

Oct 12th, 2015
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  1. TeenieTinyTerror: Hi..
  2. Nuclar: whats wrong
  3. TeenieTinyTerror: Saya became the other Saya's daughter -.-
  4. Nuclar: oh yea i saw that owo
  5. TeenieTinyTerror: ....
  6. Nuclar: :l im sorry hun
  7. TeenieTinyTerror: There's really no reason for me to even be on here..
  8. Nuclar: ...
  9. Nuclar: stop it >:L
  10. Nuclar: im trying to be your friend and be nice to you
  11. Nuclar: even when im told not -w-
  12. TeenieTinyTerror: I know Nuc..
  13. Nuclar: -grumbles-
  14. Nuclar: you cant leave e.e
  15. Nuclar: or disable
  16. Nuclar: or whatever
  17. Nuclar: AGAIN
  18. Nuclar: i forbid it
  19. TeenieTinyTerror: Fine.
  20. Nuclar: and thats finale e.e
  21. Nuclar: >:L
  22. Nuclar: hmphs
  23. TeenieTinyTerror: Just I have no one now...just you.
  24. Nuclar: I know
  25. Nuclar: im sorry for that
  26. Nuclar: But its better to have at least one person than no one at all
  27. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah..
  28. Nuclar: :I
  29. Nuclar: hmm
  30. Nuclar: iw ish i could cheer you up
  31. TeenieTinyTerror: I don't know what could...cause now Onna left me cause Saya's been talking to her..
  32. Nuclar: ._.
  33. Nuclar: thats not fair..
  34. TeenieTinyTerror: She says she can see why Saya finds me an unfit mother
  35. TeenieTinyTerror: All because Ididn't want Saya talking to Bree anymore
  36. TeenieTinyTerror: All cause she complains about getting hurt by her all the time
  37. Nuclar: hm I see :l
  38. Nuclar: i can understand that
  39. TeenieTinyTerror: I just wanted her to not complain about it all the time
  40. TeenieTinyTerror: She's only hurting herself
  41. TeenieTinyTerror: By talking to bree
  42. TeenieTinyTerror: Why continue..
  43. Nuclar: Hm i see :l
  44. TeenieTinyTerror: It's whatever I guess..
  45. Nuclar: so she isnt liking being friends with her?
  46. Nuclar: sorry im trying to wrap my head around this x.x
  47. TeenieTinyTerror: She wants to be friends with bree, but complained a lot when she found out you two were dating.
  48. TeenieTinyTerror: I think she just stays friends with her
  49. TeenieTinyTerror: To see if she can get a second chance
  50. Nuclar: ...
  51. Nuclar: bree is mine.. and will be for a very long long long time
  52. Nuclar: and if thats the case
  53. Nuclar: i will confront her about it
  54. Nuclar: and make ti clear she has no second chance -w-
  55. Nuclar: i dont mean to be sooo.. idk .. but
  56. TeenieTinyTerror: Cause the reason she's so hurt is cause she knew Bree for three years and then the break up happened.
  57. TeenieTinyTerror: She told me in the past.
  58. TeenieTinyTerror: She was staying friends with Bree to figure out what the hell happened between them bother
  59. TeenieTinyTerror: both*
  60. Nuclar: oh i see
  61. Nuclar: all i know is bree just wasnt as happy -shrugs- we dont talk about it much cause id ratehr not bring it up.. due to me being a fucking jealous cunt.. btu anyways..
  62. TeenieTinyTerror: Well I don't know what I'll do on here anymore...I only have my mother you and Gula on my friends list..
  63. Nuclar: Well
  64. Breethen: On phone app. :3
  65. Nuclar: as long as you dont do me no harm or whatnot we will be friends ._.
  66. Nuclar: hey babe
  67. Nuclar: oh
  68. Nuclar: well
  69. Nuclar: nvm
  70. Breethen: Oh, didn't know he was in here
  71. Nuclar: ._.
  72. Nuclar: LOL
  73. Nuclar: tis fine
  74. Breethen: Sorry. :o
  75. Nuclar: no big deal
  76. Breethen: He say anything? Or you saving it for me?
  77. Nuclar: ill save it for you
  78. Nuclar: cause it will be hard for me to explain
  79. Breethen: Thanks baby! Just gonna go invade a few more rooms while I'm here. :3
  80. Nuclar: xD okie
  81. Breethen: Okay done invading. :)
  82. Nuclar: owo lol
  83. Breethen: Wanna go back to Kik for my last 10 mins
  84. Nuclar: yeah owo
  85. Breethen: Okie baby. :3 safe that chat!
  88. Nuclar: eh sorry botu that
  89. TeenieTinyTerror: It's fine..
  90. Nuclar: -reaches up and pets yoru head- didnt expect her to come on cause shes at work
  91. TeenieTinyTerror: She's done it in the past to talk to me.
  92. TeenieTinyTerror: /me lightly murrs.
  93. Nuclar: oh i see
  94. Nuclar: well hm
  95. Nuclar: anwyays
  96. Nuclar: last thing you said
  97. Nuclar: -reads my chat- <.<;
  98. Nuclar: OH
  99. Nuclar: okie
  100. Nuclar: you can uh keep e company..
  101. Nuclar: me*
  102. Nuclar: and idk
  103. Nuclar: we can game
  104. Nuclar: hmm im gonna try my best not to be influenced to dislike you
  105. Nuclar: >.>
  106. TeenieTinyTerror: I'm debating on changing names again once I get a job and working on a new set of outfits.
  107. Nuclar: I have a token
  108. Nuclar: if youw ant it
  109. Nuclar: BUT
  110. TeenieTinyTerror: I wouldn't want you giving it away again.
  111. Nuclar: i dont need it xD
  112. Nuclar: name i want i have to pay for anyway
  113. Nuclar: since its premuium
  114. TeenieTinyTerror: I see.
  115. TeenieTinyTerror: Well only if you want to.
  116. Nuclar: One condtion tho >_>
  117. TeenieTinyTerror: You can choose the name too if you want.
  118. Nuclar: oh perfect >:3
  119. Nuclar: means you wont have a super long ass name -w-
  120. Nuclar: LOL
  121. TeenieTinyTerror: Heh
  122. TeenieTinyTerror: I won't leave though if that's the condition
  123. Nuclar: >_> nono the condition was no long names xD
  124. TeenieTinyTerror: I cut all ties with Kin as well....Since being her pet is annoying, she promises things and she barely is around to care.
  125. TeenieTinyTerror: Ah I see
  126. Nuclar: but no disabling
  127. Nuclar: or leaving me
  128. Nuclar: and oh i see
  129. Nuclar: Hm
  130. TeenieTinyTerror: Licks her cheek <w<
  131. TeenieTinyTerror: You better never hate me.
  132. TeenieTinyTerror: I don't see why sayakoh hasn't removed me from her list..
  133. Nuclar: -wipes at my cheek-
  134. Nuclar: I wont hate you
  135. Nuclar: unless you do me wrong
  136. TeenieTinyTerror: I've never done you wrong and you know that <2<
  137. TeenieTinyTerror: Sorry if you're busy with Bree
  138. Nuclar: im not
  139. Nuclar: im just trying to think x.x
  140. TeenieTinyTerror: Ah what's wrong?
  141. Nuclar: just annoyed that people cant get along
  142. TeenieTinyTerror: It's whatever Nuc. It's the reason I left in the first place.
  143. TeenieTinyTerror: At least I still have you, Gula and my mothers.
  144. TeenieTinyTerror: This is why I've left imvu for long periods of time and came back.
  145. Nuclar: oh i see :l
  146. TeenieTinyTerror: Always have friends turned against me when all I do is help, or the families I've been in end up breaking apart.
  147. TeenieTinyTerror: It becomes too much at times
  148. Nuclar: hm well i want to help you ._.
  149. Nuclar: and im gonan try my best
  150. TeenieTinyTerror: And I'm not stopping you
  151. TeenieTinyTerror: My little butt
  152. Nuclar: :P
  153. Nuclar: im no ones little butt >:O .. but meh <.< anyways
  154. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe
  155. TeenieTinyTerror: Just do this for me.
  156. TeenieTinyTerror: Pretend as if you and I aren't friends.
  157. TeenieTinyTerror: If we hang out. It will be in pc
  158. Nuclar: -grumbles- ..
  159. TeenieTinyTerror: Just to shut people up.
  160. TeenieTinyTerror: Make them leave you alone.
  161. TeenieTinyTerror: And not constantly talk shit about me in front of you.
  162. TeenieTinyTerror: So then you don't have to deal with it.
  163. Nuclar: -sighs-
  164. Nuclar: fine
  165. Nuclar: but i wont like it e.e
  166. TeenieTinyTerror: I was only suggesting that since I thought you'd like that idea.
  167. TeenieTinyTerror: If you don't that's fine.
  168. TeenieTinyTerror: After I get the name change. They won't know its me unless they've saved messages with me.
  169. Nuclar: nah id rather face it all head on to be honest.
  170. Nuclar: Well im trying to come up with a name for you
  171. TeenieTinyTerror: I wish the name Onyxia was free.
  172. TeenieTinyTerror: Doubt it is.
  173. Nuclar: ill check
  174. Nuclar: its guest
  175. Nuclar: and hasnt been log on to in almost 2 years
  176. Nuclar: you could try to get the name
  177. Nuclar: owo
  178. TeenieTinyTerror: Nice
  179. Nuclar: ill send my token to you now c:
  180. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe thanks Nuc.
  181. TeenieTinyTerror: I really do appreaciate it.
  182. TeenieTinyTerror: You help me so much.
  183. Nuclar: no problem hun
  184. TeenieTinyTerror: ;3;
  185. Nuclar: all i want is friendship v.v
  186. TeenieTinyTerror: I know and I want you happy, you really never did anything wrong to me.
  187. TeenieTinyTerror: I just want you happy.
  188. Nuclar: i know
  189. TeenieTinyTerror: I'm just afraid of losing you to them.
  190. TeenieTinyTerror: I know I won't lose Gula.
  191. TeenieTinyTerror: Since she's like you
  192. TeenieTinyTerror: Hates the shit going on, but doesn't pay it mind.
  193. Nuclar: Im trying not to pay mind to it..
  194. Nuclar: but its hard
  195. TeenieTinyTerror: I know...
  196. Nuclar: 12 in queue -w-
  197. Nuclar: meh
  198. TeenieTinyTerror: I'm just scared..
  199. Nuclar: Well dont be
  200. Nuclar: im not gonan like
  201. Nuclar: let anyone tell me not to be your friend
  202. Nuclar: i mean they tell me not too but i dont listen.. cause its not their choice in the matter
  203. Nuclar: i have to make it myself
  204. TeenieTinyTerror: Whose been telling you not to be my friend anyway other than Bree and prolly Saya.
  205. Nuclar: just bree honestly
  206. Nuclar: o.o
  207. Nuclar: she doenst like me being aroudn you -w-
  208. Nuclar: cause
  209. Nuclar: im hers
  210. Nuclar: and she doesnt want you to fuck aroudn with me
  211. TeenieTinyTerror: We don't though, we just sit here most of the time talking about games and that's about it.
  212. Nuclar: i know xD
  213. Nuclar: and i even tell her that
  214. Nuclar: -shrugs- shes my territorial bitch
  215. Nuclar: ts fine
  216. Nuclar: its*
  217. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah.
  218. TeenieTinyTerror: As is
  219. TeenieTinyTerror: Del is trying to be territorial over me
  220. TeenieTinyTerror: -w-
  221. Nuclar: LOL
  222. Nuclar: no fuckign way
  223. Nuclar: OMG
  224. Nuclar: lil shit head
  225. TeenieTinyTerror: He just seems to like me a lot.
  226. TeenieTinyTerror: I don't see why
  227. Nuclar: yeah
  228. Nuclar: he is a lonely bugger
  229. Nuclar: wants a gf or a mama
  230. Nuclar: or a fuck buddy
  231. Nuclar: -shrugs-
  232. TeenieTinyTerror: Eh well lately I've been giving up on the role playing.
  233. TeenieTinyTerror: Seems to cause me more drama.
  234. TeenieTinyTerror: Like what happened two days ago when I was trying to fuck Nairou
  235. TeenieTinyTerror: and Onna started shit
  236. Nuclar: that annoyed me xD
  237. Nuclar: iw as liek FUCK OFF >:O
  238. Nuclar: let them fuck
  239. Nuclar: so i can fap -w-
  240. Nuclar: LOL
  241. TeenieTinyTerror: I honestly don't care that Onna left me cause of Saya.
  242. TeenieTinyTerror: Onna was a bit too childish
  243. TeenieTinyTerror: And tried acting as a fucking anime character
  244. TeenieTinyTerror: all the time
  245. TeenieTinyTerror: even outside of rp
  246. Nuclar: ._....
  247. Nuclar: i see
  248. TeenieTinyTerror: Which is our definition of a weeaboo
  249. Nuclar: xD
  250. TeenieTinyTerror: She tried acting as if she was a yandere girl in real life.
  251. TeenieTinyTerror: And I'm like, you know that crap really isn't real.
  252. TeenieTinyTerror: Unless you have mental disorders
  253. TeenieTinyTerror: irl
  254. Nuclar: yandere? owo
  255. TeenieTinyTerror: Someone who can completely become violent and realize they're doing it
  256. Nuclar: ohh
  257. TeenieTinyTerror: but is normally sweet
  258. Nuclar: like that uh one game
  259. Nuclar: uh fuck what is it
  260. Nuclar: >:L
  261. Nuclar: gonna bug me now but anwyays
  262. Nuclar: i get it owo
  263. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods.
  264. TeenieTinyTerror: So what'd bree say after I left the room anywho?
  265. Nuclar: oh just sorry
  266. Nuclar: she didnt know you were in tehre
  267. TeenieTinyTerror: Eh well on mobile she probably didn't bother to check since mobiles annoying..
  268. Nuclar: yeah its no big deal i should have pc'd first anyway
  269. TeenieTinyTerror: I just wanna know why Bree hates me though...
  270. TeenieTinyTerror: I mean
  271. TeenieTinyTerror: I can be completely honest with you
  272. TeenieTinyTerror: When she was dating Saya and before Saya found out what was going on.
  273. TeenieTinyTerror: Me and Bree used to be all over one another
  274. TeenieTinyTerror: It's just weird.
  275. Nuclar: oh i see
  276. TeenieTinyTerror: How her attitude changed...
  277. TeenieTinyTerror: I think it involved Saya.
  278. TeenieTinyTerror: Because Saya told her not to be as caring as she used to be
  279. TeenieTinyTerror: And then Bree's moods just kept changing a lot.
  280. TeenieTinyTerror: Cause Bree used to be like me.
  281. TeenieTinyTerror: Always worying
  282. TeenieTinyTerror: Caring
  283. TeenieTinyTerror: Trying to make someone happy
  284. TeenieTinyTerror: Now she's what she is now.
  285. Nuclar: Hoenstly.. i think its for the better
  286. Nuclar: her mood and shitbeing changed taht is
  287. Nuclar: cause id rather her not get hurt
  288. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah I understand.
  289. TeenieTinyTerror: Just I really don't know what made her hate me..
  290. Nuclar: i dunno either
  291. Nuclar: but dont worry to much on it i mean shits done and it just needs to be over with
  292. TeenieTinyTerror: I know...I just wish I could be friends with her again so that you wouldn't have to hear shit out of her mouth anymore.
  293. Nuclar: tho i cant help but feel as if i dustrupted everything ._. .. by coming into the picture x.x
  294. TeenieTinyTerror: You didn't at all
  295. TeenieTinyTerror: You were fine.
  296. Nuclar: eh i wasnt to be hoenst.. >.>
  297. Nuclar: i was routing for them to break up.. and shit..
  298. Nuclar: and then
  299. Nuclar: it happened
  300. Nuclar: and i felt bad x.x
  301. TeenieTinyTerror: I was as well...
  302. Nuclar: OMG x.x
  303. Nuclar: we are horirble
  304. Nuclar: xDD
  305. TeenieTinyTerror: I wanted Saya...
  306. Nuclar: OH
  307. Nuclar: oooo c;
  308. TeenieTinyTerror: Me and Saya talked about getting together, and then one day.
  309. Nuclar: lol going after forbidden fruit :P
  310. TeenieTinyTerror: I see her out of nowhere
  311. TeenieTinyTerror: mated
  312. Nuclar: o.o
  313. Nuclar: with bree?
  314. TeenieTinyTerror: She said she even left a previous mate to be with Bree
  315. TeenieTinyTerror: And yeah
  316. Nuclar: oh i see
  317. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah...I was planning on getting Bree attracted to me, then shifting it onto you. Since I saw you loved her a lot, so then I could take Saya.
  318. TeenieTinyTerror: But they ended up working it out instead.
  319. Nuclar: oh i see
  320. Nuclar: evil bitch :P
  321. Nuclar: -pets yoru head-
  322. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah but eh.
  323. TeenieTinyTerror: Another reason I got close with you at first was to also add jealousy to Bree
  324. TeenieTinyTerror: So she would take you
  325. TeenieTinyTerror: /me nuzzles.
  326. Nuclar: <.<
  327. TeenieTinyTerror: Since she was always mentioning that she got jealous if anyone touched you
  328. Nuclar: i see
  329. Nuclar: :O
  330. Nuclar: NYU WAY
  331. Nuclar: im tease her >:3
  332. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah if anyone laid a hand or did anything to you
  333. TeenieTinyTerror: She would be jealous
  334. TeenieTinyTerror: She even scolded me once over skype on it
  335. Nuclar: o_o
  336. Nuclar: oh damn
  337. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah, she always considered you hers.
  338. TeenieTinyTerror: Hence why the first time we did things or attemted and you told her and Nove.
  339. TeenieTinyTerror: I think that's what made her hate me more.
  340. Nuclar: ah yeah... that was my fault ._.
  341. Nuclar: only
  342. Nuclar: cause
  343. Nuclar: er
  344. Nuclar: >_> reasons..
  345. Nuclar: that dont fuckign matter
  346. Nuclar: anywmore
  347. TeenieTinyTerror: But at least you and me are honest with one another.
  348. TeenieTinyTerror: With Saya and Bree
  349. TeenieTinyTerror: I felt like
  350. TeenieTinyTerror: I had to sugar coat everything
  351. TeenieTinyTerror: and lie all the time
  352. Nuclar: nah i dont need sugar coating nor lies -w-
  353. Nuclar: ill kill someone who does that to me
  354. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods
  355. TeenieTinyTerror: I remember Bree used to be jealous over me
  356. TeenieTinyTerror: She'd have me always drag her into the same room I was fucking others in, since she didn't like hearing I was doing it myself.
  357. TeenieTinyTerror: She'd want to watch
  358. TeenieTinyTerror: Somewhat like you
  359. TeenieTinyTerror: >2>
  360. Nuclar: xD
  361. Nuclar: im a lewd little one i like watching
  362. Nuclar: keeps me amused
  363. Nuclar: and if they ar ebad
  364. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods.
  365. Nuclar: i like makign fun
  366. Nuclar: :P
  367. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe you're so cute.
  368. Nuclar: nah
  369. TeenieTinyTerror: Nice facebook page by the way, your link is long as fuck
  370. TeenieTinyTerror: lol
  371. Nuclar: <.<
  372. Nuclar: what
  373. Nuclar: D:
  374. TeenieTinyTerror: Found your facebook through skype
  375. TeenieTinyTerror: since you have it linked
  376. Nuclar: OMG v.v
  377. TeenieTinyTerror: to your account
  378. Nuclar: no one is supposed to see that Q_Q
  379. Nuclar: -sobs-
  380. TeenieTinyTerror: It's fine
  381. TeenieTinyTerror: I won't tell anyone.
  382. TeenieTinyTerror: <3
  383. TeenieTinyTerror: I think you've seen my ugly face already
  384. Nuclar: nah im messing xD
  385. Nuclar: i dont care
  386. Nuclar: i took all my ugly pics off :P
  387. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe
  388. TeenieTinyTerror: >w>
  389. Nuclar: and uh
  390. TeenieTinyTerror: Your not ugly
  391. Nuclar: i did on stream
  392. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods owo
  393. Nuclar: yoru not ugly but your not my type xD
  394. TeenieTinyTerror:
  395. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe that's fine owo
  396. TeenieTinyTerror: I am a good snuggle buddy though <3
  397. Nuclar: x3
  398. Nuclar: i tell bree everything so i ont think that would go over well
  399. TeenieTinyTerror: Ah I see.
  400. Nuclar: ._. yeahh
  401. TeenieTinyTerror: Well I'll still pet and care for you <3
  402. TeenieTinyTerror: /me pets her head.
  403. Nuclar: thats fine x3
  404. TeenieTinyTerror: Hell if she's honestly worried, just save mine and your convos
  405. TeenieTinyTerror: and prove to her
  406. TeenieTinyTerror: that we don't do shit.
  407. Nuclar: -nods- okie
  408. TeenieTinyTerror: So then maybe she'd lay off a bit.
  409. TeenieTinyTerror: Since I don't want you being dragged into things, you're not supposed to be dragged into.
  410. Nuclar: -nods- yeah
  411. Nuclar: FINALLY THEY GET TO ME >:O
  412. Nuclar: gosh
  413. Nuclar: took them ages
  414. TeenieTinyTerror: Not sure if this is your come of tea.
  415. TeenieTinyTerror: But love this song
  416. TeenieTinyTerror: X3
  417. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe bout time
  418. Nuclar: OMG
  419. Nuclar: In this moment
  420. Nuclar: is my cup of tea
  421. Nuclar: >.w<
  422. TeenieTinyTerror: <3
  423. Nuclar: gahh
  424. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe
  425. TeenieTinyTerror: I plan on seeing them live sooner or later.
  426. Nuclar: oh cool :O
  427. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods and smiles :3
  428. Nuclar: hmm im also going to ask if i can get your name for you while im in chat >:L
  429. Nuclar: i hope i can
  430. TeenieTinyTerror: I hope you can.
  431. TeenieTinyTerror: Since that name is one I've loved from the WoW series
  432. TeenieTinyTerror: Since its a dragon from the game
  433. Nuclar: you have vip right?
  434. TeenieTinyTerror: Sadly no
  435. Nuclar: hmm
  436. Nuclar: if its aviable ill just tell them to change your name
  437. Nuclar: owo
  438. Nuclar: if you dont mind
  439. TeenieTinyTerror: That sounds fine to me <3
  440. TeenieTinyTerror: Thanks Nuclar, you're the best :3
  441. Nuclar: -w-
  442. Nuclar: its being consider for premium name
  443. TeenieTinyTerror: Awe
  444. Nuclar: darn it v.v
  445. TeenieTinyTerror: It's fine
  446. Nuclar: well you have my token now
  447. Nuclar: so now ill come up with a name for you
  448. Nuclar: >:3
  449. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe
  450. TeenieTinyTerror: <3
  451. Nuclar: <3
  452. Nuclar: hmm
  453. Nuclar: I wonder
  454. Nuclar: if you can take my Guest name Mordlus
  455. Nuclar: oo
  456. Nuclar: owo*
  457. Nuclar: since its not registered owo
  458. TeenieTinyTerror: Hm I see
  459. Nuclar: means uh fuck
  460. Nuclar: its german..
  461. Nuclar: one sec xD
  462. TeenieTinyTerror: Sethria, Xariona and Anivia were three others
  463. TeenieTinyTerror: If you like them.
  464. Nuclar: OH
  465. Nuclar: Lust to kill
  466. Nuclar: and ooo
  467. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe
  468. Nuclar: all of them are cute ;w;
  469. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe >///<
  470. TeenieTinyTerror: I could try them and see.
  471. Nuclar: okie owo
  472. TeenieTinyTerror: I'll try Sethria first
  473. Nuclar: wait i have emopiruim up owo
  474. Nuclar: i can check real quick
  475. TeenieTinyTerror: Oh okiesr
  476. Nuclar: Sethria and Anivia are disabled
  477. Nuclar: other is taken
  478. TeenieTinyTerror: Ohs owo
  479. Nuclar: -checks profile cards-
  480. Nuclar: tf .-.
  481. TeenieTinyTerror: Hm?
  482. Nuclar: told me it was disabled but
  483. TeenieTinyTerror: Weird
  484. Nuclar: indeed >:L
  485. Nuclar: i can try to get you Sethria owo
  486. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods
  487. TeenieTinyTerror: We can try
  488. TeenieTinyTerror: :3
  489. Nuclar: you like it <_<???
  490. TeenieTinyTerror: Yes owo
  491. Nuclar: okie ;w;
  492. TeenieTinyTerror: Do you?
  493. Nuclar: ill go back into live chat then
  494. Nuclar: yes :P
  495. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe
  496. TeenieTinyTerror: You're the best <3
  497. Nuclar: i o try
  498. Nuclar: do*
  499. TeenieTinyTerror: Bree better realize she's lucky to have someone like you
  500. Nuclar: i think she does
  501. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods
  502. Nuclar: omg v.v..
  503. Nuclar: #16
  504. Nuclar: v.v
  505. TeenieTinyTerror: Awe
  506. TeenieTinyTerror: Huggles
  507. Nuclar: can i show you something owo with out you showing anyone else <_<?
  508. TeenieTinyTerror: Sure owo
  509. Nuclar: ;w;
  510. TeenieTinyTerror: Heh cute.
  511. Nuclar: yeah owo
  512. Nuclar: and if i you dont wanna hear about bree tell me :x so i dont go overboard..
  513. TeenieTinyTerror: Eh I don't mind hearing about her, as long as its not about drama.
  514. TeenieTinyTerror: Hmm..Sinestra
  515. Nuclar: as a name?
  516. TeenieTinyTerror: Mhm
  517. Nuclar: hmm il check it
  518. TeenieTinyTerror: kk
  519. Nuclar: nope v.v
  520. Nuclar: not aviable
  521. TeenieTinyTerror: Grrrr...
  522. Nuclar: x3
  523. Nuclar: hmm
  524. Nuclar: m going to unfriend nove..
  525. TeenieTinyTerror: Probably best
  526. Nuclar: yeah well
  527. Nuclar: everytiem we talk
  528. Nuclar: hes a butthead
  529. Nuclar: and take what i say seriously
  530. Nuclar: liek just now
  531. Nuclar: one sec ill show you
  532. TeenieTinyTerror: kk
  533. Nuclar:
  534. Nuclar: soem song
  535. Nuclar: of his
  536. Nuclar: was playing
  537. Nuclar: and it wasnt my cup of tea
  538. Nuclar: ._.
  539. TeenieTinyTerror: Wow...really.
  540. TeenieTinyTerror: He's so childish
  541. Nuclar: indeed
  542. Nuclar: i wish i had credits to buy the name Nuci
  543. TeenieTinyTerror: Azulia, Kuliant coud be two other names. But I can't think of anymore
  544. TeenieTinyTerror: Awe
  545. TeenieTinyTerror: I wish I had credits to give you ;3;
  546. Nuclar: xD its gonan cost me 150k
  547. Nuclar: or 65k iif on sale
  548. TeenieTinyTerror: Damn lol
  549. Nuclar: yeahh owo
  550. Nuclar: those two names arent aviable either ._.
  551. TeenieTinyTerror: Omg...
  552. Nuclar: xD
  553. Nuclar: wait
  554. TeenieTinyTerror: I'm gonna cut someones weiner off owo
  555. Nuclar: Azuulia is
  556. Nuclar: i mean
  557. Nuclar: however you spell it >_>
  558. Nuclar: ...
  559. Nuclar: im too lazy atm
  560. TeenieTinyTerror: Azulia?
  561. Nuclar: yes
  562. Nuclar: xD
  563. TeenieTinyTerror: Hm
  564. Nuclar: its disabled
  565. TeenieTinyTerror: Maybe I'll take that one
  566. TeenieTinyTerror: If you like it?
  567. Nuclar: i liek it owo
  568. TeenieTinyTerror: Okies :3
  569. Nuclar: remidns me of Asuna from SOA
  570. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe
  571. Nuclar: SAO*
  572. TeenieTinyTerror: I'm guessing we'll have to talk to imvu about getting the name though?
  573. Nuclar: yeah im waiting for live chat x3
  574. TeenieTinyTerror: Okies owo
  575. TeenieTinyTerror: Hopefully it works
  576. Nuclar: cause help tickets take forever when you arnet vip xD
  577. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah they do
  578. Nuclar: and i hope it works >.<
  579. Nuclar: i mean i got my alts name changed
  580. Nuclar: with me being logged into this acocunt on chat
  581. Nuclar: tho they fucked up -w-
  582. Nuclar: and changed my name xD
  583. TeenieTinyTerror: lol
  584. Nuclar: then had to fix it
  585. TeenieTinyTerror: Imvu for ya
  586. TeenieTinyTerror: A bunch of tards.
  587. Nuclar: mhms xD
  588. TeenieTinyTerror: I'm happy to talk to you again, its been awhile since we actually got alone time to talk owo
  589. Nuclar: yeah owo
  590. Nuclar: tis nice
  591. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods and smiles.
  592. TeenieTinyTerror: If you ever need to escape from anything and Bree's not there to help.
  593. TeenieTinyTerror: Message me on kik if not on here
  594. TeenieTinyTerror: or skype once you add me back >w>
  595. Nuclar: okie
  596. Nuclar: and right gotta add back
  597. Nuclar: >_>..
  598. Nuclar: forgot about that
  599. TeenieTinyTerror: Nods
  600. Nuclar: -does it now-
  601. Nuclar: i need a headset -w-
  602. TeenieTinyTerror: If I ever get a job maybe I'll buy you one <3
  603. Nuclar: <.<
  604. Nuclar: you dont need to do that
  605. TeenieTinyTerror: Meh I wouldn't mind it
  606. Nuclar: <.<
  607. Nuclar: but it costs D;
  608. TeenieTinyTerror: I could get you a nice logitech headset for about 40 bucks hun
  609. TeenieTinyTerror: Then just get it shipped to you
  610. TeenieTinyTerror: I could get you the one I used to use, that in all honest
  611. TeenieTinyTerror: Is better than the krakens I have
  612. TeenieTinyTerror: Since the krakens pick up nose within the headphones
  613. Nuclar: Q.Q but it costs moneyyyyyy
  614. TeenieTinyTerror: and there is no way to prevent it
  615. Nuclar: ;w;
  616. TeenieTinyTerror: and they costed me 80 bucks
  617. TeenieTinyTerror: -w-
  618. TeenieTinyTerror: Still I wouldn't mind hun
  619. Nuclar: >:I
  620. TeenieTinyTerror: Just gotta find a job first :3
  621. Nuclar: i wont allow it
  622. TeenieTinyTerror: >w>
  623. TeenieTinyTerror: I'll nom you
  624. Nuclar: well maybe for my birthday.. but other than that no
  625. TeenieTinyTerror: When is your bday?
  626. Nuclar: Nov. 14th
  627. TeenieTinyTerror: Well if I get a job before then, then maybe. If not then I'll get if for christmas owo
  628. Nuclar: -grumbles-
  629. TeenieTinyTerror: Pokes her nose owo
  630. Nuclar: OMG :C
  631. Nuclar: imvu is a bitch
  632. Nuclar: you have to file for the name
  633. TeenieTinyTerror: Hm?
  634. Nuclar: yourself
  635. Nuclar: -w-
  636. TeenieTinyTerror: Oi..
  637. TeenieTinyTerror: That sucks
  638. TeenieTinyTerror: Then I guess I could just work on making a name with you
  639. Nuclar: <.<
  640. Nuclar: what first email of teenie?
  641. Nuclar: im doing this shit -w-
  642. Nuclar: and lieign
  643. Nuclar: LOL
  644. TeenieTinyTerror: The email on account is
  645. Nuclar: me get banned v.v
  646. Nuclar: i cant do it xD
  647. Nuclar: im too scared
  648. TeenieTinyTerror: Yeah best you don't love.
  649. Nuclar: eh i have Xuki
  650. Nuclar: if that happened
  651. TeenieTinyTerror: Eh don't worry about it
  652. TeenieTinyTerror: We can think of a name owo
  653. Nuclar: mkay owo
  654. TeenieTinyTerror: Cilixia you could try as well
  655. Nuclar: its aviable o.o
  656. TeenieTinyTerror: Ooo
  657. TeenieTinyTerror: :3
  658. Nuclar: get it owo
  659. TeenieTinyTerror: Hehe will do
  660. Nuclar: :3 woop
  661. TeenieTinyTerror: Got it <3
  662. Nuclar: woo :D
  663. TeenieTinyTerror: ^3^
  664. TeenieTinyTerror: Hugs tightly
  665. TeenieTinyTerror: Thanks
  666. Nuclar: no problem x3
  667. Nuclar: -hugs back-
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