

Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. options:
  2. s: &c[&5&lMurder&f&c]&6
  4. command /jk:
  5. permission: skript.admin
  6. trigger:
  7. delete {oni}
  8. delete {dete}
  9. delete {allplayer::*}
  10. delete {players}
  11. loop all players:
  12. if {nojoin.%loop-player%} is "on":
  13. send "{@s} &cあなたは今回のゲームには参加しません" to loop-player
  14. else:
  15. add loop-player to {allplayer::*}
  16. add loop-player to {member::*}
  17. set {oni} to random player of {allplayer::*}
  18. remove {oni} from {allplayer::*}
  19. set {dete} to random player of {allplayer::*}
  20. if {oni} is {dete}:
  21. while {oni} is {dete}:
  22. add {oni} to {allplayer::*}
  23. delete {oni}
  24. delete {dete}
  25. set {oni} to random player of {allplayer::*}
  26. set {dete} to random player of {allplayer::*}
  27. remove {oni} from {allplayer::*}
  28. send title "&c&lMurder" to {oni} for 2 seconds
  29. send title "&a&lInnocent" to {allplayer::*} for 2 seconds
  30. send title "&b&lDetective" to {dete} for 2 seconds
  31. loop {allplayer::*}:
  32. set {Role.%{allplayer::%loop-index%}%} to "&aInnocent"
  33. add 1 to {players}
  34. add 1 to {member}
  35. set {Role.%{oni}%} to "&cMurder"
  36. set {Role.%{dete}%} to "&bDetective"
  37. loop {member::*}:
  38. set {member::%loop-index%} tab name to "&6%{member::%loop-index%}%"
  39. rs({member::%loop-index%})
  40. stop
  41. command /opjoin:
  42. permission: skript.admin
  43. trigger:
  44. if {opjoin} is "join":
  45. set {opjoin} to "nojoin"
  46. broadcast "{@s} OPの参加を&cOFF&6にしました"
  47. stop
  48. if {opjoin} is "nojoin":
  49. set {opjoin} to "join"
  50. broadcast "{@s} OPの参加を&aON&6にしました"
  51. stop
  52. if {opjoin} is not set:
  53. set {opjoin} to "nojoin"
  54. broadcast "{@s} OPの参加を&cOFF&6にしました"
  55. stop
  56. command /start:
  57. permission: skript.admin
  58. trigger:
  59. broadcast "{@s} ゲームを開始します"
  60. execute console command "/jk"
  61. wait 4 seconds
  62. set {game} to true
  63. execute console command "/effect @a clear"
  64. loop {member::*}:
  65. set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
  66. clear loop-value's inventory
  67. selectmap()
  68. if {member::*} is not set:
  69. broadcast "{@s} &cゲームを開始できません"
  70. wait 3 seconds
  71. execute console command "/stopgame"
  72. stop
  73. if size of {member::*} <= 1:
  74. broadcast "{@s} &cゲームを開始できません"
  75. wait 3 seconds
  76. execute console command "/stopgame"
  77. stop
  78. if {players} >= 15:
  79. set {2damage} to true
  80. broadcast "{@s} 今回はイノセントの数が多いのでマーダーが強化されます"
  81. loop {member::*}:
  82. rs({member::%loop-index%})
  83. map({member::%loop-index%})
  84. luck({member::%loop-index%})
  85. broadcast "{@s} 10秒後にMurderに剣が渡されます"
  86. wait a seconds
  87. command "/playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1.1 1"
  88. send title "&6&l5" to all players for 1 seconds
  89. wait a seconds
  90. command "/playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1.1 1"
  91. send title "&6&l4" to all players for 1 seconds
  92. wait a seconds
  93. command "/playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1.1 1"
  94. send title "&c&l3" to all players for 1 seconds
  95. wait a seconds
  96. command "/playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1.1 1"
  97. send title "&d&l2" to all players for 1 seconds
  98. wait a seconds
  99. command "/playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1.1 1"
  100. send title "&a&l1" to all players for 1 seconds
  101. wait a seconds
  102. command "/playsound entity.zombie_villager.converted master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  103. send title "&6&lGame Start" to all players for 1 seconds
  104. set {_bowname} to random element of {bowname::*}
  105. give bow named "%{_bowname}%" to {dete}
  106. give arrow to {dete}
  107. set {_swordname} to random element of {swordname::*}
  108. set slot 1 of {oni} to iron sword named "%{_swordname}%"
  109. timelimit()
  110. stop
  111. command /stopgame:
  112. permission: skript.admin
  113. trigger:
  114. broadcast "{@s} ゲームを終了しました"
  115. loop {member::*}:
  116. teleport loop-value to {lobby}
  117. clear loop-value's inventory
  118. set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
  119. execute console command "/pex user %loop-value% remove"
  120. delete {oni}
  121. delete {allplayer::*}
  122. delete {dete}
  123. delete {players}
  124. delete {member::*}
  125. delete {korosita}
  126. delete {havebow}
  127. delete {2damage}
  128. delete {timea0}
  129. delete {timea1}
  130. delete {timea2}
  131. delete {timea3}
  132. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  133. set {game} to false
  134. set {ending} to false
  135. set {deteis} to "&aAlive"
  136. execute console command "/time set day"
  137. chance of 50%:
  138. execute console command "/time set night"
  139. execute console command "/kill @e[type=item]"
  140. execute console command "/effect @a clear"
  141. removenpc()
  142. loop entities:
  143. loop-entity is dropped item
  144. delete loop-entity
  145. loop all players:
  146. set {death.%loop-player%} to false
  147. rs(loop-player)
  148. lvup(loop-player)
  149. if {re} is true:
  150. broadcast "&640秒後にリスタートします。"
  151. wait 40 seconds
  152. execute console command "/start"
  153. command /players:
  154. permission: skript.admin
  155. trigger:
  156. send "&a%{allplayer::*}%"
  157. send "&3%{member::*}%"
  158. send "&d%{players}%"
  159. send "&c%{oni}%"
  160. send "&b%{dete}%"
  161. command /stoprestart:
  162. permission: skript.admin
  163. trigger:
  164. if {re} is not set:
  165. set {re} to true
  166. broadcast "{@s} リスタートを&a有効&6にしました"
  167. stop
  168. if {re} is true:
  169. set {re} to false
  170. broadcast "{@s} リスタートを&c無効&6にしました"
  171. stop
  172. if {re} is false:
  173. set {re} to true
  174. broadcast "{@s} リスタートを&a有効&6にしました"
  175. stop
  176. function removenpc():
  177. loop {removenum::*}:
  178. remove citizen loop-value
  179. delete {removenum::*}
  180. #re
  181. command /map [<text>] [<text>]:
  182. permission: skript.admin
  183. trigger:
  184. if arg 1 is "add" or "remove" or "spawn" or "lobby":
  185. if arg 1 is "add":
  186. if arg 2 contain "map":
  187. if {map::*} contain arg 2:
  188. send "&6既に登録されています"
  189. stop
  190. add arg 2 to {map::*}
  191. send "&6MAPを追加しました 。&a(%arg 2%)"
  192. stop
  193. else:
  194. send "&6入力形式が正しくありません。 &a(/map add (map1/2/3....)"
  195. stop
  196. else if arg 1 is "remove":
  197. if {map::*} do not contain arg 2:
  198. send "&6そのMAPは存在しません"
  199. stop
  200. remove arg 2 from {map::*}
  201. send "&6%arg 2%をマップのリストから削除しました"
  202. stop
  203. else if arg 1 is "spawn":
  204. set {map%arg 2%} to location of player
  205. send "&6MAPのスポーン地点が設定されました。 &a(%arg 2%)"
  206. stop
  207. else if arg 1 is "lobby":
  208. set {lobby} to location of player
  209. send "&6ロビーを%location%にセットしました"
  210. stop
  211. else:
  212. send "&c不明なエラー"
  213. stop
  214. else:
  215. send "入力形式が正しくありません &a(/map add/remove mapname"
  216. stop
  217. function selectmap():
  218. delete {map}
  219. set {map} to random element of {map::*}
  220. function map(p: player):
  221. if {map} is "map1":
  222. send "&6MAP:館" to {_p}
  223. send "&a製作者:&esiso_" to {_p}
  224. set {map1-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  225. if {map1-integer} is 1:
  226. teleport {_p} to {map1-1}
  227. if {map1-integer} is 2:
  228. teleport {_p} to {map1-2}
  229. if {map1-integer} is 3:
  230. teleport {_p} to {map1-3}
  231. if {map1-integer} is 4:
  232. teleport {_p} to {map1-4}
  233. if {map} is "map2":
  234. send "&6MAP:雪山" to {_p}
  235. send "&a製作者:&ePexEX" to {_p}
  236. execute console command "/time set 40000"
  237. set {map2-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  238. if {map2-integer} is 1:
  239. teleport {_p} to {map2-1}
  240. if {map2-integer} is 2:
  241. teleport {_p} to {map2-2}
  242. if {map2-integer} is 3:
  243. teleport {_p} to {map2-3}
  244. if {map2-integer} is 4:
  245. teleport {_p} to {map2-4}
  246. if {map} is "map3":
  247. send "&6MAP:Desert" to {_p}
  248. send "&a製作者:&eFutaba_Nayn" to {_p}
  249. execute console command "/time set 40000"
  250. set {map3-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  251. if {map3-integer} is 1:
  252. teleport {_p} to {map3-1}
  253. if {map3-integer} is 2:
  254. teleport {_p} to {map3-2}
  255. if {map3-integer} is 3:
  256. teleport {_p} to {map3-3}
  257. if {map3-integer} is 4:
  258. teleport {_p} to {map3-4}
  259. if {map} is "map4":
  260. send "&6MAP:刑務所" to {_p}
  261. send "&a製作者:&eFutaba_Nayn" to {_p}
  262. set {map4-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  263. if {map4-integer} is 1:
  264. teleport {_p} to {map4-1}
  265. if {map4-integer} is 2:
  266. teleport {_p} to {map4-2}
  267. if {map4-integer} is 3:
  268. teleport {_p} to {map4-3}
  269. if {map4-integer} is 4:
  270. teleport {_p} to {map4-4}
  271. if {map} is "map5":
  272. send "&6MAP:廃墟" to {_p}
  273. send "&a製作者:&esiso_" to {_p}
  274. set {map5-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  275. if {map5-integer} is 1:
  276. teleport {_p} to {map5-1}
  277. if {map5-integer} is 2:
  278. teleport {_p} to {map5-2}
  279. if {map5-integer} is 3:
  280. teleport {_p} to {map5-3}
  281. if {map5-integer} is 4:
  282. teleport {_p} to {map5-4}
  283. if {map} is "map6":
  284. send "&6MAP:都市" to {_p}
  285. send "&a製作者:&eShovelwarf_" to {_p}
  286. set {map6-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  287. if {map6-integer} is 1:
  288. teleport {_p} to {map6-1}
  289. if {map6-integer} is 2:
  290. teleport {_p} to {map6-2}
  291. if {map6-integer} is 3:
  292. teleport {_p} to {map6-3}
  293. if {map6-integer} is 4:
  294. teleport {_p} to {map6-4}
  295. if {map} is "map7":
  296. send "&6MAP:雪山" to {_p}
  297. send "&a製作者:&eHage_K" to {_p}
  298. set {map7-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  299. if {map7-integer} is 1:
  300. teleport {_p} to {map7-1}
  301. if {map7-integer} is 2:
  302. teleport {_p} to {map7-2}
  303. if {map7-integer} is 3:
  304. teleport {_p} to {map7-3}
  305. if {map7-integer} is 4:
  306. teleport {_p} to {map7-4}
  307. if {map} is "map8":
  308. send "&6MAP:まだ" to {_p}
  309. send "&a製作者:&esiso_" to {_p}
  310. set {map8-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  311. if {map8-integer} is 1:
  312. teleport {_p} to {map8-1}
  313. if {map8-integer} is 2:
  314. teleport {_p} to {map8-2}
  315. if {map8-integer} is 3:
  316. teleport {_p} to {map8-3}
  317. if {map8-integer} is 4:
  318. teleport {_p} to {map8-4}
  319. if {map} is "map9":
  320. send "&6MAP:まだ" to {_p}
  321. send "&a製作者:&esiso_" to {_p}
  322. set {map9-integer} to random integer between 1 and 4
  323. if {map9-integer} is 1:
  324. teleport {_p} to {map9-1}
  325. if {map9-integer} is 2:
  326. teleport {_p} to {map9-2}
  327. if {map9-integer} is 3:
  328. teleport {_p} to {map9-3}
  329. if {map9-integer} is 4:
  330. teleport {_p} to {map9-4}
  331. #MAP未完成
  332. command /ranking:
  333. trigger:
  334. set {_high} to 0
  335. loop {ranking::*}:
  336. set {_list::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  337. loop 15 times:
  338. loop {_list::*}:
  339. loop-value-2 > {_high}
  340. set {_high} to loop-value-2
  341. set {_highplayer} to loop-index
  342. message "%loop-number%位%{_highplayer}%さんの%{_high}%XP!"
  343. set {_high} to 0
  344. delete {_list::%{_highplayer}%}
  345. #ranking
  346. on damage of player:
  347. if {game} is true:
  348. if attacker is {oni}:
  349. if attacker has iron sword:
  350. if {nage} is true:
  351. add 1 to {deadnum}
  352. create citizen named "&c%victim%" at victim as a wolf
  353. force npc with id {deadnum} to sleep
  354. add {deadnum} to {removenum::*}
  355. if {players} is 1:
  356. set {game} to false
  357. set {ending} to true
  358. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  359. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  360. broadcast "{@s} イノセントが全滅した、&cMurder&6の勝利"
  361. execute console command "/playsound entity.wolf.howl ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  362. wait 1 seconds
  363. broadcast "&5===================================================="
  364. broadcast " &6今回のMurder &6Murderを倒した人"
  365. broadcast " &c%{oni}% いませんでした"
  366. add 30 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  367. add 30 to {xp.%attacker%}
  368. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  369. if {players} >= 15:
  370. add 20 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  371. add 20 to {xp.%attacker%}
  372. send "&6追加ボーナス!! &a+20XP" to attacker
  373. if {bounus.%attacker%} is set:
  374. add {bounus.%attacker%} * 2 to {xp.%attacker%}
  375. send "&6ボーナスXP %{bounus.%attacker%} * 2%" to attacker
  376. wait 5 seconds
  377. execute console command "/stopgame"
  378. stop
  379. if victim is {dete}:
  380. broadcast "{@s} &bDetective&6が倒された"
  381. set {deteis} to "&cDead"
  382. execute console command "/playsound entity.creeper.hurt master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  383. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  384. remove 1 from {players}
  385. set {death.%victim%} to true
  386. drop bow at location of victim
  387. rs({member::*})
  388. stop
  389. if victim is {havebow}:
  390. broadcast "{@s} &c%victim%&6が弓を落とした"
  391. delete {havebow}
  392. drop bow at location of victim
  393. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  394. remove 1 from {players}
  395. set {death.%victim%} to true
  396. set action bar of all players to "&c%victim%が倒された、残り&a%{players}%&c人"
  397. execute console command "/playsound entity.hostile.hurt ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  398. message "&a+5xp" to attacker
  399. add 5 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  400. add 5 to {xp.%attacker%}
  401. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  402. if {bounus.%attacker%} is set:
  403. add {bounus.%attacker%} to {xp.%attacker%}
  404. send "&6BounusXP &a+%{bounus.%attacker%}%" to attacker
  405. rs({member::*})
  406. stop
  407. else:
  408. broadcast "&cダメージ処理のエラー"
  409. stop
  410. if attacker's tool is iron sword:
  411. if attacker is {oni}:
  412. add 1 to {deadnum}
  413. create citizen named "&c%victim%" at victim as a wolf
  414. force npc with id {deadnum} to sleep
  415. add {deadnum} to {removenum::*}
  416. if {players} is 1:
  417. set {game} to false
  418. set {ending} to true
  419. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  420. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  421. broadcast "{@s} イノセントが全滅した、&cMurder&6の勝利"
  422. execute console command "/playsound entity.wolf.howl ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  423. wait 1 seconds
  424. broadcast "&5===================================================="
  425. broadcast " &6今回のMurder &6Murderを倒した人"
  426. broadcast " &c%{oni}% いませんでした"
  427. add 30 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  428. add 30 to {xp.%attacker%}
  429. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  430. if {bounus.%attacker%} is set:
  431. add {bounus.%attacker%} * 2 to {xp.%attacker%}
  432. send "&6ボーナスXP %{bounus.%attacker%} * 2%" to attacker
  433. wait 5 seconds
  434. execute console command "/stopgame"
  435. stop
  436. if victim is {dete}:
  437. broadcast "{@s} &bDetective&6が倒された"
  438. set {deteis} to "&cDead"
  439. execute console command "/playsound entity.creeper.hurt master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  440. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  441. remove 1 from {players}
  442. set {death.%victim%} to true
  443. drop bow at location of victim
  444. rs({member::*})
  445. stop
  446. if victim is {havebow}:
  447. broadcast "{@s} &c%victim%&6が弓を落とした"
  448. delete {havebow}
  449. drop bow at location of victim
  450. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  451. remove 1 from {players}
  452. set {death.%victim%} to true
  453. set action bar of all players to "&c%victim%が倒された、残り&a%{players}%&c人"
  454. execute console command "/playsound entity.hostile.hurt ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  455. message "&a+5xp" to attacker
  456. add 5 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  457. add 5 to {xp.%attacker%}
  458. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  459. if {bounus.%attacker%} is set:
  460. add {bounus.%attacker%} to {xp.%attacker%}
  461. send "&6BounusXP &a+%{bounus.%attacker%}%" to attacker
  462. rs({member::*})
  463. if projectile is arrow:
  464. if attacker is victim:
  465. cancel event
  466. stop
  467. if victim is {oni}:
  468. if {2damage} is true:
  469. broadcast "{@s} &cMurderがダメージを負った"
  470. execute console command "/playsound entity.skeleton.death ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0.8 1"
  471. loop 40 times:
  472. set {_portallocY} to random integer between -2 and 2
  473. set {_portallocZX} to random integer between -1 and 6
  474. show 200 PORTAL particles at victim offset by {_portallocZX}, {_portallocY}, {_portallocZX}
  475. set {2damage} to false
  476. if {sin.%victim%} or {sin2.%victim%} or {sin3.%victim%} is true:
  477. execute console command "/effect @a minecraft:glowing 5"
  478. message "&a+20xp" to attacker
  479. add 20 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  480. add 20 to {xp.%attacker%}
  481. map(victim)
  482. stop
  483. set {game} to false
  484. set {ending} to true
  485. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  486. broadcast "{@s} &aMurderを倒した!イノセントの勝ち"
  487. set {korosita} to attacker
  488. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  489. execute console command "/playsound entity.player.levelup ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  490. wait 1 seconds
  491. broadcast "&5===================================================="
  492. broadcast " &6今回のMurder &6Murderを倒した人"
  493. broadcast " &c%{oni}% &a%{korosita}%"
  494. message "&a+15xp" to attacker
  495. add 15 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  496. add 15 to {xp.%attacker%}
  497. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  498. if {bounus.%attacker%} is set:
  499. add {bounus.%attacker%} * 2 to {xp.%attacker%}
  500. send "&6BounusXP &a+%{bounus.%attacker%} * 2%" to attacker
  501. loop {allplayer::*}:
  502. add 10 to {xp.%{allplayer::%loop-index%}%}
  503. add 10 to {ranking::%loop-value%}
  504. if {bounus.%loop-value%} is set:
  505. add {bounus.%loop-value%} to {xp.%loop-value%}
  506. send "&6BounusXP &a+%{bounus.%loop-value%}%" to loop-value
  507. send "&a+10xp" to {allplayer::*}
  508. wait 5 seconds
  509. execute console command "/stopgame"
  510. stop
  511. if attacker is {oni}:
  512. add 1 to {deadnum}
  513. create citizen named "&c%victim%" at victim as a wolf
  514. force npc with id {deadnum} to sleep
  515. add {deadnum} to {removenum::*}
  516. if {players} is 1:
  517. set {game} to false
  518. set {ending} to true
  519. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  520. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  521. broadcast "{@s} イノセントが全滅した、&cMurder&6の勝利"
  522. execute console command "/playsound entity.wolf.howl ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  523. wait 1 seconds
  524. broadcast "&5===================================================="
  525. broadcast " &6今回のMurder &6Murderを倒した人"
  526. broadcast " &c%{oni}% いませんでした"
  527. add 30 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  528. add 30 to {xp.%attacker%}
  529. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  530. if {players} >= 15:
  531. add 20 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  532. add 20 to {xp.%attacker%}
  533. send "&6追加ボーナス!! &a+20XP"
  534. if {bounus.%attacker%} is set:
  535. add {bounus.%attacker%} * 2 to {xp.%attacker%}
  536. send "&6ボーナスXP %{bounus.%attacker%} * 2%" to attacker
  537. wait 5 seconds
  538. execute console command "/stopgame"
  539. stop
  540. if victim is {dete}:
  541. broadcast "{@s} &bDetective&6が倒された"
  542. delete {dete}
  543. set {dete} to "&cDead"
  544. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  545. remove 1 from {players}
  546. execute console command "/playsound entity.creeper.hurt master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  547. set {death.%victim%} to true
  548. drop bow at location of victim
  549. rs({member::*})
  550. stop
  551. if victim is {havebow}:
  552. broadcast "{@s} &c%victim%&6が弓を落とした"
  553. delete {havebow}
  554. drop bow at location of victim
  555. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  556. remove 1 from {players}
  557. set {death.%victim%} to true
  558. set action bar of all players to "&c%victim%が倒された、残り&a%{players}%&c人"
  559. execute console command "/playsound entity.hostile.hurt ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  560. message "&a+5xp" to attacker
  561. add 5 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  562. add 5 to {xp.%attacker%}
  563. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  564. if {bounus.%attacker%} is set:
  565. add {bounus.%attacker%} to {xp.%attacker%}
  566. send "&6BounusXP &a+%{bounus.%attacker%}%" to attacker
  567. rs({member::*})
  568. else:
  569. broadcast "{@s} &5誤射:&6攻撃者→&3%attacker% &6犠牲者→&c%victim%"
  570. if victim is {dete}:
  571. broadcast "{@s} &bDetective&6が倒された"
  572. delete {dete}
  573. set {dete} to "&cDead"
  574. drop bow at location of victim
  575. if victim is {havebow}:
  576. broadcast "{@s} &c%victim%&6が弓を落とした"
  577. delete {havebow}
  578. drop bow at location of victim
  579. add 1 to {deadnum}
  580. create citizen named "&c%victim%" at victim as a chicken
  581. force npc with id {deadnum} to sleep
  582. add {deadnum} to {removenum::*}
  583. add 1 to {deadnum}
  584. create citizen named "&c%attacker%" at attacker as a chicken
  585. force npc with id {deadnum} to sleep
  586. add {deadnum} to {removenum::*}
  587. remove 2 from {players}
  588. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  589. set attacker's gamemode to spectator
  590. remove 10 from {ranking::%attacker%}
  591. remove 10 from {xp.%attacker%}
  592. send "&c-10xp" to attacker
  593. send "{@s} &cMurderではなかったようだ..." to attacker
  594. execute console command "/playsound entity.wither.spawn ambient %attacker% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  595. rs({member::*})
  596. if {players} is 0:
  597. set {game} to false
  598. set {ending} to true
  599. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  600. broadcast "{@s} 村人が村人を倒してしまった、Murderの勝利"
  601. wait 8 seconds
  602. execute console command "/stopgame"
  603. stop
  604. else:
  605. cancel event
  606. else:
  607. cancel event
  608. #死亡判定処理
  609. on rightclick with iron sword:
  610. set {nage} to true
  611. {timers.%player%::throwingknife} is not set
  612. play sound "entity.arrow.shoot" to all players at player with volume 1 pitch 1.2
  613. set {_loc} to location 1.5 meter above location of player
  614. spawn an armor stand at location sin(90-pitch of player*-1)*0.4 meter below location cos(90-pitch of player*-1)*0.4 meter horizontal forwards location 0.75 meter below location 0.1875 meter horizontal to the right location 0.3 meter backwards location 1 meter forwards location 1.5 meter above location of player
  615. add "{NoGravity:1b,Invisible:1b,Marker:1b,Small:1b,Rotation:[%yaw of player%f,0f],Pose:{Head:[90f,%pitch of player*-1+45%f,90f]}}" to nbt of last spawned armor stand
  616. wait 1 tick
  617. add "{ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:""minecraft:iron_sword"",Count:1b,Damage:0s}]}" to nbt of last spawned armor stand
  618. set {knife::%UUID of last spawned armor stand%} to {_loc}
  619. set {knifeage.%UUID of last spawned armor stand%} to 200
  620. set {knifeshooter.%UUID of last spawned armor stand%} to player
  621. set {timers.%player%::throwingknife} to 400
  622. function getEntityFromUUID(uuid: text) :: entity:
  623. loop all entities:
  624. if UUID of loop-entity is "%{_uuid}%":
  625. return loop-entity
  626. stop loop
  627. every tick:
  628. if {time.%{timenum}%} is set:
  629. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 120:
  630. if {timea0} is not set:
  631. set {timea0} to true
  632. broadcast "{@s} 残り2分"
  633. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 60:
  634. if {timea1} is not set:
  635. set {timea1} to true
  636. broadcast "{@s} 残り1分"
  637. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 30:
  638. if {timea2} is not set:
  639. set {timea2} to true
  640. broadcast "{@s} 残り30秒"
  641. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 10:
  642. if {timea3} is not set:
  643. set {timea3} to true
  644. broadcast "{@s} 残り10秒"
  645. wait 5 seconds
  646. broadcast "{@s} 5"
  647. wait 1 seconds
  648. broadcast "{@s} 4"
  649. wait 1 seconds
  650. broadcast "{@s} 3"
  651. wait 1 seconds
  652. broadcast "{@s} 2"
  653. wait 1 seconds
  654. broadcast "{@s} 1"
  655. wait 1 seconds
  656. if floor(unix timestamp of now) >= {time.%{timenum}%}:
  657. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  658. set {game} to false
  659. broadcast "{@s} タイムアップ、Innocentの勝利"
  660. execute console command "/playsound entity.skeleton_horse.death master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  661. wait 1 seconds
  662. broadcast "&5===================================================="
  663. broadcast " &6今回のMurder &6Murderを倒した人"
  664. broadcast " &c%{oni}% いませんでした"
  665. loop {allplayer::*}:
  666. add 10 to {ranking::%loop-value%}
  667. add 10 to {xp.%loop-value%}
  668. send "&a+10xp" to loop-value
  669. wait 5 seconds
  670. execute console command "/stopgame"
  671. stop
  672. if {ser} is true:
  673. if number of all players >= 2:
  674. set {ser} to false
  675. wait 3 seconds
  676. execute console command "/start"
  677. loop {knife::*}:
  678. {knifeage.%loop-index%} >= 1
  679. set {_knife} to getEntityFromUUID(loop-index)
  680. set {_nohitblocks::*} to 0, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 51, 55, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 76, 77, 93, 94, 131, 143, 147, 148, 149, 150, 175 and 425
  681. loop 12 times:
  682. set {knife::%loop-index%} to location 0.25 meter forwards {knife::%loop-index%}
  683. teleport {_knife} to location sin(90-pitch of {knife::%loop-index%}*-1)*0.4 meter below location cos(90-pitch of {knife::%loop-index%}*-1)*0.4 meter horizontal forwards location 0.7 meter below location 0.1875 meter horizontal to the right location 0.3 meter backwards {knife::%loop-index%}
  684. loop entities in radius 0.5 around {knife::%loop-index%}:
  685. loop-entity is a living entity
  686. loop-entity is not armor stand
  687. loop-entity is not {knifeshooter.%loop-index%}
  688. if loop-entity is a player:
  689. loop-entity's gamemode is survival or adventure
  690. make {knifeshooter.%loop-index%} damage loop-entity by 6
  691. delete {knife::%loop-index%}
  692. delete {knifeage.%loop-index%}
  693. delete {knifeshooter.%loop-index%}
  694. kill {_knife}
  695. else if loop-entity is not a player:
  696. make {knifeshooter.%loop-index%} damage loop-entity by 6
  697. delete {knife::%loop-index%}
  698. delete {knifeage.%loop-index%}
  699. delete {knifeshooter.%loop-index%}
  700. kill {_knife}
  701. if {_nohitblocks::*} do not contain id of block at location 0.3 meter forwards {knife::%loop-index%}:
  702. play sound "entity.zombie.attack_iron_door" to all players at {knife::%loop-index%} with volume 1 pitch 2
  703. play sound "entity.item.break" to all players at {knife::%loop-index%} with volume 1 pitch 2
  704. delete {knife::%loop-index%}
  705. delete {knifeage.%loop-index%}
  706. delete {knifeshooter.%loop-index%}
  707. delayKill({_knife}, 60)
  708. remove 1 from {knifeage.%loop-index%}
  709. {knifeage.%loop-index%} is 0
  710. delete {knife::%loop-index%}
  711. delete {knifeage.%loop-index%}
  712. delete {knifeshooter.%loop-index%}
  713. kill {_knife}
  714. loop all players:
  715. {timers.%loop-player%::throwingknife} >= 1
  716. remove 1 from {timers.%loop-player%::throwingknife}
  717. if loop-player's tool is iron sword:
  718. send action bar from "&e投げナイフが使用可能になるまであと%ceil({timers.%loop-player%::throwingknife}/20)%秒" to loop-player
  719. {timers.%loop-player%::throwingknife} is 0
  720. delete {timers.%loop-player%::throwingknife}
  721. send action bar from "&e投げナイフが使用可能になりました" to loop-player
  722. set {nage} to false
  723. function delayKill(e: entity, delay: number):
  724. if {_delay} is 0:
  725. kill {_e}
  726. else:
  727. loop {_delay} times:
  728. wait 1 tick
  729. kill {_e}
  730. #投げナイフ
  731. #damage処理
  732. on pick up of gold ingot:
  733. if {speed.%player%} is true:
  734. apply speed 2 to the player for 10 tick
  735. if {speed2.%player%} is true:
  736. apply speed 2 to the player for 20 tick
  737. if {speed3.%player%} is true:
  738. apply speed 2 to the player for 40 tick
  739. add 1 to {xp.%player%}
  740. if number of all gold ingot in player's inventory is greater than 8:
  741. if player do not have bow:
  742. chance of 30%:
  743. give arrow to player
  744. message "{@s} &e&lラッキー☆矢が二つ手に入った" to player
  745. command "/playsound ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2"
  746. give bow to player
  747. give arrow to player
  748. wait 2 tick
  749. remove 10 gold ingot from player's inventory
  750. command "/playsound item.armor.equip_diamond ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1"
  751. stop
  752. if player has bow:
  753. give arrow to player
  754. wait 2 tick
  755. remove 10 gold ingot from player's inventory
  756. #pickup
  757. on pick up of gold ingot:
  758. if {unn3.%player%} is true:
  759. chance of 30%:
  760. send "&eLucky" to player
  761. give 1 gold ingot to player
  762. stop
  763. if {unn2.%player%} is true:
  764. chance of 20%:
  765. send "&eLucky" to player
  766. give 1 gold ingot to player
  767. stop
  768. if {unn.%player%} is true:
  769. chance of 10%:
  770. send "&eLucky" to player
  771. give 1 gold ingot to player
  772. stop
  773. #pickup2
  774. function goldluck(p: player):
  775. if {unn3.%{_p}%} is true:
  776. chance of 80%:
  777. send "&eLucky" to {_p}
  778. give 1 gold ingot to {_p}
  779. stop
  780. if {unn2.%{_p}%} is true:
  781. chance of 60%:
  782. send "&eLucky" to {_p}
  783. give 1 gold ingot to {_p}
  784. stop
  785. if {unn.%{_p}%} is true:
  786. chance of 40%:
  787. send "&eLucky" to {_p}
  788. give 1 gold ingot to {_p}
  789. stop
  790. #luck
  791. on rightclick holding gold ingot:
  792. if number of all gold ingot in player's inventory is greater than 9:
  793. if player do not have bow:
  794. chance of 30%:
  795. give arrow to player
  796. message "{@s} &e&lラッキー☆矢が二つ手に入った" to player
  797. command "/playsound ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2"
  798. give bow to player
  799. give arrow to player
  800. wait 2 tick
  801. remove 10 gold ingot from player's inventory
  802. command "/playsound item.armor.equip_diamond ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1"
  803. stop
  804. if player has bow:
  805. give arrow to player
  806. wait 2 tick
  807. remove 10 gold ingot from player's inventory
  808. #pickup
  809. on pick up of bow:
  810. if player is {oni}:
  811. cancel event
  812. stop
  813. if player has bow:
  814. cancel event
  815. stop
  816. broadcast "{@s} &a%player%&6が&bDetective&6の弓を拾った"
  817. set {havebow} to player
  818. give arrow to player
  819. on pick up of arrow:
  820. if player is {oni}:
  821. cancel event
  822. stop
  823. on drop:
  824. if player is not op:
  825. cancel event
  826. #Detective bow pick up
  827. on Skript start:
  828. execute console command "/difficulty 0"
  829. if {ser} is false:
  830. set {ser} to true
  831. set {re} to true
  832. on skript stop:
  833. set {ser} to false
  834. set {re} to false
  835. #auto start
  836. function timelimit():
  837. if {time.%{timenum}%} is not set:
  838. add 1 to {timenum}
  839. if {players} >= 10:
  840. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 180
  841. if {players} <= 9:
  842. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 119
  843. else:
  844. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 180
  845. stop
  846. if {time.%{timenum}%} is set:
  847. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  848. add 1 to {timenum}
  849. if {players} >= 10:
  850. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 180
  851. if {players} <= 9:
  852. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 119
  853. else:
  854. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 180
  855. stop
  856. else:
  857. send "&cTime limit Error &5Unixnow%floor(unix timestamp of now)% &6%{time.%{timenum}%}%" to ops
  858. #time limit
  859. function rs(p: player):
  860. if {game} is true:
  861. wipe {_p}'s sidebar
  862. set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&5&lMurder Mystery"
  863. set score "&6&lSisoPixel" in sidebar of {_p} to 1
  864. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 2
  865. set score "&bDetective: %{deteis}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 3
  866. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 4
  867. set score "&d生存者: &a%{players}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 5
  868. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 6
  869. set score "&eRole: %{Role.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 7
  870. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 8
  871. stop
  872. else:
  873. wipe {_p}'s sidebar
  874. set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&e&lしその鯖"
  875. set score "&6&lSisoPixel" in sidebar of {_p} to 1
  876. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 2
  877. set score "Lv: &b&l%{lv.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 3
  878. set score "XP: &a&l%{xp.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 4
  879. set score "Kills: &c&l%{kill.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 5
  880. set score "&b===Your Status===" in sidebar of {_p} to 6
  881. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 7
  882. #sidebar
  883. function lvup(p: player):
  884. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&a&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  885. if {lv.%{_p}%} >= 20:
  886. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&b&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  887. if {lv.%{_p}%} >= 25:
  888. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&3&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  889. if {lv.%{_p}%} >= 30:
  890. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&d&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  891. while {xp.%{_p}%} >= {nextlv.%{_p}%}:
  892. wait 2.5 tick
  893. play sound "entity.player.levelup" with volume 0.8 and pitch 0.7 at {_p} for {_p}
  894. set {nextlv.%{_p}%} to {nextlv.%{_p}%} * 1.2
  895. add 1 to {lv.%{_p}%}
  896. send "&aLvUP!! &l%{lv.%{_p}%}%Lv" to {_p}
  897. set {send.%{_p}%} to true
  898. if {send.%{_p}%} is true:
  899. send "&6次のレベルまで &5&l""%{nextlv.%{_p}%}%XP""" to {_p}
  900. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&a&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  901. set {send.%{_p}%} to false
  902. #lvup
  903. on right click on a villager:
  904. cancel event
  905. wait 5 tick
  906. open chest with 6 row named "&a&lSHOP" to player
  907. format slot 49 of player with glowing experience bottle named "&6&lXP: &e&l%{xp.%player%}%&f&a&lXP" to be unstealable
  908. format slot 40 of player with glowing feather named "&b&lスピード" with lore "&6&l金を取った際に少し足が速くなります。" to be unstealable
  909. format slot 39 of player with glowing gold nugget named "&e&l運" with lore "&6&l至る所でラッキーが起こります。" to be unstealable
  910. format slot 41 of player with glowing spider eye named "&5&l心眼" with lore "&6&lマーダーの時、スキルを使用できます。" to be unstealable
  911. if {speed3.%player%} is true:
  912. format slot 13 of player with glowstone dust named "&b&lスピード&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  913. format slot 22 of player with glowstone dust named "&b&lスピード&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  914. format slot 31 of player with glowstone dust named "&b&lスピード" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  915. else if {speed2.%player%} is true:
  916. format slot 13 of player with gunpowder named "&b&lスピード&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&a(500XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy speed3"]
  917. format slot 22 of player with glowstone dust named "&b&lスピード&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  918. format slot 31 of player with glowstone dust named "&b&lスピード" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  919. else if {speed.%player%} is true:
  920. format slot 13 of player with gunpowder named "&b&lスピード&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  921. format slot 22 of player with gunpowder named "&b&lスピード&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(100XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy speed2"]
  922. format slot 31 of player with glowstone dust named "&b&lスピード" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  923. else if {speed.%player%} is not set:
  924. format slot 13 of player with gunpowder named "&b&lスピード&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  925. format slot 22 of player with gunpowder named "&b&lスピード&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  926. format slot 31 of player with gunpowder named "&b&lスピード" with lore "&a(50XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy speed"]
  927. #↑スピード
  928. if {unn3.%player%} is true:
  929. format slot 11 of player with glowstone dust named "&e&l運&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  930. format slot 20 of player with glowstone dust named "&e&l運&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  931. format slot 29 of player with glowstone dust named "&e&l運" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  932. else if {unn2.%player%} is true:
  933. format slot 11 of player with gunpowder named "&e&l運&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&a(600XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy luck3"]
  934. format slot 20 of player with glowstone dust named "&e&l運&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  935. format slot 29 of player with glowstone dust named "&e&l運" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  936. else if {unn.%player%} is true:
  937. format slot 11 of player with gunpowder named "&e&l運&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  938. format slot 20 of player with gunpowder named "&e&l運&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(300XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy luck2"]
  939. format slot 29 of player with glowstone dust named "&e&l運" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  940. else if {unn.%{_p}%} is not set:
  941. format slot 11 of player with gunpowder named "&e&l運&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  942. format slot 20 of player with gunpowder named "&e&l運&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  943. format slot 29 of player with gunpowder named "&e&l運" with lore "&a(100XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy luck"]
  944. #↑運
  945. if {sin3.%player%} is true:
  946. format slot 15 of player with glowstone dust named "&5&l心眼&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  947. format slot 24 of player with glowstone dust named "&5&l心眼&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  948. format slot 33 of player with glowstone dust named "&5&l心眼" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  949. else if {sin2.%player%} is true:
  950. format slot 15 of player with gunpowder named "&5&l心眼&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&a(800XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy sin3"]
  951. format slot 24 of player with glowstone dust named "&5&l心眼&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  952. format slot 33 of player with glowstone dust named "&5&l心眼" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  953. else if {sin.%player%} is true:
  954. format slot 15 of player with gunpowder named "&5&l心眼&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  955. format slot 24 of player with gunpowder named "&5&l心眼&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&a(300XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy sin2"]
  956. format slot 33 of player with glowstone dust named "&5&l心眼" with lore "&a(unlocked)" to be unstealable
  957. else if {sin.%player%} is not set:
  958. format slot 15 of player with gunpowder named "&5&l心眼&6(&dLv3&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  959. format slot 24 of player with gunpowder named "&5&l心眼&6(&3Lv2&6)" with lore "&c(locked)" to be unstealable
  960. format slot 33 of player with gunpowder named "&5&l心眼" with lore "&a(50XP)" to close then run [execute player command "/buy sin"]
  961. #↑心眼
  962. on right click on a chicken:
  963. wait 10 tick
  964. open chest with 1 row named "&c&lExtra" to player
  965. format slot 0 of player with glowing experience bottle named "&6&lXP: &e&l%{xp.%player%}%&f&a&lXP" to be unstealable
  966. if {bounus.%player%} >= 300:
  967. format slot 2 of player with gold hoe named "&e&lBonusXP&cvExtra" with lore "&a(1000XP)" and "&6ゲームに勝利したときに追加でXPがもらえます。" to close then run [execute player command "/buy bounusxp"]
  968. stop
  969. if {bounus.%player%} >= 200:
  970. format slot 2 of player with gold hoe named "&e&lBonusXP&6v5" with lore "&a(500XP)" and "&6ゲームに勝利したときに追加でXPがもらえます。" to close then run [execute player command "/buy bounusxp"]
  971. stop
  972. if {bounus.%player%} >= 150:
  973. format slot 2 of player with gold hoe named "&e&lBonusXP&dv4" with lore "&a(300XP)" and "&6ゲームに勝利したときに追加でXPがもらえます。" to close then run [execute player command "/buy bounusxp"]
  974. stop
  975. if {bounus.%player%} >= 100:
  976. format slot 2 of player with gold hoe named "&e&lBonusXP&bv3" with lore "&a(200XP)" and "&6ゲームに勝利したときに追加でXPがもらえます。" to close then run [execute player command "/buy bounusxp"]
  977. stop
  978. if {bounus.%player%} >= 50:
  979. format slot 2 of player with gold hoe named "&e&lBonusXP&av2" with lore "&a(150XP)" and "&6ゲームに勝利したときに追加でXPがもらえます。" to close then run [execute player command "/buy bounusxp"]
  980. stop
  981. else:
  982. format slot 2 of player with gold hoe named "&e&lBonusXP" with lore "&a(100XP)" and "&6ゲームに勝利したときに追加でXPがもらえます。" to close then run [execute player command "/buy bounusxp"]
  983. command /buy [<text>]:
  984. trigger:
  985. if arg 1 is "speed":
  986. if {speed.%player%} is true:
  987. send "&c既にもっています。"
  988. stop
  989. if {xp.%player%} >= 50:
  990. set {speed.%player%} to true
  991. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&b&lスピード&6を開放しました!"
  992. remove 50 from {xp.%player%}
  993. rs(player)
  994. stop
  995. else:
  996. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  997. stop
  998. if arg 1 is "speed2":
  999. if {speed2.%player%} is true:
  1000. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1001. stop
  1002. if {xp.%player%} >= 100:
  1003. set {speed2.%player%} to true
  1004. delete {speed.%player%}
  1005. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&b&lスピード&6(&3Lv2&6)&6を開放しました!"
  1006. remove 100 from {xp.%player%}
  1007. rs(player)
  1008. stop
  1009. else:
  1010. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1011. stop
  1012. if arg 1 is "speed3":
  1013. if {speed3.%player%} is true:
  1014. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1015. stop
  1016. if {xp.%player%} >= 500:
  1017. set {speed3.%player%} to true
  1018. delete {speed2.%player%}
  1019. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&b&lスピード&6(&dLv3&6)&6を開放しました!"
  1020. remove 500 from {xp.%player%}
  1021. rs(player)
  1022. stop
  1023. else:
  1024. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1025. stop
  1026. #speed
  1027. if arg 1 is "luck":
  1028. if {unn.%player%} is true:
  1029. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1030. stop
  1031. if {xp.%player%} >= 100:
  1032. set {unn.%player%} to true
  1033. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&e&l運を開放しました!"
  1034. remove 100 from {xp.%player%}
  1035. rs(player)
  1036. stop
  1037. else:
  1038. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1039. stop
  1040. if arg 1 is "luck2":
  1041. if {unn2.%player%} is true:
  1042. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1043. stop
  1044. if {xp.%player%} >= 300:
  1045. set {unn2.%player%} to true
  1046. delete {unn.%player%}
  1047. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&e&l運&6(&3Lv2&6)&6を開放しました!"
  1048. remove 300 from {xp.%player%}
  1049. rs(player)
  1050. stop
  1051. else:
  1052. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1053. stop
  1054. if arg 1 is "luck3":
  1055. if {unn3.%player%} is true:
  1056. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1057. stop
  1058. if {xp.%player%} >= 600:
  1059. set {unn3.%player%} to true
  1060. delete {unn2.%player%}
  1061. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&e&l運&6(&dLv3&6)&6を開放しました!"
  1062. remove 600 from {xp.%player%}
  1063. rs(player)
  1064. stop
  1065. else:
  1066. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1067. stop
  1068. #luck
  1069. if arg 1 is "sin":
  1070. if {sin.%player%} is true:
  1071. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1072. stop
  1073. if {xp.%player%} >= 50:
  1074. set {sin.%player%} to true
  1075. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&5&l心眼&6を開放しました!"
  1076. send "&6心眼の使用方法はマーダーになった時、シフトしながら弓を左クリックすると使用できます"
  1077. remove 50 from {xp.%player%}
  1078. rs(player)
  1079. stop
  1080. else:
  1081. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1082. stop
  1083. if arg 1 is "sin2":
  1084. if {sin2.%player%} is true:
  1085. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1086. stop
  1087. if {xp.%player%} >= 300:
  1088. set {sin2.%player%} to true
  1089. delete {sin.%player%}
  1090. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&5&l心眼&6(Lv&32&6)を開放しました!"
  1091. send "&6心眼の使用方法はマーダーになった時、シフトしながら弓を左クリックすると使用できます"
  1092. remove 300 from {xp.%player%}
  1093. rs(player)
  1094. stop
  1095. else:
  1096. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1097. stop
  1098. if arg 1 is "sin3":
  1099. if {sin3.%player%} is true:
  1100. send "&c既にもっています。"
  1101. stop
  1102. if {xp.%player%} >= 800:
  1103. set {sin3.%player%} to true
  1104. delete {sin2.%player%}
  1105. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&5&l心眼&6(Lv&d3&6)を開放しました!"
  1106. send "&6心眼の使用方法はマーダーになった時、シフトしながら弓を左クリックすると使用できます"
  1107. remove 800 from {xp.%player%}
  1108. rs(player)
  1109. stop
  1110. else:
  1111. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1112. stop
  1113. if arg 1 is "bounusxp":
  1114. if {unn3.%player%} and {sin3.%player%} and {speed3.%player%} is not true:
  1115. send "&cあなたはExtraのparkを買う資格がありません。"
  1116. stop
  1117. if {bounus.%player%} >= 300:
  1118. if {xp.%player%} >= 1000:
  1119. add 1 to {bounus.%player%}
  1120. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&a&lBonusXP&6を強化しました!"
  1121. send "&6BonusXP → &a%{bounus.%player%}%"
  1122. remove 1000 from {xp.%player%}
  1123. rs(player)
  1124. stop
  1125. else:
  1126. send "&cError 運営に連絡してください"
  1127. if {bounus.%player%} >= 200:
  1128. if {xp.%player%} >= 500:
  1129. add 1 to {bonus.%player%}
  1130. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&a&lBonusXP&6を強化しました!"
  1131. send "&6BonusXP → &a%{bounus.%player%}%"
  1132. remove 500 from {xp.%player%}
  1133. rs(player)
  1134. stop
  1135. else:
  1136. send "&cError 運営に連絡してください"
  1137. if {bounus.%player%} >= 150:
  1138. if {xp.%player%} >= 300:
  1139. add 1 to {bounus.%player%}
  1140. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&a&lBonusXP&6を強化しました!"
  1141. send "&6BonusXP → &a%{bounus.%player%}%"
  1142. remove 300 from {xp.%player%}
  1143. rs(player)
  1144. stop
  1145. else:
  1146. send "&cError 運営に連絡してください"
  1147. if {bounus.%player%} >= 100:
  1148. if {xp.%player%} >= 200:
  1149. add 1 to {bounus.%player%}
  1150. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&a&lBonusXP&6を強化しました!"
  1151. send "&6BonusXP → &a%{bounus.%player%}%"
  1152. remove 200 from {xp.%player%}
  1153. rs(player)
  1154. stop
  1155. else:
  1156. send "&cError 運営に連絡してください"
  1157. if {bounus.%player%} >= 50:
  1158. if {xp.%player%} >= 150:
  1159. add 1 to {bounus.%player%}
  1160. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&a&lBonusXP&6を強化しました!"
  1161. send "&6BonusXP → &a%{bounus.%player%}%"
  1162. remove 150 from {xp.%player%}
  1163. rs(player)
  1164. stop
  1165. else:
  1166. send "&cError 運営に連絡してください"
  1167. if {xp.%player%} >= 100:
  1168. add 1 to {bounus.%player%}
  1169. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&a&lBonusXP&6を強化しました!"
  1170. send "&6BonusXP → &a%{bounus.%player%}%"
  1171. remove 100 from {xp.%player%}
  1172. rs(player)
  1173. stop
  1174. else:
  1175. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  1176. stop
  1177. else:
  1178. send "&cError 運営に連絡してください"
  1179. #SHOP
  1180. on leftclick holding bow:
  1181. if player is {oni}:
  1182. if player is sneaking:
  1183. if {sin.%player%} is true:
  1184. remove 1 of held item from player
  1185. execute console command "/effect @a minecraft:glowing 2"
  1186. broadcast "{@s} &cMurderが心眼を使った!"
  1187. stop
  1188. if {sin2.%player%} is true:
  1189. remove 1 of held item from player
  1190. execute console command "/effect @a minecraft:glowing 4"
  1191. broadcast "{@s} &cMurderが心眼を使った!"
  1192. stop
  1193. if {sin3.%player%} is true:
  1194. remove 1 of held item from player
  1195. execute console command "/effect @a minecraft:glowing 8"
  1196. broadcast "{@s} &cMurderが心眼を使った!"
  1197. stop
  1198. #心眼skill
  1199. function luck(p: player):
  1200. if {unn.%{_p}%} is true:
  1201. chance of 30%:
  1202. give 3 gold ingot to {_p}
  1203. send "{@s} &e&lYour Lucky!" to {_p}
  1204. if {unn2.%{_p}%} is true:
  1205. chance of 35%:
  1206. give 4 gold ingot to {_p}
  1207. send "{@s} &e&lYour lucky!" to {_p}
  1208. if {unn3.%{_p}%} is true:
  1209. chance of 40%:
  1210. give 5 gold ingot to {_p}
  1211. send "{@s} &e&lYour lucky!" to {_p}
  1212. #Luck skill
  1213. #↑skill
  1214. on first join:
  1215. set {xp.%player%} to 0
  1216. set {lv.%player%} to 1
  1217. set {kill.%player%} to 0
  1218. set {gatya.%player%} to 2
  1219. set {nextlv.%player%} to 10
  1220. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1221. teleport player to {lobby}
  1222. broadcast "&e%player%&6さんが&d初参加&6しました"
  1223. add "&e%player% &6IP &a%ip of player%" to {iplog::*}
  1224. set player tab name to "&6&l[&a&lLv%{lv.%player%}%&6&l] &f%player%"
  1225. on join:
  1226. if {men} is true:
  1227. loop 10 times:
  1228. execute console command "/playsound entity.enderdragon.ambient master siso_ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  1229. broadcast "&e%player%&6さんが参加しました"
  1230. rs(player)
  1231. command "/clear %player%"
  1232. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1233. teleport player to {lobby}
  1234. set player tab name to "&6&l[&a&lLv%{lv.%player%}%&6&l] &f%player%"
  1235. loop all players:
  1236. set tab header to "&5&lMurder Mystery" and footer to "&6&lSisoPixel &a%number of all players%&7/15" for loop-player
  1237. on quit:
  1238. if {ending} is true:
  1239. wait 5 tick
  1240. loop all players:
  1241. set tab header to "&5&lMurder Mystery" and footer to "&6&lSisoPixel &a%number of all players%&7/15" for loop-player
  1242. stop
  1243. stop
  1244. if player is {oni}:
  1245. broadcast "&6鬼が抜けたので強制終了します、※ゲーム中にサーバーを抜けるのは控えてください"
  1246. wait 3 seconds
  1247. execute console command "/stopgame"
  1248. if {allplayer::*} contain player:
  1249. if {death.%player%} is true:
  1250. remove player from {member::*}
  1251. else:
  1252. remove 1 from {players}
  1253. remove 1 from {member::*}
  1254. wait 3 tick
  1255. if {players} is 0:
  1256. broadcast "{@s} イノセントがいなくなったのでマーダーの勝ち。"
  1257. wait 3 seconds
  1258. execute console command "/stopgame"
  1259. wait 5 tick
  1260. loop all players:
  1261. set tab header to "&5&lMurder Mystery" and footer to "&6&lSisoPixel &a%number of all players%&7/15" for loop-player
  1262. on connect:
  1263. if minecraft version is "1.8" or "1.8.8" or "1.8.9":
  1264. if player is not op:
  1265. kick the player due to "&c1.9以下のバージョンを検知しました、サーバーに参加するには1.9以上のクライアントを使用してください。"
  1266. stop
  1267. #quit join first join
  1268. function removenpc():
  1269. loop {removenum::*}:
  1270. remove citizen loop-value
  1271. delete {removenum::*}
  1272. #remove npc
  1273. on rightclick holding paper:
  1274. name of held item contains "ガチャ"
  1275. remove 1 paper from player's inventory
  1276. loop 80 times:
  1277. set {_portallocY} to random integer between -2 and 2
  1278. set {_portallocZX} to random integer between -1 and 6
  1279. show 200 PORTAL particles at player offset by {_portallocZX}, {_portallocY}, {_portallocZX}
  1280. if {gatya.%player%} >= 1:
  1281. send "&9大チャンスの予感!!"
  1282. wait 1 seconds
  1283. send "&7."
  1284. wait 1 seconds
  1285. send "&7.."
  1286. wait 1 seconds
  1287. send "&7..."
  1288. broadcast "&e%player%&bがガチャ券で大当たりを出した!!&a+150XPされた"
  1289. remove 1 from {gatya.%player%}
  1290. rs(player)
  1291. add 150 to {xp.%player%}
  1292. stop
  1293. set {_g} to random integer between 1 and 4
  1294. if {_g} is 1:
  1295. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  1296. message "&a+100xp"
  1297. broadcast "&e%player%&6がガチャ券で&a+100XP&6された"
  1298. if {_g} is 2:
  1299. add 50 to {xp.%player%}
  1300. message "&a+50xp"
  1301. if {_g} is 3:
  1302. add 10 to {xp.%player%}
  1303. message "&a+10xp"
  1304. if {_g} is 4:
  1305. message "&9大チャンスの予感!!"
  1306. wait 1 seconds
  1307. send "&7."
  1308. wait 1 seconds
  1309. send "&7.."
  1310. wait 1 seconds
  1311. send "&7..."
  1312. chance of 50:
  1313. add 150 to {xp.%player%}
  1314. message "&a+100xp"
  1315. broadcast "&e%player%&bがガチャ券で大当たりを出した!!&a+150XPされた"
  1316. stop
  1317. message "予感は外れた..."
  1318. rs(player)
  1319. #ガチャ
  1320. command /name [<text>] [<text>]:
  1321. trigger:
  1322. if arg 1 is "bow" or "sword":
  1323. if arg 1 is "bow":
  1324. if {vip.%player%} or {mvp.%player%} is true:
  1325. if {bowname::*} contain arg 2:
  1326. send "&6その名前は既にあります"
  1327. stop
  1328. if {ngward::*} contain arg 2:
  1329. send "&6その言葉は使用できません"
  1330. stop
  1331. add colored arg 2 to {bowname::*}
  1332. add "&e%player% &f%colored arg 2%" to {bownamelog::*}
  1333. broadcast "&f""%colored arg 2%&f""&6がDetectiveの弓の名前に選ばれるようになりました!!"
  1334. broadcast "&6追加者 &e(%player%)"
  1335. stop
  1336. else:
  1337. send "&c使用するにはVIPかMVPを購入してください"
  1338. stop
  1339. if arg 1 is "sword":
  1340. if {vip.%player%} or {mvp.%player%} is true:
  1341. if {swordname::*} contain arg 2:
  1342. send "&6その名前は既にあります"
  1343. stop
  1344. if {ngward::*} contain arg 2:
  1345. send "&6その言葉は使用できません"
  1346. stop
  1347. add colored arg 2 to {swordname::*}
  1348. add "&e%player% &f%colored arg 2%" to {swordnamelog::*}
  1349. broadcast "&f""%colored arg 2%&f""&6がMurderの剣の名前に選ばれるようになりました!!"
  1350. broadcast "&6追加者 &e(%player%)"
  1351. stop
  1352. else:
  1353. send "&c使用するにはVIPかMVPを購入してください"
  1354. stop
  1355. else:
  1356. if {vip.%player%} or {mvp.%player%} is true:
  1357. send "&6/name (bow/sword/nick) (text)"
  1358. stop
  1359. else:
  1360. send "&cVIP又はMVPを購入してください"
  1361. stop
  1362. command /remove [<text>] [<text>]:
  1363. permission: skript.admin
  1364. trigger:
  1365. if arg 1 is "bow" or "sword":
  1366. if arg 1 is "bow":
  1367. loop {bowname::*}:
  1368. if loop-value contain arg 2:
  1369. remove loop-value from {bowname::*}
  1370. remove loop-value from {bownamelog::*}
  1371. send "&cdeleted %colored arg 2%"
  1372. stop
  1373. else:
  1374. send "&6その名前は存在しません"
  1375. stop
  1376. stop
  1377. if arg 1 is "sword":
  1378. loop {swordname::*}:
  1379. if loop-value contain arg 2:
  1380. remove loop-value from {swordname::*}
  1381. remove loop-value from {swordnamelog::*}
  1382. send "&cdeleted %colored arg 2%"
  1383. stop
  1384. else:
  1385. send "&6その名前は存在しません"
  1386. stop
  1387. stop
  1388. else:
  1389. send "&a/remove &6(bow/sword) &5(text)"
  1390. stop
  1391. command /nick [<text>]:
  1392. trigger:
  1393. if arg 1 is not set:
  1394. if {mvp.%player%} is true:
  1395. send "&a/nick &6(ニックネーム)"
  1396. stop
  1397. else:
  1398. send "&c使用するにはMVPを購入してください"
  1399. stop
  1400. if arg 1 is set:
  1401. if {mvp.%player%} is true:
  1402. if {ngnick::*} contain arg 1:
  1403. send "&6その言葉は使用できません"
  1404. stop
  1405. set {nick.%player%} to "%colored arg 1%"
  1406. send "&6ニックネームを&f""%arg 1%&f""&6にしました"
  1407. send "&c[opmsg] &e%player%&6がニックネームを%arg 1%&6に変更しました" to ops
  1408. set {nicklog.%player%} to "&e%player% &f%{nick.%player%}%"
  1409. add {nicklog.%player%} to {nicklog::*}
  1410. stop
  1411. else:
  1412. send "&c使用するにはMVPを購入してください"
  1413. stop
  1414. on leaves decay:
  1415. cancel event
  1416. #add name & nick
  1417. command /unnick [<player>]:
  1418. trigger:
  1419. if arg 1 is not set:
  1420. if {mvp.%player%} is true:
  1421. delete {nick.%player%}
  1422. send "&6ニックネームをリセットしました"
  1423. stop
  1424. else:
  1425. send "&cMVPを購入してください"
  1426. stop
  1427. if arg 1 is set:
  1428. if player is op:
  1429. delete {nick.%arg 1%}
  1430. send "&6%arg 1%のニックネームをリセットしました"
  1431. stop
  1432. else:
  1433. send "&c管理者以外使用できません"
  1434. stop
  1435. #unnick
  1436. command /ng [<text>] [<text>]:
  1437. permission: skript.admin
  1438. trigger:
  1439. if arg 1 is "add":
  1440. if arg 2 is set:
  1441. if {ngward::*} contain arg 2:
  1442. send "&c既にその言葉は登録されています"
  1443. stop
  1444. add arg 2 to {ngward::*}
  1445. send """%arg 2%""&6をNGワードとして登録しました"
  1446. stop
  1447. else:
  1448. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  1449. stop
  1450. if arg 1 is "nick":
  1451. if arg 2 is set:
  1452. if {ngnick::*} contain arg 2:
  1453. send "&c既にその言葉は登録されています"
  1454. stop
  1455. add arg 2 to {ngnick::*}
  1456. send "&6%arg 2%をNGワードとして登録しました"
  1457. stop
  1458. else:
  1459. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  1460. stop
  1461. if arg 1 is "remove":
  1462. if arg 2 is set:
  1463. if {ngward::*} do not contain arg 2:
  1464. send "&cその言葉は登録されていません"
  1465. stop
  1466. remove arg 2 from {ngward::*}
  1467. send "&6%arg 2%をNGワードから削除しました"
  1468. stop
  1469. else:
  1470. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  1471. stop
  1472. if arg 1 is "removenick":
  1473. if arg 2 is set:
  1474. if {ngnick::*} do not contain arg 2:
  1475. send "&cその言葉は登録されていません"
  1476. stop
  1477. remove arg 2 from {ngnick::*}
  1478. send "&6%arg 2%をNGワードから削除しました"
  1479. stop
  1480. else:
  1481. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  1482. stop
  1483. else:
  1484. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  1485. stop
  1486. #NGward
  1487. on rightclick holding paper:
  1488. name of held item contains "VIP"
  1489. remove 1 of held item from player
  1490. remove paper from player's inventory
  1491. set {vip.%player%} to true
  1492. broadcast "&e%player%&6さんが&a&lVIP&f&6になりました!"
  1493. send "&6/nameが使えるようにようになりました!"
  1494. add "&e%player% &a[VIP]" to {buylog::*}
  1495. wait 5 seconds
  1496. broadcast "&6VIPになるとMurderの剣の名前とDetectiveが持つ弓の名前を決められます!"
  1497. broadcast "&6MVPになると/nickが使えます!"
  1498. stop
  1499. command /vip [<player>]:
  1500. executable by: console
  1501. trigger:
  1502. add "&e%player% &a[VIP]" to {buylog::*}
  1503. command /mvp [<player>]:
  1504. executable by: console
  1505. trigger:
  1506. add "&e%player% &b[MVP]" to {buylog::*}
  1507. on rightclick holding paper:
  1508. name of held item contains "MVP"
  1509. remove 1 of held item from player
  1510. remove paper from player's inventory
  1511. set {mvp.%player%} to true
  1512. broadcast "&e%player%&6さんが&b&lMVP&f&6になりました!"
  1513. send "&6/nickが使用できます"
  1514. add "&e%player% &b[MVP]" to {buylog::*}
  1515. wait 5 seconds
  1516. broadcast "&6VIPになるとMurderの剣の名前とDetectiveが持つ弓の名前を決められます!"
  1517. broadcast "&6MVPになると/nickが使えます!"
  1518. stop
  1519. #VIP MVP
  1520. on chat:
  1521. if message contain {nonono::*}:
  1522. replace all "%{nonono::*}%" with "&6&l I love sisopixel" in the message
  1523. stop
  1524. if {mvp.%player%} is true:
  1525. bind hologram "&6&l[&bMVP&6]" to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 3, 0
  1526. bind hologram "%message%" to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 2.5, 0
  1527. if {vip.%player%} is true:
  1528. bind hologram "&6&l[&aVIP&6]" to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 3, 0
  1529. bind hologram "%message%" to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 2.5, 0
  1530. bind hologram "%message%" to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 2.5, 0
  1531. on chat:
  1532. if {nick.%player%} is set:
  1533. cancel event
  1534. broadcast "%{nick.%player%}%&f: &f%message%"
  1535. stop
  1536. #chat system
  1537. command /log [<text>]:
  1538. permission: skript.admin
  1539. trigger:
  1540. if arg 1 is "nick":
  1541. send "&6nicklog" to player
  1542. loop {nicklog::*}:
  1543. send "%loop-value%" to player
  1544. if arg 1 is "bow":
  1545. send "&bbow namelog"
  1546. loop {bownamelog::*}:
  1547. send "%loop-value%"
  1548. if arg 1 is "sword":
  1549. send "&csword namelog"
  1550. loop {swordnamelog::*}:
  1551. send "%loop-value%"
  1552. if arg 1 is "ng":
  1553. send "&2NGward list"
  1554. loop {ngward::*}:
  1555. send "%loop-value%"
  1556. if arg 1 is "rank":
  1557. send "&ebuy Rank"
  1558. loop {buylog::*}:
  1559. send "%loop-value%"
  1560. if arg 1 is "asure":
  1561. send "&6アスレ"
  1562. loop {asure::*}:
  1563. send "%loop-value%"
  1564. if arg 1 is "ip":
  1565. if name of player is "siso_":
  1566. loop {iplog::*}:
  1567. send "%loop-value%"
  1568. else:
  1569. send "&cオーナー以外実行できません"
  1570. #check
  1571. command /ea [<text>]:
  1572. permission: skript.admin
  1573. trigger:
  1574. if name of player is "siso_":
  1575. evaluate "%arg 1%"
  1576. else:
  1577. send "&cオーナー以外実行できません"
  1578. on command:
  1579. if command is "sk reload scripts" or "skript reload scripts" or "sk list" or "skript list" or "sk reload all" or "skript reload all":
  1580. if name of player is not "siso_":
  1581. send "&cオーナー以外実行できません"
  1582. stop
  1583. on right click on player:
  1584. entity is npc
  1585. entity is npc 2
  1586. if {noclick} is true:
  1587. send "&6少し待ってください" to player
  1588. stop
  1589. set {noclick} to true
  1590. chance of 5%:
  1591. bind hologram "&dおまんこびーむ" to clicked entity for 60 tick offset by 2, 1, 1
  1592. wait 3 tick
  1593. bind hologram "&dおまんこびーむ" to clicked entity for 60 tick offset by 2, 1, 2
  1594. wait 3 tick
  1595. bind hologram "&dおまんこびーむ" to clicked entity for 60 tick offset by 2, 1, 3
  1596. wait 3 tick
  1597. bind hologram "&dおまんこびーむ" to clicked entity for 60 tick offset by 2, 1, 4
  1598. wait 3 tick
  1599. bind hologram "&dおまんこびーむ" to clicked entity for 60 tick offset by 2, 1, 5
  1600. wait 3 tick
  1601. bind hologram "&dおまんこびーむ" to clicked entity for 60 tick offset by 2, 1, 6
  1602. wait 3 tick
  1603. bind hologram "&dおまんこびーむ" to clicked entity for 60 tick offset by 2, 1, 7
  1604. set {noclick} to false
  1605. stop
  1606. bind hologram "&6==&b&lイケメン大魔王&f&6==" to clicked entity for 3 seconds offset by 2.5, 2, -1
  1607. wait 15 tick
  1608. bind hologram "&6&l/murderで色々な説明が聞けるよ!" to clicked entity for 45 tick offset by 2.5, 1, -1
  1609. set {noclick} to false
  1610. #説明
  1611. on right click on villager:
  1612. entity is npc 88 or 89 or 90 or 91 or 236
  1613. if player is {oni}:
  1614. send "&cMurderはポーションショップを利用できません" to player
  1615. stop
  1616. if player has 4 gold ingot:
  1617. remove 4 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1618. set {_random potion1} to random integer between 1 and 3
  1619. if {_random potion1} is 1:
  1620. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:splash_potion 1 0 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:1,Duration:300}],CustomPotionColor:13475246,display:{Name:Speed}}"
  1621. if {_random potion1} is 2:
  1622. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:splash_potion 1 0 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:14,Duration:200}],CustomPotionColor:16777215,display:{Name:Invisible}}"
  1623. if {_random potion1} is 3:
  1624. if {unn.%player%} or {unn2.%player%} or {unn3.%player%} is true:
  1625. chance of 40:
  1626. send "&6Your &eLucky" to player
  1627. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:splash_potion 1 0 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:1,Duration:300},{Id:14,Duration:200}],CustomPotionColor:6715903,display:{Name:""Speed & Invisible""}}"
  1628. stop
  1629. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:splash_potion 1 0 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:1,Duration:300}],CustomPotionColor:13475246,display:{Name:Speed}}"
  1630. else:
  1631. send "&cポーションと交換するには金が4つ必要です" to player
  1632. on right click on player:
  1633. entity is npc 3349
  1634. if player's gamemode is not spectator:
  1635. broadcast "&e%player%&6さんがロビーのアスレをクリアしました!! &a+150XP"
  1636. add 150 to {xp.%player%}
  1637. add "&6アスレクリア &e%player%" to {asure::*}
  1638. teleport player to {lobby}
  1639. rs(player)
  1640. stop
  1641. else:
  1642. send "&cNice Try" to player
  1643. stop
  1644. on right click on player:
  1645. entity is npc 1919
  1646. if player's gamemode is not spectator:
  1647. broadcast "&e%player%&6さんがロビーの地下アスレをクリアしました!! &a+100XP"
  1648. add "&6アスレクリア &e%player%" to {asure::*}
  1649. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  1650. teleport player to {lobby}
  1651. rs(player)
  1652. stop
  1653. else:
  1654. send "&cNice Try" to player
  1655. stop
  1656. every 20 minutes:
  1657. execute console command "/me 私たちのDiscord→"
  1658. broadcast "&6VIPになるとMurderの剣の名前とDetectiveが持つ弓の名前を決められます!"
  1659. broadcast "&6MVPになると/nickが使えます!"
  1660. on rightclick holding paper:
  1661. name of held item contains "ログインボーナス"
  1662. remove 1 of held item from player
  1663. broadcast "&e%player%&6さんがログインボーナスを受け取りました!!"
  1664. chance of 30%:
  1665. add 50 to {xp.%player%}
  1666. send "&eラッキー &a+50XP"
  1667. rs(player)
  1668. stop
  1669. add 30 to {xp.%player%}
  1670. send "+30XP"
  1671. rs(player)
  1672. on death of player:
  1673. send "&c予期せぬエラー &e%victim%" to ops
  1674. force victim to respawn
  1675. teleport victim to {lobby}
  1676. command /opmsg <text>:
  1677. trigger:
  1678. send "&e%player% &c[opmsg] &f%arg%" to ops
  1679. command /nojoin:
  1680. trigger:
  1681. if {nojoin.%player%} is not set:
  1682. set {nojoin.%player%} to "on"
  1683. send "&cゲームに参加しないように設定しました"
  1684. stop
  1685. if {nojoin.%player%} is "on":
  1686. set {nojoin.%player%} to "off"
  1687. send "&aゲームに参加するように設定しました"
  1688. stop
  1689. if {nojoin.%player%} is "off":
  1690. set {nojoin.%player%} to "on"
  1691. send "&cゲームに参加しないように設定しました"
  1692. stop
  1693. command /addxp <player> <number>:
  1694. permission: skript.admin
  1695. trigger:
  1696. if arg 1 is set:
  1697. if arg 2 is set:
  1698. if name of player is "siso_":
  1699. add arg 2 to {stats.%arg 1%.xp}
  1700. broadcast "&e%player%&9さんが&b%arg 1%&9さんの所持xpを&a%arg 2%xp&9増やしました。"
  1701. rs(arg 1)
  1702. stop
  1703. else:
  1704. send "&6オーナー以外実行できません"
  1705. command /removexp <player> <number>:
  1706. permission: skript.admin
  1707. trigger:
  1708. if arg 1 is set:
  1709. if arg 2 is set:
  1710. if name of player is "siso_":
  1711. remove arg 2 from {stats.%arg 1%.xp}
  1712. broadcast "&e%player%&9さんが&b%arg 1%&9さんの所持xpを&c%arg 2%xp&9減らしました。"
  1713. rs(arg 1)
  1714. stop
  1715. else:
  1716. send "&6オーナー以外実行できません"
  1717. command /status [<offline player>]:
  1718. trigger:
  1719. if arg 1 is not set:
  1720. send "=======&9%player% Status&f======="
  1721. send "&6Lv:%{lv.%player%}%"
  1722. send "&aXP:%{xp.%player%}%"
  1723. send "&cKill:%{kill.%player%}%"
  1724. send "&5NextLv:%{nextlv.%player%}%"
  1725. if {bounus.%player%} is not set:
  1726. send "&eBounusXP:なし"
  1727. stop
  1728. send "&eBounusXP:%{bounus.%player%}%"
  1729. stop
  1730. else if arg-1 has not played before:
  1731. send "&cそのプレイヤーはこのサーバーに参加したことがありません"
  1732. stop
  1733. else:
  1734. send "=======&9%arg 1% Status&f======="
  1735. send "&6Lv:%{lv.%arg 1%}%"
  1736. send "&aXP:%{xp.%arg 1%}%"
  1737. send "&cKill:%{kill.%arg 1%}%"
  1738. send "&5NextLv:%{nextlv.%arg 1%}%"
  1739. if {bounus.%arg 1%} is not set:
  1740. send "&eBounusXP:なし"
  1741. stop
  1742. send "&eBounusXP:%{bounus.%arg 1%}%"
  1743. stop
  1744. command /murder:
  1745. trigger:
  1746. send "&3=============&5&lMurder-Mystery&f&3==============="
  1747. send "&6このゲームはイノセントとマーダーに分かれて戦います"
  1748. send "&6イノセントはマップに落ちてる金を10集め、弓と交換します"
  1749. send "&6その弓でマーダーを倒せばイノセントの勝ちです"
  1750. send "&6マーダーは剣でイノセントを全員倒しましょう"
  1751. stop
  1752. command /createlog [<text>]:
  1753. permission: skript.admin
  1754. trigger:
  1755. log "%{iplog::*}%" to files "%arg 1%"
  1756. command /a <text>:
  1757. aliases: dm
  1758. trigger:
  1759. broadcast "&7%player%&f: &f%coloured arg%"
  1760. command /displayname [<player>] [<text>]:
  1761. permission: skript.admin
  1762. trigger:
  1763. if arg 1 is not set:
  1764. message "&a&o/displayname &e(player) &5(text)"
  1765. stop
  1766. if arg 1 is set:
  1767. if arg 2 is "reset" or "delete" or "remove":
  1768. set the arg 1's display name to "%arg 1%"
  1769. message "&e%arg 1%のチャットの書式をリセットしました"
  1770. stop
  1771. if arg 1 is set:
  1772. if arg 2 is set:
  1773. if name of player is "siso_":
  1774. set the arg 1's display name to "%colored arg 2%"
  1775. message "&e%arg 1%&6のチャットの書式を%arg 2%&6に変更しました"
  1776. stop
  1777. else:
  1778. send "&6オーナー以外使用できません"
  1779. on walking on note block:
  1780. if {game} is false:
  1781. push the player upwards at speed 2.9
  1782. on damage of pig:
  1783. cancel event
  1784. on damage of villager:
  1785. cancel event
  1786. on damage of sheep:
  1787. cancel event
  1788. on damage of chicken:
  1789. cancel event
  1790. on right click on sheep:
  1791. execute player command "/prvote"
  1792. on right click on pig:
  1793. chance of 1%:
  1794. send "&6&l+20XP" to player
  1795. add 20 to {xp.%player%}
  1796. rs(player)
  1797. stop
  1798. chance of 50%:
  1799. send "&a+5XP" to player
  1800. add 5 to {xp.%player%}
  1801. rs(player)
  1802. stop
  1803. send "&c-5XP" to player
  1804. remove 5 from {xp.%player%}
  1805. rs(player)
  1806. stop
  1807. command /aip <offline player>:
  1808. trigger:
  1809. if name of player is "siso_":
  1810. send "%ip of arg 1%"
  1811. else:
  1812. send "&6オーナー以外使用できません"
  1813. on join:
  1814. if {ver2.%player%} is not set:
  1815. set {xp.%player%} to 0
  1816. set {lv.%player%} to 1
  1817. set {nextlv.%player%} to 10
  1818. set {kill.%player%} to 0
  1819. delete {bounus.%player%}
  1820. delete {sin.%player%}
  1821. delete {sin2.%player%}
  1822. delete {sin3.%player%}
  1823. delete {unn.%player%}
  1824. delete {unn2.%player%}
  1825. delete {unn3.%player%}
  1826. delete {speed.%player%}
  1827. delete {speed2.%player%}
  1828. delete {speed3.%player%}
  1829. set {ver2.%player%} to true
  1830. send "&b&l全てを、やり直そう。" to player
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