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  1. 10/31/22, 11:50 AM
  2. (39) John Carmack Facebook Connect 2021 Keynote - YouTube
  4. 1/5
  5. where we're going now if you have any thoughts on any of the topics covered be sure to share them right here in the
  6. live chat because we want to hear your take some of the high points have to include
  7. the mind-blowing developments regarding presence platform web xr and so much
  8. more don't forget there's even more info on all of these topics in our phenomenal sessions that are now unlocked and can
  9. be found right now via our connect 2021 playlists including mari's building an
  10. accessible future in vr session which is such an important topic check that out
  11. along with many of our other sessions with just fantastic speakers and dive even deeper into all the topics you're
  12. excited about okay now it's time to take a time for the one and only
  13. john carmack how exciting is this going to be he is the quintessential leader
  14. cto everything that we're excited about so let's go to him right now
  15. welcome to connect everyone so my process for these talks is that i basically go back through the last year
  16. of internal posts and public tweets that i've made looking for things that are interesting and worthwhile to talk about
  17. and then i try to roughly sort them into some kind of a coherent topic flow and then usually one or two days before the
  18. show i wind up kind of feeding those notes over to comms to make sure nobody is going to absolutely freak out about
  19. anything that i say and normally there's just a little bit of kind of gentle push back on a couple
  20. things and only one time in the history of all the times that i've done this has anyone ever said it's like no don't talk
  21. about this and that was about calling out slam or simultaneous localization and mapping before we had kind of
  22. quest's insight tracking working which is really a silly thing in retrospect but
  23. so i'm usually a bit of a counterpoint to the grand strategic visions because i'm all focused on the nuts and bolts of
  24. things and i'm also usually the one that's a lot more kind of grumpy and unhappy with uh with the way things are
  25. going as i always want more and faster progress but this year i really have a lot of things to be quite happy about by
  26. far the most important is that quest 2 has been a really big success and it was
  27. you know it was a heroic effort to get it out when it was last year in the space of all the headwinds that we had
  28. but it was better faster cheaper one of those just rare combinations that you almost never get to have in a product
  29. and while there's still like a couple minor things where some people do still miss the oled displays or the continuous
  30. ipd adjustment it really was a fantastic product and the market has responded very positively to it i mean it would be
  31. a really big danger sign if we had been able to do all of that and we didn't have this integer multiple uptick that
  32. we saw with quest two over quest one but so that's a sign that things are looking good for that and the whole ecosystem
  33. has been benefiting and it's been a really good thing but there's a bunch of other things that i've often talked
  34. about in these past i connect talks that i've been complaining about how we should really have this why don't we
  35. have this yet and a bunch of them did land this year uh airlink got released where we had oculus link out and it was
  36. doing better than people expected internally lots of uptake for it and we had the existence proof of virtual
  37. desktops streaming steam games and there was a lot of internal debate about this
  38. about whether we needed to make completely custom hardware to be able to do wireless wi-fi
  39. but we shipped it it's great lots of people love it it doesn't work for everybody not everyone has good enough
  40. wi-fi for it to be a good solution for them but it does work for a lot of people and it's kind of funny how we've
  41. got the obvious extensions to this where you've got airlink to your own pc
  42. there's a bunch of language right now where they're kind of carefully protecting certain use cases but there's
  43. obvious things that we'd like to be able to to offer i'd like to be able to offer where you should be able to airlink to
  44. your friend's pc uh one small step from that to some kind of a cloud link where you could play vr games i am you know on
  45. cloud servers onto your mobile system potentially anywhere now there's even more
  46. challenges for that and there's always been this spectrum from obviously pure native is best wired link has the next
  47. fewest problems wi-fi has the next fewest problems going all the way to cloud brings in a whole new set of
  48. issues and we're going to have the exact same arguments that we always had on every single one of these steps it's not
  49. going to be great for everybody it cuts off more potential users but there's going to be a bunch of people that can
  50. find something like that valuable and in fact it's been almost funny how the
  51. conversation has changed so much that cloud vr rendering is now almost looked at as a plan of record for some of the
  52. metaverse options that we're looking at where cloud rendering couldn't get the time of day a year ago but now it's
  53. almost looked at as plan of record to the point that i'm even gently pushing back a little bit on it with like oh you
  54. know whoa hold up there's still a lot of challenges with cloud rendering there's a lot of negatives and other things that we need to factor into maybe we
  55. shouldn't jump right to that but it's been great to see the progress and most importantly for me
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