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Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. I want  to preface this comment first by saying that i don't own this game, and have never played it, nor have I ever played any games by this developer.
  2. That being said your arrogance and general tone pissed me off so let me try to outline exactly why you are being a prick:
  4. [quote=Voodooman] Was tot going to buy game, because of such a rude behavior of dev, but had to buy just to warn others about how how bad customer support is and how you can be banned for non harsh criticism: [/quote]
  6. even in this opening statement you  will have already lost most people who would have taken your side, you open this essay by basicly saying "I'm right so dont buy this game", instead of actually giving your reasons for being annoyed and [i]then[/i] saying you shouldn't buy the game.
  8. [quote=Voodooman]So, i kindly asked dev if widescreen support could be patched in, and if only dev would say to my question "no promices, ill see what i can do about that" or at least "sorry i wish i could improve that but have no time for that", instead of makin bad excuses in rude manner and locking thread, i may want to support him... [/quote]
  10.  Holy shit where to start... this whole section acctually hurt my head trying to read it, but I think i managed to decode your cryptic writing. The tread should have been only 2 comments long, First comment you respectfully ask a question about widescreen support (which you did), second comment dev replying to the question in a respectfull manner(which he also did), he even starts off his reply by apologising. thats where the tread should have ended, but instead you reply back a snarky answer demanding support, and calling the lack of 16:9 support a "flaw", then proceed to say how you wont buy the game, as if the threat of 1 lost sale would make him immediatley spend his time to tailor the game to your needs, he then replies in a far nicer way than i ever would, telling you EXACTLY why 16:9 isnt supported. 4:3 was a DESIGN choice, just like south park the stick of truth being 24fps was a DESIGN choice. so even if it was as simple as ticking a box (which it wouldn't be) he has no reason to change his game away from how he envisioned it because you dont like it, imagine if a dev who made a VR only  game got some dipshit demanding there be a non VR mode, you may not think it but it would fundementaly change the way that the game is played.
  12. [quote=Voodooman]Had to start new thread tor write same text i put in review because thread with widescreen support questions and devs rude answers was locked before i even can answer, now its deleted:[/quote]
  14.  So you didn't like the answer you got the first time around, and instead of not buying the game and moving on with your life, you decide to just spam threads? did you really believe that that would make him change his mind? it's no wonder you were banned.
  16. [quote=Voodooman]But starting from his answer that sounds like "its not a flaw, go search yourself for explaination i wrote long ago" and ending with "locking thread, and not going to update 2 years old game just to please you" and whole rude and arrogant tone i totally lost any respect to dev of this game and any desire to support him, because he has little to no respect to customers and dont care about his game and only had bad excuses to do nothing to improve game and support customers.
  17. [/quote]
  19. you seem to think his slightly annoyed attitude is unjustified? you just shat all over his design choices and you think he should be polite?
  20. Lets say you went into a donut shop and ask for a chocolate donut. they reply with "sorry but we are a fruit donut shop and dont sell chocolate", you then reply by saying how they should fix this obvoius flaw and that if they dont, you will not be buying a donut from them. they try to tell you that they dont have any chocolate and cant easily get any, buy you start going off about how the donut shop down the road has chocolate why can't this donut shop do it. this is essensially what you did, and it makes you look like an asshole.
  22. [quote=Voodooman]Just to show the difference look at similar 2 years old metroidvania game Mystik Belle:[/quote]
  24.  Lol can you be any less subtle, for those who didn't read all of his "review" he spends the next paragraph advertising some other dev. you might as well get down on your knees and suck them if you like them so much.
  26. [quote=Voodooman]
  27. Wrote this originally in thread as well, not its a little outdated but shows that my prediction was correct:
  29. P.S. - This thread most likely will be locked\deleted (update: wow just like i prediced it was just deleted when i edited it!) and i will be most likely banned because dev cant deal with criticism like an adult person, and such a rude and childish actions from dev will prove i was right and he was wrong.[/quote]
  31.  This is no different from shitting in a public library because you don't like it, then declare that if you are removed from said library you were right all along.
  33. [quote=Voodooman]After i posted this again i was permanently banned by dev with reason "Agressive behavior" - is this man for real? Do you see anything agressive in my behavior? I kindly asked if game can be updated with widescreen support and doubted his bad excuses and got nothing but rudenesss and agrissiveness from him in response... and he banned me for his agressive behavior and because he cant take any constructive and kind criticism... wow, what i "nice" person. [/quote]
  35. There is no way that you seriously believe that you were polite, plus you also were straight up ADVERTISING OTHER GAMES IN HIS FORUMS AND THINK THAT THAT IS OK? take a step back and try to realise how mush of narcisistic asshat you are.
  37. [quote=Voodooman]I bought this game just to write this warning, and was going to refund before ran out of 2 hours, but to be fair i liked this game, so ill keep it, its good[/quote]
  39. so not only did your threat of not buying the game have NO wieght behind it, but you even like the game? u wot m8
  41. [quote=Voodooman]Game is just a product, product always comes in package of customer service, and good product can be ruined by bad customer service, so my review is not about good product but about bad customer service that ruines this product.[/quote]
  43. I feel sorry for you if all you see game as are products. games are art, games are an experiance. maybe if you could look past superficial things such as 16:9 support, you would acctually enjoy games that you played
  45. [quote=Voodooman]
  46. Dev clearly cant make a difference between personal and professional behavior and consider any criticism of game or his non professional behavior and bad excuses as something personal and goes into berserk personal vendeta mode and even when he bans for revenge he cant help it but give an untrue excuse for his unjustified overreacted actions. [/quote]
  48. "beserk personel vendetta mode" WUT. he isn't the one making so many threads that he needed to be banned, and he wasn't the one who wrote an essay b/c he was butthurt about not getting his way.
  50. [quote=Voodooman]Real shame.[/quote]
  52. no it isn't, you clearly were wanting something like tis to happen.
  54. [quote=Voodooman]P.S. - now i predict acts of agression from fanboys of game in comments to this review.[/quote]
  56. Not a fanboy, also I don't think you will get stabbed anytime soon. Grow up or go to bed early like the child you act like.
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