
The Caesar Chronicles Part 1: Phantom Blow

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. It was supposed to be a normal IMA Official Rank D Cup...a day where someone was gonna win...Until HE showed up...
  3. My name is Soleil and I'm a breeder with the monster named Milliam(That's a cute Pixie thank you very much!!!) I was seeded 2nd in the 6 man RR with Hinata and Harrimaoh(Hopper) as 3rd....Kaze and Palmer(Plant) as 4th....Percy and Capella(Jell/Naga) as 5th...and Charlotte(My bestie!!!) and her Hailfall(Arrowhead)...I thought Siegbert and Winston would had came with the amount of shittalking he was posting on the discord group...But he had plans thrown at him at the last second he said...Pfft, what a loser...Then, a shocking announcement..that some ROOKIE breeder with his sister as his assistant and a RANK E Scaled Hare was entering...Pfft, imagine my shock when 2's black and the other is a girl his height(5'8) with a scaled Hare...that's clearly a child!!! Everyone(Well....Only Hinata and me with Charlotte laughed...Percy was very nice to them and Kaze was polite at least) thought they was gonna be free....boy..were we wrong...
  5. [Ain't no way Hailfall will lose to that hare! Watch and learn from the best, darling!]
  7. Ever the confident one, Charlotte and Hailfall awaited for the Hare known as Caesar...the male seems to be giving some pep talk to the hare..the girl meanwhile is glaring at Charlotte...Charlotte glares back as Both monsters step on the field...the bell sound off and Charlotte ordered Hailfall to use Claw Assault...and Hailfall leaped at the Hare and connected!
  9. [And that's the game!~ Better stay in your own rank, buddy!]
  11. ...Could you had blamed her and everyone else who thought it was over?..Turns out Caesar got back up and shook it off...and it didn't look like it connected...Charlotte shook it off and ordered a Sting..and this time...I swear that Caesar was in one spot..and the next, it was to the left of Hailfall!!!
  13. "So fast!"
  15. I shouted as the crowd was shocked as well...and then...I heard the male call for Rolling Blow, a move that Hare shouldn't know at the moment....and then with a yell, Caesar leap and connected a hard sounding blow to the head of Hailfall...sending him to the wall and implanted to it with a loud crack....Charlotte took 8 seconds(Percy counted) to realize what happened as the whole arena was silent cept for Steve the announcer calling Caesar the winner....Caesar bowed and turn to his breeders and they praised him for the victory..
  17. `There is more to meet the eye with that Hare..`
  19. Kaze spoke out loud to himself, I heard him as I turn to him and wondered was that just a fluke...
  22. After I defeated Percy via time-out, I went to check on Charlotte and her Arrowhead...Hailfall seems to be allright, just a bit shooked..Charlotte for that matter was red with anger and huffed...
  25. she screamed as she shakes in anger...
  26. 'Well, maybe it was a'll get him next time you fight him...besides, no way they are advancing to Rank C before everyone else'
  28. I attempt to cheer her up as she sighs....
  30. [That boy had the nerve to come here and give me advice as well!! 'You need to train his POW and DEF more...No need for Sting since it's an INT move!' Like I don't know my own monster!!...]
  32. 'Well that's not TOO bad...but hey, shit happens and you can bounce from it, right?'
  34. [Yeah...I'll need time tho..]
  36. I left her alone and turn back to see the next round beginning...Caesar vs Capella...And already it looks like Capella is in the advantage from dodging the rapid Rolling Blows...
  38. `Seems they are something of a High Risk, High Reward breeder`
  40. Ever so tryhard to be cool Kaze speaks to me as he judge the newcomers...The girl is pretty much yelling at Caesar to hit the 'damned purple jelly!!!' her words, not mines...Soon, Capella throw out a Stab at close range...that Caesar grabs much to the shock of everyone!. ^Whoa! Capella, get outta there!^ Percy ordered his monster, but it's too late as Caesar began to rain down 1-2 Punch after another. This seems to had lasted forever as Capella struggled to get out of Caesar's range...Until finally he was saved by the then Caesar was the clear winner and he turn to walk away after bowing to Capella who's busy piecing himself back. Percy goes and help his does the black male and his white sister(Odd combination if you ask me..), Percy thanks them and the girl tell him that although it's part Naga, Capella should learn some INT...
  42. ^Hmmmm...What moves should he learn then?^
  44. |Hell if I know, Maybe Cannon or Beam Gun, I don't know|
  46. the girl seems rough around the edges and don't wear much clothing...all she have on is a bra and shorts...and she's packing lean muscle that's not just for show!
  48. 'Just...who are these people...?'
  50. My match was coming up and it was against Kaze's Palmer...a Plant that will seek to ruin Milliam's Guts..but Pixie have great guts regen to begin with HA! SO...Although Milliam couldn't KO Palmer...she landed enough hits to be declare the winner, SO far so good for yours truly!~..I went to sit down and watch Charlotte rebound successfully with Hailfall's DEF withstanding Harrimaoh's pitiful matter how accurate you are...what good is it if you don't pack a punch? With that was the start of the next round and Caesar is up against Palmer...Kaze stands with his arms folded..Palmer attempting to do the same, but short arms lmao....Caesar is in a casual stance as is the male(Who's name is Jalen) while the female(Rhiannon) is eating some chocolate with a bored look...I'm sorry, but are we boring you, you bitch?..
  52. `You've done well in this tourney, but I'm afraid your streak ends here...I'm Kaze and I wish to see your true power!`
  54. Is this guy serious? and Rhiannon seem to feel the same as she look at Jalen who shrugged...and soon as the bell rang....
  57. CRUNCH!!!! That was the sound of Caesar's right fist making contact with Palmer as it fell down. If Plants had eyes, I assure you it would had swirly comical eyes at the moment...Kaze's jaw drop as did mines and Charlotte's....Hailfall shakes his head and chug a water bottle as if to surpress awful memories....
  59. /Well,there ya go!/
  61. Jalen smiles as Caesar claim an easy win...Medical staff rush in and help Palmer to it's....roots? I don't know nor do I care...either way, Palmer was muttering something in the Monster language as it drowsily come to and rest near Kaze..after my match against Charlotte which I won...and Percy's victory over Hinata(In case you're wondering...Milliam and Caesar are tied for 1st, Hailfall's 2nd...Palmer have a win over Harrimaoh and 2 losses...and so does Capella...leaving Harrimaoh as the sore loser HAHAH!)an intermission for the 2nd half of the tourney comes the breeders go to rest up...I see Jalen heading to the bathroom after talking to his sister.
  63. 'Time to get some answers...'
  65. I followed Jalen to wherever he was going...and as I was hiding around the corner..someone tapped my shoulder!!! I twirl to smack whoever it was before I see it is Charlotte!
  67. [What are you doing?}
  68. 'I'm trying to get some answers out of our new rival here'
  69. [Well I'm coming along with you!]
  70. 'No you can't! This is a solo operation!'
  71. {Since when!?!}
  72. 'Since now!!'
  73. \Uhhh...You 2 aren't very good at this, are you?\
  74. [GAH!]
  75. 'GAH!'
  77. We both turn around to see the man who, along with his sister, have turn this tourney upside down...On closer look, he's not too bad to look at...Hell, he obviously work out together with his sister...but there's no time to ogle! I need answer!!
  79. 'Wh-'
  80. [How big is your dick?]
  81. '.....'
  83. I turn to look at Charlotte who have the upmost questioning look on her face...There's no way he will answer this...
  85. \6 inches flaacid and 8 when hard...Anything else? Hopefully Monster related?\
  87. He crosses his arms with a bemused look as Charlotte gapes....I too take moment to process what I just heard, cause 8 inches when hard is stupidly big!!! I never seen anyone on my porn that big!...An-Anyway...
  89. 'Why did you enter this tourney and not Rank E?'
  90. \Cause Caesar's ready for Rank C\
  91. [Who are you?]
  92. \I'm Jalen Pruett, rookie breeder with my sister, Rhiannon Faraday\
  93. 'Different last names?'
  94. \We're not related by blood, but we are close enough where we might as well be\
  95. [Uh-huh...How do you train your hare?]
  97. But before we could get that answer...the bell rings as the intermission is over! Damnit, so close!. Jalen walks off casually as both me and Charlotte watches him off...
  99. [I'll get my answers from him if I have to suck him off.....]
  101. Charlotte growls as he walk off to the arena's dugout...I follow her as well...curious as well. Outside in the arena, we came just in time to see the start of Caesar vs Harrimaoh, with Hinata shittalking as usual.
  103. ~Bah! I'll prove to you that you don't belong in Rank D buddy!~
  105. Rhiannon laughs as Jalen shakes his head, she stops and with an amused smirk..
  107. |You're right, we don't belong in Rank D...|
  109. The bell sounds and within a single fucking second, Harrimaoh was sent flying to the stands with a Rolling Blow from Caesar!..Electricity sparked off of his right fist as well as some of Harrimaoh' blood...Hinata is utterly decimated as Rhiannon put on some shades while medical staff rush to the stands to help Harrimaoh.
  111. |We're Rank C Material!|
  113. After that claim, some of the people began to believe her as Caesar hop off the arena, with the next two monsters coming on stage....
  115. And was time..Milliam and Caesar are tied for 1st...ofc we're guaranteed for Rank C at this point, but whoever wins this will net more money. And, to be honest....I was nervous, How could this Hare of such a young age possess such power? Drugs? Even tho they are legal, no drugs known should be able to boost power like this! Milliam was gearing up for a battle that will be hard fought as Caesar is in a stance as well..Charlotte was cheering me on while Hailfall was watching the match very closely. Hinata was in the medical room with his monster, Harrimaoh was D/Q for injuries, Meaning Hailfall picked up the win against him, And Palmer lost to Capella.
  117. ^BEGIN!^
  119. Just when I was gonna order for a Ray...
  121. \Smash!\
  123. Caesar leaped in Milliam's face with such speed I didn't had time to react...and then he threw a powerful body hook on her sides!!!
  125. `MILLIAM!`
  127. There was a harsh sound as Milliam clutched her left side in agony and fell on the ground...luckily it didn't seem to be severe, but I couldn't let the match go on...
  129. `I Give!`
  131. There was barely any sound from the crowd as Medical staff came to pick up my Pixie and rush her to the medical staff...As I look at her being carried away, I turn to glare at Jalen and Rhiannon, I know it wasn't their fault and they had no ill-will against me...But it's hard to swallow what just happened, regardless...Our monsters both advance to Rank C as the award ceremony went on, many people in the crowd was wondering who these 2 mysterious breeders were....and then, just as the award ceremony ended...they left. Milliam was fine thankfully, she will need a wek or 2 to rest however..Harrimaoh however was more severe...he have to miss 2-3 MONTHS of action to rest up...Hinata was both depressed and angry at what happened that he didn't came out to the award ceremony NOR our Discord chatroom...
  133. Well, I thought I wouldn't see those 2 siblings and their crazy Hare again...Until 2 months the Rank C Official Cup.
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