
Vuer Review Text Wall

Jul 7th, 2018
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  1. Okay so already, right off the bat, revealing somebody and a 400 unit radius around them for 10-22 seconds is *really strong.* 10-22 seconds is a long time, and vision is incredibly powerful if you know how to use it. The pulse is pretty interesting, though.
  2. The same goes to your Q; it's a really long charge. For comparison, Janna's Q, a similar ability, lasts for 3 seconds at max.
  3. W is pretty interesting; I'd imagine you're probably gonna wanna tack this on somebody before they dive in and get nuked. I know old Aatrox doesn't exist anymore, but I could see this combo'ing well with him.
  4. It's also kinda weird that your scalings don't also increase with time; since it's just the base damages, and they're hovering around 50, in the late game, you can just trigger it right away since there's not enough of a difference to encourage you waiting it out, outside of your W's AoE.
  5. Okay, so E is potentially really oppressive. It's like a Bard tunnel, but also a blink, instant to travel to when given setup time, doesn't require terrain, and covers 600 units, meaning you can do things like throw it down on somebody with a really strong ability (IE: Illaoi Ult, J4 ult, Malzahar ult, Rakan ult, Shyvana ult, WW E, Amumu R, Shen E, Hecarim R, Kennen R, Fiddlesticks R, Galio W, etc), or anybody who doesn't have a gap closer or escape, and suddenly they have a huge burst of mobility. The fact that it's also got a potential knockup is even scarier, since it, again, gives way to even more setup for something such as a fully charged Galio W. It also leads to the LeBlanc W interaction, except now you have TWO different output points. You throw it down on LeBlanc, who can either return to both of her clones or her W, and suddenly she's automatically out.
  6. R feels pretty underwhelming; it's kind of just a win-more button. It's got a decent chunk of hidden power, and your base cooldowns mean you can only get one cast out of it. It's also just an augment to your base kit, and it's not linear power, outside of the auto attack augments, so I don't think it's worth that huge of a cooldown.
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