
>>>>> Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-12 2215 +cabadejo

Jan 12th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-12 2215 +cabadejo
  4. __
  6. +cabadejo __ Some points: 1) I trust you, I know you didn't give the link to anyone else (just in case you thought that).
  8. __
  10. 2) I can't view statistics/geo data until it has more than X views etc. (that is my understanding and would help to protect the privacy of individuals).
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  14. 3) Over the past couple of weeks I have been doing various "tests". Mentioning certain and specific things only in private messages to various people and sets of people just to see what happens and whether the words/concepts/ideas turn up elsewhere.
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  18. 4) I have also done some tests with regard to unlisted videos *for this very situation!* (As I wrote to you on New Year's Eve - I am asking you to trust me! Please trust me [no second guessing!!]. It may not always seem like it but *I really do know what I am doing.*)
  20. A few weeks ago I placed an unlisted video link into "the enemy". It was bait just to see how many views it would get for that kind of situation.
  22. That is - I gave a link to an unlisted video I had posted in a place where people who may not be friendly to me might be interested in "anything" on me could potentially see it.
  24. That video sat on less than 5 views for the first week (or two). After several weeks it's on about 12 views and that is a link I posted in public on a thread where more than a few people could see it. (It went from 5 to 8 to 10 etc. over a few days at a time.)
  26. To test whether I am having any influence over the view count I watched the video while signed in on different devices (I am always signed in on all of my various devices). Google/YouTube give a much more accurate indication of unique viewers than it did a year ago. It no longer counts page refreshes, I doubt it counts from the same IP (unless it's a public IP) etc. It wasn't always this accurate.
  28. *Here is the key point:* If my video says "10 views" and if *ONLY YOU* have been given the link (and let us add an extra 2 to 3 views for both you and me giving us a combined tall of between 6 and 8) then it must be reasonable to suspect that *at least ONE other person had ALSO viewed the video!*
  30. That's the key point: if only you and I have the link and the video - then it means if it is honest then all 10 views MUST have come from you and me. But YouTube is not inefficient like that any more.
  32. (Note: if we really wanted to test whether the view count of 10 was "natural" and not sinisterly achieved I could upload another video and give only you a link to it and see if it soon goes to around 10 views again.)
  34. If it doesn't go to 10 views quickly then it must surely be reasonable to suspect AT LEAST one other person had access to the video (and probably downloaded it). (There are other reasons that support this possibility.)
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  38. I have in the past had good reason to suspect someone else (others) CAN see my private messages. There are other things I have noticed which indicate either someone else has access to my account or at least my messages but I have kept those things to myself.
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  42. With regard to WHO might have watched my unlisted video (if that's what happened) I wrote a larger comment about it here (spoiler alert: it likely wouldn't have been Jeranism himself):
  44. ____
  47. Why would anyone do this? *Because I am on the money with regard to the lie system.* Because I am on the money with regard to how belief is being cultivated in people so as to control them without ever having to know or meet them.
  49. Because I am on the money that sufficient proof is being intentionally withheld so as to force people to form belief wholly on trust. Because I am on the money that at any moment a "government" may want (or need) to lie to a population and it needs a system in place to do that and what I am talking about undermines that.
  51. Because I am rejecting events for the right reasons. *And because when the things I am talking about take off in a popular way the lie system is positively F_KCED because everything I am saying can be seen by anyone and it cannot be denied.*
  53. Because what I am saying is right in front of everyone and cannot be denied.
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  57. And so there is some urgency to thwart this. It is always better to take care of things straight away and before something has flowered and gotten out of control. But of course if I am just paranoid and there is no lie system then this is just pure paranoia. If it's just pure paranoia then everything I am pointing out is necessarily a mere coincidence. ))
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  61. As I say in the comment I have linked to above: I cannot accuse Jeranism of being the one who watched my video. If someone else had seen it - it is likely it wasn't him. It would have been someone else and they may have suggested to him to go and "do a breakdown of that SpaceX video". If Jeranism is innocent in all of this then it is probably coming from someone who is "in his camp" etc.
  63. If that's the case then he is being manipulated and to Jeranism it would feel like a "free choice". (That is the real "mind control".)
  65. And so an interesting question would be (if this was a coincidence and Jeranism had nothing to do with it - as may well be the case): *What compelled Jeranism to go and make a video _18 days after he had already covered the same video_ with Reds Rhetoric? Why now and not during any of the preceding three weeks?* And did he really notice the guy laughing for himself or did someone else point that out to him, etc? Why wasn't it pointed out sooner? (These are all interesting questions - especially if he is innocent - because in answering these questions he may be able to discover who is influencing/manipulating him etc.)
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  69. Remember - one way "they" can try to weaken or damage me is to accuse me of plagiarism and of "stealing other people's ideas/work". I have already written about this to you! )) And by taking an observation that is now known in advance that I am going to be later making and posting about that observation before I get a chance to do so with my own video - it can be engineered to seem as though I am getting my ideas and observations from *other people* _when really I am not._
  71. By copying my observations and ideas other people can then introduce flaws in them or associate them with other incorrect things.
  73. I don't watch very many videos from other people and no one else seems to be writing down their thoughts like I am so I am not reading other people's Google Plus posts. *I am mindful of keeping my ideas/observations as "pure" as possible until I have finished my series on the lie system.* However, I have a few aces up my sleeve. For example, I will not explain how I came to know about the video Jeranism had posted with the segment of the guy laughing. If it's what's happening: *I can assume "they" could know quite a bit about me - _but they cannot know everything._*
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  77. As far as I am concerned there are no other *genuine dissidents* on YouTube or possibly the Internet itself. *NOT YET.* Each person who MAY be independent is *still* belief controlled by one or more FLAWED (corrupted) lie system ideas/beliefs. I intend on changing that. *By the time I am done there will be many genuine dissidents.* _Then it's curtains for the lie system._
  79. As I say, each "valid concept" has a flawed and corrupted lie system counterpart/equivalent. *If a person is possessed of a flawed idea then they can be no threat to the lie system because NO WHOLE TRUTH CAN ARISE FROM A LIE OR HALF-TRUTH.* (It is an implementation of a *genuine* "genetic" fallacy. I am not talking about the "genetic fallacy" you read about on Wikipedia. What I am talking about is that if you have two white people they can never give birth to a black child (the woman simply cheated!). The lie system gives us beliefs that ensure no whole truth can arise. If people are possessed of just ONE flawed belief then EVERYTHING that follows will be corrupted and flawed etc.)
  81. This is how you manage 100s to 1000s to tens of thousands of potential "conspiracy theorists" at any given time without ever having to micro-manage them. Just so long as each sincerely professes a belief in a *flawed concept* then they can NEVER be a genuine threat. They can be ignored, left alone, etc. It's like having a sandpit of snakes but the walls are too high for them to escape from. The "flawed belief" serves as that barrier or wall.
  83. (Besides, a lot of people are here just for entertainment and to pass the time. They don't *REALLY* believe that news media events ARE fabricated. *They don't REALLY believe that the Earth is flat.* [Strap them to a lie detector!] But because it's fun to think about they will tell you that there are "false flags" and that there are "crisis actors" and that of course the _"Earth is most definitely flat"_ etc.)
  88. __________________________________________
  89. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  92. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  95. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  98. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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