

May 15th, 2018
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  1. 23:01:51 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Not sure if we'd have those but I'll see what we;ve got.
  2. 23:01:59 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: They will be out in a moment miss.
  3. 23:02:00 [Darlington-WyrmrestAccord]: ...I have some.
  4. 23:02:02 Arminîa bows before Diannestone.
  5. 23:02:04 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (He's gonna poke ya with an IV and get blood going into ya if that's kosher.)
  6. 23:02:06 Diannestone bows before Arminîa.
  7. 23:02:07 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: Thank you very much madam.
  8. 23:02:19 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: Only doing my duty.
  9. 23:02:30 Diannestone looks at Allìe.
  10. 23:02:31 Shellene says: I believe you children are our future...
  11. 23:02:31 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: Do you need assistance?
  12. 23:02:34 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord pokes about the shelve, finding a rather large pair of regular shears. Hopefully this will make a good substitiute.
  13. 23:02:34 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (It's first aid. So it's fine.)
  14. 23:02:35 Bethradiah-WyrmrestAccord nods a bit then writes in his neat, noble worthy handwriting everything he had learned. He then wrote at the bottom 'dictated by Karyssmov Faroe, penned by Bethradiah Weaver." he then holds it out to the giant worgen.
  15. 23:02:51 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: It is my job to make sure Eli is safe, I will NOT calm down until she is better!
  16. 23:02:53 Selintha is proud of herself.
  17. 23:02:53 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (It's first said. So it's fine.)
  18. 23:02:55 [Allìe-WyrmrestAccord]: "Yes. I am seeking the one woman that called herself....Darasea?....or something like that."
  19. 23:03:04 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Do you want the curtain pulled?
  20. 23:03:14 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: Yes, if you could, Miss Silvertome.
  21. 23:03:21 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: I want Val near.
  22. 23:03:27 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: I will go see if she is inside madam. Please wait here.
  23. 23:03:28 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: It will help her get better if you support her emotionally, by reaffirming her it'll be fine and showing her you believe that.
  24. 23:03:33 Allìe nods at Arminîa.
  25. 23:03:35 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: Do not take him from me.
  26. 23:03:36 Notkary-WyrmrestAccord smiles towards Beth before taking the paper. He reaches over to pour some of the candle wax upon the page, allowing it to set for a moment, and then stamping down the sigil of the High General upon it, folding it neatly and placing it within his plate.
  27. 23:03:36 Notkary-WyrmrestAccord "T'ank ye' so much, Beth. Yer a gift, really."
  28. 23:03:38 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: You will not put that curtain up
  29. 23:03:38 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord nods lightly, heading for the privacy curtain. "If he promises to behave?"
  30. 23:04:01 Selintha looks at Seyja.
  31. 23:04:05 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: There is a woman outside inquiring about a Darasea?
  32. 23:04:08 Diannestone looks at Darlington.
  33. 23:04:09 Darlington-WyrmrestAccord taps Dianne on the shoulder. "Excuse me."
  34. 23:04:12 Notkary nods at Bethradiah.
  35. 23:04:13 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I always behave
  36. 23:04:14 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: G'night, Beth.
  37. 23:04:19 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: OH your syave correct?
  38. 23:04:22 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: stave*
  39. 23:04:23 Bethradiah-WyrmrestAccord reaches over to nose Kary's hand gently before heading out.
  40. 23:04:26 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: You tried to murder a tree...
  41. 23:04:29 [Darlington-WyrmrestAccord]: Yes.
  42. 23:04:33 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: The curtain is for privacy, Sir.
  43. 23:04:38 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: (brb)
  44. 23:04:39 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: To be fair. The tree hurt me first.
  45. 23:04:48 Shellene says: Now children stop that! I mean it!
  46. 23:04:50 Bethradiah-WyrmrestAccord bows to those assembled and leaves.
  47. 23:04:57 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord checks Elirrara's veins for the IV, searching for the ideal location to stick.
  48. 23:05:00 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: t'as th' right way, Beth,
  49. 23:05:03 Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord spun about and went to report no one by that name was in here.
  50. 23:05:04 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: You can be on this side of it, if you'd prefer.
  51. 23:05:05 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (You tell me where)
  52. 23:05:07 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: (back)
  53. 23:05:09 Notkary-WyrmrestAccord rises, before looking down to Arminia, following along.
  54. 23:05:13 Arminîa looks at Allìe.
  55. 23:05:16 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: One moment then miss.
  56. 23:05:17 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I will only repeat myself once, that curtain will not go up. I must see her.
  57. 23:05:25 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: Ye' wanted ta' talk ta' me?
  58. 23:05:29 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: Madam there is no one by that name currently in there. I doth apologize.
  59. 23:05:33 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Alright.
  60. 23:05:35 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: Les' 'ead back inside. Disarm yerself, though,
  61. 23:05:54 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: Aye sir let me finish this up first please sir.
  62. 23:05:57 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Anything more for now?
  63. 23:06:03 Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord hold the stave respectfully in her hands handing it back to its owner
  64. 23:06:04 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Really? Should I state to you the best place for an IV is generally the back of the hand or within the elbow joint on the inside of the arm? Her stomach is messed up, either spot on either arm is fine I promise.)
  65. 23:06:06 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Lady Selintha has said you can come stand by her side, if you wish.
  66. 23:06:08 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: holds*
  67. 23:06:16 Darlington-WyrmrestAccord takes her walking stick once its returned, smiling sadly and givng a nod. "I'll try to return at some better time."
  68. 23:06:30 [Darlington-WyrmrestAccord]: Light bless your day, and your entourage.
  69. 23:06:34 Darlington bows before Diannestone.
  70. 23:06:39 Diannestone bows down graciously.
  71. 23:06:47 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: Take care miss.
  72. 23:06:50 Notkary-WyrmrestAccord 's nose wrinkles in distaste as he smells the Fel reeking off of Xoroven.
  73. 23:06:50 Diannestone waves at Darlington.
  74. 23:06:54 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I am staying back here for your "Healing Sirs" safety.
  75. 23:06:56 Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord took the large meat pie ever so gingerly and said gently, "Yes madam I will make sure it is given to her."
  76. 23:07:04 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (General yes, unless some one is thin or has small veins then the inner elbo or thigh may need to be used.)
  77. 23:07:15 [Allìe-WyrmrestAccord]: "Thank you. Tell her the hatchlings used for the stuffing is fresh."
  78. 23:07:22 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: May I have your name so I can put it on a card for her?
  79. 23:07:36 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Sir, what is your name?
  80. 23:08:01 [Allìe-WyrmrestAccord]: "I apologize. I can not give my name. She stitched me up the other night in the building behind this one. She was the only one on duty."
  81. 23:08:24 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: My name? Why do you require that?
  82. 23:08:34 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  83. 23:08:36 Gil says: Where we goin'?
  84. 23:08:42 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: That tis' more than fine madam I will write the description of the incident on some stationary and attach it to the pie. *she said respectfully and bowed once more*
  85. 23:08:45 Arminîa bows before Allìe.
  86. 23:08:48 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  87. 23:08:51 [Allìe-WyrmrestAccord]: "Thank you."
  88. 23:08:51 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  89. 23:08:53 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Alright. Let me put this in an understandable way for you. First aid is fine. If I have anything to tell you to alter your methods believe me I will. When I said first aid was fine but I would object if I felt the need to, and that means, first aid is
  90. 23:08:53 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: fine, and I'm cool with first aid methods unless I vocally object.)
  91. 23:09:00 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: Please be safe madam.
  92. 23:09:00 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: To file a report about this incident later.
  93. 23:09:09 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord will stick the iv into the womans wrist. nodding as he examined the wound.
  94. 23:09:13 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Put down "Wildscroll"
  95. 23:09:19 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (About how many inches around is the Branch?)
  96. 23:09:20 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: I think she wants to be your friend Valumaar
  97. 23:09:21 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Thank you, Mr. Wildscroll.
  98. 23:09:27 Loranor smiles at Taylu.
  99. 23:09:33 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord gives a blank face
  100. 23:09:33 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: What is your name?
  101. 23:09:35 Shellene says: I believe you children are our future...
  102. 23:09:38 Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord handed the High General her over sized weapon.
  103. 23:09:42 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: My name is Taylu
  104. 23:09:45 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Arrow sized or pipe sized?)
  105. 23:09:48 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Pleasure to meet you, Taylu.
  106. 23:09:57 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: How long have you known your friend for?
  107. 23:10:02 Notkary-WyrmrestAccord accepts it, setting it inside the coffer to the left. "Ye' may get it when ye' leave. Now, inside."
  108. 23:10:09 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: 3 days
  109. 23:10:13 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: Nice to meet you too
  110. 23:10:21 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]:' between ye' an' me, ah' wouldn't give tha' pie away. She reeked of fel and misintent.
  111. 23:10:32 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (About 4 inches around. A fiarly normal low hanging branch.)
  112. 23:10:41 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Fairly*)
  113. 23:10:53 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: You can bond quite a bit in three days, I'm sorry you've been put into this traumatic incident so soon.
  114. 23:11:04 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Excellent, thank you, does it taper off more narrow on one side of the puncture as is typical or have several splintering branches?)
  115. 23:11:35 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord reaches for the shears, checking the exit wound.
  116. 23:11:47 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord crosses his arms "I am her bodyguard, I am just doing my job."
  117. 23:11:58 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Typical narrowed in the front, but splintered and obviously missing small chunks of wood from the impact.)
  118. 23:12:01 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: How did you become her bodyguard?
  119. 23:12:20 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Sorry, perhaps not an apt choice of words, Does it look like this branch has smaller branches on it?)
  120. 23:12:36 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Particularly near the entry wound)
  121. 23:12:46 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: I have two things to discuss with you sir, *she said in respectful tones as she held up two gaunlet covered fingers.* One I was told by one in your order to let you know that she bespoke...The Highlady of an order that is also based out of the Eastern
  122. 23:12:46 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: Plaguelands. She is quite eager to speak with the Highlord of your order and requests that he send word first via messenger pigeon before sending an envoy or to set up a meeting spot. Two sir....I would be honoured to join your order if you would have one
  123. 23:12:46 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: such as myself."
  124. 23:13:26 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (No. I understood perfectly what you ment. The branch is narrowed on the end, there are no smaller branches protruding from it, but the narrowed end itself seems to be splintered from impact like small chunks are perhaps lodged within her abdomen or back
  125. 23:13:26 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: area.)
  126. 23:13:27 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: Ahh, if t'is is abou' recruitment and alliances, ah'll go ta' th' Cathedral. Too many cooks in th' kitchen, such so on. Wit' me, t'en.
  127. 23:13:37 Notkary-WyrmrestAccord offers her weapon back out to her, before nodding for her to follow.
  128. 23:14:01 Shellene says: It's so sad for you poor children.
  129. 23:14:30 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: It is more of a service to the people who try and mess with her. I try and stop the people before she has to step in.
  130. 23:14:44 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord pulls the shears fo the side and lines them up with the exit wound to allow for the patient to feel the least amount of stress on her abdomen while he applies force to cut the branch near the exit.
  131. 23:14:54 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Have people tried to mess with her often?
  132. 23:15:04 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Thank you, these are important details.)
  133. 23:15:11 Selintha pets you.
  134. 23:15:40 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Right now, not to often.
  135. 23:15:54 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord smiles and nods, "Cause she's had you?"
  136. 23:16:34 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord shrugs "Couldn't say, maybe I just got lucky with a break"
  137. 23:16:41 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord nods toward Selintha "Do we have any pain killers we can place into the IV"
  138. 23:17:00 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: This next bit may be a tad uncomfortable, miss, I apologize.
  139. 23:17:10 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: They should be there already,
  140. 23:17:12 Shellene says: Now children stop that! I mean it!
  141. 23:17:23 Seyja nods at Selintha.
  142. 23:17:29 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord frowns and moves to check the stand, making sure she didn't forget them in all this mess.
  143. 23:17:33 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: So what was your plans for the day? Do you regularly climb trees?
  144. 23:17:57 Taylu waves at Shiirõ.
  145. 23:18:05 Shiirõ waves at Taylu.
  146. 23:18:24 Shiirõ gently pats Botbot.
  147. 23:18:25 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (He's going to cut into it now, any objections?)
  148. 23:19:07 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord shrugs "Couldn't say, and no...this is the first time."
  149. 23:19:08 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (For the third time. I just request no magic. Do what you're going to do already before she dies.)
  150. 23:19:27 Loranor nods at Valumaar.
  151. 23:19:45 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: So how did you two meet?
  152. 23:21:01 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Mage quarter, saw a creep annoying her. So I stepped in.
  153. 23:21:44 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord cuts the branch at the exit wound, he'd then move toward the entry point and check for splintering before gently grasping the branch. He'd check one last time to ensure the pain killers were in place before begining to pull the branch out from the other
  154. 23:21:44 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord side.
  155. 23:21:46 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Quite honourable of you.
  156. 23:21:52 Shellene says: It's so sad for you poor children.
  157. 23:21:53 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (All good?)
  158. 23:22:19 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Besides the splinters and interior.)
  159. 23:22:49 Valumaar shrugs at Loranor. Who knows?
  160. 23:22:56 Gil says: Why are we goin' this way?
  161. 23:22:56 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Do you not think so?
  162. 23:22:57 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  163. 23:23:09 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  164. 23:23:11 Gil says: My feet hurt.
  165. 23:23:24 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I just saw she was uncomfortable, so I stepped in.
  166. 23:23:56 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Not a lot of people would do that, I know there's been quite a few times I wish I had someone like you around when I'm at a bar.
  167. 23:23:57 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (The usual bleeding of an internal injury the side of the stomach is just barely punctured leaking very slowly but not enough to cause life or death alarm. Far more pressing is the fact her body is not completely in shock even with painkillers there's no
  168. 23:23:57 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: sedative in her system yet. BUt she's not outright panicking. So everything is as normal as it can be when impailed by a tree branch.)
  169. 23:23:57 Shellene says: Now children stop that! I mean it!
  170. 23:24:50 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (If I missed a post for sedatives let me know~)
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