
Magical Burst Power List

Apr 15th, 2014
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  1. (So we don't have to use the Char Generator EVERY TIME.)
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. 1. Force Field
  5. You have the ability to generate a nearly invisible wall of force that can serve as a barrier.
  7. 2. Wardrobe Change
  8. This whimsical magical power lets you change your clothes to pretty much anything you can imagine.
  10. 3. Red Thread
  11. You can see red threads, invisible to most people, which represent bonds of love. You can also change them.
  13. 4. Shadow Pluck
  14. For you, each person's shadow contains objects derived from the substance of their soul. You can draw out all manner of amazing and impossible tools from people's shadows.
  16. 5. Illusions
  17. You can conjure up illusions to deceive and befuddle your foes' senses.
  19. 6. Summon Cake
  20. You have the curious power to summon forth cakes and other sweets. Mostly they're just tasty (if a little unhealthy), but maybe you can find something useful to do with this power.
  22. 7. Healer
  23. Your magical power lets you heal others (and yourself?), repairing wounds and other damage, and perhaps curing diseases.
  25. 8. Weather Control
  26. This power lets you command the weather, summoning most any natural weather effect.
  28. 9. Curse
  29. You can place curses on people and other things. Talk to the GM about what exactly your curses do.
  31. 10. Weave of Fate
  32. You start to see the world in terms of a great tapestry, and you can pluck at certain threads to alter what would otherwise be "coincidences" to your advantage.
  34. 11. Summon Bugs
  35. Though you might prefer not to have it, you possess the ability to call upon insects.
  37. 12. Nightmare
  38. You have the rare and perhaps unfortunate ability to create regions of Nightmare, much like a youma.
  40. 13. Analysis
  41. By magically analyzing things, you can discover secrets and locate weaknesses.
  43. 14. Resourceful Purse
  44. You have a purse (or other container), and by reaching into it you can retrieve just about any object imaginable. Objects you create will fade away after a while, though.
  46. 15. Magical Pet
  47. You can conjure up a magical pet, similar to a tsukaima. It's not sentient, but it does what you want.
  49. 16. Transit Timing
  50. Your magic lets you bend reality just a little to have buses, trains, and taxis show up at just the right time.
  52. 17. Brew Potions
  53. You can make potions that affect people who drink them with different kinds of magical effects.
  55. 18. Blood Warping
  56. You can exert power over the blood that flows through living beings, and, for that matter, over blood already spilled.
  58. 19. Astral Projection
  59. You can send your soul into a spiritual realm where you can invisibly look at the world and influence things with magic.
  61. 20. Magic Saliva
  62. Your saliva can serve as a conduit for magical power to control things. If you lick or spit on someone or something, you can exert influence over them.
  64. 21. Walk Through Walls
  65. You possess the curious ability to pass through walls and other solid objects.
  67. 22. Color Change
  68. It will take some creativity to make this power useful, but you can change the colors of of things.
  70. 23. Divination
  71. The art of divination will let you glimpse portents of the future and find answers to questions.
  73. 24. Telekinesis
  74. You can move objects in your line of sight through pure magical power.
  76. 25. Time Jump
  77. You can make jumps through time itself. This is potentially a very potent power, and you should discuss with the GM specifically what it can do.
  79. 26. Eat Anything
  80. Given enough time, you can eat anything. You can bite through, chew, and digest pretty much anything.
  82. 27. Doors
  83. For you, doors don't always lead to what's on the other side of the door frame. You can use magic to make a door take you to somewhere else, maybe any other door in the world.
  85. 28. Copy Form
  86. You can precisely copy the appearance of any being, human or otherwise, you're familiar with.
  88. 29. Flight
  89. You can fly through the air with no visible means of support.
  91. 30. Talk to Anything
  92. With your magic, you can speak to anything, including animals and inanimate objects.
  94. 31. Portals
  95. You can create small portals between two points, just large enough for a person to step through.
  97. 32. Hyperspeed
  98. You can run at extraordinary speeds, easily and quickly crossing miles on foot.
  100. 33. Dreamwalker
  101. You possess the power to enter the world of dreams, and perhaps exert some influence there.
  103. 34. Detect Alignment
  104. You can look into the depths of a person's psyche, determining whether they tend to do good, evil, or stay neutral.
  106. 35. Elemental Construct
  107. Creates a familiar, or construct, out of a magical element, with the intelligence of a very clever animal (think Ein from Cowboy Bebop). Can be dispelled at will and reformed with all its memories and personality intact. Can act in combat (discuss abilities of construct with GM).
  109. 36. Magic Detection
  110. The ability to sense magical presences from a distance, both magical girls and youma.
  112. 37. Magmatic Blood
  113. Any direct, melee contact attacks made against you deal 1 damage to the attacker (requires Hot Blooded change).
  115. 38. Fortune Telling
  116. The ability to tell the fortunes of yourself and others by reading the tarot cards, crystal balls, or any other means.
  118. 39. Minions
  119. You have the ability to create and command mindless minions of your element. Similar to Elemental Construct, but less intelligent by far and more numerous in number.
  121. 40. Size Scaling
  122. You can increase and decrease the size of most objects. Discuss with GM the extents of the ability, as scaling an entire house down may not be possible, but individual bricks in a wall might.
  124. 41. Sleight of Hand
  125. The ability to steal/conceal items on oneself and others without them noticing and with no Finesse roll necessary for the act; any item that can be reasonably carried can be stolen/concealed. Exploding grenades in pants are now simple and possible!
  127. 42. Dimensional Rift
  128. You seem to have the innate ability to push small objects between dimensions! You can use this power to push objects into a pocket dimension that can be retrieved later, or, upon GM discretion, receive items/messages from across space-time.
  130. 43. Quite a Looker
  131. This power gives you the ability to make yourself look like any viewer's ideal person. The user looks like what the person who sees them considers most attractive.
  133. 44. Magnetized Feet
  134. As long as you have one foot firmly planted on a surface, gravity doesn't seem to affect you, allowing you to walk up walls and stand upside-down on the ceiling.
  136. 45. Impractical Practicality
  137. You're able to make use of things that wouldn't ordinarily make sense or be very effective in a situation. For example, using the lid of a trash can to block bullets, or sliding down a series of stairs on a flat surface like a large painting without friction issues knocking you off.
  139. 46. Loot Drops
  140. Occasionally, enemies you defeat explode into small, floating, and rotating representations of objects that you can pick up. Little floating hearts will increase your Resolve in combat (not above max), floating wads of dosh will give you some cash, or other such possibilities. Discuss with GM.
  142. 47. Video Game Logic
  143. Eat a cupcake? Resolve increases! Chug an energy drink? Free bonus action! The possibilities are limitless (until your GM says no).
  145. 48. LIQUI(IIIII)D
  146. You can enter a liquid, water-like form at will, and can move freely though any objects water can while retaining full control of your body.
  148. 49. Magnetic Grip
  149. You can magnetize your hands at will, perfect for extra grip on metallic surfaces, picking up coins from the street without bending over and looking like a cheap-ass, or wiping harddrives real quick.
  151. 50. Danger Sense
  152. You have an inherent sense that tells you when something potentially dangerous is about to happen, from falling rubble to a speeding driver about to round a corner, or even knowing there's a mugger in a dark ally about to shank you. Sadly, the ability doesn't extend to family members.
  154. 51. A Cuppa Joe
  155. You have the power to will into existence a cup of any liquid. No matter what the liquid, the tiny paper cup that is created to hold the liquid can always contain it. Unless you spill it.
  157. 52. The Written Word
  158. The ability to alter the text (and to a slight extent, pictures) on any medium to whatever you wish, and in a manner that resembles the original format. Change street signs to confuse tourists! In a race with someone? Flip the "-->" arrow pointing in the direction of the course to "<--"! Change your friend's school notes so everything he wrote says "penis" in his handwriting! The possibilities are endless!
  160. 53. Drive Angry
  161. Congrats, you can drive like a pro! You automagically pass any driving-related Finesse rolls, due to your unfathomable road rage when behind the wheel. Safe travels!
  163. 54. The Box
  164. You gain a magic box, almost big enough to put your arm up to the elbow into. From within, you can withdraw any number of fluffy stuffed animals, in any state of being (tattered, dirty, rough around the edges, etc). Try to remember to put them back in the box.
  166. 55. I'M A VAMPIRE
  167. You can suck the blood from anyone's neck to restore resolve. Restores 1d6 resolve and deals that much damage to your opponent. Uses opposed Physical rolls (requires Vampiric change).
  169. 56. Big Daddy's Guidance
  170. For some reason, after being lit on fire, you turn into a tactical genius. +5 to all ally attack rolls, when you are actively burning.
  172. 57. Weightless Lifting
  173. Anything you lift feels essentially weightless, allowing you to move aside or throw incredibly heavy objects with ease. You can lift and throw cars around like pebbles.
  175. 58. Transmutatuon
  176. With this power, you can transmute a total of 2x2x2 meters of any material once per day into another substance of your choosing, within reason. Like cheese, for example. Prison cell walls made of cheese are far easier to chew through than concrete. No Arcanium of gold or anything like that. Talk with GM about specific material. Does not work on living things.
  178. 59. Stealth Camouflage
  179. Whenever you hide, pull out your patented Shadow Moses cardboard box and roll the challenge normally, dropping the lowest d6, replacing it with a 6, and adding 3 to the roll.
  181. 60. Collective Consciousness
  182. Welcome to the hivemind! You and any other magical girl who has taken this power share all knowledge and memories. Hopefully you're not keeping any secrets!
  184. 61. A Stranger I Remain
  185. You can consciously choose whether or not people will remember you. If you don't want them to remember you, they'll know what you spoke about and what you may have said, but they won't have any memory of who they were talking to.
  187. 62. Art's Response
  188. You have the power to make most any form of artistic medium, from notebook scribbles to paintings rivaling the Mona Lisa, sentient, or at least have the sapience and intelligence of whatever they depict. The now-sentient work of art can move in anyway natural to it (like walking for example), but only across the medium they are on (ie, shitty batman can walk around his own paper, or cross from paper to paper if the papers are placed together).
  190. 63. Dark Skies
  191. You can black out any light source. The larger and brighter the source, the more difficult it is to do. They won't stay dark forever (absolute brightness, not relative).
  193. 64. Polygonal
  194. Who needs roundness? You can change any smooth, curvy object to be blocky and angular.
  196. 65. Cloth Manipulation
  197. You can manipulate any cloth on you as though it were another limb. Need an extra hand or two? Wear a scarf!
  199. 66. Keep Your Head "Together"
  200. Your head and body are able to separate from each other and act independently. Your consciousness is split between the two, but you still take damage normally.
  202. 67. Stonefaced
  203. You have the ability to change your outward appearance so that it resembles a stone of your choosing. This extends to any clothing or accessories you are wearing or carrying.
  205. 68. Amp Up
  206. You can overcharge yourself with electricity from any standard or nonstandard outlet. Roll 1d3, and add that bonus temporarily to all of your non-magical rolls (requires Bionic Limbs).
  208. 69. Winds of Destruction
  209. You can use your breath to simulate an incredibly strong gale for long periods of time, wearing through stone and uprooting small trees.
  211. 70. Animate
  212. Give human intelligence and freedom of movement to an inanimate object for 24 hours. The object retains all memories of previous animation when animated again, and has vague, almost subconscious or instinctual memories of its inanimate life.
  214. 71. Soul Transfer
  215. You can transfer a person's soul to an inanimate object for a short period of time (2d6 minutes). The person's body appears unconscious. If the object containing the soul is destroyed, the soul returns to the body instantly. If the body is destroyed or damaged enough to be killed, the soul does not return and the person dies.
  217. 72. Change of Heart
  218. You can convince 1d6 of the lesser minions of youma to fight by your side.
  220. 73. Song of Translation
  221. So long as you sing whatever you need to say in a melodic way with an appropriate Social roll, your words will be understood by anyone and cross most any language barrier. The higher the Social roll to sing the message is, the clearer the message gets through.
  223. 74. Spill the Beans
  224. You emit an aura that can be either calming and trusting, or agitated and impatient, that convinces people to tell you the truth of whatever you're trying to get out of them.
  226. 75. Puppet Sight
  227. Once per day you may take control of a person within visual range for one hour (or until canceled). The victim is unaware of the spell but is aware of the fact that they are not in control of their actions. As long as you do not break sight with the person for more than 5 seconds any action you make will be perfectly mirrored by the person you are controlling to the best of their abilities, otherwise the spell will self cancel. During this time you can not use any other magic, and they are limited in actions by their physical skills (so someone with a Physical of 3 can not lift bookshelves everywhere). Attempting to cast this a second time in the same day has a 50/50 chance of backfiring on the caster and mirroring the victim's moves. Any time after that within the 24 hour period will automatically backfire. This can be used an unlimited number of times and will not backfire when used on people you have at least 1 relationship point with and have their consent.
  229. 76. Annoyingly Catchy Tune
  230. You can sing any 5 minute or shorter song in a tune so catchy that for the next day all people who hear the song (aside from the caster and any exempted targets) must make a Fortitude test of TN14 every hour not to quietly sing the words. The lyrics can be whatever you want them to be as long as you can sing them. Nobody can recreate the tune aside from you and any device used to recreate or record the tune malfunctions, rendering the item useless until repaired.
  232. 77. Refined Taste
  233. You may retrieve any rare, edible cooking ingredient out of thin air. The item is random, but is always of extremely high quality (relatively speaking) and would always be expensive to purchase in the your current location. The item could be anything, from Foie Gras to Hakarl to Wagu Beef to White Truffles and will come in a container suitable to holding it. The item may be selected by the GM, asked for by the player and only given if the GM agrees, or taken from a pool of agreed upon items. Items will not exceed one pound in weight and may be less by DM's discretion.
  235. 78. Did I Just Say That Out Loud?
  236. You may make anyone (including yourself) 'unsay' something as long as it's within 5 minutes of being spoken. Whatever is unsaid will be treated by all parties involved (except the caster) as never happening. No promises they won't just say it again though, but the deja vu effect might confuse them enough not to.
  238. 79. Cartoon Logic
  239. Once per day any target of your choosing(including yourself) may avoid damage by making it funny in a cartoony sort of way. For example: Falling from a large height may leave a you-shaped hole in the ground, and will be painful, but any damage taken is negated. If you can not make the act comical the effect will not work.
  241. 80. Abnormal is Normal
  242. You have the power to toggle an aura of overwhelming "normality" which, no matter how abnormal your current appearence (or that of people close to you), no random passerby will give you a second glance. Does not affect people who are actively looking for you because of your appearence or if you are someplace you quite obviously shouldn't be, like behind the counter at a bank.
  244. 81. Abnormal is Actually Just Weird
  245. You have the power to toggle an aura of overwhelming "strangeness" which, no matter how normal your current appearance (or that of people close to you), you'll draw the eye of any and all random passerby.
  247. 82. Naptime
  248. You've got the touch. You can put any non-magical human to sleep instantly, with nothing more than a touch to their head.
  250. 83. Be The Leaf
  251. Whenever you want, you can make your body weigh as much as a single leaf.
  253. 84. Pussyfooting
  254. You have the ability to teleport to an extent, switching places with any nearby, living cat.
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