
The Soul-Crushingly Sad Adventures of Anon and Rainbro (1)

Apr 14th, 2012
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  1. NUMBER 1:
  2. >Living in Ponyville for some time now. About a year.
  3. >Pretty good friends with the pones.
  4. >Miss an agreed upon hang-out with all.
  5. >Rainbro volunteers to find you.
  6. Here we go.
  7. >You're sat on the edge of your bed at home, staring at the wall.
  8. >Blank expression, you've been thinking for hours.
  9. >You woke up like every day, stretched and glanced out of the window, spotting a pony.
  10. >Sudden realisation hits you.
  11. >This has become normal for you. Without you noticing, this has become your reality.
  12. >You are confronted with both the knowledge that you will probably never go home or see another human being again and the realisation that you didn't seem to mind.
  13. >Sudden existential crisis. Is reality simply what you accept? Are you so lost to humanity now that you no longer care that you'll never see another human?
  14. >Why can't you seem to care about it? You know you should, but it simply doesn't strike you as important.
  15. >Your whole situation should be so alien and it isn't. You should be distraught about it, but you aren't.
  16. >You cannot move. You are trapped in a cycle of thought that seems endless and it's making you crazy.
  18. >After a few minutes of knocking Rainbro decides to just come in anyway.
  19. >"Anon?" She calls. "You home?"
  20. >She pokes her head into every room on the ground floor of your modest home, not finding you, before heading upstairs.
  21. >"I swear if you slept through us all hanging out I'll..." She stops at your bedroom door.
  22. >"Anon? What are you...?"
  23. >You don't move as she cautiously trots over.
  24. >"You're... crying, Anon." She notices in even tones, she's not mocking you, she even seems worried.
  25. >Finally you turn your head, looking straight at your friend.
  26. >Her 'Pony-ness' is suddenly all encompassing, it leaps at you like some horrible screamer .gif.
  27. >"Rainbow?.. I..." You start, unable to reconcile the image of your friend with this small horse you see before you now.
  28. >"I think... I think I want to go home." Your voice is as small as Rainbow has ever heard anyone's
  29. >She fixes you with a bright grin and gestures around.
  30. >"Anon, you're at home now! Did you just wake up or something?" She chuckles a little.
  31. >"Rainbow..." She finally hears the strain in your voice, like a pleading, a 'please understand, dear god please understand.'
  32. >"Oh." Her face drops.
  33. You lie back on the bed and turn away from her, curling into a foetal position. You are no longer crying, but it's probably because you can't anymore.
  34. >Rainbow doesn't say anything. Rainbow doesn't move.
  35. >"I'm sorry." You say quietly. "I'm sorry I missed hanging out with you ponies today. I'm sorry I just dumped this on you. I'm sorry I... I'm just sorry."
  36. >Rainbow sits on the floor, regarding you steadily for a while as you sink into philosophical despair.
  37. >"It's ok, Anon." She says quietly. "It's ok to feel homesick sometimes. It's ok to want to be alone sometimes, too."
  38. >You don't react.
  39. >"It's even ok to get tired of Ponyville and... us, sometimes."
  40. >She inspects the floorboards as she talks.
  41. >"But don't think you have to keep this to yourself all the time. We'll understand if you tell us you need some space or... or..." She trails off, but doesn't leave the spot on your bedroom floor. "You're important to... us. I... I mean we don't want you to be unhappy."
  42. >After what feels like an age you reply, surprising the cyan mare out of a light daydream.
  43. >"Thanks Rainbow Dash. You're a better friend than I deserve right now."
  44. >"Yeah..." There's a pause that sounds like it wants to be filled with something, anything but the acquiescing agreement.
  45. >"Friend."
  46. >You hear hooves leaving your room and eventually your door closes.
  47. >After a few minutes you roll back over and slump out of bed, before heading towards the bathroom.
  48. >You notice something in the hall, leading down the stairs.
  49. >Are those... drips? But it wasn't raining today, how could Dash have trailed water in?
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