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Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. verto_-: like do you have a problem with me?
  2. verto_-: bc ive talked to almost everybody on the team
  3. mason: it baffles me how upset you are over this
  4. verto_-: that you want me gone?
  5. verto_-: uh
  6. mason: when have i not been direct in what ive said
  7. mason: and why do you choose to wait until 1am to msg me
  8. verto_-: wait till now you mean?
  9. verto_-: bc my gf is over here and im talking to her
  10. verto_-: and steam went down
  11. verto_-: but seriously if your baffled you must be trolling me or an idiot. and if i told you to get the fuck off the team or talk about cutting you behind your back
  12. verto_-: wouldnt you be pretty pissed?
  13. verto_-: 11:16 PM - Grape: do you not want to play?
  14. 11:17 PM - verto_-: i do want to
  15. 11:17 PM - verto_-: but im not going to play with some kid who thinks i should be gone
  16. 11:18 PM - verto_-: he apperently got this issue with me that no one not even him self is telling me about
  17. 11:18 PM - verto_-: wheres the fucking "team" friends and fun in that?
  18. 11:18 PM - Grape: understandable
  19. 11:19 PM - verto_-: im just saying
  20. 11:19 PM - verto_-: but everybody in the team has a reason to be cut
  21. mason: i said i had to talk to the whole team to see if they are on the same page as me
  22. mason: if thats talking behind your back
  23. mason: then i guess im guilty
  24. verto_-: theres a snip from me and grape
  25. mason: i know
  26. verto_-: like read it and get the fucking message. every body has a reason to fucking leave
  27. verto_-: why me?
  28. verto_-: what did i do
  29. verto_-: is it a joke? do i not talk to you enough?
  30. verto_-: seriously mason whats your reasoning that YOU want me gone
  31. mason: alright
  32. mason: lets go there
  33. mason: (a) no comms
  34. mason: (b) not playing with your scout buddy
  35. mason: (c) dying the same way going for insane picks
  36. mason: (d) never playing with the team, not being on the same page, having difficulty listening and hitting tab
  37. mason: nobody else has as much difficulty as you following calls
  38. verto_-: in honesty mason i call bullshit on a and d
  39. verto_-: plus were new you cant expect instant
  40. verto_-: open champions
  41. verto_-: maybe you guys dont hear me or recgonize my voice
  42. verto_-: and i probably hit tab more then anybody whos voice is that you hear when wer are at bland mid
  43. verto_-: where 3 down get out
  44. mason: i dont know what o say
  45. verto_-: or maybe you dont hear that idk
  46. mason: i have no problem hearing meb
  47. mason: or hurricane
  48. mason: or fox
  49. mason: or any other person
  50. verto_-: lets test my mic
  51. verto_-: maybe thats the prob?
  52. verto_-: btw
  53. verto_-: meb plays to aggressive
  54. verto_-: grape agrees
  55. mason: i didnt know we were talking about meb
  56. verto_-: remember b playing with scout buddy?
  57. verto_-: i talk to him sometimes
  58. verto_-: he never says a fucking thing to me
  59. mason: you are aware he has 40 hours in the game
  60. mason: and youve been playing for the past 3 seasons
  61. verto_-: i cant command the kid
  62. verto_-: espectually if it seems i cant be heard
  63. verto_-: i tell him to rotate flank for buffs
  64. verto_-: i tell him hit the demo or scouts
  65. verto_-: but its like im not heard
  66. verto_-: maybe mumble is too loud or my mic is low
  67. mason: the only common denominator with you not being heard
  68. mason: is you
  69. verto_-: like i said lets test my mic
  70. mason: so you honestly think your mic is the cause of all your problems|?
  71. verto_-: we should get on early or just skip scrimming to go over shit
  72. verto_-: mason i honestly do
  73. verto_-: you can ask my parents and gf
  74. verto_-: if FUCKING YELL
  75. verto_-: into my mic
  76. verto_-: nothing seems to be heard and honestly this is the only time this came up
  77. verto_-: when i was on kkd playing with tang
  78. verto_-: he never complained
  79. verto_-: on binary helas never complained niether did faceroller or anybody
  80. mason: yeah well your comms didnt matter on binary because you had hacking hoegie
  81. verto_-: but granted ive fucked with my mic since then
  82. mason: when you go super negative in a match and still win 5-2
  83. verto_-: true why matter when you have a demo who knows where everybody is at
  84. verto_-: point is instead of trying to get rid of me and trying to get some one paid
  85. verto_-: it wouldve been smarter
  86. verto_-: to come to me in the first place
  87. mason: im pretty sure the criticism weve been giving you
  88. mason: weve been giving you for a solid week now
  89. mason: this isnt because of one night
  90. verto_-: the only thing ive heard from you guys is talk
  91. verto_-: thats it
  92. mason: then you havent been listening
  93. verto_-: maybe
  94. verto_-: so everybody is at fault
  95. mason: im not sure where you get that notion
  96. verto_-: my fault for not listening
  97. verto_-: your fault for not making it clear
  98. verto_-: type the shit out
  99. mason: making what clear
  100. verto_-: half the time i cant hear in mumble bc someone is screaming about something
  101. mason: shit i call is shit you should know
  102. mason: again
  103. mason: youre the only person
  104. mason: with these problems
  105. verto_-: right and you grap meb erock doesnt>
  106. mason: are you high again
  107. verto_-: no
  108. verto_-: meb over extends dont talk and uber aggressive
  109. mason: and we cut him slack
  110. mason: because he puts out a ton of damage
  111. mason: spends a ton of time speccing games and going over demos
  112. mason: and is brand new to the game
  113. mason: you do the same thing
  114. mason: minus the damage
  115. mason: and have been playing comp for years
  116. verto_-: and a friend to you that talks to you.
  117. mason: ive known you longer than ive known meb
  118. verto_-: that doesnt mean anything me and you never really talk
  119. mason: ok vert, at this point im done discussing this
  120. verto_-: you and him seems to be great pals
  121. mason: we should both go our seperate ways
  122. mason: gl on future teams
  123. mason: but were going in circles here
  124. verto_-: look at the tab whos name is usually top 3 if not 4
  125. mason: cap points are a big deal
  126. verto_-: who gets that cap points when needed?
  127. verto_-: they are
  128. verto_-: its how you win the fuckin ggame
  129. mason: syntic said you had other offers for other teams
  130. mason: i suggest you look into them
  131. mason: good day
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