

Sep 18th, 2017
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  1. --This is the permanent version of the Darkness script if you execute it you won't be able to get rid of the lighting effects, and the baseplates above the map are locked, meaning you can't delete them without unlocking them.
  2. --This script was put together by Doomdrvk
  3. -- Let me make this clear I'm not a scripter, I just put this together using parts of other scripts that I understand and my miniscule amount of lua knowledge.
  4. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  5. game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(v.Character.Head,"Permanent Darkness Falls Upon You") --Change text here
  6. wait(3)
  7. local pt = Instance.new("Part")
  8. pt.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  9. pt.Anchored = true
  10. pt.CanCollide = true
  11. pt.Locked = true
  12. pt.BottomSurface = "Weld"
  13. pt.Parent = workspace
  14. pt.Name = "Darkness"
  15. pt.Size = Vector3.new(2000, 5, 2000)
  16. local pt = Instance.new("Part")
  17. pt.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  18. pt.Anchored = true
  19. pt.CanCollide = false
  20. pt.Locked = true
  21. pt.BottomSurface = "Weld"
  22. pt.Parent = workspace
  23. pt.Name = "Darkness"
  24. pt.Size = Vector3.new(2000, 1, 2000)
  25. wait(1)
  26. local pt = Instance.new("Part")
  27. pt.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  28. pt.Anchored = true
  29. pt.CanCollide = false
  30. pt.Locked = true
  31. pt.BottomSurface = "Weld"
  32. pt.Parent = workspace
  33. pt.Name = "Darkness"
  34. pt.Size = Vector3.new(2000, 1, 2000)
  35. local pt = Instance.new("Part")
  36. pt.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  37. pt.Anchored = true
  38. pt.CanCollide = false
  39. pt.Locked = true
  40. pt.BottomSurface = "Weld"
  41. pt.Parent = workspace
  42. pt.Name = "Darkness"
  43. pt.Size = Vector3.new(2000, 1, 2000)
  44. wait(1)
  45. local pt = Instance.new("Part")
  46. pt.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  47. pt.Anchored = true
  48. pt.CanCollide = false
  49. pt.Locked = true
  50. pt.BottomSurface = "Weld"
  51. pt.Parent = workspace
  52. pt.Name = "Darkness"
  53. pt.Size = Vector3.new(2000, 1, 2000)
  54. local pt = Instance.new("Part")
  55. pt.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  56. pt.Anchored = true
  57. pt.CanCollide = false
  58. pt.Locked = true
  59. pt.BottomSurface = "Weld"
  60. pt.Parent = workspace
  61. pt.Name = "Darkness"
  62. pt.Size = Vector3.new(2000, 1, 2000)
  63. wait(1)
  64. pt.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  65. pt.Anchored = true
  66. pt.CanCollide = false
  67. pt.Locked = true
  68. pt.BottomSurface = "Weld"
  69. pt.Parent = workspace
  70. pt.Name = "Darkness"
  71. pt.Size = Vector3.new(2000, 1, 2000)
  72. wait(1.5)
  73. end
  74. while true do
  75. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay=0;
  76. game.Lighting.Brightness=0;
  77. game.Lighting.ShadowColor=Color3.new(1,1,1);
  78. game.Lighting.Ambient=Color3.new(0,0,0);
  79. game.Lighting.FogEnd=200;
  80. game.Lighting.FogColor=Color3.new(0,0,0);
  81. wait(15)
  82. end
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