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- 敷島は思いきって30ミリ砲を連射しながらゴジラの鼻先をかすめてみた。案の定ゴジラは30ミリ砲ではまるでダメージを受けている様子はなかったが、震電への反応は素早かった。
- Shikishima took the plunge and fired a 30mm cannon at Godzilla’s nose. As expected, Godzilla did not appear to have been damaged by the 30mm cannon, but his reaction to the shockwave was quick.
- 見事に震電を目標に捉えて、通常の二倍のスピードで顔を突き出し、震電に食らいつこうとした。
- He successfully targeted Shinden and stuck his head out at twice the normal speed, trying to get hit by Shinden.
- 敷島はかすかに機体を傾けることで、ギリギリゴジラの襲撃を避けた。
- Shikishima narrowly avoided Godzilla’s attack by slightly tilting his aircraft.
- その瞬間、今度は大きく振られた尾が、震電のコックピットいっぱいに迫った。
- At that moment, its tail swung wildly and approached Shinden’s cockpit.
- 「危ない!」
- “Dangerous!”
- とっさにフラップをおろし、エアブレーキのように使って、やや失速状態にすることで、かろうじて尾の攻撃もやり過ごすことができた。
- By quickly lowering the flap and using it like an air brake, he was able to stall a bit and barely survive the tail attack.
- 模擬空戦時にひたすらトレーニングした敵の弾道から逃れるための挙動が、無意識のうちに自分を救ったことに敷島は驚いていた。
- Shikishima was surprised to find that the behavior he had trained to avoid the enemy’s trajectory during the mock air battle unconsciously saved him.
- しつこいハエのようにまとわりつく震電を、ゴジラは攻撃目標であると完全に決めたようだった。
- Godzilla seemed to have completely decided that Shinden, who was clinging to him like a persistent fly, was the target of his attack.
- ゴジラはついに進路を変え、相模湾に向かって歩き始めた。
- Godzilla finally changed course and started walking toward Sagami Bay.
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