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Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. ##################################
  2. # #
  3. # Tutorial #
  4. # #
  5. ##################################
  6. #MinerSettings:
  7. # Health: 100 - The max health the minion has
  8. # Hunger: 20 - The max hunger the minion has
  9. # Cost: 100000 - Cost of minion in the store (Vault must be enabled in store.yml)
  10. # Armor_Color: - Color of armor. Colors; YELLOW, ORANGE, BLUE, LIGHTBLUE, RED, GREEN, WHITE, PURPLE, BLACK RGB color codes can be used. (RGB code - RED = 255,0,0)
  11. # ChestPlate: RED
  12. # Leggings: RED
  13. # Boots: RED
  14. # Ticks_Per_Movement: 1 - Amount of ticks before minion moves to its next pose
  15. # Blocks_for_hunger_loss: 5 - Hunger lost after miner has mined this amount of blocks
  16. # BlocksToMine_InFront: 1 - The miner will mine this amount of blocks infront of it
  17. # Custom_Pickaxe: true - If true players can give miners their pickaxes
  18. # Default_Minion:
  19. # Name: '&eMiner Minion' - Minions name when placed.
  20. # Head: '%playername%' - Username the head uses
  21. # Item: DRAGON_EGG - Material name for minion item
  22. # Item_Data: 0 - Data for minion item
  23. # Enchant_Minion_Item: true - Adds enchant animation to minion item (Set this to false if you use PlayerVaults)
  24. # Minion_Lore:
  25. # Custom_Lore:
  26. # - '&3Right click a block with minion'
  27. # - '&3To place. Once placed minion'
  28. # - '&3Will mine continuously until'
  29. # - '&3Death. Remember to feed it.'
  30. # Data_Lore: - The data lore can only have its colors changed. The data lore is used to store the type and other data.
  31. # Minion_Info_Sections: '&a'
  32. # Minion_Data: '&b'
  33. # Limits: - Per permission minion limit
  34. # Permissionnode limit_amount
  35. # Ex; 'Minions.permission.limit.donor 5'
  36. # NameTag_Permission: 'Minions.permission.use_nametag.miner' - Permission node to allow users to change the name of the minion using a nametag
  37. # Despawn_On_Death: true - Minion will despawn and be permanently removed when it runs out of health.
  38. # Spawn_Animation: DAB - Type of animation when minion spawns. Current animations; DAB, DANCE, NONE
  39. # Feed_And_Heal_Minion:
  40. # EnableHunger_And_Health: true - Enables Health and Hunger
  41. # Feed_With_Food: true - Feed with items from food list
  42. # FoodTypes: - Customize what food the minion will eat and how much hunger it gives to the minion
  43. # Materialname Hunger_amount
  44. # Ex; COOKED_CHICKEN 3
  45. # Feed_With_Money: true - If you want the user to be able to feed the minion with money.
  46. # Food_Cost: 100 - Cost of hunger using money.
  47. # Food_Amount_Per_Cost: 1 - Amount of hunger gained when purchased.
  48. # Heal_With_Item: true - Heals with items from heal_foodtypes list
  49. # Heal_FoodTypes:
  50. # Materialname Hunger_amount
  51. # Ex; GOLDEN_APPLE;0 10
  52. # Heal_With_Money: true - If you want the user to be able to heal the minion with money.
  53. # Heal_Cost: 500 - Cost of health using money.
  54. # Heal_Amount_Per_Cost: 1 - Amount of health gained when purchased.
  55. # PurifierSettings: - Purify options
  56. # Permission: Miner.purify - Permission node given to players that will have access to purify
  57. # Exchange:
  58. # COBBLESTONE: - Material name that will be purified
  59. # PurifiedMaterials: - Outputs and their chances
  60. # - COBBLESTONE 100
  61. # - STONE 50
  62. # - INK_SACK;4 5
  63. #MinerGUI:
  64. # rows: 1 - Rows the MinerGUI contains (Amount of slots is rows number times 9)
  65. # InventoryName: '&eMiner GUI' - Title of the MinerGUI
  66. # Items:
  67. # '0': - ID this can be anything as long as its not duplicated in the yml file
  68. # slot: 0 - Slot number of where this item will be placed
  69. # Material: GOLDEN_APPLE - Material name of item
  70. # Data_Value: 0 - Data value for the item This is for colored blocks and such
  71. # Name: '&cHealth &f%minion_health%/100' - Name of the item when hovering over
  72. # Lore: - Custom lore of item
  73. # - '&7You minion loses 1 hp'
  74. # - '&7When its hunger runs out.'
  75. # - '&7Be sure to feed your minion.'
  76. # ItemType: HEALTH - Type of item This is so the plugin know what to do when the item is clicked. ItemTypes; HEALTH, FOOD, LINK_CHEST, LINK_FOOD_CHEST, PURIFY, NONE
  77. MinerSettings:
  78. Health: 100
  79. Hunger: 20
  80. Cost: 100000
  81. Armor_Color:
  82. ChestPlate: GREEN
  83. Leggings: GREEN
  84. Boots: GREEN
  85. Blocks_for_hunger_loss: 25
  86. BlocksToMine_InFront: 1
  87. Ticks_Per_Movement:
  88. - Minions.permission.miner.radius.player 2
  89. - Minions.permission.miner.radius.een 2
  90. - Minions.permission.miner.radius.twee 2
  91. - Minions.permission.miner.radius.drie 1
  92. - Minions.permission.miner.radius.vier 1
  93. Custom_Pickaxe_Permission: 'Minions.permission.miner.custom_pickaxe'
  94. Default_Minion:
  95. Name: '&a&lMiner &2&lMinion'
  96. Head: '%playername%'
  97. Item: DRAGON_EGG
  98. Item_Data: 0
  99. Enchant_Minion_Item: true
  100. HideAttributes: true
  101. Minion_Lore:
  102. Custom_Lore:
  103. - '&3Rechtermuis knop op een blok om de'
  104. - '&3minion te plaatsen. wanneer hij'
  105. - '&3geplaatst is start hij met minen'
  106. - '&3vergeet niet om hem eten te geven!'
  107. Data_Lore:
  108. Minion_Info_Sections: '&a'
  109. Minion_Data: '&2'
  110. Limits:
  111. - 'Minions.permission.limit.player 200'
  112. NameTag_Permission: 'Minions.permission.use_nametag.miner'
  113. Despawn_On_Death: false
  114. Spawn_Animation: DAB
  115. Movement_Blockers:
  116. - BEDROCK
  117. - OBSIDIAN
  118. BlackListed_Blocks:
  119. - BEDROCK
  120. - OBSIDIAN
  121. - GLASS
  122. - LOG
  123. Feed_And_Heal_Minion:
  124. EnableHunger_And_Health: true
  125. Feed_With_Food: true
  126. FoodTypes:
  127. - APPLE 2
  128. - BAKED_POTATO 3
  129. - BEETROOT 1
  130. - BEETROOT_SOUP 3
  131. - BREAD 3
  132. - CAKE 7
  133. - CARROT 2
  135. - COOKED_FISH 3
  136. - COOKED_MUTTON 3
  138. - COOKED_RABBIT 3
  139. - COOKED_SALMON 3
  140. - COOKIE 1
  141. - GOLDEN_APPLE 2
  142. - GOLDEN_CARROT 3
  143. - MELON 1
  144. - STEAK 4
  145. - COOKED_STEAK 4
  146. Feed_With_Money: false
  147. Food_Cost: 100
  148. Food_Amount_Per_Cost: 1
  149. Heal_With_Item: false
  150. Heal_FoodTypes:
  151. - GOLDEN_APPLE;0 10
  152. Heal_With_Money: false
  153. Heal_Cost: 500
  154. Heal_Amount_Per_Cost: 1
  155. Walk_Permission: Miner.move
  156. Auto_Walk_Mine: false
  157. Walk_Speed: 3
  158. Max_Distance_From_Starting_Location: 0
  159. Bottle_Collected_EXP: true
  160. PurifierSettings:
  161. Permission: Miner.purify
  162. Exchange:
  164. PurifiedMaterials:
  165. - COBBLESTONE 100
  166. - STONE 50
  167. - INK_SACK;4 5
  168. STONE:
  169. PurifiedMaterials:
  170. - STONE 100
  171. - INK_SACK;4 10
  172. - COAL 5
  173. LAPIS_ORE:
  174. PurifiedMaterials:
  175. - INK_SACK;4 100
  176. - COAL 25
  177. - IRON_ORE 10
  178. COAL_ORE:
  179. PurifiedMaterials:
  180. - COAL 100
  181. - IRON_ORE 25
  182. - GOLD_ORE 10
  183. IRON_ORE:
  184. PurifiedMaterials:
  185. - IRON_ORE 100
  186. - GOLD_ORE 25
  187. - QUARTZ 10
  188. GOLD_ORE:
  189. PurifiedMaterials:
  190. - GOLD_ORE 100
  191. - QUARTZ 25
  192. - DIAMOND 5
  193. QUARTZ_ORE:
  194. PurifiedMaterials:
  195. - QUARTZ 100
  196. - DIAMOND 25
  197. - EMERALD 5
  199. PurifiedMaterials:
  200. - DIAMOND 100
  201. - REDSTONE 25
  202. - NETHER_STAR 1
  203. MinerGUI:
  204. rows: 2
  205. InventoryName: '&6Miner GUI'
  206. Items:
  207. '0':
  208. slot: 3
  209. Material: GOLDEN_APPLE
  210. Data_Value: 0
  211. Name: '&cGezondheid &f%minion_health%/100'
  212. Lore:
  213. - '&7Je minion kan dood gaan'
  214. - '&7wanneer hij geen eten'
  215. - '&7heeft, dus geef hem eten!'
  216. ItemType: HEALTH
  217. '1':
  218. slot: 5
  219. Material: COOKED_BEEF
  220. Data_Value: 0
  221. Name: '&aEten &f%minion_hunger%/20'
  222. Lore:
  223. - '&7Je minion verliest 1 hunger point'
  224. - '&7elke %minion_blocksforhungerloss% blokken.'
  225. - '&7Blijf hem eten geven anders gaat hij dood.'
  226. ItemType: FOOD
  227. '2':
  228. slot: 4
  229. Material: STONE
  230. Data_Value: 0
  231. Name: '&6Geminde blocks: &f%minion_blocksmined%'
  232. ItemType: NONE
  233. '3':
  234. slot: 0
  235. Material: CHEST
  236. Data_Value: 0
  237. Name: '&6Item kist'
  238. Lore:
  239. - '&7Momenteel gelinked: &f%minion_linkedtochest%'
  240. ItemType: LINK_CHEST
  241. '4':
  242. slot: 8
  243. Material: TRAPPED_CHEST
  244. Data_Value: 0
  245. Name: '&6Eten kist'
  246. Lore:
  247. - '&7Momenteel gelinked: &f%minion_linkedfoodchest%'
  248. ItemType: LINK_FOOD_CHEST
  249. '7':
  250. slot: 17
  251. Material: EXP_BOTTLE
  252. Data_Value: 0
  253. Name: '&6Collect XP'
  254. Lore:
  255. - '&7XP collector: &f%minion_collected_exp%'
  256. ItemType: COLLECT_EXP
  257. '9':
  258. slot: 9
  259. Material: EXP_BOTTLE
  260. SkullName: 'MHF_ArrowLeft'
  261. Data_Value: 0
  262. Name: '&6Verander kijkrichting'
  263. Lore:
  264. - '&7Zet minion kijkrichting: West'
  266. '10':
  267. slot: 10
  268. Material: EXP_BOTTLE
  269. SkullName: 'MHF_ArrowRight'
  270. Data_Value: 0
  271. Name: '&6Verander kijkrichting'
  272. Lore:
  273. - '&7Zet minion kijkrichting: Oost'
  275. '11':
  276. slot: 11
  277. Material: EXP_BOTTLE
  278. SkullName: 'MHF_ArrowUp'
  279. Data_Value: 0
  280. Name: '&6Verander kijkrichting'
  281. Lore:
  282. - '&7Zet minion kijkrichting: Noord'
  284. '12':
  285. slot: 12
  286. Material: EXP_BOTTLE
  287. SkullName: 'MHF_ArrowDown'
  288. Data_Value: 0
  289. Name: '&6Verander kijkrichting'
  290. Lore:
  291. - '&7Zet minion kijkrichting: Zuid'
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