
Clash of Blades and Claws

Mar 23rd, 2014
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  1. [20:14] <Jian> Jian bows his head. "I would not wish to harm any Great Spirit. But I will do so, if it means freeing the true Guardian of these lands... Baihu will not remain your pawn!"
  2. [20:20] <~Deedles> A rumble rose from the tiger "But I should remain his? You worshippers of Baihu are hypocrits!" Taihu roared, the onyx giant leaping forward towards them.
  3. [20:21] <~Deedles> As the black tiger charged the air beside him rippled and twisted, a smaller, white, tiger appearing beside him, running along side the feline terror.
  4. [20:30] * Deedles sets topic to: Shadow of Baihu - 49, Taihu - 47, Shen - 46, Jian - 38, Rujin - 37, Yoshi - 32, Xi - 26.
  5. [20:38] <~Deedles> The white tiger is the first attack, coming in like a speeding arrow, flinging out a paw, claws extended as it swiped downwards at them, its paws clawing at them relentlessly from the front.
  6. [20:46] <Jian> Jian responds by holding his hands out before him, controlling his breath... And summoning up his Chi Barrier, letting it shimmer into the air as a silver shield between him and the oncoming assault. It holds... Just, and all the grazes and glancing swipes leave him bruised and battered, breathing hard. "I resist your foulness, Taihu... I will lay you to rest!"
  7. [20:49] <Feldi> Xi takes rapid steps back trying to get out of range, but too slow as claw cuts a shallow line across her left cheek. "Y-you-" A thread snags the claw as it leaves.
  8. [20:51] <Shen> Shen strafes out of the full reach of the claw, the assault far too quick for him to get away cleanly. The claw scrapes diagnally across his torso, ripping his tunic and scratching his body.
  9. [20:52] <~Deedles> "You're just a naive mortal!" Taihu snarled at Jian, running straight for Rujin to get the spirit down.
  10. [20:54] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi leaps backward in an attempt to avoid the relentless slashes of the smaller tiger, but the spirit beast proves too quick, the drunkard crossing his arms in front of him to shield himself. One of his arms gets scraped along the way, tearing his sleeve.
  11. [21:04] <~Deedles> Taihu shot forward, his claws swiping at all of the young xia mercilessly, just like the Shadow of Baihu had previously, leaving them having to block to defend themselves from the barrage!
  12. [21:05] <Jian> Jian's shield splits into two at the first strike, sending him staggering back... And then he regains his footing, meeting each claw with a block, the two halves of the barrier forming a Yin and a Yang of defiance and resistance. "I will not yield!"
  13. [21:12] <Feldi> Xi takes a claw to the leg, blood welling up quickly, a piece of her dress floating to the ground sporting a new red highlight.
  14. [21:13] <Shen> Shen hadn't fully finished dodgin the first blow before sliding away from the second, his mist parting far too quickly, impossibly quickly, his teeth gritted as he was pushed immediately onto his back foot. The claw scraped down the front of his mask, ratting his head from the impact.
  15. [21:20] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi sees the next blow coming and seemingly flees in time to avoid it, only to trip on a stone in his retreat. The drunkard spins in an attempt to keep his balance, though he soon pays for it, taking a painful slash across the back.
  16. [21:23] <~Deedles> Taihu wasn't done there though, he scratched Rujins arm before pouncing her, slamming the younger spirit into the ground as he stood ontop of her, leaning down to dig his fangs into her torso. Rujin's eyes widened as his razor sharp teeth sunk deeply into her stomach, a wild, uncontrollable shriek echoing across the forest.
  17. [21:24] <Feldi> "Rujin!"
  18. [21:33] <Shen> Shen stumbled, his hand igniting with crackling lightning as it scraped across the ground, his body getting to its feet as he charged at Taihu. "Get off of her!" he growled as he felt the tremor of chi and Rujin's shriek, piercing his ears as he lept forward.
  19. [21:37] <~Deedles> Taihu jerked as Shen came speeding towards him, jumping backwards and away from the younger spirit as he roared. "Bravery? Or naive ignorance towards danger?" he sneered towards the blind martial artist.
  20. [21:41] <Jian> Jian bites his lip... But he has to retain his focus. He closes his eyes and takes a few rapid steps forwards, wincing at the pain in his legs but not stopping. His Spirit Sword lashes out, cutting at both the body and the soul of the great beast. "Go to your rest, Taihu! Leave this place, and sleep... Let your rage and hatred ebb away and find your peace!" The power before him is overwhelming...
  21. [21:41] <Jian> But he trusts his faith, and follows his instincts, for good or ill...
  22. [21:48] <~Deedles> Taihu didn't seem to move out of the way of Jian's attacks, it looked more like he shifted through the air somehow, the large beast uttering a rasping, dry, chuckle. "You truly are a fool." he stated to the young priest. "Faith will only get you so far..."
  23. [21:53] <~Deedles> Meanwhile Rujin went deathly still, her eyes closing as she focused on her breath, inhaling deeply through her nose and exhaling through her mouth. "Get ready, Shen..." she murmured, loud enough for the Storm Dragon to hear. The group could see the air twisting and shifting around them, just like it had when they'd gone to the clearing in the first place.
  24. [22:14] <Zero_Atma> "Banzai!" Yoshi shouts as he comes in spinning with his staff, ducking low, whirling in a wide circle in an attempt to trip the tiger up.
  25. [22:15] <~Deedles> Taihu shifted to the side, avoiding the barrage of blows from Yoshi.
  26. [22:16] <Feldi> Xi begins to inch closer to Rujin. "You may have beaten us this day but we will see you banished back into your prison, Taihu!
  27. [22:16] <Feldi> "
  28. [22:17] <~Deedles> The tiger scoffed "Cute and ignorant." he demeaned
  29. [22:23] <Shen> Shen looked up as he heard her, his smoking fist lying next to her as he grunted. He could feel the twisting reality close by, instantly understanding what she meant by that. "Then its far past time we left." he heaved as he lifted the fallen Rujin and made his way towards the shifting reality. This time, he left his mist with him, uncaring for its effect in this situation.
  30. [22:25] <Feldi> Xi limps over to the portal, teeth biting into her lip hard enough to draw blood.
  31. [22:28] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro curses under his breath. Runninng away wasn't his style, but in this case they didn't have much choice, the metal spirit was too strong forthem to face head-on. He retreats toward the portal where the others had gathered clutching his injured arm.
  32. [22:35] <Jian> Jian stands between the tigers and the portal, his brow beading with sweat as he focuses on his barrier. Holding it together just a little longer, giving his friends a few more seconds... And gaining a final chance to speak. "...Baihu, blessed Baihu. Please, hear me. Please, help us!"
  33. [22:41] <~Deedles> Taihu roared as they began escaping through the portal "No! Come back here!" he demanded as he pounced at the only one still left in his range, the priest praying to his twin brother. His large paws, with claws drawn to the full, came crashing down towards Jian with a terrible force!
  34. [22:43] <Jian> Jian focuses with all his might... But even then, it shatters under the blow, the sudden vacuum of loss causing him to cry out, even before the great claws scythe across his chest. His mystic defences gone, he is powerless against the Black Tigers assault... But through some miracle, the force of the blow sends him flying back through the portal!
  35. [22:47] <~Deedles> The portal closed behind them and the group appeared in another part of the woods, an area of rocky hills and cliffs, giving them a good view of the massive and ancient forest. They're at the mouth of a cave, the floor has hay scattered across it, and a few pelts covering some piles of the straw furthest in. Rujin was gritting her teeth as she clung onto Shen still, blood staining her white fur clothes.
  36. [22:48] <Jian> Jian simply slumps there upon the ground, breathing harshy as blood seeps through his priests robes...
  37. [22:49] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi loses his balance after coming through the portal and falls flat on his face into the hay.
  38. [22:50] <Feldi> "Jian!" Xi rushes over to his fallen form, ignoring her injured leg. "Spirits damn it all! How badly are you hurt?"
  39. [22:50] <Shen> As Shen exited the portal, he stumbled to a knee, fighting his hardest to keep Rujin level. He slowly dropped her down to the floor with him as he promptly vomitted nearby, his breath quick and shallow as he combatted the extreme disorientation of his mists passing through the portal.
  40. [22:53] <~Deedles> Rujin stayed in the spot where Shen placed her, her breathing laboured as she tried to recover from the pain tormenting her whole body. "Y... you'll be safe here, for a while."
  41. [22:54] <Feldi> Xi looks over at Shen as he retches. "Does anyone know how to treat wounds?!"
  42. [22:55] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi exhales deeply, blowing strands of hay away from his face as he sits up. "The best I can do is douse them in wine and give them a good burn..."
  43. [22:57] <Shen> Shen leant back, falling backwards onto his arse as he wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve, looking back to Xi. "Not beyond basic first aid." he grunted with a clear of his throat.
  44. [22:59] <Feldi> Xi shakes her head. "I guess you'll have to do that, Yoshi...."
  45. [23:01] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi sighs and lift his gourd into one hand. "Looks like I'll be killing this off sooner than I expected..."
  46. [23:03] <Jian> Jian does not respond to Xi at first... And then something strange happens. The blood seeping through his clothes begins to reverse, crawling back into his flesh in a rather eerie display. He grimaces as his eyes open and he very carefully gets to his feet... The wound on his chest is an open, livid mass of red, seeming to impossibly retain the blood rather than letting it flow. He has tears
  47. [23:03] <Jian> in his eyes as he staggers towards the cave, step after laboured step drawing ragged gasps of exertion...
  48. [23:05] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi looks toward Jian with wide eyes, then glances back to his gourd, he doubted a little wine and some fire could fix a wound like that.
  49. [23:06] <Shen> Shen unclipped his mask from his face, dropping it down beside him as he finally caught his breath again. He let out a heavy sigh as he tore both sleeves of his tunic clean off, ripping them again into long strips. "Yoshi, get Rujin's bleeding stopped." he beckoned to his friend. "She can't die because of a stupid decision we made."
  50. [23:06] <Zero_Atma> He shakes his head before making his way toward Rujin to see what he can do to help. "How the hell did you fight that thing before?"
  51. [23:08] <Feldi> "Jian...come on let me help." Xi steps double time to keep up, blood seeping down her left leg in rivulets.
  52. [23:08] <~Deedles> "I didn't...." Rujin told him, speaking inbetween strained breaths "I've always just... distracted him.... The one time... I managed to wound him... Was because... for some reason.... he was weakened." she explained to the drunken boxer.
  53. [23:08] <Jian> Jian simply slumps against the cave wall, speaking loud enough for them all to hear. "...Tend to the others. I can control my blood... Keep it contained. For a while..."
  54. [23:12] <Feldi> Xi sits down beside him, putting two hands on her leaking wound. "...when was he weakened?"
  55. [23:12] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi snatches up a torn piece of cloth and splashes it with a bit of wine before dabbing it against Rujin's wounds. "Hold onto something." he advises before looking intensely focused, breathing out a narrow stream of flames over each of the bite marks to cauterize them.
  56. [23:13] <~Deedles> Rujin put the giant fang that had been her sword inbetween her teeth and bit down on it as she uttered a few, suffocated, growls of pain as Yoshi saw to her injuries.
  57. [23:19] <Feldi> Xi winces as she hears Rujin's pained cries. "Maybe this could just be bandaged..."
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