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a guest
Nov 17th, 2017
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  1. PImage img; // The source image
  2. int cellsize = 2; // Dimensions of each cell in the grid
  3. int columns, rows; // Number of columns and rows in our system
  5. void setup() {
  6. size(720, 720, P3D);
  7. img = loadImage("/Users/Miles/Desktop/Jeremy Mann/IMG_7044.jpg"); // Load the image
  8. columns = img.width / cellsize; // Calculate # of columns
  9. rows = img.height / cellsize; // Calculate # of rows
  10. }
  12. void draw() {
  13. background(0);
  14. // Begin loop for columns
  15. for ( int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
  16. // Begin loop for rows
  17. for ( int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
  18. int x = i*cellsize; // x position
  19. int y = j*cellsize; // y position
  20. int loc = x + y*img.width; // Pixel array location
  21. color c = img.pixels[loc]; // Grab the color
  22. // Calculate a z position as a function of mouseX and pixel brightness
  23. float z = (mouseX*3 / float(width)) * brightness(img.pixels[loc]);
  24. // Translate to the location, set fill and stroke, and draw the rect
  25. pushMatrix();
  26. translate(x, y, z);
  27. fill(c, 204);
  28. noStroke();
  29. rectMode(CENTER);
  30. rect(0, 0, cellsize, cellsize);
  31. popMatrix();
  32. }
  33. }
  34. }
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