
[Melody Grove - Day 2]

Jun 8th, 2015
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  1. [21:02] <Emilybroshoujo> [Day 2]
  2. [21:02] <Emilybroshoujo> You hear a knock on your door.
  3. [21:02] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Stay the fuck in bed.
  4. [21:02] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Get up and open the door.
  5. [21:02] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Get up and put on pants, then open the door.
  6. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  7. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  8. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  9. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  10. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  11. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  12. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  13. [21:03] <HyakkoF> Oh boy
  14. [21:04] <Sanzaru> [x] Get up and open the door.
  15. [21:04] <ants> [X] Get up and put on pants, then open the door.
  16. [21:05] <HyakkoF> [x] Get up and open the door
  17. [21:07] <Imouto> [X] Get up and put on pants, then open the door.
  18. [21:07] <Emilybroshoujo> We are at an empass.
  19. [21:10] <ants> empants
  20. [21:10] <Emilybroshoujo> We will compromise, no pants but he won't have morningwood as was originally intended.
  21. [21:10] <Emilybroshoujo> AGREED!?
  22. [21:11] <ants> no objections
  23. [21:11] <HyakkoF> Sounds fine to me.
  24. [21:12] <Emilybroshoujo> Alright, let's begin then. THE GOBLIN TRAIN HAS NO BRAKES MOTHER FUCKER
  25. [21:12] <Emilybroshoujo> Literally, such is the folly of goblin engineering.
  26. [21:13] <Emilybroshoujo> You climb out of bed, not really caring enough to put on pants.
  27. [21:14] <Emilybroshoujo> It's not until after you open the door that you remember this is not your sisters attic and you in fact live in an apartment full of monster girls that are perfectly capable of raping you.
  28. [21:14] <Emilybroshoujo> When you open the door at first it appears there's noone there until you look down.
  29. [21:14] <Emilybroshoujo> A short green skinned girl looks up at you.
  30. [21:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Her eyes are bulged out, as you're essentially in your underwear.
  31. [21:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hi.... I'm Ezzy, I'm here for the job of being the live in mechanic... " She says with an awkward smile.
  32. [21:16] <Emilybroshoujo> You slowly close the door and ask for a moment to get dressed.
  33. [21:16] <Emilybroshoujo> After you get dressed you invite Ezzy in.
  34. [21:17] <Emilybroshoujo> She takes a seat on one of your desk chairs... she struggles adorably to climb up on the chair giving you a fantastic view of her FAT ass.... in the good way.
  35. [21:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Her plump rear is evident despite the fact she's wearing a simple gray jumpsuit.
  36. [21:18] <Emilybroshoujo> It's baggy on her until she bends over, then BAM.
  37. [21:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Once she takes her seat you get a good look at her, she's super cute.
  38. [21:18] <Emilybroshoujo> No piercings like most goblins and her hair is all black, undyed.
  39. [21:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Her jump suit is zipped most of the way up but she still has some cleavage exposed, three freckles are visible on her left breast. Given her size they're pretty large proportionally but they have nothing on her hips and butt. A trait all goblins share as far as you know.
  40. [21:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Except hobgoblins who's breasts are comically large.
  41. [21:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Her lips are full and thick, moreso than any other girl you know and she has a few dark green facial freckles.
  42. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Her smile is very pretty and her lips have a natural shine to them.
  43. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Her short hair suits her face and she's overall very....
  44. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Cute
  45. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Pretty, if you're into goblins.
  46. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Pretty.
  47. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] sexy.... you want to fuck this creature.
  48. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  49. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  50. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  51. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  52. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  53. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  54. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  55. [21:22] <Imouto> [ ] sexy.... you want to fuck this creature.
  56. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> ants
  57. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> ants
  58. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> ants
  59. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> ants
  60. [21:22] <HyakkoF> [x] Pretty.
  61. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> ants
  62. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> ants
  63. [21:22] <ants> I have no strong feelings one way or the other
  64. [21:22] <ants> god damn it's been so long I've forgotten the phrase
  65. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> That would be the "if you're into goblins" option.
  66. [21:22] <ants> now it's going to bug me forever
  67. [21:26] <Emilybroshoujo> ants
  68. [21:26] <Emilybroshoujo> Vote or I will beat you with a cane
  69. [21:26] <ants> yes
  70. [21:26] <ants> I thought it was [X]if you're into
  71. [21:26] <ants> oh, you wanted confirmation then, sorry
  72. [21:26] <Sanzaru> [x] sexy.... you want to fuck this creature. (for mouto)
  73. [21:27] <Emilybroshoujo> She already voted, I saw her DC but it came though.
  74. [21:27] <Emilybroshoujo> What's your vote.
  75. [21:30] <ants> I'm sure he'd vote the same
  76. [21:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Yeah probably.
  77. [21:31] <Emilybroshoujo> She's really sexy... maybe you have a thing for big butts just like hip hop always told you you did.
  78. [21:31] <ants> he cannot lie
  79. [21:32] <@Taco_Hell> [x] SEXY
  80. [21:32] <@Taco_Hell> CAuse we like butts and we cannot lie
  81. [21:33] <Emilybroshoujo> "So you're a graduate of an engineering college?" You ask looking her over.
  82. [21:33] <@Taco_Hell> Other brothers cannot deny. When a goblin comes with a little wittle waist YOU GET SPRUNG.- Oh writing right.
  83. [21:34] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeperoni! MCCU I graduated with honors but nobody wants to hire a goblin because we have a... somewhat negative reputation in the field." She says with a "Whatareyagonnado" expression.
  84. [21:35] <Emilybroshoujo> "So I've heard, well I'm not going to turn away a competent mechanic over prejudice." You say as you hold out your hand.
  85. [21:35] <Emilybroshoujo> She shakes your hand excitedly, well a few fingers, she can't fit her hand around your entire hand.
  86. [21:36] <Emilybroshoujo> "Come on, I'll show you to your room and we can discuss some things I'd like done."
  87. [21:36] <Emilybroshoujo> "You got it bossaroo!~" She says as she slowly climbs off the chair.
  88. [21:37] <Emilybroshoujo> You check out her butt again as she does so.
  89. [21:37] <Emilybroshoujo> She follows you down the stairs to the basement, where you have a fully furnished room prepared.
  90. [21:37] <Emilybroshoujo> "Woooooooooooow~" She says excitedly.
  91. [21:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "I was expecting it to be a dump, this is actually really nice." She says walking through the room.
  92. [21:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "Glad you like it." You say with a smile.
  93. [21:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "So what kind of work did you have in mind?" She asks sitting on her bed.
  94. [21:39] <Emilybroshoujo> You slap yourself internally to suppress the obvious response.
  95. [21:39] <Emilybroshoujo> "Could you start by repairing the elevator? I think the wiring is fired and we have a centaur living on the top floor, I'm worried she'll hurt herself on the stairs."
  96. [21:40] <Emilybroshoujo> "No problem, I'm a wiz with electronics." She smiles, her teeth are very shiny.
  97. [21:41] <Emilybroshoujo> "If you need any extra materials or anything let me know and I'll cover it with the business account." You assure her.
  98. [21:41] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods.
  99. [21:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Anything else?" She asks tilting her head adorably while she grabs her feet.
  100. [21:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Not at the moment."
  101. [21:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Really?" She says with a surprised look on her face.
  102. [21:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hehehe! I thought for sure you'd make me have sex with you or something. You're a really nice person." She says with a wide smile.
  103. [21:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "Y-yeah... a lot of people assumed I was a pervert when I said I wanted to turn this place into a 'monster house'..." You say remembering the teasing from Franky and Michelle.
  104. [21:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "Honestly I have nothing against the idea of having sex with a monster, but I'm not going to take advantage of my tenants and employees. What happens, happens." You shurg.
  105. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "With that attitude I bet there are already some girls here with crushes on you." She says with a grin.
  106. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Does that include you?
  107. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yeah, probably.
  108. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] I doubt it, I'm nothing special.
  109. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  110. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  111. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  112. [21:45] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  113. [21:46] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  114. [21:46] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  115. [21:46] <ants> [X] I doubt it, I'm nothing special while doing a smug pose
  116. [21:46] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Does that Include you?
  117. [21:46] <HyakkoF> Hm.
  118. [21:47] <HyakkoF> [x] You?
  119. [21:49] <Emilybroshoujo> "Does that include you?" You ask.
  120. [21:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "I dunno yet. You're good looking and sweet, maybe it does. Do you flirt with every girl or is it just that you know there's no side effects to banging a goblin?"
  121. [21:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "I actually didn't know that, thanks for the tip." You reply with a smile. She laughs and prepares to get to work on the elevator as you head back up stairs.
  122. [21:52] <Emilybroshoujo> Maybe you'll have her take a look at a different kind of shaft later.
  123. [21:52] <Emilybroshoujo> You're sad Franky isn't here to high five you.
  124. [21:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You enter your apartment.
  125. [21:53] <Emilybroshoujo> After grabbing a snack from the fridge and checking over the bank information...
  126. [21:55] <Emilybroshoujo> [The prologue is over, now each segment of the day you'll vote on an option, the girl/girls involved in each option will be randomly generated but will cycle in such a way that every girl will get a chance to be picked for an event before girls who've already been voted on re-enter the pool. There will be three events each day.]
  127. [21:57] <Emilybroshoujo> [The encounter with Ezzy is Day 2's morning event. Occasionally events will trigger without a vote if previous events prompted them. Let's get started.]
  128. [21:58] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Talk with Yvonne and discuss her properties as a nightmare and how it might effect tenants... also tell her you're fixing the elevator.
  129. [21:59] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] See if Ava has fully recovered from her scare at the party last night and inquire about how she's handling her new lifestyle.
  130. [22:00] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] An unmarked package arrives for Suzume, you should make sure she gets it.
  131. [22:00] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  132. [22:00] <ants> [X] package
  133. [22:01] <HyakkoF> Should probably let the horse know about the elevator. [x] Yvonne
  134. [22:02] <Emilybroshoujo> A few things to clear up.
  135. [22:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Some events have an expiration date, but that girl will always remain on the vote until she's voted for. You can safely assume though, that unless you ignore a specific option for a LONG time, it won't be going anywhere until you do it.
  136. [22:04] <Emilybroshoujo> In the event an option get's passed up for a long time, it'll be changed to something more interesting as a way to ensure girls get screen time.
  137. [22:05] <Emilybroshoujo> There will only be 3 options at a time, a girl can't be on the list again once she's been added until everyone else has appeared on the list, so say you vote for the Suzume option, she won't appear again until everyone else has appeared up for vote, is it possible to ignore girls completely? Yeah, but it's not going to be likely.
  138. [22:07] <Emilybroshoujo> Say you keep picking the new option over and over after Suzume wins, until you've done every possible girl except Yvonna and Ava. At that point I would roll a girl/girls for a new option, but those two would still have options on the list, so it's impossible to ignore more than two girls indefinately basically.
  139. [22:07] <Emilybroshoujo> So just pick what you want to see at the time and let my brilliant balancing strats take care of the rest.
  140. [22:07] <Emilybroshoujo> I'm the best.
  141. [22:08] <Emilybroshoujo> Also every event could potentially have permanent implications on the story, so the only thing that really matters about the order you do them in is that, but as I'm making it all up on the fly it's not like you'll be rewriting history.
  142. [22:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  143. [22:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  144. [22:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  145. [22:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  146. [22:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  147. [22:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  148. [22:10] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Suzume
  149. [22:15] <Emilybroshoujo> While we're at it, rate the goblin booty.
  150. [22:16] <Emilybroshoujo> 1-5 scale, you know the drill.
  151. [22:16] <HyakkoF> 4
  152. [22:19] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  153. [22:21] <Sanzaru> 4
  154. [22:22] <Sanzaru> [x] Talk with Yvonne and discuss her properties as a nightmare and how it might effect tenants... also tell her you're fixing the elevator.
  155. [22:35] <ants> I'd say 4 I guess, going by prior information
  156. [22:40] <Emilybroshoujo> I'm going to wait for everyone to vote on these two things so I might not be writing anymore tonight.
  157. [22:40] <Emilybroshoujo> I know everyone is awake, that's why.
  158. [22:41] <ants> hmmm, packages are pretty nice, I stick by my choice
  159. [22:50] <ants> it could be a copy of FUCKING SPLATOON
  160. [22:50] <Asubreh> [x] Yvonne
  161. [23:24] <@Taco_Hell> 5 GOBLING BUTT ALL THE TIME
  162. [00:01] <Emilybroshoujo> You head up towards Yvonne's room. She'll want to know about the elevator and you've been meaning to talk to her anyway.
  163. [00:04] <Emilybroshoujo> You climb the door to the top floor and knock on her room.
  164. [00:05] <Emilybroshoujo> It's a moment before she opens the door... her room is dark.
  165. [00:05] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks almost like a ghost, the light from the hallway barely illuminating her face.
  166. [00:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "Oh, please come in..." She says softly.
  167. [00:06] <Emilybroshoujo> You enter her room, and she turns on the lights, even on they're quite dim.
  168. [00:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "Sorry to intrude, I wanted to speak to you about a few things." You say as you take a seat.
  169. [00:08] <Emilybroshoujo> She "sits" across from you by folding her legs under her, it's more of a kneel. You can't help but wonder if it's uncomfortable.
  170. [00:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "The live in mechanic moved in this morning, she'll be repairing the elevator shortly so you won't have to strain your legs on the stairs." You inform her happily.
  171. [00:09] <Emilybroshoujo> She smiles and almost whispers a soft "Thank you."
  172. [00:10] <Emilybroshoujo> The colors of the room start to get foggy, one shade blending into the next.
  173. [00:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "I... was curious what sort of affects your special properties could have on others. I don't intend to evict you but..."
  174. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> Yvonne starts to glow a faint blue in sharp contrast to the room around her which starts to turn shades of pink.
  175. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "Dream high... that's the first issue." She says as though she knows what you're experiencing right now.
  176. [00:12] <Emilybroshoujo> "Since I exist on both the material and astral plane being alone with me for any length of time causes people to partially enter the astral plane as well... this manifests by their senses keying into the world of dreams."
  177. [00:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "Just like what you're seeing now, it's called a dream high. It makes you more susceptible to hypnosis and suggestion and you can more vividly recall your dreams."
  178. [00:13] <Emilybroshoujo> You try to focus your thoughts.
  179. [00:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "It... must be useful for your job. To help people with their recurring dreams and nightmares..." You say.
  180. [00:14] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods.
  181. [00:14] <Emilybroshoujo> She seems... different. Somehow more radiant, almost angelic.
  182. [00:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Maybe you're seeing her true form since you're senses are showing part of the astral plane.
  183. [00:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Planar science is a field that's only recently shown up, since monsters first stepped through the rifts a hundred years ago confirming the existence of other planes. As such it's not taught in public schools.
  184. [00:16] <Emilybroshoujo> All your knowledge of the other planes is second hand from media and googling things that catch your interest.
  185. [00:17] <Emilybroshoujo> The Astral plane is where your mind travels while you sleep and is the cause of all dreams and nightmares, there's also theories that part of the subconscious exists on that plane even after death.
  186. [00:18] <Emilybroshoujo> It's a fascinating subject, one that you'll have to look into more.
  187. [00:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Yvonne reaches out and touches your hand.
  188. [00:18] <Emilybroshoujo> It makes you jerk.
  189. [00:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "You can't fall asleep, Micheal." She says brushing her bangs back and showing you her beautiful purple eyes.
  190. [00:19] <Emilybroshoujo> Only now do you realize you were in fact starting to fall asleep.
  191. [00:20] <Emilybroshoujo> "this is another issue, human men around me for long enough will fall asleep and enter the astral plane physically. It's... s-so that nightmares like myself could abduct or have our way with them using our true bodies... th-that's the only way we can have children."
  192. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "I would never take advantage of you, but once you fall asleep you'll believe yourself to be dreaming and you may not be lucid..." She says nervously.
  193. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "I see..." You say sleepily.
  194. [00:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "Direct sunlight, or the presence of another person who exist entirely on the material plane would cause the effect to lessen, and women as well as other material monsters aren't at risk of the 'Vanwinkle Effect' as it's called." She continues.
  195. [00:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Shall I open a window to negate the effect?" She asks softly, her voice while you're in this dream like haze resonates,,, it's beautiful.
  196. [00:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Even though you know why you feel this way it doesn't lessen the effect.
  197. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yes... please open a window.
  198. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] No, I can control myself.
  199. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] No... this is fine.
  200. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  201. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  202. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  203. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  204. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  205. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  206. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  207. [00:25] <ants> [X] Yes... please open a window.
  208. [00:26] <Ausbroski> Hmm
  209. [00:26] <Sanzaru> [x] No... this is fine.
  210. [00:26] <Ausbroski> [ ] No, I can control myself.
  211. [00:35] <Emilybroshoujo> I think both of our tiebreakers might be asleep.
  212. [00:35] <Emilybroshoujo> How Ironic.
  213. [00:36] <ants> howso
  214. [00:38] <ants> actually, [X] No, I can control myself.
  215. [00:38] <ants> now that I think about it more, this makes more sense for him
  216. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> "No, I... can control myself." You say.
  217. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods and smiles softly.
  218. [00:40] <Emilybroshoujo> "Since a small piece of the astral plane is physically present in this world where ever I am the dreams of everyone within a certain area around me will be incredibly more vivid... however for human men it's a more severe issue."
  219. [00:41] <Emilybroshoujo> "The closer you are to me the more 'real' your dreams become, in a literal sense... you could die from a bad enough nightmare. That's why I requested the room furthest from yours." She says with a genuinely look of guilt in her eyes.
  220. [00:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "I... understand...." It seems like yo've taken all the steps to prevent inconvenience to other tenants that you could... that's good enough for me." You say, though it comes out more slurred than you intended.
  221. [00:42] <Emilybroshoujo> You hear a sharp whistling that snaps you awake.
  222. [00:43] <Emilybroshoujo> The effect of the dream high isn't gone but you don't feel sleepy anymore.
  223. [00:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "Was that you?" You ask Yvonne. She looks at you puzzled.
  224. [00:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "Nothing.... never mind, I must have dreamt it." You say as you stand up.
  225. [00:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you for the explanation, and the tea... I might come back for another talk if you don't mind educating me." You say as you place the teacup down on the table.
  226. [00:45] <Emilybroshoujo> Yvonne giggles. "I don't mind... but..." She points down. You look at the table and notice the distinct lack of a teaset... or a teacup for that matter.
  227. [00:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "I... dreamt that huh?" She nods with a sweet gentle smile.
  228. [00:46] <Emilybroshoujo> You laugh. "Well it was delicious either way." You say as you walk towards the door.
  229. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> You say goodbye to Yvonne and step out of the room.
  230. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> You sit down on the other side of the door until your head clears up a bit...
  231. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Then you return to your apartment for a... short nap.
  232. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  233. [00:49] <ants> what an interesting phenomenon
  234. [00:49] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Sherly arrives at your dorm to discuss music... and other less happy things.
  235. [00:49] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] See if Ava has fully recovered from her scare at the party last night and inquire about how she's handling her new lifestyle.
  236. [00:49] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] An unmarked package arrives for Suzume, you should make sure she gets it.
  237. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  238. [00:50] <ants> [X] See if Ava has fully recovered from her scare at the party last night and inquire about how she's handling her new lifestyle.
  239. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> For tum arrows
  240. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  241. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  242. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  243. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  244. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru ants
  245. [00:50] <Ausbroski> [ ] See if Ava has fully recovered from her scare at the party last night and inquire about how she's handling her new lifestyle.
  246. [01:51] <Sanzaru> [x] Sherly arrives at your dorm to discuss music... and other less happy things.
  247. [17:21] <@Taco_Hell> [x] See if Ava
  251. [18:08] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  252. [18:08] <Emilybroshoujo> You wake up from your nap.
  253. [18:09] <Emilybroshoujo> It's about 7, you should probably get up and stretch your legs a bit before you actually need to go to sleep.
  254. [18:11] <Emilybroshoujo> You hear a loud thud on your wall.
  255. [18:11] <Emilybroshoujo> It's coming from Ava's room.
  256. [18:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You step outside and walk next door. When you knock you're greeted with a "Just a moment!" in a very frustrated voice.
  257. [18:12] <Emilybroshoujo> She opens the door after a few minutes her hair is messy and she looks like she's been fighting for her life.
  258. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> When you look past her you see a large extravagant bedframe in pieces in the room.
  259. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> Instructions for assembly are sprawled about the floor and the standard bed that you got for every room sits half disassembled.
  260. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> ".... Having trouble with the sleeping arrangements?" You ask with a smile.
  261. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks up at you and furrows her brow.
  262. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "I am unaccustomed to sleeping in such a small uncomfortable bed, so today I purchased one like I have in my room at home." She says with a scowl... the sad look in her eyes tells you there's more to her story than that.
  263. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "The men from the furniture store brought the box here but then refused to assemble it for me! Can you believe that? What sort of service forces the customer to do /work/?" She says genuinely offended.
  264. [18:17] <Emilybroshoujo> You sigh remembering that she could barely lift a 20lb bag and imagining how hard she's been struggling with these heavy wooden bedframes.
  265. [18:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "Those guys are paid to deliver the furniture, they probably had a lot more orders to fill today. When you work for a living you can't forgo all your other customers just to convenience one." You explain.
  266. [18:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "B-b-but I gave them the money and... and I..." She starts to tear up.
  267. [18:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "I can't do it myself!~" She wails as she starts bawling uncontrollably.
  268. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You flinch from her screaming.
  269. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> ?Jesus she's loud.
  270. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Shut the hell up, you're a grown woman.
  271. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Calm down a bit and ask for help then.
  272. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Pat her head.
  273. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  274. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  275. [18:21] <Ausbroski> Hmm
  276. [18:21] <HyakkoF> Hm. 2 and 3 are both good, but [x] Pat her head
  277. [18:21] <Ausbroski> [x] Calm down
  278. [18:22] <Ausbroski> Also, gotta restart firefox brb sex
  279. [18:22] <Ausbroski> sec
  280. [18:22] <Ausbroski> Sadly not that too
  281. [18:24] <@Taco_Hell> [x] CAlm down
  282. [18:40] <Imouto> [x] Calm her down
  283. [18:40] <Emilybroshoujo> You place your hands on Ava's shoulders which makes her shut up for a second.
  284. [18:41] <Emilybroshoujo> "If you're that frustrated just ask someone for help." You say with a smile.
  285. [18:41] <Emilybroshoujo> "but you said you weren't a bellhop..." She says with an intense frown.
  286. [18:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm not, but if you ask me nicely to help you with something you clearly can't do alone why wouldn't I help?" You attempt to explain.
  287. [18:42] <Emilybroshoujo> She fidgets with her dress, it's actually really adorable.
  288. [18:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "But... it's not your job..."
  289. [18:43] <Emilybroshoujo> You sigh.
  290. [18:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "Listen, there's something called common decency. If your neighbor needs help you help them as long as it doesn't due you some kind of harm. Did your parents not teach you something that basic?" You ask getting legitimately frustrated with her attitude.
  291. [18:45] <Emilybroshoujo> Her expression is somewhere between sad and confused, like the concept you're talking about makes no sense to her.
  292. [18:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "Okay... I'm gonna help you install your new bed, and while I do we're going to have a talk okay? You clearly aren't understanding some things about the real world."
  293. [18:46] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks down like a scolded child as you enter the room and start moving things around.
  294. [18:46] <Emilybroshoujo> You clear away the pieces to be used to build the new bedframe so you have room to tear down the old one.
  295. [18:47] <Emilybroshoujo> "Are you an ogre!?" She says as you easily move around the wooden pieces.
  296. [18:47] <Emilybroshoujo> "They're not even that heavy." You say as you look back at her.
  297. [18:49] <Emilybroshoujo> "Alright, there's a saying that even little kids know. Are you paying attention?" You ask, she nods and sits down japanese style while you talk.
  298. [18:49] <Emilybroshoujo> "It goes 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.', do you know what that means?"
  299. [18:50] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks like she's seriously thinking about it.
  300. [18:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "Let's take this situation for example. I saw that you were struggling with something, and I have the physical ability and skills to easily solve the problem." You continue, pulling loose a part of the bed frame for emphasis.
  301. [18:52] <Emilybroshoujo> "So I think to myself, how would I feel if I was in her place? Trying to do something I'm not physically capable of and failing over and over. I'd feel pretty terrible."
  302. [18:53] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'd want someone to help me, so common decency tells me I should help you, and I am. Now you don't feel so bad right?" You smile.
  303. [18:54] <Emilybroshoujo> "But... you aren't getting anything for it." She retorts.
  304. [18:55] <Emilybroshoujo> "I think I am... there are a lot of different reasons people will act selflessly. Some people do it because their religion tells them to, some people do it because they believe doing good things will reward them with good things happening to them. They call it karma."
  305. [18:56] <Emilybroshoujo> "I think I'm more of the philosophy that good propagates good in general, rather than directly to me." You continue as you work. You're not even sure you're talking to Ava anymore. You're just sort of venting.
  306. [18:58] <Emilybroshoujo> "If you do something good for someone, then it inspires them to do something good for someone else down the line. Eventually maybe it comes back around to you, or maybe it doesn't but just by helping someone a little maybe I could help hundreds of people indirectly."
  307. [18:58] <Emilybroshoujo> You look over at Ava and she's just staring at you wide eyed as you talk.
  308. [18:59] <Emilybroshoujo> "It fills me with pride. When we're done here I can see you looking well rested tomorrow and feel good that I helped with it. Even right now, you're not crying anymore and that makes me feel proud of myself."
  309. [19:01] <Emilybroshoujo> "If I see you help someone down the line, I can think back to this talk and think 'Wow, maybe I changed her a little bit and made her a better person.' then I can feel good about that. Then when I see the person you helped smile, you and I both can be proud of ourselves for it."
  310. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> "Good and bad, both of them can spread like a virus. The only thing that can start the spread though is conscious decision."
  311. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> You look over at Ava and she's smiling really widely.
  312. [19:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "See, I'm glad you understand a little." She nods a bit teary eyed for some reason.
  313. [19:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's really easy to be a selfish person, or to be a bad person. You can only do things that are easy for you and ignore other peoples troubles, but if you want to be happy you can't live like that."
  314. [19:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "No matter what makes you decide to put in that effort to change, once you do it spreads like wildfire to the people around you." You stand up and move the disassembled bed frame out into the hallway.
  315. [19:06] <Emilybroshoujo> Then you return and start working on putting together the queen sized bed for her.
  316. [19:06] <Emilybroshoujo> She seems to be thinking about something.
  317. [19:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "So what made you decide to become a good person and stop being selfish?" She finally asks.
  318. [19:07] <Emilybroshoujo> Man... what a question.
  319. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] It doesn't matter what started it for me, you should be worried about what makes you want to do good.
  320. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] It's not like I'm always a good person, everyone has good and bad in them. It's about choosing to the the right thing.
  321. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] I... had a friend named Marcus...
  322. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  323. [19:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  324. [19:09] <HyakkoF> [x] Choosing
  325. [19:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroseph HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  326. [19:12] <Ausbroseph> Hmm
  327. [19:13] <Ausbroseph> Since we're going full lecture modo
  328. [19:13] <Ausbroseph> [ ] It's not like I'm always a good person, everyone has good and bad in them. It's about choosing to the the right thing.
  329. [19:15] <@Taco_Hell> [x] It's not like.
  330. [19:17] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's not like I'm always a good person, everyone has good and bad in them. It's about choosing to do the right thing." you explain.
  331. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "Sometimes I think 'What's in it for me?' or 'Why should I?', but then it all goes back to that saying."
  332. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "How would I feel if when I needed help everyone considered what they could get out of me for it?"
  333. [19:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's really simple when you get right down to it."
  334. [19:19] <Emilybroshoujo> Ava kisses you on the cheek.
  335. [19:19] <Emilybroshoujo> you turn towards her with a surprised expression. Her eyes are watery...
  336. [19:20] <Emilybroshoujo> "You're a really good person, I think I understand why my parents wanted me to move out now." She says with a soft smile, somehow her needle-like teeth don't make it any less radiant.
  337. [19:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You pat her head gently and she starts reading you the instructions so you can work more efficiently.
  338. [19:21] <Emilybroshoujo> It doesn't take very long to get the bed set up.
  339. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Once you're done, you're feeling pretty tired again. That was actually just what you needed to stop that nap from ruining your sleep cycle.
  340. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Ava sits on her bed happily.
  341. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> The way she sits is extremely proper, with one ankle tucked behind the other and her knees closed and tilted to one side.
  342. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> She even folds her hands in her lap.
  343. [19:23] <Emilybroshoujo> She really is very princess-like when you get past her abrasive personality.
  344. [19:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you Micheal..." She says with a slight blush.
  345. [19:23] <Emilybroshoujo> You smile at her. "Don't mention it."
  346. [19:24] <Emilybroshoujo> She almost visibly sighs with relief when you don't react to her calling you by your first name.
  347. [19:24] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Tell her to think about what you talked about, then head to bed.
  348. [19:24] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ask if she needs anything else before you go.
  349. [19:25] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Flirt with her a little.
  350. [19:25] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  351. [19:25] <HyakkoF> Hm.
  352. [19:25] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroseph HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  353. [19:25] <Ausbroseph> [X] Ask if she needs anything else before you go.
  354. [19:25] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Tell her to think
  355. [19:26] <HyakkoF> [x] Think
  356. [19:26] <Imouto> [X] Ask if she needs anything else before you go.
  357. [20:12] <Sanzaru> [x] Ask if she needs anything else before you go.
  358. [20:12] <Sanzaru> there.
  359. [20:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Do you need anything else before I go?" You ask.
  360. [20:26] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks extremely uncomfortable despite her smile.
  361. [20:28] <Emilybroshoujo> Drool starts to pour from her mouth, inhuman amounts of it.
  362. [20:29] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks a bit distraught and tries to cover her mouth but it drips through her fingers.
  363. [20:29] <Emilybroshoujo> "Um... are you alright?"
  364. [20:29] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yes..." She says through her hands.
  365. [20:30] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm sorry I can't help it..." She starts to tear up again.
  366. [20:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Mimics salivate uncontrollably in the presence of "prey", but it looks like she can't control herself.
  367. [20:32] <Emilybroshoujo> "I won't ask you to stay, but.... I promise I won't do anything." She says with a certain franticness to her voice.
  368. [20:33] <Emilybroshoujo> She seems more concerned about how you're perceiving her urges than the urges themselves.
  369. [20:33] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's alright, I'm not worried...
  370. [20:33] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] You're too weak to rape me anyway.
  371. [20:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] I'm going to go back to my room and let you settle down.
  372. [20:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Do you want my... "help"?
  373. [20:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  374. [20:35] <HyakkoF> [x] Room
  375. [20:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroseph HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  376. [20:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroseph HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  377. [20:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroseph HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  378. [20:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroseph HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  379. [20:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Ausbroseph HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  380. [20:36] <Ausbroseph> [X] I'm going to go back to my room and let you settle down.
  381. [20:38] <@Taco_Hell> [x] You are too weak.
  382. [20:39] <Sanzaru> [x] You're too weak to rape me anyway.
  383. [20:42] <Imouto> [x] Weak
  384. [20:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "You're too weak to rape me anyway." You say with a smile, trying to break the tension.
  385. [20:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "That's not funny!" she shouts, saliva splatters all over you.
  386. [20:46] <Emilybroshoujo> It burns slightly.
  387. [20:46] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks up at you with an angry expression... the chest of her dress is soaking wet.
  388. [20:47] <Emilybroshoujo> You can see her bra line through it now.
  389. [20:48] <Emilybroshoujo> Fuck... you're getting an erection. This saliva must be an aphrodisiac.
  390. [20:49] <Emilybroshoujo> You feel light headed as well... your legs give out and Ava runs up and catches you.
  391. [20:49] <Emilybroshoujo> Well... she cushions your fall at least.
  392. [20:50] <Emilybroshoujo> She keeps apologizing as she tries to lift you.
  393. [20:50] <Emilybroshoujo> you drag yourself to your feet and lean on the door.
  394. [20:51] <Emilybroshoujo> You're body feels like it's on fire.
  395. [20:51] <Emilybroshoujo> Ava is frantically flailing... she wants to help you but she's apprehensive about touching you.
  396. [20:52] <Emilybroshoujo> She keeps reassuring you she's not doing it on purpose and doesn't want to have her way with you.
  397. [20:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You place your arm around her head and tell her it's okay.
  398. [20:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You can barely even talk but you assure her you know she can't help it and she looks up at you with a sorrowful expression.
  399. [20:54] <Emilybroshoujo> "P-please don't tell anyone about this..." she says as she backs away and opens her mouth.
  400. [20:55] <Emilybroshoujo> He cheeks split and her needle sharp teeth become visible ear to ear as her incredibly long tongue stretches out of her mouth.
  401. [20:55] <Emilybroshoujo> She wraps her tongue around your waist and easily lifts you off the ground.
  402. [20:55] <Emilybroshoujo> She then quickly darts from her room to yours before anyone sees.
  403. [20:56] <Emilybroshoujo> After placing you on the bed she withdraws her massive tongue and returns to "normal".
  404. [20:56] <Emilybroshoujo> She covers her face, still ignoring all the saliva running down her body.
  405. [20:57] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm so sorry..." She says as she cries. "I've never had this happen before...."
  406. [20:58] <Emilybroshoujo> You try to assure her that it's okay but you're breathing too heavy to speak clearly.
  407. [20:58] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'll be back to help you when I stop drooling... I promise." She says as she leaves your room.
  408. [20:59] <Emilybroshoujo> You lay in bed ignoring the most painful erection you've ever had in your life.
  409. [21:00] <Emilybroshoujo> It's about 20 minutes before she returns to your room... she's changed into an identical dress but it's no longer wet and she's stopped salivating.
  410. [21:00] <Emilybroshoujo> She wets a rag in your bathroom and approaches you.
  411. [21:01] <Emilybroshoujo> She gently wipes your forehead.
  412. [21:02] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm sorry... I can't do anything to relieve the tension you're feeling... Mimic saliva isn't a poison, it just causes extreme nervous stimulation so there's no anti-venom."
  413. [21:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "You'd be okay if you.... 'finished'... but I..." She looks down at you with a slight blush.
  414. [21:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "I would gladly assist you but I don't want to be an opportunist... this is the first time a man has ever been exposed to my saliva." She says trying her best to keep you cool.
  415. [21:05] <Emilybroshoujo> She sits with you for about an hour before you return to your senses.
  416. [21:06] <Emilybroshoujo> By the time you're able to move she's fallen asleep at your bedside.
  417. [21:06] <Emilybroshoujo> It must have been exhausting for her to fight all of her instincts to not violate you.
  418. [21:07] <Emilybroshoujo> She was so worried about what you think of her... it's unusual for monsters to be ashamed of their generally sexual nature.
  419. [21:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Still... her abilities are a bit terrifying...
  420. [21:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Maybe you should be careful how you tease her.
  421. [21:10] <Emilybroshoujo> She's earned your trust, and you're really tired so you just roll over and fall asleep.
  422. [21:11] <Emilybroshoujo> Twice today you've been on the edge of being raped.
  423. [21:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You can't say you weren't expecting it but at least the girls are good people.
  424. [21:13] <Emilybroshoujo> You fall asleep looking at Ava's sleeping face, she's really a lovely girl when you get to know her a bit.
  425. [21:13] <Emilybroshoujo> [Day 2 - End]
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