

Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. They dont know who they are, just who they arent.
  3. In the case of not being the AR, and vocally criticizing aspects of it to show it, I often see their complaints before ever seeing what they complain about (ie the Kanye stuff) so I do think it is just to inflate their own importance and filling the air. Or just simple in-group/outgroup behavior. Either way, not impressed by you telling someone more similar to yourself than to me that they're being stupid, nothing there fore me. And it;s usually just grousing o social media, ie not that important but all they know and exist on. Basis for their group if there is one
  5. But they also arent just MAGA, how dare you insinuate that you neo-pagan! But the fact is they do seem defensive over criticisms of MAGA from the first group. Granted, there are things to criticize in these criticisms, but they always have a point. I mean, fuck, they dont even seem to like charlatans like Cerno, infowars, Owens being called out
  7. Fue, HotJes, Alep
  9. Our stuff is based on science and the inability for the narrative to refute it. Your's is based on twitter takes and antiquated philosophical debates you cant even resolve amongst one another but makes you feel wiser for it being older and no other reason
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