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a guest
Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. command /Muder [<text>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if arg-1 is "join":
  4. if {Muder::start} is not set:
  5. if {Muder.much::*} contains Player:
  6. send "&8┃&aMuder &8| &e既に参加しています"
  7. else:
  8. add Player to {Muder.much::*}
  9. add 1 to {Muder::count}
  10. broadcast "&8┃&aMuder &8| &e%Player%さんが試合にエントリーしました"
  11. set the player's tablist name to "&6%Player%"
  12. if {Muder::countdown} is not set:
  13. set {Muder::countdown} to 30
  14. if {Muder::count} is more than 2:
  15. if {Muder::countstart} is not set:
  16. set {Muder::countstart} to "on"
  17. while {Muder::countdown} is more than 0:
  18. if {Muder::cancel} is "on":
  19. broadcast "&8┃&aMuder &8| &c参加人数が足りないためマッチングカウントをキャンセルさせました"
  20. delete {Muder::cancel}
  21. delete {Muder::countstart}
  22. set {Muder::countdown} to 30
  23. stop
  24. else:
  25. wait 1 second
  26. remove 1 from {Muder::countdown}
  27. loop all Players:
  28. set the loop-player's tablist name to "&f%loop-Player%"
  29. set {Muder::start} to "on"
  30. set {Muder::Muder} to random Player of {Muder.much::*}
  31. remove {Muder::Muder} from {Muder.much::*}
  32. set {Muder::hunter} to random Player of {Muder.much::*}
  33. remove {Muder::hunter} from {Muder.much::*}
  34. send "&8┃&aMuder &8| &eあなたの役職は &cMuder &eです" to {Muder::Muder}
  35. send "&8┃&aMuder &8| &eあなたの役職は &bHunter &eです" to {Muder::hunter}
  36. send "&8┃&aMuder &8| &eあなたの役職は &fInnocent &eです" to {Muder.much::*}
  37. set {_count} to random integer between 1 and 10
  38. if {_count} is between 1 and 3:
  39. set {_count} to random integer between 1 and 3
  40. if {_count} is 1:
  41. send ""
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