
updated rare profile

Feb 2nd, 2017
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  27. <div style="position: absolute;top: 100;left: 1;right:100;overflow: auto;"><img src="></div>
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  29. <p align="center"><embed src=" be friends&total=1" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="200" height="10" name="billy" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /><center><p>
  30. <br><font size="1"><i>Early morning yesterday it finally occurred to me.<br>
  31. Just like a puzzle where I had placed every single piece.<br>
  32. And now I don't know what to do<br>
  33. Now that I see what we're both moving to<br>
  34. Is this the point in time where we both prayed and hoped we'd be?<br><br>
  36. Somehow I knew that from the deepest reaches of my heart.<br>
  37. The hardest choice would be the choice that tears us both apart.<br>
  38. And now I know I can't ignore<br>
  39. All the feelings that I've felt before<br>
  40. I wonder why I never tried to tell you from the start?<br><br>
  42. Here in the world of ours that's slowly falling all around us<br>
  43. We're trying to move on, but it's the best we can do.<br>
  44. Our happiness fading- And smiles evading<br>
  45. The truth within the lies.<br><br>
  47. Now all I hear are screams between us<br>
  48. resounding and bouncing the echoes throughout my mind.<br>
  49. Nothing is left, nothing remains at the end of the line.<br>
  50. At the end of our chain, we've both run out of time.<br>
  51. So was it fate that brought us together<br>
  52. only to remind us that love's not forever?<br>
  53. I said, 'You know, that's how it goes.'<br>
  54. 'That's just the way that life is.'<br>
  55. So no regrets, baby don't fret.<br>
  56. You know I hate to see you cry.<br><br>
  60. </i>
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