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Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. 3|Crms|Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
  2. 3|Anpr|Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
  3. 2|Rgbt|Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
  4. 2|Rgbt|Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
  5. 1|Crms|Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
  6. 2|Ptdn|Dark Grepher
  7. 2|Dp05|Destiny Hero - Malicious
  8. 1|Eoj|Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude
  9. 1|Jump|Elemental Hero Stratos
  10. 1|Ptdn|Dark Armed Dragon
  11. 1|Dlg1|Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
  12. 1|Mrd|Sangan
  13. 1|Taev|Necro Gardna
  14. 1|Csoc|Plaguespreader Zombie
  15. 3|Drev|Pot of Duality
  16. 3|Tshd|Cards for Black Feathers
  17. 1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
  18. 1|Dp05|Destiny Draw
  19. 1|Ptdn|Allure of Darkness
  20. 1|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army
  21. 1|Lob|Dark Hole
  22. 1|Lob|Monster Reborn
  23. 1|Mrl|Giant Trunade
  24. 1|Psv|Cold Wave
  25. 1|Dp03|Burial from a Different Dimension
  26. 3|Eoj|Icarus Attack
  27. 3|Rgbt|Blackwing Armed Wing
  28. 2|Crms|Blackwing Armor Master
  29. 1|Sovr|Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant
  30. 1|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon
  31. 1|5ds1|Colossal Fighter
  32. 1|Sjcs|Dark End Dragon
  33. 1|Drev|Scrap Dragon
  34. 1|Csoc|Black Rose Dragon
  35. 1|Tdgs|Goyo Guardian
  36. 1|Ha01|Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
  37. 1|Ha01|Ally of Justice Catastor
  38. 1|Tdgs|Magical Android
  39. -SIDE DECK-
  40. 1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
  41. 1|Fet|Deck Devastation Virus
  42. 1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
  43. 2|Ston|D.D. Crow
  44. 2|Yg02|Thunder King Rai-Oh
  45. 2|Rgbt|Snowman Eater
  46. 3|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
  47. 3|Sdzw|Zombie World
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