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Oct 29th, 2015
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  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. Filename: WilmaaTV.php.
  4. Copyright 2013/2015.
  5. Author: Darby_Crash.
  6. Email:
  8. This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  9. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  10. the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
  11. any later version.
  13. This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  14. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  16. GNU General Public License for more details.
  18. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  19. along with this program. If not, see <>.
  20. */
  22. $version = "5.6";
  23. error_reporting(0);
  24. strncasecmp(php_uname('s'), "Win", 3) == 0 ? $windows = true : $windows = false;
  25. if ($windows) {
  26. if (file_exists("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe")) {
  27. $vlc = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe";
  28. } else if (file_exists("C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe")) {
  29. $vlc = "C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe";
  30. } else {
  31. $vlc = "C:\\Programmi\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe";
  32. }
  33. } else {
  34. $vlc = "vlc";
  35. }
  36. $channels = array(
  37. "Das Erste^DE^",
  38. "ZDF^DE^",
  39. "WDR^DE^",
  40. "Sat1^DE^",
  41. "RTL 1^DE^",
  42. "RTL 2^DE^",
  43. "ProSieben^DE^",
  44. "VOX^DE^",
  45. "Kabel 1^DE^",
  46. "DMax^DE^",
  47. "Sixx^DE^",
  48. "Das Vierte^DE^",
  49. "Nick/ComedyCentral^DE^",
  50. "Super RTL^DE^",
  51. "VIVA^DE^",
  52. "Sport 1^DE^",
  53. "N24^DE^",
  54. "NTV^DE^",
  55. "KiKa^DE^",
  56. "SRF 1^DE^",
  57. "SRF 2^DE^",
  58. "Orf 1^DE^",
  59. "Orf 2^DE^",
  60. "3+^DE^",
  61. "Arte^DE^",
  62. "SRF Info^DE^",
  63. "3Sat^DE^",
  64. "ZDF Neo^DE^",
  65. "SWR^DE^",
  66. "BR 3^DE^",
  67. "Phoenix^DE^",
  68. "EuroSport^DE^",
  69. "Joiz^DE^",
  70. "Tele Zuri^DE^",
  71. "TeleSud Ostschweiz^DE^",
  72. "CNN^EN^",
  73. "BBC World News^EN^",
  74. "RTS 1^FR^",
  75. "RTS 2^FR^",
  76. "TV5Monde^FR^",
  77. "France 2^FR^",
  78. "France 3^FR^",
  79. "France 5^FR^",
  80. "RTL 9^FR^",
  81. "TF 1^FR^",
  82. "M6^FR^",
  83. "Arte^FR^",
  84. "RSI LA1^IT^",
  85. "RSI LA2^IT^",
  86. "Rai 1^IT^",
  87. "Rouge^FR^",
  88. "RTL Nitro^DE^",
  89. "Servus^DE^",
  90. "ATV^DE^",
  91. "C9^FR^",
  92. "Canal Alpha Jura^FR^",
  93. "Tele 1^DE^",
  94. "Tele M1 W^DE^",
  95. "Tele Top TG^DE^",
  96. "Tele Top ZH^DE^",
  97. "Tele Top SH^DE^",
  98. "TVO^DE^",
  99. "Tele M1 O^DE^",
  100. "Canal Alpha Neuchatel^FR^",
  101. "Tele Ticino^IT^",
  102. "TeleBasel^DE^",
  103. "TeleBarn^DE^",
  104. "TeleBielingue^DE^",
  105. "Italia 1^IT^",
  106. "Das Erste HD^DE^",
  107. "ZDF HD^DE^",
  108. "Arte HD^DE^",
  109. "3Sat HD^DE^",
  110. "NDR^DE^",
  111. "NDR HD^DE^",
  112. "WDR HD^DE^",
  113. "MDR^DE^",
  114. "MDR HD^DE^",
  115. "BR 3 HD^DE^",
  116. "SWR HD^DE^",
  117. "HR^DE^",
  118. "HR HD^DE^",
  119. "rbb^DE^",
  120. "rbb HD^DE^",
  121. "Phoenix HD^DE^",
  122. "ARD Alpha^DE^",
  123. "N24 HD^DE^",
  124. "Disney Channel^DE^",
  125. "Servus HD^DE^",
  126. "Tele 5^DE^",
  127. "KiKa HD^DE^",
  128. "Ric^DE^",
  129. "ProSieben MAXX^DE^",
  130. "ZDF Neo HD^DE^",
  131. "ZDF Kultur^DE^",
  132. "ZDF Kultur HD^DE^",
  133. "ZDF Info^DE^",
  134. "ZDF Info HD^DE^",
  135. "EinsPlus^DE^",
  136. "EinsPlus HD^DE^",
  137. "Einsfestival^DE^",
  138. "Einsfestival HD^DE^",
  139. "tagesschau 24^DE^",
  140. "tagesschau 24 HD^DE^",
  141. "Deluxe Music^DE^",
  142. "Anixe^DE^",
  143. "Anixe HD^DE^",
  144. "DW^DE^",
  145. "k-tv^DE^",
  146. "Orf 1 HD^DE^",
  147. "Orf 2 HD^DE^",
  148. "SRF 1 HD^DE^",
  149. "SRF 2 HD^DE^",
  150. "S1 HD^DE^",
  151. "TV24 HD^DE^",
  152. "Tele Zuri HD^DE^",
  153. "TF 1 HD^FR^",
  154. "France 2 HD^FR^",
  155. "Canal+^FR^",
  156. "M6 HD^FR^",
  157. "RTS 1 HD^FR^",
  158. "RTS 2 HD^FR^",
  159. "Arte HD^FR^",
  160. "D8^FR^",
  161. "W9^FR^",
  162. "TMC^FR^",
  163. "NT1^FR^",
  164. "NRJ12^FR^",
  165. "France 4^FR^",
  166. "BFM TV^FR^",
  167. "ITele^FR^",
  168. "D17^FR^",
  169. "gulli^FR^",
  170. "France O^FR^",
  171. "HD1 HD^FR^",
  172. "L'Equipe HD^FR^",
  173. "6ter HD^FR^",
  174. "N23 HD^FR^",
  175. "RMC HD^FR^",
  176. "Cherie 25 HD^FR^",
  177. "BFM Business^FR^",
  178. "France 24^FR^",
  179. "EuroNews^FR^",
  180. "Montagne^FR^",
  181. "TVM3^FR^",
  182. "kto^FR^",
  183. "BBC 1^EN^",
  184. "BBC 1 HD^EN^",
  185. "BBC 2^EN^",
  186. "BBC 2 HD^EN^",
  187. "BBC 3^EN^",
  188. "BBC 3 HD^EN^",
  189. "BBC 4^EN^",
  190. "BBC 4 HD^EN^",
  191. "ITV 1^EN^",
  192. "ITV 1 HD^EN^",
  193. "ITV 2^EN^",
  194. "ITV 3^EN^",
  195. "ITV 4^EN^",
  196. "Channel 4 HD^EN^",
  197. "Channel 5^EN^",
  198. "More4^EN^",
  199. "Fashion TV^EN^",
  200. "Travel Channel^EN^",
  201. "BBC World News HD^EN^",
  202. "CCTV News^EN^",
  203. "Al Jazeera^EN^",
  204. "Bloomberg TV^EN^",
  205. "CNBC^EN^",
  206. "NHK World^EN^",
  207. "Russia Today^EN^",
  208. "Sky News^EN^",
  209. "RSI LA1 HD^IT^",
  210. "RSI LA2 HD^IT^",
  211. "Rai 2^IT^",
  212. "Rai 3^IT^",
  213. "Rai Gulp^IT^",
  214. "Rai Scuola^IT^",
  215. "Rai Storia^IT^",
  216. "Rai Sport 1^IT^",
  217. "Rai Sport 2^IT^",
  218. "Rai News24^IT^",
  219. "Canale 5^IT^",
  220. "Class TV Moda^IT^",
  221. "LA7^IT^",
  222. "TV24^DE^",
  223. "La Tele^FR^",
  224. "RTL CH^DE^",
  225. "ProSieben HD^DE^",
  226. "Cartoon Network^FR^",
  227. "Leman Bleu^FR^",
  228. "Rete 4^IT^",
  229. "EuroNews^DE^",
  230. "E4^EN^",
  231. "Film4^EN^"
  232. );
  233. foreach ($channels as $channel) {
  234. $ch = explode("^", $channel);
  235. if ($ch[1] == 'IT') {
  236. $list_it[] = $ch[0].'^'.$ch[2];
  237. } else if ($ch[1] == 'EN') {
  238. $list_en[] = $ch[0].'^'.$ch[2];
  239. } else if ($ch[1] == 'DE') {
  240. $list_de[] = $ch[0].'^'.$ch[2];
  241. } else if ($ch[1] == 'FR') {
  242. $list_fr[] = $ch[0].'^'.$ch[2];
  243. }
  244. }
  245. echo "\r\nWelcome to WilmaaTV v".$version." by Darby_Crash\r\n";
  246. while (true) {
  247. echo "\r\nCountry selection:\r\n\r\n1) Italy\r\n2) England\r\n3) Germany\r\n4) France\r\n\r\nChoose a country (0=Exit): ";
  248. $cc = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  249. if ($cc == '0') {
  250. die("\r\nGoodbye!\r\n\r\n");
  251. } else if ($cc > '4' || !preg_match('@\d@',$cc)) {
  252. echo "\r\nWrong choice!\r\n";
  253. sleep(2);
  254. continue;
  255. }
  256. if ($cc == '1') {
  257. $list = $list_it;
  258. } else if ($cc == '2') {
  259. $list = $list_en;
  260. } else if ($cc == '3') {
  261. $list = $list_de;
  262. } else if ($cc == '4') {
  263. $list = $list_fr;
  264. }
  265. natcasesort($list);
  266. $list = array_values($list);
  267. unset($title);
  268. unset($url);
  269. foreach ($list as $elem) {
  270. $str = explode('^',$elem);
  271. $title[] = $str[0];
  272. $url[] = $str[1];
  273. }
  274. while (true) {
  275. echo "\r\nChannels list:\r\n\r\n";
  276. for ($i=0; $i<count($title); $i++) {
  277. if (count($title) > 24) {
  278. echo "$i) ".$title[$i].((($i+1)% 4 == 0 ) ? "\r\n" : str_repeat(' ',18 - strlen($title[$i].$i)));
  279. } else {
  280. echo "$i) ".$title[$i]."\r\n";
  281. }
  282. }
  283. echo "\r\n\r\nChoose a channel (x=exit, m=main screen): ";
  284. $inp = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  285. if ($inp == "m" || $inp == "M") {
  286. break;
  287. } else if ($inp == "x" || $inp == "X") {
  288. die("\r\nGoodbye!\r\n\r\n");
  289. } else if ($inp >= count($title) || !is_numeric($inp)){
  290. echo "\r\nWrong choice!\r\n";
  291. sleep(2);
  292. continue;
  293. }
  294. $ip = "85.".rand(0,7).".".rand(0,255).".".rand(0,255);
  295. echo "\r\nPlaying ".$title[$inp]."...\r\n";
  296. $cmd = 'livestreamer --player "\''.$vlc.'\' --meta-title=\''.$title[$inp].'\' --file-caching=10000" --http-header "X-Forwarded-For='.$ip.'" "hlsvariant://'.$url[$inp].'" best';
  297. shell_exec($cmd);
  298. }
  299. }
  300. ?>
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