL = "";
  165. FastR = "";
  166. FastLB = "";
  167. FastRB = "";
  168. FastB = "";
  169. EvasiveForward = "";
  170. EvasiveLeft = "";
  171. EvasiveRight = "";
  172. EvasiveBack = "";
  173. StartSwim = "";
  174. StopSwim = "";
  175. Down = "";
  176. Up = "";
  177. PlayerStand = "";
  178. PlayerCrouch = "";
  179. PlayerProne = "";
  180. Lying = "";
  181. Stand = "";
  182. Combat = "";
  183. Crouch = "";
  184. CanNotMove = "";
  185. Civil = "";
  186. CivilLying = "";
  187. FireNotPossible = "";
  188. Die = "";
  189. WeaponOn = "";
  190. WeaponOff = "";
  191. StrokeFist = "";
  192. StrokeGun = "";
  193. SitDown = "";
  194. Salute = "";
  195. BinocOn = "";
  196. BinocOff = "";
  197. PutDown = "";
  198. PutDownEnd = "";
  199. Medic = "";
  200. Treated = "";
  201. LadderOnDown = "";
  202. LadderOnUp = "";
  203. LadderOff = "";
  204. LadderOffTop = "";
  205. LadderOffBottom = "";
  206. GetInLow = "";
  207. GetInMedium = "";
  208. GetInHigh = "";
  209. GetOutLow = "";
  210. GetOutMedium = "";
  211. GetOutHigh = "";
  212. TakeFlag = "";
  213. HandGunOn = "";
  214. LookAround = "";
  215. Eat = "";
  216. StopEat = "";
  217. Rest = "";
  218. StopRest = "";
  219. };
  220. class Actions
  221. {
  222. class NoActions: ManActions
  223. {
  224. turnSpeed = 8;
  225. limitFast = 5.5;
  226. useFastMove = 0;
  227. stance = "ManStanceUndefined";
  228. upDegree = 0;
  229. };
  230. };
  231. class Interpolations{};
  232. transitionsInterpolated[] = {};
  233. transitionsSimple[] = {};
  234. transitionsDisabled[] = {};
  235. class BlendAnims
  236. {
  237. aimingDefault[] = {"head",1};
  238. untiltWeaponDefault[] = {};
  239. legsDefault[] = {};
  240. headDefault[] = {"Head",1};
  241. aimingNo[] = {};
  242. legsNo[] = {};
  243. headNo[] = {};
  244. aimingUpDefault[] = {};
  245. };
  246. };
  247. class CfgMovesBear_F: CfgMovesAnimal_Base_F
  248. {
  249. skeletonName = "brownbear_real";
  250. collisionVertexPattern[] = {"1a","2a","3a","4a","5a","6a","7a","8a","9a","10a","11a","12a","13a","14a","15a","16a","17a","18a","19a","20a","21a","22a","23a","24a","25a","26a","27a","28a","29a","30a","31a","32a","33a","34a"};
  251. collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1};
  252. class Default: Default
  253. {
  254. actions = "BearActions";
  255. collisionShape = "wlk_animals\bear\wlk_bear_CollShape_new.p3d";
  256. };
  257. class StandBase: Default{};
  258. class DefaultDie: Default{};
  259. class States
  260. {
  261. class Bear_Idle_Stop: StandBase
  262. {
  263. duty = -1;
  264. file = "\wlk_animals\bear\anim\bear_idle_stop";
  265. variantsAI[] = {"Bear_Idle_Eat",0.6,"Bear_Idle_Walk",0.3,"Bear_Idle_Run",0.1};
  266. variantsPlayer[] = {};
  267. variantAfter[] = {3,6,9};
  268. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Walk",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Eat",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Run",0.1,"Bear_Stop",0.5,"Bear_Walk",0.5,"Bear_Run",0.5,"Bear_Die",0.1};
  269. connectTo[] = {};
  270. preload = 1;
  271. speed = 1;
  272. };
  273. class Bear_TurnL: Bear_Idle_Stop
  274. {
  275. file = "\wlk_animals\bear\anim\bear_rotate_L";
  276. variantsAI[] = {};
  277. connectTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.1};
  278. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.1,"Bear_Die",0.1};
  279. speed = 1;
  280. };
  281. class Bear_TurnR: Bear_TurnL
  282. {
  283. file = "\wlk_animals\bear\anim\bear_rotate_R";
  284. };
  285. class Bear_Idle_Eat: Bear_Idle_Stop
  286. {
  287. speed = -9.0;
  288. variantsAI[] = {};
  289. looped = 1;
  290. file = "\wlk_animals\bear\anim\bear_idle_eat";
  291. connectTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Eat",0.1};
  292. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Run",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Walk",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.1,"Bear_Stop",0.5,"Bear_Walk",0.5,"Bear_Run",0.5,"Bear_Die",0.1};
  293. };
  294. class Bear_Idle_Walk: Bear_Idle_Stop
  295. {
  296. duty = -0.7;
  297. file = "\wlk_animals\bear\anim\bear_walk";
  298. speed = 0.8;
  299. variantsAI[] = {};
  300. looped = 1;
  301. head = "headDefault";
  302. connectTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.1};
  303. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Run",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Eat",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.1,"Bear_Stop",0.5,"Bear_Walk",0.5,"Bear_Run",0.5,"Bear_Die",0.1};
  304. };
  305. class Bear_Idle_Run: Bear_Idle_Stop
  306. {
  307. duty = -0.5;
  308. file = "\wlk_animals\bear\anim\bear_run";
  309. speed = 1.0;
  310. variantsAI[] = {};
  311. looped = 1;
  312. connectTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Run",0.1};
  313. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Eat",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Walk",0.1,"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.1,"Bear_Stop",0.5,"Bear_Walk",0.5,"Bear_Run",0.5,"Bear_Die",0.1};
  314. };
  315. class Bear_Die: DefaultDie
  316. {
  317. file = "\wlk_animals\bear\anim\bear_die";
  318. speed = 0.666;
  319. actions = "NoActions";
  320. looped = 0;
  321. terminal = 1;
  322. variantsPlayer[] = {};
  323. variantsAI[] = {};
  324. variantAfter[] = {0,0,0};
  325. };
  326. class Bear_Stop: Bear_Idle_Stop
  327. {
  328. variantsAI[] = {};
  329. actions = "BearForceStop";
  330. connectTo[] = {"Bear_Stop",0.02};
  331. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.02,"Bear_Walk",0.02,"Bear_Run",0.02,"Bear_Die",0.02};
  332. };
  333. class Bear_Walk: Bear_Idle_Walk
  334. {
  335. actions = "BearForceWalk";
  336. connectTo[] = {"Bear_Walk",0.02};
  337. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.02,"Bear_Stop",0.02,"Bear_Run",0.02,"Bear_Die",0.02};
  338. };
  339. class Bear_Run: Bear_Idle_Run
  340. {
  341. actions = "BearForceRun";
  342. connectTo[] = {"Bear_Run",0.02};
  343. interpolateTo[] = {"Bear_Idle_Stop",0.02,"Bear_Stop",0.02,"Bear_Walk",0.02,"Bear_Die",0.02};
  344. };
  345. };
  346. class Actions: Actions
  347. {
  348. class NoActions: NoActions{};
  349. class BearActions: NoActions
  350. {
  351. Stop = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  352. StopRelaxed = "Bear_Idle_Eat";
  353. TurnL = "Bear_TurnL";
  354. TurnR = "Bear_TurnR";
  355. TurnLRelaxed = "Bear_TurnL";
  356. TurnRRelaxed = "Bear_TurnR";
  357. Default = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  358. JumpOff = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  359. WalkF = "Bear_Idle_Walk";
  360. SlowF = "Bear_Idle_Walk";
  361. FastF = "Bear_Idle_Run";
  362. EvasiveForward = "Bear_Idle_Run";
  363. Down = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  364. Up = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  365. PlayerStand = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  366. PlayerCrouch = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  367. PlayerProne = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  368. Lying = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  369. Stand = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  370. Combat = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  371. Crouch = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  372. CanNotMove = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  373. Civil = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  374. CivilLying = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  375. FireNotPossible = "Bear_Idle_Stop";
  376. Die = "Bear_Die";
  377. Eat = "Bear_Idle_Eat";
  378. Rest = "Bear_Idle_Eat";
  379. turnSpeed = 1;
  380. limitFast = 5.5;
  381. useFastMove = 0;
  382. upDegree = "ManPosNoWeapon";
  383. };
  384. class BearForceStop: BearActions
  385. {
  386. CivilLying = "Bear_Stop";
  387. };
  388. class BearForceWalk: BearActions
  389. {
  390. CivilLying = "Bear_Walk";
  391. };
  392. class BearForceRun: BearActions
  393. {
  394. CivilLying = "Bear_Run";
  395. };
  396. };
  397. class BlendAnims: BlendAnims
  398. {
  399. aimingDefault[] = {"head",1};
  400. headDefault[] = {"head",0.8,"neck2",0.8,"neck1",0.7,"neck",0.5,"headEnd",0.8,"LeftRearEar1",0.8,"LeftRearEar2",0.8,"LeftRearEar3",0.8,"RightRearEar1",0.8,"RightRearEar2",0.8,"RightRearEar3",0.8,"LeftShoulder",0.1,"RightShoulder",0.1,"Spine2",0.2};
  401. };
  402. };
  403. class CfgVehicles
  404. {
  405. class Animal;
  406. class Animal_Base_F: Animal
  407. {
  408. class EventHandlers;
  409. };
  410. class Bear_random_F: Animal_Base_F
  411. {
  412. author = "walker";
  413. _generalMacro = "Bear_random_F";
  414. scope = 1;
  415. displayName = "Brownbear";
  416. model = "\wlk_animals\bear\brownbear_real.p3d";
  417. hasGeometry = 1;
  418. moves = "CfgMovesBear_F";
  419. class Wounds
  420. {
  421. tex[] = {};
  422. mat[] = {"A3\animals_f_beta\sheep\data\sheep.rvmat","A3\animals_f_beta\sheep\data\W1_sheep.rvmat","A3\animals_f_beta\sheep\data\W2_sheep.rvmat"};
  423. };
  424. hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
  425. class EventHandlers: EventHandlers
  426. {
  427. init = "(_this select 0) call bis_fnc_animalRandomization;";
  428. };
  429. class VariablesScalar
  430. {
  431. _threatMaxRadius = 10;
  432. _runDistanceMax = 25;
  433. _movePrefer = 0.25;
  434. _formationPrefer = 0.85;
  435. _scareLimit = 0.2;
  436. _dangerLimit = 12.0;
  437. _walkSpeed = 0.81;
  438. };
  439. class VariablesString
  440. {
  441. _expSafe = "(0.5 * meadow) * (0.5 * houses) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees) * (1 - sea)";
  442. _expDanger = "(0.5 * meadow) * (0.5 * houses) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees) * (1 - sea)";
  443. };
  444. };
  445. };
  446. class CfgSounds
  447. {
  448. class Sheep_Danger{};
  449. class Sheep_IdleComm
  450. {
  451. sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound",1,1};
  452. titles[] = {"Bear Communication"};
  453. };
  454. };
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