
Dark Gate Academy Characters

May 6th, 2016
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  1. [INDEX]
  3. 2) CLASS 2
  4. 3) CLASS 3
  6. 5) CLASS 1
  7. 6) STAFF
  9. 8) OTHER
  10. 9) DECEASED
  16. 1) [CLASS 2 SEAT LAYOUT]
  18. -----[ SAKI ]-----[ SAYEKA ]-----[ HIKARU ]-----[ SATOMI ]-----
  19. -----[ REIJI ]-----[ HOSHI ]-----[ HIRO ]-----[ CHIHIRO]-----
  20. -----[ REI ]-----[ AKIRA ]-----[ NANAMI ]-----[ KEN ]-----
  21. -----[ NARIKO ]-----[ SORA ]-----[ AKIO ]-----[ RYOJI ]-----
  22. -----[SEISHIRO]-----[ RAIDEN ]-----[ AKEMI ]-----[ ISAMU ]-----
  23. -----[ EMPTY ]-----[ KOSUKE ]-----[ RINI ]-----[ EMPTY ]-----
  25. 2) [CLASS 2]
  26. ----------------------------------------------------
  28. CLASS: Delinquent
  29. WEAPON: Gauntlet
  30. STR: 9
  31. CON: 20
  32. DEX: 11
  33. INT: 16
  34. WIS: 18
  35. CHA: 19
  37. The Master Delinquent. A sarcastic trouble-maker with no respect for authority and a heart of gold when it comes to his friends. Came to the academy as an outsider, but soon came to care for his schoolmates and those around him, growing into his role as the hero of this story. Possessed by an Archdemon of Paranoia known as The Stranger and the lingering spirit of his childhood friend, Nina Nagata. He holds a particularly strong bond with Saki Kobashi, who he has come to love.
  39. FEATS
  40. Master Delinquent: With his status as a Master Delinquent, Ryoji has honed his ability to fight dirty, granting him +10 to any action that involves cheating in battle.
  42. They listen to you: Ryoji has developed a knack for talking to his teammates and inspiring them, granting him +10 to any action that involves speech.
  44. The Universe Hates You: Ryoji does not have the best fortune in life, with events often turning bad at the worst possible moments. Ryoji has a disadvantage in any action dependant on luck.
  46. Stranger Things: Possessed by the power of The Stranger, Ryoji is host to several abilities. His healing factor makes him effectively immortal, preventing him from ever being killed in battle, and he can heal from most wounds fairly quickly, making it difficult to remove him from a fight. Once a month, with the help of a power stone, Ryoji is also able to unleash The Stranger's full power. Without a stone, Ryoji would have to sacrifice his memories to unleash such power.
  47. ----------------------------------------------------
  49. CLASS: Knight
  50. WEAPON: Lance & Shield
  51. STR: 18
  52. CON: 19
  53. DEX: 16
  54. INT: 16
  55. WIS: 16
  56. CHA: 15
  58. Head of Class 2. A no-nonsense leader who strictly plays by the rules. Incredibly capable. The Granddaughter of Dark Gate Academy's Principal Wei Kobashi. Despite conflicting personalities and philosophies, has formed a deep bond with Ryoji Shida, and the two are romantically entangled. Vows to live up to her Grandfather's legacy by forging her own path with her own set of morals.
  60. FEATS
  61. Guardian: Saki's shield proves to provide incredible defensive abilities for both her and her classmates, allowing her to tank most blows that come her way. This grants her a +10 bonus to any defensive actions, though also makes her a prominent target for any enemies.
  63. The Honourable Fight: Saki is adeptly trained in the art of the duel, granting her an additional +5 to all rolls when engaged in one-on-one combat with an opponent.
  65. Rules Lawyer: Saki's code of honour prevents her from engaging in dirty tactics in a fight, under any circumstances.
  67. MegaBuster: Saki's signature technique, allows her to hit an enemy with a large burst of energy from her lance, causing massive damage. However, this is difficult to hit, due to the long charge time it must endure.
  68. ----------------------------------------------------
  70. CLASS: Cleric
  71. WEAPON: None
  72. STR: 9
  73. CON: 17
  74. DEX: 14
  75. INT: 15
  76. WIS: 15
  77. CHA: 16
  79. A kind-hearted boy who is always smiling. Despite his high-ranking within his class, he is an abject pacifist, choosing never to harm anyone or anything. He gets by through his demon granted powers, which allow for him to create force-fields and heal his allies. Has garnered a reputation for being quite oblivious when it comes to female attention.
  81. FEATS
  82. Healer: Hiro has the ability to heal wounds of his allies whenever they have been injured in battle. He is open to be attacked while he does this, and he will become more exhausted based on the quantity and severity of injuries he tends to.
  84. Force field: Hiro has the ability to summon force-fields around his allies, preventing the access of demons. Hiro is able to hone this ability to allow certain people through the force-field based on his desire. However, he can only safely encase a single person at once in the safety of the field, and he will only be able to hold it up for about a minute before exhausting himself.
  86. Pacifist: Hiro is a pacifist, and will not directly engage in combat under any circumstances.
  88. Dense: Hiro has a reputation for being quite dense in regards to romantic advances, often taking comments at face value or misunderstanding them completely. As such, he cannot be charmed by anyone.
  89. ----------------------------------------------------
  91. CLASS: Scientist
  92. WEAPON: Chemicals
  93. STR: 10
  94. CON: 11
  95. DEX: 14
  96. INT: 19
  97. WIS: 12
  98. CHA: 9
  100. Assistant to the school nurse. Obsessed with science, and despite her cheerful nature, comes across as creepy to most. Childhood friend of Hikaru Shirai, the two had a falling out prior to joining the academy, though the two have since managed to rekindle their friendships.
  102. FEATS
  104. Acid Vial: Satomi carries around vials of an acidic material that burns away at the flesh of whatever it touches. The concoction is powerful enough to melt through any material less durable than steel.
  106. Noxious Gas: Satomi carries a concoction that unleashes a noxious gas which can cause those who inhale it to pass out or become violently ill. She must take precautions to avoid it being inhaled by her own teammates, however.
  108. Explosive grenades: Satomi carries grenades which encase several elements which react violently when exposed to heat, water or in some cases the air itself. The explosiveness of each grenade is dependant on which conditions they are reacting under.
  110. Creepy: Satomi's personality and smile does not endear her to many people, giving her a -10 penalty to all actions which require speech.
  111. ----------------------------------------------------
  113. CLASS: Tactician
  114. WEAPON: Sword, Tomes
  115. STR: 15
  116. CON: 14
  117. DEX: 14
  118. INT: 19
  119. WIS: 14
  120. CHA: 10
  122. A bookworm with little social skills. Has little time for the class' ridiculousness. Most members of the class tend to forget about him. A former spy on behalf of the Order of the Awakened, betrayed them in order to help Ryoji. He often acts in a tactician role for the class, taking a no nonsense approach to proceedings as well as to his tutoring of fellow Classmate Hoshi. Has recently found himself with a very large fanbase, and no idea how to handle them.
  124. FEATS
  126. Historian: Reiji has extensively studied the history of both humanity and the darkworld and as such has a knack for spotting patterns, granting him +10 to any defensive rolls against attacks he has seen before.
  128. Infiltrator: Reiji is adept at infiltrating locations and blending into the background, granting him +10 on any stealth actions.
  130. Ward: Reiji has harnessed a spell that allows him to deflect ranged attacks for a period of time. Coating himself or whoever he touches in a thin veil of magic, is able to reflect, or even deflect an attack from ranged fighters or magic users.
  131. ----------------------------------------------------
  133. CLASS: Seer
  134. WEAPON: Throwing Knives
  135. STR: 14
  136. CON: 13
  137. DEX: 6
  138. INT: 17
  139. WIS: 20
  140. CHA: 18
  142. Formerly the school's idol. Kind-hearted, but very distant. Has the ability to see into the future, though this ability has taken her regular eyesight. She tends to shy away from most situations despite her innate charisma out of shame and guilt for actions regarding her visions. Unbeknownst to most, she comes from a large and poor family. Has recently begun training again in order to fight in her blinded condition, which is proving difficult.
  144. FEATS
  146. Future Vision: Sayeka's ability to see the future allows her to predict and strategies against any oncoming attacks or plans from an enemy. This grants her a +10 to any combat rolls she makes when given enough time to focus her vision.
  148. Blinded: Sayeka's regular eyesight is gone, giving her a penalty of -20 for all combat actions when her vision isn't focused. She will also need to remain close to a teammate who can guide her, or else she will lose track of her location and surroundings.
  150. Terrible Visions: At times, Sayeka's visions can become too much and overload her mind, paralysing her and causing her to hesitate for a short time.
  151. ----------------------------------------------------
  153. CLASS: Tactician
  154. WEAPON: Sword, Tomes
  155. STR: 12
  156. CON: 15
  157. DEX: 14
  158. INT: 19
  159. WIS: 15
  160. CHA: 15
  162. A friendly bookish girl with a dry wit and traditional values. Childhood friend of Satomi Mashimo, the two had a falling out prior to joining the academy, though have recently patched things up. Former librarian of the academy, she is rarely seen without a book in hand. Has a complicated relationship with her brother, Shinji, often berating him for his cold and distant attitude, but still caring for him deeply. Has forgone her traditional values in order to pursue a romantic relationship with Akio Naito.
  164. FEATS
  166. Best of friends: Hikaru has known Satomi Mashimo since the two were toddlers, and have been best friends for over a decade. Their powerful bond grants a +10 bonus to any action they perform together.
  168. Rainy Day Girl: Hikaru has harnessed magic which allows her to take moisture from the air, creating pools of water which she uses in battle. The more damp or abundant in water an area is the more large and powerful her water magic will be. On the other hand, the drier an area is, the weaker her magic will be.
  170. Jet Blade: Hikaru's blade, designed by Akemi, is filled with water, which can be released as high-speed projectiles through jet exhausts in the blade. These projectiles are very powerful, though the blade requires time to refill between attacks.
  171. ----------------------------------------------------
  173. CLASS: Mage
  174. WEAPON: Tomes
  175. STR: 10
  176. CON: 10
  177. DEX: 12
  178. INT: 17
  179. WIS: 20
  180. CHA: 7
  182. A shy and nervous girl. She earned the affectionate nickname "Crybaby Hoshi" among the class due to her tendency to panic and cry in almost every situation. This nickname has become less prevalent following her discovery of her magic abilities, overcoming more of her fears to become a useful member of the class. She is still nervous due to her possible involvement in an apparent prophecy, placing her as a reincarnation of the mage who previously closed the gate to the Darkworld.
  184. FEATS
  186. Rock Wall: Hoshi is able to mould the ground beneath, creating a wall of rock to protect herself and her allies.
  188. Explosion: Hoshi is able to cause a medium explosion with her magic concentrated on a specific area. The explosions become more or less volatile based on the air in the area.
  190. Mirror Image: Hoshi is able to create duplicate versions of herself which act based on her commands. The duplicate versions cannot damage an enemy, and will fade away when touched.
  192. Wind Force: Hoshi is able to ramp up the winds in a direction of her choosing, creating a large gust of wind that can force and enemy back or halt their movement. This spell is less effective in places with little air.
  194. Stardust Breaker: Hoshi crushes a small orb of magical energy and tosses it at an enemy. The stardust seeps into the enemy's body before Hoshi commands it to expand, exploding within the enemy. And incredibly powerful ability, but currently untrained. As such, it's near impossible for Hoshi to pull it off at its full effect.
  196. Nervous Wreck: Hoshi has a habit of panicking under even the slightest of pressure, giving her a -10 penalty to all composure rolls and actions involving speech.
  197. ----------------------------------------------------
  199. CLASS: Pirate
  200. WEAPON: Cutlass & Flintlock Pistol
  201. STR: 16
  202. CON: 15
  203. DEX: 17
  204. INT: 12
  205. WIS: 13
  206. CHA: 20
  208. An eccentric girl who acts like a pirate. Enjoys making others laugh, though many find her weird. Has built a ship behind the school with the help of Ryoji Shida and Ken Tajiri. Is currently dating Ken Tajiri, after a period of her affections being unrequited. Her talent in acting and her eccentric attitude leads to her acting as entertainment for most of the class, trying to raise their spirits.
  210. FEATS
  212. Thespian: Nanami's natural acting talent benefits her in any social situation, granting her +10 to any action which requires speech.
  214. Jolly Roger: Nanami flies her flag proud and inspires her allies, granting +3 to the rolls of her nearby allies.
  216. Black Spot: This technique allows Nanami to mark an enemy with the black spot. Should she successfully lay the mark on the enemy, they will feel themselves weakening and exhausting themselves more easily.
  218. Dead Man's Chest: This special attack of Nanami's requires focus and for her to catch an enemy by surprise. She is able to summon walls which encase and entrap an enemy, keeping them contained for as long as Nanami can focus.
  220. Can't swim: Despite her persona, Nanami is afraid of larger bodies of water, giving her a -10 penalty to all actions when near a large body of water.
  221. ----------------------------------------------------
  223. CLASS: Hero
  224. WEAPON: Spear, titled "Gungnir, Odin's Bolt"
  225. STR: 10
  226. CON: 18
  227. DEX: 12
  228. INT: 10
  229. WIS: 10
  230. CHA: 20
  232. A boy with an over-dramatic manner of speech and a penchant for perversion. Isamu is by far the physically weakest member of the class bar Ryoji, but that doesn't affect his overwhelming heroic spirit, constantly speaking like a medieval knight or a spirited shonen protagonist. In recent times he has found himself taking life more seriously, putting more effort into his training with Rei Arisato, who he is entangled in a romantic relationship with.
  234. FEATS
  236. Inspirational Hero: Isamu's heroic spirit, while annoying, proves effective in inspiring his friend to do their best. Isamu's presence grants +5 to all attack actions for nearby allies.
  238. Never Give Up: Isamu's supernaturally strong will is unbreakable in the face of even the gravest of situations. Isamu is incredibly resilient in battle, and cannot lose his composure.
  240. A Boy Playing Pretend: Isamu's boisterous hero act is betrayed by his own physical weakness, with his bark being worse than his bite. Isamu receives a -10 penalty to all of his attacks.
  242. Golden Champion: Upon being pushed to the brink in combat, Isamu can unleash his angel form, The Golden Champion. While in this form, Isamu's stats are doubled, his penalties removed and he gains access to his special technique. However, this form is unstable and Isamu cannot hold it for long. After using this form in battle, Isamu will need time to rest up before fighting again.
  244. Odin's Bolt: Isamu's ultimate attack. When he is in his Golden Champion form, Isamu can turn the sky a shimmering gold and unleash upon an opponent a colossal bolt of lightning from the heavens. The enemy cannot dodge this lightning bolt under any circumstances, as it will follow the enemies movements until they are hit, even avoiding other potential targets in the crossfire.
  245. ----------------------------------------------------
  247. CLASS: Rogue
  248. WEAPON: Daggers
  249. STR: 13
  250. CON: 12
  251. DEX: 17
  252. INT: 15
  253. WIS: 15
  254. CHA: 18
  256. A well-dressed girl with a high-class manner of speech. Very flirtatious, with a love for gossip. From an incredibly wealthy family. Despite her boisterous and haughty nature is shown to have a great love for her schoolmates and friends, often acting as a motherly figure to those around her. The great niece of Alice Maddox.
  258. FEATS
  260. Pretty Ladies: Chihiro's admiration of her female friends often inspires her in battle, granting her +1 to all rolls in combat for every female ally in her company.
  262. Man-eater: Chihiro's forceful personality gives her a distinct advantage over male opponents, granting her +3 to every combat roll against a male enemy.
  264. Rosebud: Chihiro unleashes a pheromone perfume on an enemy, which if inhaled works to pacify the enemy and slow down their actions, allowing Chihiro to take advantage.
  266. Blade Storm: With this special move, Chihiro comes at the enemy spinning like a hurricane at high speed, unleashing a storm of steel on the opponent as she slices away with her twin daggers. Chihiro has stated her preference for this ability's name to be “Every Rose has its Thorn” but majority rule from Class 2 agreed on Blade Storm.
  267. ----------------------------------------------------
  269. CLASS: Rogue/Berzerker
  270. WEAPON: Daggers
  271. STR: 11/19
  272. CON: 12/18
  273. DEX: 16/19
  274. INT: 15/8
  275. WIS: 14/7
  276. CHA: 15/6
  278. An excitable and friendly girl with an intense love for cats. Has a hidden rage-filled side that comes out when she is angered, a side that has lead to her accidentally taking a life in her youth. She struggles to keep her rage side under control while maintaining her usual bubbly personality. Owns two cats who are often getting into shady situations, but she is oblivious to their behaviour.
  280. FEATS
  282. Rage Mode: When angered, Nariko will go berzerk, completely changing her personality and combat ability.
  284. Beast Master: While in rage mode, Nariko uses her knowledge of animals in order to target beast-like opponents, granting her +10 to her attack rolls.
  286. Animal Lover: Nariko's love for all animals causes who to hesitate against beast-like opponents when not in rage mode, giving her a -10 penalty to all attacking rolls when opposing beasts
  288. Rage Burst: Nariko gives in to her angry side, unleashing a frenzy of attacks on an opponent. Dishes out a ton of damage, but Nariko loses control of her actions in the process.
  289. ----------------------------------------------------
  291. CLASS: Berzerker
  292. WEAPON: Bayonet
  293. STR: 19
  294. CON: 19
  295. DEX: 8
  296. INT: 12
  297. WIS: 11
  298. CHA: 10
  300. A tall soft-spoken girl with a love of candy. Formerly the over-protective best friend of Rei Arisato, Akira has learned to allow her friend more independence after falling out and reconciling. Was briefly romantically entangled with Taka Doi during the summer, though the two are now friends. Lost her arm in battle with the demon Hermes, has since been replaced with a mechanical arm.
  302. FEATS
  304. Bayonet Barrage: Akira's Bayonet unleashes a barrage of explosive rounds, able to take out large groups of enemies.
  306. Rocket Punch: Akira's mechanical arm, designed by Akemi, can detach with jet propulsion and operate as a high speed projectile.
  308. Sugar Rush: Akira loads up on candy and sugar, doubling her speed and dexterity for a period of time. Once that period is up, Akira's speed will half.
  310. Self-destruct: Akira's mechanical arm contains a self-destruct function. Akira is unsure of the extent of the explosion, as she has not tested it for obvious reasons. Considering Akemi's habit with explosions, it is likely very destructive.
  311. ----------------------------------------------------
  313. CLASS: Swordmaster
  314. WEAPON: Longsword
  315. STR: 16
  316. CON: 15
  317. DEX: 22
  318. INT: 13
  319. WIS: 11
  320. CHA: 15
  322. A girl obsessed with training. Has the ability to move at extreme speeds, though abuse of this ability almost killed her. Rei is headstrong and forceful, butting heads with most of her classmates on any matter. Her fiery passion comes out in her rivalry with Saki Kobashi. Rei's personality can be described as self-destructive, with many self-doubts and fears brought on by her upbringing, however, she has worked to improve herself in this regard with the help of her romantic interest in Isamu Iori.
  324. FEATS
  325. Speedster: Rei has been granted the ability of extreme speed, where she is able to move like a blur at the speed of sound. This incredible ability grants her +10 to any attacks that involve charging at an enemy.
  327. Saki Kobashi's Rival: The presence of Rei's eternal rival Saki Kobashi drives her to push herself further, granting her +5 to all rolls when Saki Kobashi is present.
  329. Better to burn out than to fade away: Rei has a tendency to wear herself out by going full force from the beginning of a fight, and this begins to show whenever she fails an attack. Rei takes a -5 penalty to all rolls after failing an attack.
  331. Drill Attack: Rei leaps through the air and uses her speed to spin her body like a drill, crashing into an opponent with tremendous force. A very powerful attack, but one that leaves Rei very dizzy afterwards.
  332. ----------------------------------------------------
  334. CLASS: Hero
  335. WEAPON: Rod
  336. STR: 16
  337. CON: 17
  338. DEX: 17
  339. INT: 16
  340. WIS: 16
  341. CHA: 17
  343. Room-mate of Ryoji Shida. A mild-mannered boy, with a deep devotion to the concept of justice ever since his father was imprisoned. Is secondary leader of the Class behind Saki, though has little confidence in his abilities thus far. Possesses the desire to become a symbol of Justice, but despite this notion being encouraged by his friends and love interest, he is plagued with self-doubt.
  345. FEATS
  346. Hero of Justice: Ken's determination to become a hero of justice grants him extra motivation when in battle against the evil, granting him +10 to all combat roles when against an evil enemy.
  348. Will of a hero: Ken's heroic spirit inspires him to press on through all kinds of pain. He will keep going after taking attacks that would normally take him out of a fight.
  350. Code of Honour: Ken's personal code of honour means that he will never under any circumstances cheat or fight dirty.
  352. Justice Wave: Ken's heroic spirit courses throughout his body and explodes in a wave of energy. A powerful attack, but one that involves Ken using up all of his energy at once.
  353. ----------------------------------------------------
  355. CLASS: Gunslinger
  356. WEAPON: Twin Pistols
  357. STR: 14
  358. CON: 18
  359. DEX: 18
  360. INT: 15
  361. WIS: 9
  362. CHA: 9
  364. A quiet and depressed loner who held a grudge against the Darkworld for killing his only friend. Was the class outcast for most of his time, though with the persistence of Akemi Ibushi found himself becoming happier and more involved with the class. Currently in a comatose state, having sacrificed his body in order to defeat The Darkness.
  366. FEATS
  368. For Maya: Raiden has sworn vengeance on the Darkworld for the murder of his friend, granting him +10 to all attack rolls against demons.
  370. Redemption Seeker: Raiden desperately seeks to redeem himself for his past actions, and as such will often move recklessly in combat within the interest of defending his teammates.
  372. Last Ray of Light: Raiden pools all of his energy into his gun an proceeds to fire, creating a large blinding blast that hurdles towards an opponent. An exhausting move, but one that can cause massive damage.
  373. ----------------------------------------------------
  375. CLASS: Gunslinger
  376. WEAPONS: Twin Pistols
  377. STR: 14
  378. CON: 15
  379. DEX: 16
  380. INT: 9
  381. WIS: 9
  382. CHA: 12
  384. A cocky and rude boy. Treats everything like a game. Conflicted with a variety of romantic feelings, lusting after most girls in school while carrying a soft spot for Satomi Mashimo and harbouring confused feelings for his best friend, Akio Naito. While he originally had an adverse reaction to his best friend's more mature and caring side, he has begun to learn to mature as a person himself.
  386. FEATS
  388. Show-off: Seishiro is a typical reckless show-off, and will often take unnecessary risks in order to appear cool in battle.
  390. Flash Grenades: Seishiro carries a stock of Flash Grenades, which explode with blinding light, obscuring a targets vision and allowing him to act.
  392. Needle Shot: If given time to set up his shot, Seishiro is able to focus and hit an opponents joints with pinpoint precision, successfully incapacitating them.
  393. ----------------------------------------------------
  395. CLASS: Warrior
  396. WEAPON: Spear
  397. STR: 20
  398. CON: 17
  399. DEX: 17
  400. INT: 10
  401. WIS: 9
  402. CHA: 18
  404. A confident and boastful boy, with a love for competition. A regular gambler, holds several betting pools within the school. While he likes to show off, he is focused on the goal of becoming the best and protecting those he cares about. Is in a romantic relationship with Hikaru Shirai, formed after he chased her for two months. Trained in the mountains with his uncle over the summer.
  406. FEATS
  408. Silver Tongue: Akio possesses bountiful charisma and is particularly adept at pulling himself out of situations with his words alone, granting him +10 to any roll which requires speech.
  410. Gambling Man: Akio has a distinct tactic in battle, choosing to play the battle safe whenever he currently has the upper hand, but with every failed attempt at a move, he becomes more likely to take bigger risks with higher rewards in any given fight.
  412. Egomaniac: Akio's ego is a fragile as his body is strong, granting him a -10 to all composure rolls.
  414. Mountain Man: Akio's training and family history has conditioned him towards extreme survival in any battle. He is able to patch himself up quicker than most in battle and knows how to take unavoidable hits in order to minimize the damage taken.
  416. Earth's Strongest: Akio strives hard to become the greatest fighter that ever was, and this competitive nature drives him. As such, he is much more likely to pick out the strongest enemy in a battle and challenge them himself than take on the smaller fry.
  418. Deep Impact: Akio's ultimate attack, launching himself high into the air with a powerful leap, Akio will crash down upon his enemy like a meteor, causing a crater in the process. Delivers massive damage to both the enemy and Akio himself.
  419. ----------------------------------------------------
  421. CLASS: Machinist
  422. WEAPON: Fireworks, Turrets
  423. STR: 7
  424. CON: 9
  425. DEX: 17
  426. INT: 20
  427. WIS: 10
  428. CHA: 19
  430. An absent minded girl. Prone to daydreaming, but is actually a genius in regards to technology. Possesses an unshakeable positive attitude, always able to see the bright side of anything, and makes it her duty to cheer up those in need. Akemi lost her mother at a young age, but keeps a happy attitude regardless, preferring to see the lighter side of every situation.
  432. FEATS
  434. Tech Whiz: Akemi's surprising genius when it comes to machines knows no bounds. In addition to the jet pack and wrist turrets she has permanently attached is her ability to build, operate and maintain numerous turrets at once and within seconds. It's lucky that these turrets are automated, as Akemi tends to forget about her surroundings when she is in her zone.
  436. Friendship lasts Forever!: Akemi's incredible positivity and belief in the power of friendship does in fact inspire her friends to do better themselves, granting nearby allies +5 to all of their combat rolls.
  438. Unbreakable Will: Akemi's willpower has proven to be completely unshakeable, with only her air-headed nature keeping her from being completely protected from attacks on the mind. This willpower grants Akemi a +20 to all composure rolls.
  440. Rainbow Cannon: Akemi's ultimate attack, once her Rainbow Cannon is fully charged, she unleashes a massive linear blast of bright multi-coloured energy at a target.
  441. ----------------------------------------------------
  443. CLASS: Monk
  444. WEAPON: Staff
  445. STR: 10
  446. CON: 15
  447. DEX: 17
  448. INT: 13
  449. WIS: 19
  450. CHA: 12
  452. A peaceful, calm and wise boy. Mostly pacifistic, prefers to stay out of fights. Loves to meditate. Quite the enigma. Grew up in a warzone with his brother Ninsei, where they lost their parents at the hands of enemy soldiers led by the tyrannical General Aoki.
  454. FEATS
  456. At Peace: Sora's reflective state prevents him from ever losing his composure, meaning he cannot fail a composure check.
  458. Man of Peace: Sora loathes fighting, and while he will act in self-defense, is often reluctant to use his full force in battle. As such, Sora suffers a -10 penalty to all of his attack rolls.
  460. Peace Walker: On the flip side, Sora's serene nature manages to effect his opponents actions, catching them off-guard an causing them to hesitate in their attacks. This grants Sora a +10 bonus to all defensive rolls.
  462. Nature's Power: Sora's meditation has allowed him to hone a particular set of magic spells, namely those that allow for the control of plant life in the area. This has many uses, but most often takes to form of controlling vines to ensnare and pacify his enemy.
  464. Broken Peace: ??????????????
  465. ----------------------------------------------------
  467. CLASS: Trickster
  468. Weapon: Sword
  469. STR: 11
  470. CON: 13
  471. DEX: 15
  472. INT: 17
  473. WIS: 16
  474. CHA: 16
  476. One of the class delinquents. The first friend Ryoji Shida made in the academy. Heavily apathetic, became the class president on the promise that he would do nothing. Despite his preference of doing little and allowing life to float by, or perhaps due to the inner confidence that comes with this attitude, he has progressed in his life quite quickly, already marrying his childhood friend Rini Tozawa despite his wealthy family's initial protests.
  478. FEATS
  480. Partners in Crime: Kosuke's lackadaisical attitude is always overruled by his love for his wife Rini, whom he would do anything for. Kosuke gains a +5 bonus to all of his combat rolls when Rini is nearby.
  482. Class President: Kosuke's odd an unexpected charm allowed him to become Class President, granting him +5 to all rolls that involve speech.
  484. Till Death do us Part: Kosuke's impulses will kick in if Rini is ever in danger, moving towards his wife and taking damage on her behalf.
  486. Sloth: Kosuke's laziness and apathy plays over to his behaviour in battle, where he will partake in a fight as little as possible, and when he does, will perform as few manoeuvres as possible in combat due to laziness. While this makes him a less capable fighter, his unorthodox style does work to throw more classically battle oriented opponents off their game.
  488. Ko-Bomb: Kosuke's speciality in finishing off an opponent sees him intentionally drawing said opponent into an attack, and planting a bomb on them with a new-found opening. This requires Kosuke to expertly dodge their attack in a risky situation, but the damage caused when said bomb goes off is more often than not well worth it.
  489. ----------------------------------------------------
  491. CLASS: Delinquent
  492. WEAPON: Brass Knuckles
  493. STR: 19
  494. CON: 16
  495. DEX: 12
  496. INT: 9
  497. WIS: 9
  498. CHA: 14
  500. Another one of the class' troublemakers. Incredibly loyal to her fellow delinquents, but very distrustful of others. Likes to solve her problems with fists more often than talking. Impulsive, loud, and with a dirty mind, Rini is one of the most abrasive members of class. Despite this, she has her share of unlikely friends in Ryoji Shida, Nanami Fuji and Saki Kobashi. Her impulsive nature and confidence led to her marrying her childhood friend, Kosuke Tatsumi.
  502. FEATS
  504. Partners in Crime: Rini's brash and fiery nature is overruled by her love for her husband Kosuke, who always keeps her grounded. Rini's “Hot-Headed” feat no longer applies when Kosuke is nearby.
  506. Hot-Headed: Rini's temper is short and it's incredibly easy to get on her nerves, giving her a penalty of -10 to all composure rolls.
  508. Don't piss me off!: Rini's aggression ramps up when she sees one of her friends hurt. If one of her allies has been hurt, Rini will immediately go after the enemy who hurt them, and when she does, her attacks will have a +10 bonus.
  510. Till Death do us Part: Rini's impulses will kick in if Kosuke is ever in danger, moving towards her husband and taking damage on his behalf.
  512. Fists of ten thousand Deaths: Once Rini is pissed off and up close with an enemy, she can unleash her energy in a fast paced, brutal barrage of countless punched, beating the enemy to a pulp. The name for this ultimate attack was Rini's creation, and no-one wanted to argue it with her.
  513. ----------------------------------------------------
  515. 3) [CLASS 3]
  516. ----------------------------------------------------
  518. LVL: 10
  519. CLASS: Warrior
  520. WEAPON: Rapier
  521. HP: 143/143
  522. STR: 19
  523. PER: 20
  524. CON: 21
  525. DEX: 22
  526. INT: 14
  527. WIS: 13
  529. A calm, cold and bloodthirsty girl.
  531. Friends: Lilo Otani, Yasutake Okidata
  532. Enemies: None
  534. SKILLS
  535. Blood Lust: +15 to all attacks on a bleeding opponent
  538. Cold Blooded: -10 to all teamwork rolls
  539. ----------------------------------------------------
  541. LVL: 10
  542. CLASS: Gunslinger
  543. WEAPON: Six-shooters, Rifle
  544. HP: 148/148
  545. STR: 19
  546. PER: 26
  547. CON: 22
  548. DEX: 24
  549. INT: 17
  550. WIS: 18
  552. A quiet, calculating and efficient boy. Became head of Class 3 following Yamato's demise. Runs a tight ship, and has a strong sense of honour and justice. Incredibly serious and comes across as uncaring to many, despite his good heart. Takes no pleasure in hobbies or material possessions.
  554. Partner: Lilo Otani
  555. Friends: Shinji Shirai, Ryoji Shida
  556. Enemies: None
  558. SKILLS
  559. Efficient: +10 to all composure rolls
  562. Leader by Default: -3 to Rolls for every unsuccessful roll in the previous turn.
  563. Die a Hero: Maro will never retreat from a fight.
  564. ----------------------------------------------------
  566. LVL: 10
  567. CLASS: Hero
  568. WEAPON: Sword
  569. HP: 185/185
  570. STR: 22
  571. PER: 17
  572. CON: 22
  573. DEX: 22
  574. INT: 13
  575. WIS: 14
  577. A dedicated and loyal soldier of Class 3. The Older brother of Hikaru Shirai, has a complicated relationship with his sister. Is very disapproving of her current romantic partner, Akio Naito.
  579. Relatives: Hikaru Shirai
  580. Friends: Maro Kojima
  581. Enemies: Akio Naito
  583. SKILLS
  584. Loyal Soldier: +10 to combat rolls with Maro Kojima in the party
  585. Dog of War: +10 to attack rolls against low-level enemies
  588. Unloyal Brother: -10 to defensive rolls with Hikaru Shirai in the party
  589. ----------------------------------------------------
  590. TAKA DOI
  591. LVL: 10
  592. CLASS: Knight
  593. WEAPON: Greatsword
  594. HP: 168/168
  595. STR: 27
  596. PER: 16
  597. CON: 26
  598. DEX: 17
  599. INT: 8
  600. WIS: 6
  602. Second in command in class 3. A brash and tough bully. Was briefly romantically entangled with Akira Nagayo over the summer.
  604. Friends: None
  605. Enemies: Ken Tajiri, Rei Arisato
  607. SKILLS
  608. Bully: +10 to rolls when fighting dirty
  611. Jackass: -15 to all teamwork rolls
  612. ----------------------------------------------------
  614. LVL: 10
  615. CLASS: Hunter
  616. WEAPON: Crossbow
  617. HP: 124/124
  618. STR: 16
  619. PER: 24
  620. CON: 19
  621. DEX: 21
  622. INT: 13
  623. WIS: 10
  625. A cheery and fun-loving girl. In a casual relationship with Maro Kojima wherein the romantic affection is one-sided on her part.
  627. Partner: Maro Kojima
  628. Friends: None
  629. Enemies: None
  631. SKILLS
  632. Love: +10 to all combat rolls with Maro Kojima in the party
  635. Obsession: -10 to all composure rolls with Maro Kojima in the party
  636. ----------------------------------------------------
  638. LVL: 10
  639. CLASS: Warrior
  640. WEAPON: Sword
  641. HP: 140/140
  642. STR: 19
  643. PER: 18
  644. CON: 20
  645. DEX: 20
  646. INT: 10
  647. WIS: 11
  649. A boastful and confident boy who loves to fight.
  651. Friends: None
  652. Enemies: None
  654. SKILLS
  655. Hot Blooded: +5 to all attack rolls
  658. Over-eager: -5 to all defence rolls
  659. ----------------------------------------------------
  665. 4) [CLASS 1 SEAT LAYOUT]
  667. -----[ MAKOTO ]-----[ AMAYA ]-----[ RISA ]-----[ ATASUKE]-----
  668. -----[ MAYU ]-----[ HANAKO ]-----[ NINSEI ]-----[ KAIYA ]-----
  669. -----[ CHUICHI]-----[ TAIYO ]-----[ TSUKI ]-----[ ANRI ]-----
  670. -----[ KIRIKO ]-----[ KAZUMA ]-----[ KUIN ]-----[ GADO ]-----
  671. -----[ IO ]-----[ UKON ]-----[ MAI ]-----[ TAMI ]-----
  672. -----[ EMPTY ]-----[ SAE ]-----[ ROKA ]-----[ ALICE ]-----
  676. 5) [CLASS 1]
  677. ----------------------------------------------------
  679. CLASS: Swordmaster
  680. WEAPON: Katana
  681. STR: 15
  682. CON: 15
  683. DEX: 17
  684. INT: 16
  685. WIS: 16
  686. CHA: 10
  688. The principal character of Class 1. A talented boy, but cursed with misfortune and a chip on his shoulder. His father was the greatest fighter in the history of the academy, who went missing withing the Darkworld three years prior. Carries a great weight on his shoulders, hoping to live up to the legacy of his father, though he has begun to open his eyes to his father's less honourable side. Suffered from an unstable mind, partly due to the effects of a Darkworld stone, but ultimately found stability in his newfound friends and the eventual romantic love of his partner Mayu. Despite this, Kazuma appears as an unassuming, socially awkward and somewhat nerdy young man who is capable of great things.
  690. FEATS
  692. Father's Pride: The blood of Kankuro Asai courses through Kazuma's veins. This grants him +10 to all combat rolls against Demons.
  694. Jack of all Trades: Kazuma is not only adept at swordsmanship, but is also a decent marksman, always having a sniper rifle on hand, ready to summon at any time.
  696. Sky Walker: Physically fit, Kazuma possesses an impressive knack for jumping and leaping through the air, granting him a lot of manoeuvrability in combat, rarely staying on his two feet for very long.
  698. Opportunist: Above all else, Kazuma's combat ability comes from his awareness of his surroundings, and his ability to use his skills and environment to take advantage of any given situation.
  700. Awkward: Kazuma has proven to be almost completely inept in social situation, giving him -10 to all social rolls.
  701. ----------------------------------------------------
  703. LVL: 5
  704. CLASS: Ninja
  705. WEAPON: Daggers
  706. HP: 36/36
  707. STR: 13
  708. PER: 14
  709. CON: 14
  710. DEX: 20
  711. INT: 16
  712. WIS: 18
  714. The childhood friends of Kazuma Asai. She is like a sister to her friend, and is constantly looking out for him. She is brash and impulsive, some would say annoying. She alongside Kaz created the Darkworld Investigation Group, a club focused on uncovering the mysteries of the Darkworld. Possesses the ability to teleport.
  716. Friends: Kazuma Asai, Mayu Nakatoni, Chuichi Murkami, Io Tanaka
  717. Enemies: Roka Abe, Sae Urai, Tsuki Takudo
  719. SKILLS
  720. Night Crawler: Can teleport across 10 feet at a time
  721. Master of Stealth: +10 to all Stealth rolls
  722. Annoying Fly: +5 to all defence rolls with Roka Abe in the party
  725. Soft & Squishy: -5 to all defensive rolls
  726. ----------------------------------------------------
  728. LVL: ?
  729. CLASS: ???
  730. HP: ?
  731. STR: ?
  732. PER: ?
  733. CON: ?
  734. DEX: ?
  735. INT: ?
  736. WIS: ?
  738. Head of Class 1. He, alongside his twin sister, is from a family of travelling circus performers directly descended from the original townspeople who fought the Darkworld. He is kind and heroic, but idealistic and naive. He believes in old-school heroic values, and is offended by even the smallest of swear-words or rude language. Is very popular with the girls of Class 1. A worshipper of an ancient deity known as The Elder One, who he believes created the Darkworld in order to rid the real world of evil.
  740. Relatives: Amaya Shibata
  741. Friends: ???
  742. Enemies: ???
  743. ----------------------------------------------------
  745. LVL: ?
  746. CLASS: ???
  747. HP : ?
  748. STR: ?
  749. PER: ?
  750. CON: ?
  751. DEX: ?
  752. INT: ?
  753. WIS: ?
  755. The "older" of the Class 1 twins. She is protective of her brother, and shares his idealism. She is very sentimental, believing in the idea of true love, and that one day a prince or a knight will sweep her off her feet. Her dream is to spread peace and love throughout the world. A worshipper of an ancient deity known as The Elder One, who she believes created the Darkworld in order to rid the real world of evil.
  757. Relatives: Makoto Shibata
  758. Friends: ???
  759. Enemies: ???
  760. ----------------------------------------------------
  761. RISA AOKI
  762. LVL: 5
  763. CLASS: Mechanist
  764. WEAPON: Sawn-off Shotguns
  765. HP: 55/55
  766. STR: 12
  767. PER: 19
  768. CON: 17
  769. DEX: 14
  770. INT: 15
  771. WIS: 18
  773. The Class' Resident gunsmith. She is an expert on all types of weapons, and it seems she's had experience with them before coming to the academy. She has a calm and serious demeanour, though it often gives way for some dry wit. Adamantly refuses to talk about her past or her home, and deflects away from talking about herself when asked. Once went on a date with Roka Abe, though it did not work out.
  775. Friends: Kazuma Asai, Tami Kajitani
  776. Enemies: None
  778. SKILLS
  779. Gun Expert: +3 to all rolls for every extra gun user in party
  780. Cool Headed: +10 to all composure rolls
  781. Up close and personal: +3 to all firing rolls when taken at a close range
  784. Short-Range: -2 to attack rolls for every space removed from enemy
  785. ----------------------------------------------------
  787. LVL: ?
  788. CLASS: ???
  789. STR: ?
  790. PER: ?
  791. CON: ?
  792. DEX: ?
  793. INT: ?
  794. WIS: ?
  796. An incredibly effeminate and vain boy. Very upper-class, from a wealthy background. Very charming and forward, though some interpret him as creepy. Tends to tease with boys and girls alike.
  798. Friends: None
  799. Enemies: None
  800. ----------------------------------------------------
  802. LVL: 7
  803. CLASS: Swordmaster
  804. WEAPON: Katana
  805. HP: 75/75
  806. STR: 19
  807. PER: 15
  808. CON: 15
  809. DEX: 22
  810. INT: 19
  811. WIS: 16
  813. A very serious girl who doesn't understand jokes. Became fast friends with Kiriko Maita, and harbours unrequited romantic feelings for her. Was not fond of Kazuma Asai when they first met, though she has not yet given a reason as to why. She has however hinted that it has something to do with Kazuma Asai's father.
  815. Friends: Kiriko Maita, Kazuma Asai
  816. Enemies: None
  818. SKILLS
  819. Close Bond: +5 to all rolls with Kiriko Maita in party
  820. Legacy of Excellence: +5 to all combat rolls when working with Kazuma Asai
  821. Expert Duellist: +5 to all combat rolls when engaged in one-on-one combat
  822. Born for battle: +5 to all attack rolls against Demons
  825. Unemotional: -10 to all social rolls
  826. ----------------------------------------------------
  828. LVL: ?
  829. CLASS: ???
  830. HP: ?
  831. STR: ?
  832. PER: ?
  833. CON: ?
  834. DEX: ?
  835. INT: ?
  836. WIS: ?
  838. The Class 1 President. Despite her status as the most popular and beautiful girl in the class, she is very awkward and clumsy during conversations. Plagued by bad luck and clumsiness, it is still clear to others that she has a good and pure heart.
  840. Friends: ???
  841. Enemies: ???
  842. ----------------------------------------------------
  844. LVL: ?
  845. CLASS: ???
  846. HP: ?
  847. STR: ?
  848. PER: ?
  849. CON: ?
  850. DEX: ?
  851. INT: ?
  852. WIS: ?
  854. A constantly grumpy boy. The brother of Sora Marufuji, the two grew up in a warzone and lost their parents. Has a strange obsession with drinking milk.
  856. Relatives: Sora Marufuji
  857. Friends: ???
  858. Enemies: ???
  859. ----------------------------------------------------
  860. KAIYA KI
  861. LVL: ?
  862. CLASS: ???
  863. HP: ?
  864. STR: ?
  865. PER: ?
  866. CON: ?
  867. DEX: ?
  868. INT: ?
  869. WIS: ?
  871. A strange girl who is constantly muttering cryptic phrases and has an obsession with death.
  873. Friends: ???
  874. Enemies: ???
  875. ----------------------------------------------------
  877. LVL: 5
  878. CLASS: Trickster
  879. HP: 46/46
  880. STR: 14
  881. PER: 18
  882. CON: 15
  883. DEX: 19
  884. INT: 14
  885. WIS: 17
  887. A relaxed and good-natured boy. He grew up in Dakugeto and has known of the academy his entire life. He is the room-mate of Kazuma Asai. He enjoys skateboarding and has romantic interest in Mayu Nakatoni.
  889. Friends: Kazuma Asai, Kiriko Maita
  890. Enemies: None
  892. SKILLS
  893. Laid-Back: +10 to all composure rolls
  894. Dakugeto Native: +10 to all defensive rolls against demons
  895. Man of the people: Can give up his action to grant +10 to another party member's roll
  898. Hopeless Romantic: -5 to all attack rolls with Mayu Nakatoni in the party
  899. ----------------------------------------------------
  901. LVL: ?
  902. CLASS: ???
  903. HP: ?
  904. STR: ?
  905. PER: ?
  906. CON: ?
  907. DEX: ?
  908. INT: ?
  909. WIS: ?
  911. A shy and reserved boy who keeps to himself. Very little is known about him, only that he knows Tsuki Takudo and that Tsuki is afraid of him.
  913. Friends: None
  914. Enemies: Tsuki Takudo
  915. ----------------------------------------------------
  917. LVL: ?
  918. CLASS: ???
  919. HP: ?
  920. STR: ?
  921. PER: ?
  922. CON: ?
  923. DEX: ?
  924. INT: ?
  925. WIS: ?
  927. An Arrogant and flirtatious boy. Claims to have been "Going easy" in combat. Refers to everyone as his friend, though most intensely dislike him. Was involved in an incident wherein he was overly forceful in his advances upon Kiriko Maita. Has a history of Taiyo Izumi, and is terrified of him.
  929. Friends: None
  930. Enemies: Taiyo Izumi, Kazuma Asai, Kiriko Maita, Gado Nemoto, Anri Kitamura
  931. ----------------------------------------------------
  933. LVL: 4
  934. CLASS: Detective
  935. WEAPON: Pistols
  936. HP: 31/31
  937. STR: 10
  938. PER: 17
  939. CON: 12
  940. DEX: 13
  941. INT: 19
  942. WIS: 20
  944. An inqusitive and somewhat paranoid girl. Fancies herself a detective, is investigating the apparent murder of Class 1 student Yasunari Hatake. Pretended to be a boy for a brief period, but revealed the truth by accidentally flashing her chest to the boys of class 1.
  946. Friends: Kazuma Asai
  947. Enemies: Tsuki Takudo, Akuro Yoi, Gado Nemoto
  949. SKILLS
  950. Sniff Out Clues: +10 to rolls when searching an area
  951. They Never Catch On: +10 to all bluff rolls against males
  954. Paranoid: -10 to all teamwork rolls
  955. ----------------------------------------------------
  957. LVL: 4
  958. CLASS: Tactician
  959. HP: 21/21
  960. STR: 8
  961. PER: 10
  962. CON: 9
  963. DEX: 14
  964. INT: 20
  965. WIS: 8
  967. An eccentric and demanding girl. Scored highest in the entrance exams, and as such considers herself the leader of the class, referring to herself as a benevolent dictator. Most ignore her rantings. She is desperate to recruit Kazuma Asai as one of her soldiers.
  969. Friends: Gado Nemoto
  970. Enemies: None
  972. SKILLS
  973. Benevolent Dictator: Can form strategies that add +5 to all party's rolls for the turn
  974. Loyally Guarded: Can forgo her action in order to grant Gado Nemoto a second action for the turn.
  977. Needs Protection: -5 to all rolls without Gado Nemoto in party
  978. ----------------------------------------------------
  980. LVL: 6
  981. CLASS: Hero
  982. WEAPON: Katana/Pistol
  983. HP: 86/86
  984. STR: 21
  985. PER: 20
  986. CON: 19
  987. DEX: 17
  988. INT: 14
  989. WIS: 13
  991. A gruff and often sarcastic boy, apparently older than the rest of the class. The personal bodyguard of Kuin Sugisata, he is very protective of the young girl. Tends to be distrustful of others, but has a shady past of his own.
  993. Friends: Kuin Sugisata
  994. Enemies: Tsuki Takudo, Anri Kitamura, Amaya Shibata
  996. SKILLS
  997. Queen's Guard: +5 to all rolls with Kuin Sugisata in party
  998. Loyal Guard: Can forgo his action for a turn. Kuin Sugisata will take no damage for the next turn.
  999. Beast of Fortune: +5 to all combat rolls when accompanied by at least two more firearm users.
  1002. Needs his Queen: -1 to all rolls for every space removed from Kuin Sugisata with her in party
  1003. ----------------------------------------------------
  1004. IO TANAKA
  1005. LVL: 5
  1006. CLASS: Trickster
  1007. WEAPON: Arm Turrets
  1008. HP: 42/42
  1009. STR: 13
  1010. PER: 16
  1011. CON: 12
  1012. DEX: 15
  1013. INT: 18
  1014. WIS: 16
  1016. The Class Merchant. In possession of a massive store of various items, and uses her various charms to trick others into making business with her. Has scammed many of the class several times, becoming a pariah in the process, though she has begun to be welcomed back into the class as she tries to clean up her behaviour.
  1018. Friends: Kazuma Asai, Kiriko Maita
  1019. Enemies: Risa Aoki, Roka Abe, Sae Urai
  1021. SKILLS
  1022. Merchant of Dark Gate: +20 to all social rolls designed to bluff
  1023. Home Remedies: Can cure minor wounds in battle
  1024. Therapy Tricks: +10 to defence rolls against mental status effects (Sleep, Fear, Panic etc.)
  1027. Compulsive liar: Io cannot perform social checks that aren't designed to bluff
  1028. Class Outcast: An extra -1 modifier for every enemy in close proximity
  1029. ----------------------------------------------------
  1031. LVL: 6
  1032. CLASS: Rogue
  1033. WEAPON: Twin Daggers
  1034. HP: 50/50
  1035. STR: 14
  1036. PER: 15
  1037. CON: 15
  1038. DEX: 19
  1039. INT: 10
  1040. WIS: 11
  1042. An excited and athletic boy. Is very interested in sports. Not the brightest tool in the shed, is best friends with Mai Tamuro.
  1044. SKILLS
  1045. Athletic: +5 to all running rolls
  1046. Going for Goal: +5 to all ranged attack rolls
  1049. Shrimp: -5 to defensive rolls against larger enemies
  1051. Friends: Mai Tamuro
  1052. Enemies: None
  1053. ----------------------------------------------------
  1054. MAI TAMURO
  1055. LVL: 6
  1056. CLASS: Trickster
  1057. WEAPON: Chakram
  1058. HP: 48/48
  1059. STR: 12
  1060. PER: 18
  1061. CON: 15
  1062. DEX: 16
  1063. INT: 11
  1064. WIS: 12
  1066. A sporty and cheerful girl who loves exercise and singing loudly despite her inability. Very ditzy, is best friends with Ukon Mitzusaka
  1068. SKILLS
  1069. "Beautiful" singing: Can sing for her the party, enraging them. Adds +5 to party attack rolls for that turn.
  1070. Shocking voice: Mai's song has a chance to paralyse weaker enemies.
  1071. Group Spirit: +5 to defensive rolls for every friend in party.
  1074. Annoying: -10 to all social rolls
  1076. Friends: Ukon Mitzusaka
  1077. Enemies: None
  1078. ----------------------------------------------------
  1080. LVL: 4
  1081. CLASS: Hunter
  1082. WEAPON: Bow
  1083. HP: 39/39
  1084. STR: 10
  1085. PER: 16
  1086. CON: 14
  1087. DEX: 18
  1088. INT: 14
  1089. WIS: 14
  1091. An intense survivalist with a love for the hunt. Cheerful and enthusiastic. A member of the Darkworld Investigation Group, but rarely appears during meetings.
  1093. Friends: ???
  1094. Enemies: ???
  1096. SKILLS
  1097. Deadliest Game: +10 to all attacks against Beasts
  1098. Poison Arrows: Attacks have a chance of poisoning an enemy.
  1101. Reckless: -10 to all dodging rolls
  1102. ----------------------------------------------------
  1103. SAE URAI
  1104. LVL: 5
  1105. CLASS: Gunslinger
  1106. WEAPON: Sub-machine guns
  1107. HP: 60/60
  1108. STR: 21
  1109. PER: 13
  1110. CON: 17
  1111. DEX: 20
  1112. INT: 13
  1113. WIS: 10
  1115. A rude and mean girl. Incredibly aggressive, and with a terrible temper. She loves to eat, and can eat incredibly large portions of food in a single sitting. Is particularly aggressive towards Kazuma Asai, yet still decided to join the Darkworld Investigation Group for reasons she refuses to give.
  1117. Friends: None
  1118. Enemies: Io Tanaka
  1120. SKILLS
  1121. Heavy Fire: +5 to all ranged attacks
  1122. Spray and Pray: Can target two enemies per turn, dealing half damage to each
  1123. Hungry Heart: Can spend a turn eating, granting +15 to next turn's attack roll
  1126. Loud and Brash: -10 to all stealth rolls
  1127. ----------------------------------------------------
  1128. ROKA ABE
  1129. LVL: 8
  1130. CLASS: Warrior
  1131. WEAPON: Katana
  1132. HP: 130/130
  1133. STR: 24
  1134. PER: 12
  1135. CON: 23
  1136. DEX: 15
  1137. INT: 5
  1138. WIS: 5
  1140. A strong serious and athletic boy. An intense loner with a very short fuse. Illiterate.
  1142. Friends: None
  1143. Enemies: Kazuma Asai, Kiriko Maita
  1144. ----------------------------------------------------
  1146. LVL: 5
  1147. CLASS: Demon
  1148. WEAPON: None
  1149. HP: 59/59
  1150. STR: 13
  1151. PER: 17
  1152. CON: 14
  1153. DEX: 14
  1154. INT: 11
  1155. WIS: 17
  1157. A former student of the school, trapped within the Darkworld for over sixty years without ageing. Possessed by and Archdemon known as The Dreamer. The Great Aunt of Chihiro Toriyama. Once created her own mirror version of the Darkworld to escape into. Has a tenuous grip on reality.
  1159. Relatives: Chihiro Toriyama
  1160. Friends: Ryoji Shida, Ken Tajiri, Nanami Fuji, The Dreamer
  1161. Enemies: None
  1163. SKILLS
  1164. Dreamer: After 3 turns can unleash her demon, doubling all stats until end of battle
  1165. God of Dreams: In Demon form, attacks have a chance of inflicting sleep on an enemy
  1166. Sleepy God: Can rest for a turn in order to restore health.
  1168. DRAWBACK
  1169. Fleeting Sanity: After unleashing demon, cannot join next battle
  1170. ----------------------------------------------------
  1172. 6) [STAFF]
  1173. ----------------------------------------------------
  1175. LVL: ?
  1176. CLASS: ???
  1177. WEAPON: ???
  1178. STR: ?
  1179. PER: ?
  1180. CON: ?
  1181. DEX: ?
  1182. INT: ?
  1183. WIS: ?
  1185. The Class 2 Homeroom teacher and school counsellor. Is dedicated to reforming Ryoji Shida into an upstanding member of society. Uncle of student Akio Naito and younger brother of Naoaki Naito.
  1187. Relatives: Naoaki Naito, Akio Naito
  1188. Friends: None
  1189. Enemies: Ryoji Shida
  1190. ----------------------------------------------------
  1192. LVL: ?
  1193. CLASS: ???
  1194. WEAPON: ???
  1195. STR: ?
  1196. PER: ?
  1197. CON: ?
  1198. DEX: ?
  1199. INT: ?
  1200. WIS: ?
  1202. The Class 1 homeroom teacher, and moderator of the Darkworld Investigation Group. A nervous and bumbling buffoon who is not cut out to be an educator. Is madly in love with the school nurse.
  1204. Friends: Nurse Tekina
  1205. Enemies: None
  1206. ----------------------------------------------------
  1208. LVL: ?
  1209. CLASS: Scientist
  1210. WEAPON: ???
  1211. STR: ?
  1212. PER: ?
  1213. CON: ?
  1214. DEX: ?
  1215. INT: ?
  1216. WIS: ?
  1218. The School nurse. Obsessed with performing experiments, and dedicated to discovering the nature of the Darkworld. Easily excited by the prospect of scientific discovery, and completely oblivious to most social interactions.
  1220. Friends: Satomi Mashimo, Takeshi Shusaku
  1221. Enemies: None
  1223. ----------------------------------------------------
  1224. KINJI
  1225. LVL: ?
  1226. CLASS: ???
  1227. WEAPON: ???
  1228. STR: ?
  1229. PER: ?
  1230. CON: ?
  1231. DEX: ?
  1232. INT: ?
  1233. WIS: ?
  1235. The Gym Teacher. A tough man who pushes students as much as he can. Described as creepy by many of the students.
  1237. Friends: None
  1238. Enemies: None
  1239. ----------------------------------------------------
  1240. YUJI
  1241. LVL: ?
  1242. CLASS: ???
  1243. WEAPON: ???
  1244. STR: ?
  1245. PER: ?
  1246. CON: ?
  1247. DEX: ?
  1248. INT: ?
  1249. WIS: ?
  1251. The History teacher. Calm and reserved, with a large interest in mysticism. His classroom gives off a strange smell.
  1253. Friends: None
  1254. Enemies: None
  1255. ----------------------------------------------------
  1257. LVL: ?
  1258. CLASS: ???
  1259. WEAPON: ???
  1260. STR: ?
  1261. PER: ?
  1262. CON: ?
  1263. DEX: ?
  1264. INT: ?
  1265. WIS: ?
  1267. The Principal of the academy. Alongside Alice Maddox, is the last surviving member of the school's first class. Patriarch of the Kobashi family.
  1269. Relatives: Saki Kobashi, Mitsuo Kobashi
  1270. Friends: None
  1271. Enemies: None
  1272. ----------------------------------------------------
  1275. 7) [DEMON SLAYERS]
  1276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1277. MIYOKO
  1278. LVL: 8
  1279. CLASS: Elegant Thinker
  1280. WEAPON: None
  1281. HP: 130/130
  1282. STR: 18
  1283. PER: 30
  1284. CON: 25
  1285. DEX: 23
  1286. INT: 30
  1287. WIS: 32
  1289. The Leader of the Demon Slayers. Formerly an Archdemon known as The Thinker, is determined to wipe out all demons. A polite and inquisitive girl.
  1290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1291. UTAKO
  1292. LVL: 7
  1293. CLASS: Dread Fighter
  1294. WEAPON: Cannons, Cutlass
  1295. HP: 102/102
  1296. STR: 25
  1297. PER: 16
  1298. CON: 24
  1299. DEX: 23
  1300. INT: 16
  1301. WIS: 16
  1303. A member of the Demon Slayers. Formerly an Archdemon known as The Dread, is determined to wipe out all demons. A rough and forceful girl.
  1304. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1305. NISHI
  1306. LVL: 7
  1307. CLASS: Pretty Reaper
  1308. WEAPON: Scythe
  1309. HP: 90/90
  1310. STR: 24
  1311. PER: 22
  1312. CON: 20
  1313. DEX: 26
  1314. INT: 19
  1315. WIS: 18
  1317. A member of the Demon Slayers. Formerly an Archdemon known as The Reaper, is determined to wipe out all demons. A cheerful yet clumsy girl.
  1318. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1319. NARI
  1320. LVL: 7
  1321. CLASS: Forlorn Doctor
  1322. WEAPON: Syringe
  1323. HP: 100/100
  1324. STR: 18
  1325. PER: 25
  1326. CON: 22
  1327. DEX: 23
  1328. INT: 35
  1329. WIS: 27
  1331. A member of the Demon Slayers. Formerly an Archdemon known as The Doctor, is determined to wipe out all demons. A strange girl.
  1332. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1333. SOSHU
  1334. LVL: 7
  1335. CLASS: Warrior Artist
  1336. WEAPON: Katana
  1337. HP: 98/98
  1338. STR: 24
  1339. PER: 21
  1340. CON: 23
  1341. DEX: 26
  1342. INT: 20
  1343. WIS: 20
  1345. A member of the Demon Slayers. Formerly an Archdemon known as The Artist, is determined to wipe out all demons. A brooding and angry boy.
  1346. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1347. OMITSU
  1348. LVL: 7
  1349. CLASS: Silent Light
  1350. WEAPON: Katana
  1351. HP: 87/87
  1352. STR: 23
  1353. PER: 23
  1354. CON: 23
  1355. DEX: 28
  1356. INT: 22
  1357. WIS: 24
  1359. A member of the Demon Slayers. Formerly an Archdemon known as The Light, is determined to wipe out all demons. A mute girl.
  1360. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1362. 8) [OTHER]
  1363. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1364. AKURO YOI
  1365. LVL: 5
  1366. CLASS: Agent
  1367. WEAPON: Pistol
  1368. HP: 33/33
  1369. STR: 9
  1370. PER: 13
  1371. CON: 12
  1372. DEX: 13
  1373. INT: 19
  1374. WIS: 17
  1376. A Government agent investigating the Darkworld incursions. Very young for her position. Younger sister to student Raiden Yoi.
  1378. Relatives: Raiden Yoi
  1379. Friends: None
  1380. Enemies: Anri Kitamura
  1382. SKILLS
  1383. Stealth Training: +10 to all stealth rolls
  1384. Squad's Survivor: +10 to combat rolls when separated from the party
  1385. Field Medic: Can heal minor wounds in battle
  1386. A Real Agent: +5 to all of Anri Kitamura's rolls when in the party
  1389. Shaky legs: -10 to all composure rolls
  1390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1391. YAMI
  1392. LVL: ?
  1393. CLASS: ???
  1394. WEAPON: ???
  1395. STR: ?
  1396. PER: ?
  1397. CON: ?
  1398. DEX: ?
  1399. INT: ?
  1400. WIS: ?
  1402. A psychopathic and violent man. Host to a demon known as The Darkness.
  1403. ----------------------------------------------------
  1405. LVL: ?
  1406. CLASS: ???
  1407. WEAPON: ???
  1408. STR: ?
  1409. PER: ?
  1410. CON: ?
  1411. DEX: ?
  1412. INT: ?
  1413. WIS: ?
  1415. A former student of the school. A judgemental and harsh man. Son to Wei Kobashi and father to Saki Kobashi. Married to fellow graduate Sakamae Kobashi, formerly Sakamae Ogura.
  1417. Partner: Sakamae Kobashi
  1418. Relatives: Wei Kobashi, Saki Kobashi
  1419. Friends: None
  1420. Enemies: Ryoji Shida
  1421. ----------------------------------------------------
  1423. LVL: ?
  1424. CLASS: ???
  1425. WEAPON: ???
  1426. STR: ?
  1427. PER: ?
  1428. CON: ?
  1429. DEX: ?
  1430. INT: ?
  1431. WIS: ?
  1433. A former student of the school. A snobbish and vain woman. Mother to Saki Kobashi. Married to fellow graduate Mitsuo Kobashi.
  1435. Partner: Mitsuo Kobashi
  1436. Relatives: Saki Kobashi
  1437. Friends: None
  1438. Enemies: Ryoji Shida
  1439. ----------------------------------------------------
  1442. 9) [DECEASED]
  1443. ----------------------------------------------------
  1445. CLASS: Hero
  1446. WEAPON: Sword
  1447. STR: 12
  1448. PER: 12
  1449. CON: 10
  1450. DEX: 12
  1451. INT: 12
  1452. WIS: 12
  1454. The former head of class 2. A brave and heroic boy, killed by a Darkworlder while defending Ryoji Shida in the darkworld.
  1456. Friends: None
  1457. Enemies: None
  1458. ----------------------------------------------------
  1460. CLASS: Knight
  1461. WEAPON: Sword
  1462. STR: 15
  1463. PER: 15
  1464. CON: 15
  1465. DEX: 15
  1466. INT: 15
  1467. WIS: 15
  1469. The former head of Class 3. Formerly an honourable boy riddled with guilt on having failed as a leader, was possessed by an Archdemon known as The Charmer, which granted him the ability to control others. Gave in completely to his Archdemon and attempted to capture Alice Maddox with the assistance of a controlled Class 3. Killed by Shinji Shirai after the battle of the dorms.
  1471. Friends: None
  1472. Enemies: Ryoji Shida, Saki Kobashi, Alice Maddox
  1473. ----------------------------------------------------
  1475. CLASS: Knight
  1476. WEAPON: Sword
  1477. STR: 15
  1478. PER: 14
  1479. CON: 14
  1480. DEX: 13
  1481. INT: 16
  1482. WIS: 15
  1484. An intimidating and expressionless girl. An apparent childhood friend of Ryoji Shida's though his memory of her is erased. Died battling Matsuyo, her identity forever a mystery.
  1486. Friends: Ryoji Shida, Lilo Otani
  1487. Enemies: None
  1488. ----------------------------------------------------
  1489. MATSUYO
  1490. CLASS: Samurai
  1491. WEAPON: Katana
  1492. STR: 15
  1493. PER: 15
  1494. CON: 12
  1495. DEX: 18
  1496. INT: 16
  1497. WIS: 17
  1499. A mysterious samurai, and high-ranking member of the order of the awakened. Killed by Ryoji Shida after proving responsible for the death of Nina Nagata.
  1501. Friends: Settan, Oharu Yasukawa, Orochi Yasukawa
  1502. Enemies: Ryoji Shida, Reiji Yasukawa, Nina Nagata
  1503. ----------------------------------------------------
  1504. SETTAN
  1505. CLASS: Battlemage
  1506. WEAPON: Katana, Tomes
  1507. STR: 15
  1508. PER: 18
  1509. CON: 16
  1510. DEX: 16
  1511. INT: 18
  1512. WIS: 18
  1514. Leader of the order of the awakened. A smiling yet cruel man, obsessed with merging the Darkworld and the real one together. Offered his body to become the host of an Archdemon known as The Crone in order to bring about an Endless Night. Killed by The Stranger.
  1516. Friends: Matsuyo, Oharu Yasukawa, Orochi Yasukawa
  1517. Enemies: Ryoji Shida, Reiji Yasukawa, Saki Kobashi, The Stranger, Alice Maddox, The Crone
  1518. ----------------------------------------------------
  1520. CLASS: Battlemage
  1521. WEAPON: Katana, Tomes
  1522. STR: 14
  1523. PER: 15
  1524. CON: 14
  1525. DEX: 15
  1526. INT: 16
  1527. WIS: 16
  1529. A high-ranking member of the order. A cold and abusive woman. Married to fellow order member Orochi Yasukawa, and mother to Dark Gate Academy Student Reiji Yasukawa. Killed by Ryoji Shida and Nanami Fuji durign the Endless Night.
  1531. Partner: Orochi Yasukawa
  1532. Relatives: Reiji Yasukawa
  1533. Friends: Settan, Matsuyo
  1534. Enemies: Ryoji Shida, Reiji Yasukawa, Saki Kobashi, Alice Maddox, Nanami Fuji
  1535. ----------------------------------------------------
  1537. CLASS: Battlemage
  1538. WEAPON: Sword, Tomes
  1539. STR: 14
  1540. PER: 15
  1541. CON: 14
  1542. DEX: 15
  1543. INT: 16
  1544. WIS: 16
  1547. A high-ranking member of the order. A cruel man, keeps a pet Darkworlder. Married to fellow order member Oharu Yasukawa, and father to Dark Gate Academy Student Reiji Yasukawa. Killed by Reiji Yasukawa during the Endless Night
  1549. Partner: Oharu Yasukawa
  1550. Relatives: Reiji Yasukawa
  1551. Friends: Settan, Matsuyo
  1552. Enemies: Ryoji Shida, Reiji Yasukawa, Saki Kobashi, Alice Maddox
  1553. ----------------------------------------------------
  1555. CLASS: ???
  1556. WEAPON: ???
  1557. STR: ?
  1558. PER: ?
  1559. CON: ?
  1560. DEX: ?
  1561. INT: ?
  1562. WIS: ?
  1564. A former student of the school. A brash tough man who lived in the mountains. Older brother to Akihito Naito and uncle to Akio Naito. Died of an unknown illness after his training of Akio was completed.
  1566. Relatives: Akio Naito, Akihito Naito
  1567. Friends: None
  1568. Enemies: None
  1569. ----------------------------------------------------
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