
Zettai Bouei Leviathan - Mini Takibi Gekijou - 11

Jul 4th, 2014
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  1. Intro: Zettai Bouei Leviathan - Mini Bonfire Theater (This is on the wood sign, in burnt-like letters)
  2. "About childhood memories..." (This is also on the wood sign, in black letters)
  4. Syrorin: You all came once to this spring when you were little, right?
  5. Everyone: Yeah. (bubble)
  6. Syrorin: Hey, tell me about you when you were little.
  7. Mu-chan: About us?
  8. Jorm: Well, let's see...
  9. Levi-tan: Since I was little, I've been always alone with onii-chan, so I was raised by him.
  10. Syrorin: Is that so?
  11. Levi-tan: Ah, did I just dampen the mood? I'm sorry.
  12. Mu-chan: Don't be.
  13. Levi-tan: No matter where we went or what we did, I was always with Onii-chan.
  14. Jorm: You stuck to him like a leech.
  15. Levi-tan: I was told sometimes that I was like static electricity.
  16. Syrorin: Static electricity?
  17. Mu-chan: You mean, like when you sit on dry grass with your skirt, and then everything sticks to you and you can't get away from it?
  18. Your brother must have it hard.
  19. Levi-tan: I couldn't make any decision on my own, and everyone saw me as a really shy girl.
  20. It made me really anxious...
  21. Well, I guess it's the same way now too.
  22. I have a lot of memories of the time I spent with Onii-chan, but there aren't many childhood-like episodes.
  23. Syrorin: Levi-tan, you're really a brother's girl.
  24. What about you, Jorm?
  25. Jorm: Me? About my childhood...
  26. Before my sisters were born and we built the house, I switched around my dads' houses. (Random guess here, since I can't figure out what's the last word she's saying).
  27. I did it so no one would feel lonely.
  28. My fathers were really happy, and I found it really interesting.
  29. They also read me a book before going to bed with a different story each time.
  30. It was always the same book though.
  31. I played around in the mine a lot, so I'm pretty good with dark and tight places.
  32. There weren't any kids my age around, but thanks to my dads, I never felt lonely or anything.
  33. Syrorin: What an interesting relationship.
  34. And it looks like your positive attitude was already there back then.
  35. Jorm: Do you think so?
  36. Well, my dads are certainly positive.
  37. Mu-chan, what kind of child were you?
  38. Mu-chan: I also have a lot of memories of me playing with my father.
  39. Syrorin: And your mother?
  40. Mu-chan: She died when I was still little.
  41. That's why I don't have a single memory of her.
  42. Aaah, I don't want to dampen the mood either!
  43. Actually, my father gave me more love than enough for them both, so I never felt lonely. (I'm having problems finding a good line in English for this one, and I'm not even sure how to explain it. Hopefully, you'll figure it out, but if you have any problem, just ask me and I'll do my best trying to explain what she's saying).
  44. Syrorin: To say he gave you so much love, it must have been really a lot.
  45. Mu-chan: Yeah!
  46. I mean, he taught me magic, how to play chess, and even took me to our villa by the sea.
  47. I'm really his precious daughter.
  48. Jorm: I see...
  49. Mu-chan: I was raised without any discomfort.
  50. And even now there is none.
  51. And that's all!
  52. Syrorin: That last part was needlessly snotty.
  53. Mu-chan: If it bothers you, I'm sorry.
  54. Syrorin: Ah, well, it's still filled with good memories, right? I'm relieved.
  55. Levi-tan So, what about you, Syrop?
  56. Syrorin: Eh? Me?
  57. Jorm: Fairies have a childhood too?
  58. Syrorin: How rude!
  59. I also had a time when I was even younger and even more lovely than now.
  60. Of course, I'm quite lovely right now, but I was even more than back then.
  61. More than ten times cuter!
  62. Mu-chan: We get it already.
  63. So tell us about that cute childhood of yours.
  64. Levi-tan: Syrop, you never talk much about yourself, so I'm kinda curious.
  65. Syrorin: I guess it can't be helped.
  66. If you're so interested, I'll tell you about it.
  67. Eh... uh...
  68. Levi-tan: What's wrong?
  69. Jorm: Come on and tell us already.
  70. Mu-chan: Syrop?
  71. Syrorin: Sorry.
  72. It was so long ago that I don't remember a single thing about my childhood.
  73. Haha~!
  74. Mu-chan: Eh? What the hell?
  75. Jorm: So long ago that you forgot? What era was that?
  76. Levi-tan: Syrop, how old are you? You don't have hundreds of thousands of years, do you?
  77. Syrorin: Oh, you! It's a secret!
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