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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2017
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  1. alias migrate="rake db:migrate && cd test/dummy && rake db:test:prepare && cd ..."
  2. alias remigrate="rake db:migrate && rake db:migrate:redo && rake db:schema:dump db:test:prepare"
  3. alias remongrate="rake mongoid:migrate && rake mongoid:migrate:redo"
  4. alias gu='gu'
  5. alias g="git"
  6. alias gcoma="git commit -a"
  7. alias s="bundle exec rspec"
  8. alias cuc="bundle exec cucumber"
  9. alias gi="gem install"
  10. alias giv="gem install -v"
  11. alias gci="git pull --rebase && rake && git push"
  12. alias tlf="tail -f"
  13. alias b="bundle"
  14. alias be="bundle exec"
  15. alias bake="bundle exec rake"
  16. alias ln='ln -v'
  17. alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
  18. alias ...='../..'
  19. alias l='ls'
  20. alias ll='ls -al'
  21. alias lh='ls -Alh'
  22. alias staging='heroku run console --remote staging'
  23. alias production='heroku run console --remote production'
  24. alias beanno='bundle exec annotate -p before'
  25. alias beg='bundle exec guard'
  26. alias status="rake db:migrate:status"
  27. alias test:prepare="rake db:test:prepare"
  28. alias pwdcopy="pwd | pbcopy"
  29. alias -g G='| grep'
  30. alias -g M='| less'
  31. alias -g L='| wc -l'
  32. alias -g ONE="| awk '{ print \$1}'"
  33. alias -g subl=subl
  34. alias -g lg=lg
  35. alias git-undo='git reset --soft HEAD^'
  36. alias git-count='git shortlog -sn'
  37. alias gst='g st'
  38. alias bi='bundle install --path .bundle/gems --binstubs .bundle/bin'
  39. alias bu='bundle update'
  40. alias rspec='rspec'
  41. alias da="docker-compose run app"
  42. alias dc="docker-compose"
  43. alias netwtf='sudo /usr/local/Cellar/mtr/0.87/sbin/mtr -n'
  44. alias migrateandannotate='bin/rake db:migrate && be annotate -p after'
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