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Nov 12th, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {lek.on} = true
  3. {statut} = false
  4. {zdrowie::%player%} = 0
  5. {lekarze} = 0
  6. {wkurzenie} = false
  8. on script load:
  9. set {klik::*} to 0
  10. set {klik2::*} to 0
  11. set {lekarze} to 0
  12. remove players from {_chorzy}
  13. delete {chorzy}
  14. remove players from {chory}
  15. delete {chory}
  16. delete {chorzy::*}
  17. remove players from {chory::*}
  18. delete {chory::*}
  19. set {zdrowie::*} to 0
  20. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from all players
  23. every 40 minutes in "world":
  24. if {lek.on} is true:
  25. loop all players:
  26. if {wkurzenie} is true:
  27. if loop-player is "kati15":
  28. add loop-player to {chorzy::*}
  29. if group of loop-player is "lekarz":
  30. add 1 to {lekarze}
  31. loop {lekarze} times:
  32. loop all players:
  33. if group of loop-player is not "lekarz" or "wlasciciel" or "admin" or "moderator" or "inspektor" or "budowniczy" or "ordynator":
  34. if loop-player is "xxdamixx":
  35. send "&6Nie zostajesz zarazony. :)" to loop-player
  36. if loop-player is not "xxdamixx":
  37. if {zdrowie::%loop-value-2%} is 0:
  38. add loop-player to {chory::*}
  39. if {zdrowie::%loop-value-2%} is not set:
  40. add loop-player to {chory::*}
  41. loop {lekarze} times:
  42. add random player out of {chory::*} to {chorzy::*}
  43. set {lekarze} to 0
  44. loop {chorzy::*}:
  45. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 0:
  46. set {zdrowie::%loop-value%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  47. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 1:
  48. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  49. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  50. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 2:
  51. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  52. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  53. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 3:
  54. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  55. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  56. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 4:
  57. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  58. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  59. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is not set:
  60. set {zdrowie::%loop-value%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  61. send "nalozono chorobe" to all players
  62. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 1:
  63. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  64. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  65. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 2:
  66. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  67. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  68. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 3:
  69. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  70. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  71. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 4:
  72. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  73. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  74. delete {chorzy::*}
  76. command /aaa1 [<player>]:
  77. permission: choroba.admin
  78. trigger:
  79. send "%{zdrowie::%arg-1%}%"
  80. command /aaa2:
  81. permission: choroba.admin
  82. trigger:
  83. loop all players:
  84. set {zdrowie::loop-player} to 0
  85. command /aaa3 [<player>]:
  86. permission: choroba.admin
  87. trigger:
  88. send "zdrowie arg-1: %{zdrowie::%arg-1%}%"
  89. send "grupa chorych: %{chorzy::*}%"
  90. send "lekarze: %{lekarze}%"
  92. command /choroba [<text>] [<player>]:
  93. permission: choroba.admin
  94. trigger:
  95. if arg 1 is "ulecz":
  96. if arg 2 is set:
  97. if player has permission "choroba.admin":
  98. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player-arg
  99. set {zdrowie::%player-arg%} to 0
  100. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aUleczyles gracza %player-arg%." to player
  101. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aZostales uleczony przez administratora!" to player-arg
  102. if arg 1 is "uleczall":
  103. if player has permission "choroba.admin":
  104. loop all players:
  105. if {zdrowie::%loop-player%} is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4:
  106. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from loop-player
  107. set {zdrowie::%loop-player%} to 0
  108. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aUleczyles gracza %loop-player%." to player
  109. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&aZostales uleczony przez administratora!" to loop-player
  110. if arg 1 is "zaraz":
  111. if arg 2 is set:
  112. if arg 2 is "xxdamixx":
  113. send "&[&cEpidemia&8] &cPowalilo cie? Nie mozesz zarazic Damixa :)"
  114. if arg 2 is not "xxdamixx":
  115. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 0:
  116. set {zdrowie::%player-arg%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  117. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1:
  118. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  119. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  120. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2:
  121. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  122. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  123. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3:
  124. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  125. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  126. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4:
  127. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  128. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  129. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is not set:
  130. set {zdrowie::%player-arg%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  131. send "nalozono chorobe" to all players
  132. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1:
  133. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  134. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  135. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2:
  136. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  137. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  138. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3:
  139. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  140. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  141. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4:
  142. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the arg 2 for 999999 minutes
  143. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %player-arg% zachorowal." to all players
  144. else:
  145. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&cNie możesz zarazic gracza &f%player-arg%. &cJest on juz chory na %{zdrowie::%player-arg%}%" to player
  146. else:
  147. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&cNie podano gracza, ktorego chcesz zarazic." to player
  148. if arg 1 is "zarazlosowo":
  149. loop all players:
  150. if group of loop-player is "lekarz":
  151. add 1 to {lekarze}
  152. loop {lekarze} times:
  153. loop all players:
  154. if group of loop-player is not "lekarz" or "wlasciciel" or "admin" or "moderator" or "inspektor" or "budowniczy" or "ordynator":
  155. if loop-player is "xxdamixx":
  156. send "&6Nie zostajesz zarazony :)" to loop-player
  157. if loop-player is not "xxdamixx":
  158. if {zdrowie::%loop-value-2%} is 0:
  159. add loop-player to {chory::*}
  160. if {zdrowie::%loop-value-2%} is not set:
  161. add loop-player to {chory::*}
  162. loop {lekarze} times:
  163. add random player out of {chory::*} to {chorzy::*}
  164. set {lekarze} to 0
  165. loop {chorzy::*}:
  166. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 0:
  167. set {zdrowie::%loop-value%} to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
  168. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 1:
  169. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  170. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  171. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 2:
  172. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  173. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  174. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 3:
  175. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  176. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  177. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 4:
  178. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  179. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  180. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is not set:
  181. set {zdrowie::%loop-value%} to 1 or 2 or 3
  182. send "nalozono chorobe" to all players
  183. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 1:
  184. apply nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  185. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  186. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 2:
  187. apply weakness and nausea potion of tier 2 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  188. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  189. if {zdrowie::%loop-value%} is 3:
  190. apply weakness and slowness potion of tier 5 to the loop-value for 999999 minutes
  191. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 %loop-value% zachorowal." to all players
  192. if arg 1 is "on":
  193. set {lek.on} to true
  194. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby zostaly &awlaczone&6!" to all players
  195. if arg 1 is "off":
  196. set {lek.on} to false
  197. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby zostaly &cwylaczone&6!" to all players
  198. if arg 1 is "statut":
  199. if {lek.on} is true:
  200. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby sa &awlaczone&6!" to player
  201. if {lek.on} is false:
  202. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6Choroby sa &cwyaczone&6!" to player
  204. command /badanie [<text>] [<player>]:
  205. permission: choroba.ulecz
  206. trigger:
  207. if arg 2 is not set:
  208. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&c Musisz podac nick pacjenta!" to player
  209. if arg 2 is set:
  210. if arg 1 is "skora":
  211. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Lekarz przyglada sie skorze" to player-arg
  212. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is not set:
  213. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  214. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 0:
  215. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  216. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1: #bol glowy
  217. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  218. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2: #ospa
  219. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Na skorze pacjenta widoczna jest wysypka" to player
  220. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3: #grypa
  221. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  222. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4: #zapalenie
  223. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje zadnych zmian skornych" to player
  224. if arg 1 is "wzrok":
  225. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Lekarz przyglada sie skorze" to player-arg
  226. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is not set:
  227. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  228. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 0:
  229. send "[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  230. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 1: #bol glowy
  231. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f U pacjenta wystepuje swiatlowstret" to player
  232. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 2: #ospa
  233. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  234. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 3: #grypa
  235. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  236. if {zdrowie::%player-arg%} is 4: #zapalenie
  237. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Wyglada na to, ze oczy na swiatlo reaguja prawidlowo" to player
  243. on rightclick with stick:
  244. name of player's tool is "&4&l[Termometr]":
  245. if target is not set:
  246. stop
  247. if distance between player and target is not higher than 6:
  248. add 1 to {klik::%player%}
  249. if {klik::%player%}>2:
  250. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&c Nie mozesz ponownie uzyc narzedzia, sprobuj za jakis czas!"
  251. wait 20 seconds
  252. set {klik::%player%} to 0
  253. stop
  254. if {klik::%player%}<2:
  255. send "[&dBadanie&8]&7 Lekarz mierzy temperature" to target
  256. if {zdrowie::%target%} is not set:
  257. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &736,6°C"
  258. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 0:
  259. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &736,6°C"
  260. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 1: #bol glowy
  261. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&fTemperatura: &736°C"
  262. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 2: #ospa
  263. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &c39°C"
  264. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 3: #grypa
  265. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &c38,7°C"
  266. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 4: #zapalenie
  267. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Temperatura: &c39,7°C"
  269. on rightclick with lead:
  270. name of player's tool is "&4&l[STETOSKOP]":
  271. if target is not set:
  272. stop
  273. if distance between player and target is not higher than 6:
  274. add 1 to {klik2::%player%}
  275. if {klik::%player%}>2:
  276. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&c Nie mozesz ponownie uzyc narzedzia, sprobuj za jakis czas!"
  277. wait 20 seconds
  278. set {klik2::%player%} to 0
  279. stop
  280. if {klik2::%player%}<2:
  281. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&7 Trwa osluchanie serca" to target
  282. if {zdrowie::%target%} is not set:
  283. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  284. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 0:
  285. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  286. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 1:
  287. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  288. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 2:
  289. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  290. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 3:
  291. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Badanie nie wykazuje nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania serca ani pluc" to player
  292. if {zdrowie::%target%} is 4:
  293. send "&8[&dBadanie&8]&f Podczas badania slychac szmery w plucach" to player
  295. #LEKI
  296. command /wez [<text>]:
  297. permission: choroba.ulecz
  298. trigger:
  299. if arg 1 is "ibuprom":
  300. give 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom" to player
  301. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!"
  302. if arg 1 is "puder":
  303. give 1 lever named "&f&lpudroderm" to player
  304. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!"
  305. if arg 1 is "gripex":
  306. give 1 water_bottle named "&f&lgripex" to player
  307. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!"
  308. if arg 1 is "antybiotyk":
  309. give 1 water_bottle named "&f&lantybiotyk" to player
  310. send "&7 Otrzymales lek!" to player
  312. on right click with prismarine_crystals:
  313. name of player's tool is "&f&libuprom":
  314. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 1:
  315. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Zarzyles tabletke. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  316. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  317. remove 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom]" from the player
  318. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  319. else:
  320. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Zarzyles ibuprom - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  321. remove 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom" from the player
  323. on rightclick with lever:
  324. name of player's tool is "&f&lpudroderm":
  325. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 2:
  326. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  327. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  328. remove 1 lever named "&f&lpudroderm" from the player
  329. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  330. else:
  331. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Posmarowales skore pudrem - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  332. remove 1 lever named "&f&lPudroderm" from the player
  334. on consume of water_bottle:
  335. name of player's tool is "&f&lgripex":
  336. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 3:
  337. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  338. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&lgripex" from the player
  339. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  340. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  341. else:
  342. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  343. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&libuprom" from the player
  345. on consume of water_bottle:
  346. name of player's tool is "&f&lantybiotyk":
  347. if {zdrowie::%player%} is 4:
  348. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek. &aWyzdrowiales!" to player
  349. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  350. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&lantybiotyk" from the player
  351. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  352. else:
  353. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&6 Wypiles lek - ten lek nie wyleczyl twojej choroby" to player
  354. remove 1 water_bottle named "&f&libuprom" from the player
  356. #TABLICZKI na leki
  357. on rightclick on sign:
  358. if line 2 contains "&a&lKup lek":
  359. if line 3 contains "&d&lIBUPROM":
  360. if line 4 contains "Cena: 680 PLN":
  361. if player's account is greater than 679:
  362. remove 680 from the player's account
  363. give 1 prismarine_crystals named "&f&libuprom" to player
  364. if line 3 contains "&d&lGRIPEX":
  365. if line 4 contains "Cena: 800 PLN":
  366. if player's account is greater than 799:
  367. remove 800 from the player's account
  368. give 1 water_bottle named "&f&lgripex" to player
  369. if line 3 contains "&d&lPUDRODERM":
  370. if line 4 contains "Cena: 770 PLN":
  371. if player's account is greater than 769:
  372. remove 770 from the player's account
  373. give 1 lever named "&f&lpudroderm" to player
  376. on rightclick on sign:
  377. if line 2 contains "&4&l[Ulecz]":
  378. if {lek.on} is true:
  379. if player's account is greater than 7999:
  380. remove 8000 from the player's account
  381. remove nausea and Slowness and weakness and poison and blindness from player
  382. set {chrooba::%player%} to false
  383. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8]&a Zostales uleczony! Koszt uleczenia z tabliczki to &c8.000PLN"
  384. set {zdrowie::%player%} to 0
  385. else:
  386. send "&8[&cEpidemia&8] Nie masz wystarczajaco pieniedzy!"
  388. command /wkurzonakala [<text>]:
  389. permission: choroba.admin
  390. trigger:
  391. if arg 1 is "on":
  392. set {wkurzenie} to true
  393. send "&5Wkurzenie on :3" to player
  394. if arg 1 is "off":
  395. set {wkurzenie} to false
  396. send "&5Wkurzenie off :/" to player
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